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Unearthly Snowbound

Page 8

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Greg nodded his head in agreement and wonders how they would isolate this train and then how would anyone find the bomb through the thick snow and ice on the undercarriage of the cars.

  Then in a flash, he remembers a briefing that a hand held instrument could detect nuclear radiation through a thick covering. Hope began to creep into his system. Now if we could contact the right people……. and ….. Then his head hit his chest and he was sleeping for the first time in many hours. He was dead tired and mentally spent.

  Hilary was dreaming of her honeymoon in Tahiti. After a too long flight they rested in their hotel room for a day making love and ordering room service. The next day they hit the beach for some snorkeling and sun. It was way too hot to lie around in the sun, but they hid under big umbrellas and sipped some cool juice and just enjoyed the peace and quiet of the tropics. Life away from the everyday grind of Washington seemed far away. She was thirty when they were married. She was a junior senator from upstate New York and he the senate majority leader at age forty. The youngest ever to hold the position and he was well liked and respected by both parties. That is what attracted him to her: his fairness in all things and a smile that would melt a spinster. Then in her dream she was swimming around the coral looking at all the pretty tropical fish, when she woke up from the car bumping over something coming into the train station.

  She had trouble waking up being so tired from two days of no sleep and the stress of trying to run a country that was in the midst of a weather system from hell. All of her staff including the CIA and FBI director were yawning and stretching after the run up the interstate. Like the professionals they are they quickly came to present time and gathered their senses. From deep in the back area a body climbed over the seats and Hilary changed places with the person from the back. The suburban came to a halt in front of the station as security teams took up positions to protect the president.

  General Tex Brown stood in the doorway to the station with a grin on his red face. Dressed in a special arctic snow suit with a wool hat that covered his ears, he looked like an overgrown kid with a guilty smile on his face from eating too much candy. The colonel and Blacky were just off to the side of him as they waited for the president to exit the car.

  The president exited the car with her helmet on and walked with purpose to the doorway surrounded by secret service people. The soldiers had made a path through the throngs of people in the station. The soldiers were none to gentle as they shouted at the people to make way for the president. The general preceded the president and her group with the colonel and Blacky walking just behind him. A train was waiting next to the departure door and a cold blast of air hit them when the doors were opened.

  The president’s car was two cars down from the door and the general and his staff walked quickly to the waiting car. Just as the president was going to climb aboard the car, Blacky stepped up and shot her three times in the chest. The president fell to the ground and all hell broke loose as secret service and the president’s staff tried to assist the stricken president. Blacky took off running and half dozen soldiers were after him. They disappeared into the blowing snow while dozens of secret service men dressed in swat gear surrounded the group tending to the president. More than a dozen soldiers of the general staff were taken by surprise as the secret service told them to put down their weapons. The general stood there with his mouth open as the president got up with the help of the CIA director and the Chief of Staff.

  About the same time the imposter was getting up, Hilary walked up to the general and said to him taking off her helmet to show him who she really was, “Nice try general, but men like you are blind to the fact that decent people died defending this country fighting greedy power hungry people like you. We were on to you from the beginning and wanted to show by example what happens to people who are caught in the act of treason and murder.”

  By now the soldiers and the colonel were all gathered against the wall while many onlookers stood by pushing and shoving to see what the shots were all about. Hilary gave the order for the general to be placed against the wall with the others. While they were moving to the wall, the six soldiers and Blacky walked back in with their hands on their heads as more secret service men had their guns pointing at them telling them to stand against the wall.

  Hilary raised her hands for quiet and the crowd fell silent as she started to speak, “Fellow citizens, let you be the judge of these criminals in this makeshift courtroom tonight. All before you save but one were planning to overthrow the government and put the military in command of the people. This act of treason is clearly outlined in the state of emergency that exists today. Treason is punishable by death according to our laws governing the United States. You can see we foiled their plan by placing a secret service agent in my place. She had on a bullet proof vest and thankfully she is not hurt seriously. My fellow citizens, we have no jails or any way to hold these criminals while due process is served. So, I asked you to a man or woman do you find these people guilty of treason.”

  A guilty roar was heard as arms were raised with the thumb down motion. Hilary turned to the men lining the wall and standing in front of the general she said, “General, you heard the people and I’m here to pass sentence on all of you.”

  Behind Hilary stood twenty one secret service men the same number of accused standing against the wall. Hilary asked them all if they had anything to say before sentencing was carried out. No one said a word and Hilary looked up and down the line of men and said, “By the power vested in me as Commander and Chief of the Military I pronounce sentence on you as by law you will be shot for treason.”

  Just then the sergeant who revealed the plan of treason stepped up next to the president. The general had a shocked look on his face as he guessed what had happened. Blacky just smiled as he accepted his fate. The last thing the general saw was the rife of the security marine sergeant pointing at him and then he saw a yellow flash.

  Not long after the execution of the treasonous military men, a train horn sounded up the track. People hurried back inside after the execution and only the secret service and the president’s staff were left outside looking out to see what the horn sound was. In a few minutes a passenger train pulled into the station on another track next to the president’s train. The conductor’s car stood next to the front of the president’s train. The president and all walked up to the front of the train to see what was happening with this strange passenger train that appeared to be empty of passengers.

  Greg and his team crossed the tracks and up the stairs to the platform. Greg was hatless and shivering from the cold as he walked up to the group of people standing there looking at them. The CIA director recognized Greg and strode up to him with his hand extended. “Greg, what are you doing on that train? I thought you were in Chicago the last I heard. Where are the passengers and who are these people with you?”

  Greg said with a tired voice, “Sir we need to talk somewhere private. It is in our national interest to be sure no one hears what I have to tell you.”

  The president said, “Let’s go to my car and we can hear with this man and his followers have to say.”

  Hilary turned around and all of them followed her to the president’s car. Meanwhile Greg was filling his boss in on what the subject was and the two bounty hunters were talking to the FBI director at the same time. Chuck and Bubba tagged along as by now they were part of the team to the end. The conductor went inside as did the engineer and fireman to find something warm to drink and eat.

  Entering the president’s car, everyone shed their suits and sat down at a large rectangle table able to seat the entire staff and Greg’s group too. Greg sat at the far end and took off his overcoat and felt warm for the first time in a long while. A buzz of talk was going on around the table as the president asked an aid for hot coffee and sandwiches. Hilary sat there looking at the newcomers and wondered what was so important that it was a national security risk. She had learned patience a long time ago
and waited for the coffee and food to arrive. They were obviously hungry and looked very tired. She noticed Chuck and wondered how an old man fit into the scheme of things. A huge black man sat there staring at her and looked totally uncomfortable with the setting. She also wondered who the two young women were and their relationship with the FBI director. The group devoured the food and drank greedily of the coffee. She focused in on Greg who had an air of strength and intelligence. She knew he was an agent of the government the way Melvin had reacted upon seeing him.

  Hilary sensed the time was right to listen to Greg’s story. She nodded to him and asked the others to please listen up. Greg cleared his throat and began at the beginning and a half hour later finished up his remarkable story. ‘

  “So, Greg, may I call you Greg?” She asked.

  “Yes Madam President please call me Greg.”

  “What you are telling us here there is a dirty bomb somewhere on that Amtrak train. You’ve given us a creditable account of the trip and the circumstances surrounding it. We must locate it and do what is necessary to neutralize it. I’m way out of my league here and I give the table to someone who might enlighten us to what we do with a bomb that could kill many thousands of people. Plus the fact the radiation would contaminate the area for many years to come.”

  Greg said, “We kicked around one idea if you might be interested in hearing. We thought we could move the train into a tunnel and seal both ends until such time the weather permits experts to examine the train to find the bomb.”

  Home Security director Ron spoke up saying, “We could run a detector to find the bomb and then isolate the car like Greg says to do.”

  Melvin spoke up and said, “Where do we find this instrument in this kind of weather?”

  One of the secret service agents spoke next and said, “Excuse me Madam President, but we have such an instrument on board this train. We regularly use it before any flight or vehicle we use for your transportation.”

  “Indeed you say”, mused the president. “Ron, please take charge of this situation while we sit here and wait for the results.”

  Ron jumped up and literally ran out the door putting on his ski parka and gloves.

  “Greg, we have some time to kill and tell me what led you up to the dirty bomb conclusion.”

  Greg said it started in Chicago with the ridged look of the Arab guy and the clothes he wore did match his appearance. “Then when he boarded the train his hands were not in his pockets. Then the entire time he sat there he had his hand in his pocket and it looked to me like he was holding something important. He just didn’t fit the look of a student on Christmas vacation. We made a plan and jumped him. We found this detonator on him,” as he placed it on the table.

  “Don’t worry we took the batteries out of it and it is harmless.”

  Greg answered many of her questions and the FBI director told his story of the bounty hunters after the assassin who was identified as Blacky the story all came together.

  The president asked about Greg’s family and he told her he hadn’t been in contact with them for a few days now. The president asked the secret service guy to get Greg’s address and somehow bring his family to this train for a ride to Colorado. She knew the value of such a man like Greg. He was needed in desperate times like these. Greg was a little embarrassed and thanked the president for her concern about his family.

  “On the contrary Greg, we are forever in your debt. As to your friends, they are welcome to travel with us too.”

  Chuck said he would like to get a message to his grandkids and would love to go on another adventure as did Bubba. The bounty hunters declined the invitation and said they would hang around New York for awhile.

  Ron came back panting from the cold air outside and said they found the bomb in the first car next to the engine. “We uncoupled it and the engine are now being run in an old storage tunnel and will be sealed off as soon as the military can set the charges. I would suggest that we now make plans to depart.”

  The president smiled and said they would leave as soon as Greg’s family arrived. The president said to Greg and his companions, “Believe it or not we have hot water aboard this car and you are all welcome to a hot shower. Please try to be a little conservative and some fresh clothes will be found for you to wear.”

  Hilary stood and said she had some things to attend to and would be back before they departed.

  Chapter 12

  Greg, fresh from a hot shower looked at himself in the mirror. Staring back at him was a strange face he hardly recognized as his own. Lines around his eyes and black circles looked like bags of excess skin hanging from under his eyes. If he wasn’t mistaken it looked like some gray hair had sprouted around his temples since he last looked closely at himself. Maybe this is the price of success he thought. He combed his hair and dressed in clothes that seemed to fit, but a little tight in the chest. Pants were perfect and the sweater and sport coat made him look like a college professor. He wondered where they came from. Possibly from her dead husband; he shivered thinking about wearing a dead man's clothes. He shook the thought out of his head and hurried out to meet his family. There was no doubt that they were alive as his wife was one tough lady. He looked at his watch and it was a little after nine pm. He thanked the aid outside the door for the toothbrush and shaver and walked with long strides to wait for his family to arrive.

  He passed the two bounty hunters headed for the shower. He smiled as he thought they would be sharing the same water! Entering the same room with the conference table he saw Chuck and Bubba in a conversation with the CIA director.

  Greg sat down and Melvin said to him, “Greg, we were discussing the trip and what problems we might be facing with the weather and the obstacles that might interfere with the passage of the train from here to Colorado. Chuck thinks we will not have too much trouble as a snow plow engine was attached to the front of the train and in the middle of the train is another engine. At the rear of the train is another engine with a snowplow attached to the front of it. The middle engine has an extra generator engine producing heat for the cars. Greg, I’m counting on you to serve as the director of this operation. I’m placing you in charge of the logistics and to a man, or woman, you will be the final word. Chuck here will assist you as well as this fine man Bubba.”

  Greg was taken aback. Either his boss had total faith in him or he was looking to protect his own butt in case of a problem. Typical politician and a smile crossed his face as he looked Melvin in the eye. Melvin dropped his gaze and looked a little embarrassed.

  Greg said, “If you want me to lead this expedition, I will follow your orders. One thing that I want to make clear is this is no picnic we’re going on; the experience coming here from Chicago showed us that traveling in weather like this is difficult at best. We have no idea what lies ahead of us. Once we start all must agree that like Lewis and Clark hundreds of years ago we are breaking trail to the West. I need a run down to how many cars are on this train; what is our troop strength and who is in command; secret service personnel and who is the boss man; and we have a contingent of FBI and Home Security people on board. Not to mention civilian personnel. The first order of business is a meeting of the principals aforementioned and a roster of all on board. How many doctors and nurses are there and do we have hospital facilities aboard? I need not tell you we are in for a long, long ride to Colorado and the way is fraught with unknowns. Bubba you take the civilians and make a car by car list for our records and Chuck will you make a list of all the railroad personnel and mechanics in particular. Also, Chuck find out our fuel capacity and what if any generators are on board in case of emergency. To tell you the truth director are we really ready to pull out of this station without the complete inventory of supplies needed for this trip?”

  His boss replied, “I have no idea, but as all personnel have yet to arrive, maybe we can check it out before we leave.”

  Greg felt the director was not going to be much help so he instructed C
huck and Bubba plus finding the conductor of the train to quickly run an inventory list before they departed. Bubba and Chuck fresh with notebooks left to do their jobs. Greg felt proud of them as when the chips were down they performed beyond expectations.

  The two bounty hunters came back laughing and feeling fresh. They stopped at the conference table and Janet said to Greg, “We have changed our minds and if you don’t mind we will take this trip of a lifetime with you.”

  Greg looked at Melvin and his boss nodded in agreement. Greg said with a warm smile, “We would be happy to have you two on our trail breaking trip to the west. Now if you wouldn’t mind I would like to give you both some responsibility.”

  He let that hang in the air while the girls looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders and Janet said to Greg, “We would accept any challenge you give us. We both are not naive enough to think this trip is a walk in the park. What would you like for us to do?”

  Greg said, “We need someone to do an inventory of the foodstuffs and water. Use the calorie method at about two thousand per person excluding the kids. When the commander of the troops arrives here I will instruct him to make sure we have powdered milk for the kids. It’s a big job and if you need some help, just ask me and I will assign some folks to help you. When my wife arrives she will assist you as she is an expert in numbers being a CPA by profession.”

  “Fresh coffee was served while the members requested showed up for the meeting Greg ordered. Greg wolfed down a cold sandwich and fruit juice while he waited anxiously for his family to arrive. The president walked in looking drawn and stressed. Greg felt sorry for her after what she had been through in the last few days. It took real strength to order an execution of the treason’s group. However, it had to be done and even through a limited grape vine the word would spread. A strong vice president would remain in control of the east coast while the president would govern the west coast and mid west. He had heard about the snow mobile factory and Greg felt confident a mobile expresses would provide much needed data between the coasts.


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