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Daahn Rising

Page 22

by Lyons, Brenna

  Miri shuddered at the bite in his tone, an edge of near-violence that said even telling Daahn that Aleeks had delayed a day after meeting her would see him punished for it.

  “She has.” His eyes proclaimed that he still blamed himself for the delay.

  “Aleeks has pampered me,” she attested. “He has cared for me, insisting on treatment, even before I realized I was in need.”

  “Then he should do so now. Food is waiting.”

  Daahn tucked her head beneath his chin for a moment, closing Miri into the space between the two Dominant males. Then he moved away, leaving them alone in the pool.

  Aleeks continued bathing her, stroking the stinging oil into every millimeter of skin, sensitizing her. His touch became more personal, more arousing, and Miri bit back a moan.

  “We shouldn’t,” she breathed. “It’s the center nest.” Though she’d never been welcomed in a center nest before, she was certain it was only appropriate for an elder to mate in such a place.

  Aleeks turned her, positioning Miri over the head of his primary. “It is expected that we’ll mix our scent into the family space. Later, we will scent our rooms.” There was something unsaid there.

  “And?” she prompted him.

  He thrust inside her, wrenching a mew of delight from her. Miri clenched her jaw shut, well aware that his family hadn’t gone far. Surely, they could hear whatever sounds of pleasure she made.

  “Don’t,” he ordered in a whisper. “If you don’t vent your sounds, Gran-seir will think I’m being negligent in my care.”

  Miri didn’t question that. She pushed further onto his cock, moaning.

  Aleeks growled out his possession of her, his body pistoning in fierce hip thrusts not unlike the night he’d sated her quickening. Their sounds melded and rose to a crescendo at their climax.

  In the aftermath, Aleeks rubbed his body against hers, scenting her heavily. His lips caressed her ear. “In our rooms, I’ll be anointing you with my Zhigaaal.”

  Her breathing hitched, and aftershocks wracked her body. His cock bucked inside her, and Miri screamed in pleasure.

  Aleeks lifted her, carrying Miri from the pool and into the now-deserted center nest. He balanced her on her feet next to the elder’s chair, lifted a beautiful red S’suuhhea, and dressed her in it. To her shock, he settled Miri in the elder’s chair while he donned his S’suumea and then cradled her to his chest and carried her through a doorway and into a room with stacks of cushions and platters of food.

  By appearances, no one had touched their food, not even Daahn himself. Miri tried to put that into perspective, but she couldn’t. Elders waited for no one’s pleasure to eat, and since there was food enough for all on the platters, he wouldn’t concern himself with the new female in their midst having enough to eat, as Aleeks assured her a true Dominant would, when hunting was lean.

  Aleeks settled her on the cushions and folded into them next to her, preparing to feed her. His head came up at Daahn’s move.

  Miri watched, amazed, as the elder crossed the room, the platter intended for himself and his mate in hand. He knelt before her and pushed a portion of his own food onto her platter. Aleeks’s seir did the same. From their place, Evan and Zondra offered bows of their heads but not their food, though their platter held more than double the food of any other.

  Of course. They are feeding the youngling and the babe Zondra carries. Miri offered a bow in response. She looked to Aleeks, her smile faltering at his seeming confusion.

  “Gran-seir?” he prompted, a sure sign that this wasn’t part of the typical welcome of a new female to the nest.

  Daahn lifted a cube of meat from his own platter and brought it to Miri’s lips. He didn’t speak until she’d accepted it.

  “Your mate carries, Aleeks.”

  “I know it.” He sounded offended at that, as if the elder had accused Aleeks of negligence in his attention to her needs. Aleeks had increased Miri’s food intake by a quarter again and insisted on baths and rest for her, immediately upon determining that she carried. “But Zondra—”

  Daahn shot him a quelling look. “You were present when I determined your sister carried a young Dominant. You were away when I determined she carried a young female.” There was something tender in that. “And you were too young to remember when I determined your Hauaa carried Zondra.”

  Miri swallowed, her heart skittering in understanding. Her hand crept to the flat plane of her womb.

  Daahn’s covered it. “You bless this nest with not one female but two, Aleeks.” With that, he bowed his head and returned to his mate with the platter, offering her first pick of the remaining food as a sign of his love and protection.

  Aleeks stroked his hand over her womb, his mouth closing on hers in a slow, solemn kiss that left her gasping for breath. Then he slipped a cube of meat into his mouth, chewing it for her. Morsel after morsel passed from his mouth to hers, until Miri felt she’d pass out from sheer pleasure.

  She let her gaze drift to Evan and Zondra, watching the human Dominant mouth feeding his mate and poking cubes of meat into his son’s mouth between. When feeding gave way to deep kisses and wandering hands, the boy pushed to his feet and made his way to Zondra’s seir. He pulled at the Dominant’s S’suumea. The big male didn’t hesitate to pull the child into his lap, feeding the youngling with one hand while he fed his mate with the other.

  Aleeks pressed Miri back into the cushions, and the feeding went on, each bite of food taking longer and involving more passion and less sustenance. His primary nestled into her thigh through their clothing.

  Finally, her body rebelled. “I can’t,” she gasped. “I can’t eat more.” Miri intended no offense, and wasting of food surely was, especially food the elders had gifted her.

  The elder Dominants rumbled their approval, and Aleeks smiled, letting her know that was what they’d been waiting to hear.

  Across the room, Zondra begged Evan to take her to their rooms. Her mate scooped her up with a growl and strode away, leaving their son in the care of the elders.

  Aleeks nipped at her ear. “Beg for me,” he breathed. “My secondary is already rising for you.”

  “Please, Aleeks. I can’t wait any longer for you.”

  He was in motion that quickly, out of the lounging room and up into darkened areas of the nest, past the sounds and scents of Evan anointing his mate behind a curtained partition.

  “Once Sammy retires to his bed, every Dominant in the house will be anointing his mate.” There was a note of self-satisfaction in that.

  Aleeks pushed a curtain aside and strode into a room that carried his scent heavily. Miri closed her eyes, drowning in it, instantly at ease.

  He lowered her to his bed, stripped her clothing away, then his own. She looked up at him, licking her lips at the sight of his secondary, already a quarter of the way risen and glistening with Zhigaaal.

  Aleeks knelt to the bed, very methodically painting her lips with the beads. He pushed the crown into her mouth, and her senses exploded in the overload of pheromone. Miri suckled at him, raising him further, drawing out more of his Zhigaaal.

  He backed away, then returned, bringing both heads to her lips. She engulfed him with a muffled curse, moaning at the two cocks filling her mouth nearly to discomfort. Aleeks had only done this with her a few times, though she wasn’t certain why that was. He always came quickly this way, and they both enjoyed it.

  Miri guided him in and out, careful not to catch either cock on her serrated hunting teeth. His groans turned to growls, and his secondary rose further, exploring her mouth then playing at her throat. She swallowed reflexively, and Aleeks climaxed, jetting both cum and Zhigaaal into her throat.

  Her body went hot and lax, and Aleeks slid free of her mouth, massaging Zhigaaal up. Her breathing hitched, and her body wept Zhigaaah onto his bed.

  That’s what he wants. My scent is marking the room, reinforcing his claim.

  His Zhigaaal-coated cock slid deep inside her, b
ringing her hips off the bed. Aleeks pinned both of her hands above her head in one of his, and she bucked against him, prompting growls of claim from his lips in response.

  “Please, Aleeks.” When he didn’t react to it, she screamed out his name, begging him mindlessly for more of his musk.

  His free hand massaged the base of his secondary, causing the Zhigaaal to fill her...then overfill her and run the length of her seam to her anus.

  “Yes, more...please, more.”

  “Promise me everything,” he demanded.

  “Everything,” she gasped. “Every way.”

  He left her body, and she cried out in dismay...just in time for his secondary to spread her rear entrance. He didn’t thrust inside, as she expected he would. Instead, he climaxed, his cum splashing against her seam, cooling the Zhigaaal burn. The full load of his Zhigaaal coursed into her ass, soaking in quickly, making her boneless in anticipation, drunk on his fluids and needing his cocks.

  She licked her lips, gasping at the slick of Zhigaaal he’d painted there. Aleeks smiled widely and massaged up more Zhigaaal. He painted her lips again. It was a taunt, a promise.

  Then he reached down and turned Miri to her stomach. She pushed her slit up, whispering pleas for what she now knew he intended.

  Aleeks played the Zhigaaal-covered secondary at her slit, and she thrust against him, her voice rising until she was begging him at the top of her lungs to take her again. Then, and only then, he pushed deeper, working his primary through the lubricated ring of muscle he’d prepared for it then pounding hard into her with both cocks.

  “I’m going to eat our mixed fluids, Miri.”

  “Yes! Oh, yes, Aleeks!”

  “I’m going to bathe you with the Saahaal.”

  Just the thought of the stinging oil mixing with the Zhigaaal sent flutters of pre-climax through her. “Oh, yes!”

  On some level, Miri knew Aleeks was pushing her to this as a Dominant show. I’ll make him a legend in his nest, she vowed. I’ll scream for him all morning long.

  His climax was long and hard, as if rewarding her decision.

  Aleeks’s hand covered her womb, caressing her.


  Dominant- Xxanian males with Dominant personalities and larger bodies

  elder- the head of a Xxanian nest — this is always a Dominant male, usually the oldest and wisest Dominant male in a nest, even if younger males are stronger (“The elders” can also refer to all the older members of a nest as a group.)

  first- the first lover a Xxanian female experiences; this male is usually chosen by her seir when the quickening strikes or is decided by fate when a female unexpectedly hits her quickening in close proximity to Xxanian males (Xxanian Dominants will fight for the right to sate a quickening — to the death, if necessary — and the one left standing will be her first.)

  gran-Hauaa- grandmother

  gran-seir- grandfather

  gran-vvaash- granddaughter)

  gran-vvaashee- grandson

  gran-vvaasheen- grandchildren

  Grea Elders- ruling class of the Xxan, comprised exclusively of the strongest elders

  grippers- lightweight shoes that allow engineering division military to grip to wet decks and oily machinery

  Hauaa- mother (Unlike other family relationships, Hauaa is always capitalized, no matter whether the person is speaking about or directly addressing the Hauaa.)

  High Xxan- one of the seven forms of Xxanian martial arts; considered the most advanced form, this form is usually only taught to Dominants and is only practiced regularly by Grea Elders

  IAC- Inter Agency Command, a panel of the heads of all military and government offices concerned with alien affairs

  Interstellar War Pact- an interstellar Geneva Convention, covering war and treatment of prisoners (For the record, the Xxan do not practice or recognize it.)

  nest- home of a Xxanian family; typically an armored underground bunker populated with gardens and pools of water

  pregnancy block- a drug to prevent pregnancy, given to both men and women

  quickening- a Xxanian female’s sexual maturation, as experienced in a mating frenzy with her first

  ripen- the process of making a female fertile by way of mating (An unripened female is usually unable to conceive a child, which ensures no offspring for Xxanian females until they are bonded to their mates.)

  Saahaal- a clove-like spice that grows on the Xxanian home world, a sacred part of their religion (They use clove instead on Earth.)

  scaly/scalies- an offensive term for Xxanians

  scaly-lovers- an offensive term for those sympathetic to Xxanians

  seir- father

  Seir-God- the Xxanian deity

  sister-moon- Xxania Hethhh; the Xxanian home world is actually a moon in the Xxanian solar system, and Xxania Hethhh is the twin moon to the home world, sharing an orbit with the home world.)

  s’saahhta- a sickle-shaped weapon carried by Xxanian warriors

  s’sanuea- preparation room; akin to a locker room (Inhabitants of and guests of the nest change clothing in the s’sanuea before entering the nest proper.)

  S’suuhhea- female Xxanian clothing

  S’suumea- male Xxanian clothing- comes in formal and informal styles

  STD block- a drug to prevent STD transmission from person to person; can be administered to both males and females

  Subdominants- Xxan males with beta personalities and smaller bodies; Xxanians identify Dominants and Subdominants by scent

  swamp skin- an offensive term for the Xxan

  tongue-scent- using the tongue to collect more scent information than the nose gives; the Xxan have slightly-roughened tongues with a way array of scent receptors

  Xxan- the collective Xxanian people; also, their language is called Xxan

  Xxan-Dree- one of the seven Xxanian martial arts

  Xxania Hethhh- the Xxanian sister-moon; a twin moon to the Xxanian home world

  Xxania Uuaahth- the Xxanian home world

  Xxanian- adj referring to the Xxan

  Zhigaaah- female sex hormone

  Zhigaaal- male sex hormone

  zuahhhbeahhh- a spiked weapon used by Xxanian Dominants

  z’haahn- the spiced meat the Xxan and crossbred Xxan eat daily

  About the Author

  Brenna Lyons wears many hats, sometimes all on the same day: former president of EPIC, author of more than 95 published works, office administrator, columnist, special needs teacher, wife, mother...and member in good standing of more than 60 writing advocacy groups. In her first nine years published in novel-length, she’s won 3 EPIC e-Book Awards (out of 15 finalists) and finaled for 3 PEARLS (including one Honorable Mention, second to NY Times Bestseller Angela Knight), 2 CAPAS, and a Dream Realm Award. She’s also taken Spinetingler’s Book of the Year for 2007. Brenna writes milieu-heavy dark fiction, mainly science fiction, fantasy and horror, straight genre, romance and erotic crosses, poetry, articles, and essays. She teaches everything from marketing to choosing an indie publisher, and she’s been called “one of the most deviant erotic minds in publishing today” by Fallen Angels. Find out more about Brenna at Youtube or her site




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