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The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5

Page 6

by Audra Hart

  I end up calling Morna, again. I tell her I am on a later flight and will see her in Chicago. I also assure her I would not have minded if she and Luca had gotten busy earlier. Hell, I would have found some way to distract myself. But Morna is definitely rattled by everything hitting her so fast with so little of her memories intact. I encourage her to go smoke the cigarette she has been craving all day. Trying to quit smoking is a challenge I can totally relate to. Smoking pot and tobacco are both indulgences that I have allowed myself over the years.

  I hear Damian call upstairs to Morna and my heart races erratically at the sound. I try to play it cool and make some flip remark about robbing the cradle. I am not comfortable telling Morna the truth about Damian and me. Not that you are actually certain what the truth is, I remind myself. It might all be some wild fantasy I have concocted, but I seriously doubt it. I really believe he is my true mate. I have never felt a connection like I feel towards him and I have certainly never had visions like I have had about him for several centuries. He’s mine! My possessive feelings towards him surprise me but I can’t shake the way I feel.

  I am so moved as I watch Damian interact with Morna. He’s very fond of her and Morna’s feelings towards him are very maternal. I can’t help but smile at that because Morna has always adopted strays and helped them become the strong, solid folks they were meant to be. I have no doubt she will have the same influence on Damian.

  I am practically drooling on myself. And when Morna starts looking at him from a non-maternal point of view to see what it is that I find so attractive I become angry at my sister. Jeez, irrational jealousy, much? This isn’t going to be easy.

  I am bewitched looking at Damian through Morna’s eyes. He’s gorgeous, no two ways about it. He’s not quite as tall as Luca, or as powerfully built, but he’s dangerous just the same. Long, lean muscles are obvious on every inch of his powerful body and I know he was fast and powerful even before he was changed into a vampire. He is an Adonis. Male beauty personified.

  I am almost reluctant to shift my focus from his perfect body to his even more perfect face. A face that is classically handsome and I am surprised by that because I am rarely attracted to the pretty ones. Damian’s eyes are huge, bright amber, fringed with thick, long sooty lashes and widely spaced. I shiver at the secrets I suspect those eyes reveal. I see a lot of pain, regret and sorrow in those gorgeous eyes. I want to reach out to him and soothe him. His lips are full and pale, leaving me to crave a taste of them. His long inky black hair is straight and looks so silky that my fingers are itching to wind up in it.

  I blush when I recall winding my fingers in Fionn’s hair when I thought it was Damian’s face between my legs in the wee hours of this morning. Oh God! I am so messed up over this man and I have never met him. I am going to make a total fool out of myself when I finally get to meet him. I sigh in frustration and try to focus on what they are talking about.

  Finally I realize it’s hopeless. My hormones have my brains scattered so I decide to go to pack my bag and finalize my arrangements with my personal assistant, Jenny, to take care of my place while I am away. Jenny’s a mortal, but she’s one of those rare mortals that is very aware that the world is not made up of entirely of things that are logical or natural. She’s very tuned in to the supernatural. In fact, she’s a demon hunter. I never can get over her bravery. It blows me away that a fragile mortal would take up the job of hunting demons. Despite being mortal, she’s deadly as a demon hunter.

  Jenny Paris was drawn to me when she first met me the day she interviewed for the job as my personal assistant. She’s is also pretty plainspoken, which I always appreciate. You don’t have to wonder what Jenny thinks about any given situation or person… she will bluntly tell you exactly what is on her mind. And her courage humbles me. She took a huge risk when she told me she knew I wasn’t an ordinary human being. She still doesn’t know exactly what I am ten years later, but she knows I am a so called Immortal and that I am magic. It comes in handy having a helper around who isn’t too surprised when something that defies explanation happens. She never asks a bunch a questions that I am unable to explain. It’s basically an unwritten rule that Immortals remain a secret from mortal humans. She just loves me as her friend and accepts that I am very different from her.

  My attention is drawn back to Morna when I realize that Luca has brought some girl back with him from dropping off Damian’s little sister, Mackenzie, at the halfway house for safekeeping. The new girl’s name is Samantha and she’s a lovely little thing, but very promiscuous from the memories that are going through Morna’s mind. But as I listen to their conversation as they drive out to meet up with the Elves again I am startled to realize that she is a seer, and undoubtedly she is Morna’s personal seer. All down through history the most powerful Spell Weavers of the First Order have had personal seers, often more than one. This only confirms my belief that Morna is destined to take over the leadership our Guild.

  By this point the pain I feeling from Morna is practically paralyzing me. Her head throbs unmercifully and her mouth has this foul taste in it that makes me want to vomit from experiencing it through our connection. Empathy for my sister nearly drowns me. This really sucks! How is my sister coping with all of this? My admiration for my little sister swells along with my love and empathy for her situation.

  The meeting with the Elves brings some joyous news to my sister, well for all of us. Her children are alive! Morna’s joy is so sweet to experience. She loves her children so much it nearly overwhelms me. But on the other hand the meeting fills me with dread. Morna has to regain her memories and her power in a very short time. The Elves are convinced that Magdrid is behind Luca being attacked by the ancient vampire almost six hundred years ago and the subsequent curse by the witch on their lives. I have suspected our mother of evil intentions for centuries, but hearing it confirmed by these Elves is very unsettling. Part of me wonders, again, how much we can trust these Elves. But I am grateful to them for news about my nephews and niece. I am also relieved that Ari did something to lessen the physical pain Morna had been enduring.

  The younger elf finally told Morna how to break to connection and I only have only my own thoughts and sight rattling around in my head. I am about to call Jenny to take me to Louis Armstrong International Airport to catch my flight to Chicago when I sense that I am not alone in my home. I cautiously make my way to living room and I am shocked to see the Elvish envoys standing there. “Breena, so good to see you again,” Almeda says softly. I nod respectfully to them and then ask why they are in my home.

  Ari looks embarrassed when he says, “I could sense your uncertainty about whether or not you can trust us when you were connected to Morna. We wanted to come reassure that the Light Elves have the best interests of your Guild at heart.”

  “I am sure the Light Elves do… however, you not fully a light Elf are you, Ari?”

  Almeda and Ari smile indulgently. Shit! I always hate it when they act so damned condescending. I feel a gentle probe at my mind and quickly weave a modified iron-lion spell. This one not only makes my body stronger and faster, it protects my mind from telepaths and mind manipulators. Stay the hell out of my head!

  Ari smiles, “You are strong, young one. That is good, Morna will need you to be very strong. I am convinced that Magdrid and Kyera is not the only enemy your Clan faces. Someone else is behind all of this, pulling strings, manipulating situations and people to their advantage. This person is the very essence of darkness.”

  “Like your father’s people?” I ask suspiciously.

  “Worse,” Ari admits. “I know I can’t convince you tonight, but I am my mother’s son. I take after the light side of my heritage. I am here with only the purest intentions.”

  “I hope so,” I say softly.

  “Breena, he ascended at age seven. You know he must be very pure of heart to do that,” Almeda assures me.

  “I know that, but forgive for being a tad protective of my little sister
and my Guild.” Despite the genetic reverence all Spell Weavers hold for the Elves I am concerned. Very concerned.

  “Perfectly understandable,” Ari assures me. “I am sorry I tried to get a read on your thoughts. I am not a strong empathic like you are. I have to actually hear someone’s thoughts to get clear idea what they are feeling. But it was rude of me.”

  I nod to show that I agree it was rude. Ari chuckles because he realizes I am still not trusting him completely. “When we all gather at the Gateway, I will submit to you and Rinda reading my memories, as long as you promise not to give me any new false memories.”

  I blush at that. Not many people know we can do that and we certainly don’t advertise it. It’s not exactly ethical and it beyond abilities that Spell Weavers are traditionally supposed to have. Many in our Clan frown on it whenever a Weaver expands our magic. But I nod to acknowledge that I think that would be a good idea. Looking into his mind would be a very good idea.

  Almeda smiles, “Well, you need to go catch your flight to Chicago. Go enjoy your reunion with your sister. As you know, she is very different than she used to be, but in many ways she is the same girl you grew up with.” I just nod, refusing to give them any more information until I have made my mind up about them. Almeda looks saddened by my response. “I hope we can earn your full trust.”

  “I do too,” I say cryptically. The Elves nod to me before they disappear from my living room.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I mutter before I pick up the phone to tell Fionn about what just happened.

  He listens to everything and says, “Mom said things were going to get weird, and I am thinking that might be an understatement. I will catch up with you as soon as I can. But if you ever feel threatened, you weave a finding spell and come straight to me. You hear me, baby?”

  I smile and promise Fionn that I will do just that, but part of me is feeling very guilty for involving Fionn so much in my life, especially after what happened between us. I know I really hurt him when he realized that I thought someone else was making love to me. I can’t help but shiver as I recall the feel of Fionn’s mouth on body.

  Why am I so stubbornly hanging onto my dream mate? A girl could do a hell of a lot worse than Fionn MacLeod. I smile when I think about my friend, he could make me happy, really happy. But then another thought occurs to me; I don’t love him enough to make him happy. He deserves someone who would truly be his mate. Someone who would love him completely, like I will love Damian.

  I sigh and pick up the phone to call Jenny. We are going to have to hustle to get me through security and on my flight in time. Oh joy, rushing to catch a flight! Thanks Elves, thanks a whole hell of a lot! I know I am not being fair but I still resent their intrusion in our lives, and more specifically resent them making me late for the airport.

  When I hang up, my mind goes back to Damian and I can’t help but smile. I know in my heart of hearts that he is my mate, and somehow he is destined to be the father of my children. I am still smiling like an idiot when Jenny picks me up at my house. She takes one look at me and cracks up. “I’ll be damned! You have found your mate, haven’t you?”

  I look at my assistant and smile, “I think so. Maybe.”

  “Who is he?” Jenny asks excitedly.

  “You don’t know him, besides I won’t risk jinxing it by talking about it.” Honestly I am too embarrassed to tell Jenny that I haven’t even met him yet. But she is content with my non answer and we quickly go over the things she will need to take care of in my absence over the next week or so. When I depart from Jenny’s car at the airport I hear her snicker, “Be sure to invite me to the wedding.” I blush but don’t reply. A wedding may just be wishful thinking on my part.


  The flight to Chicago and the night spent in my hotel room tossing and turning were long and tedious. I find myself wanting to call Fionn, but I resist. If I am truly going to pursue the possibility that Damian Summers, teenaged vampire, is my true mate I have to wean myself off of my dependency on Fionn. He has been my safe harbor, my other half for far too long. And if I am being honest with myself, I have used him unfairly. Not intentionally, but now I am aware of what I have been doing and if I persist, well that would just make me a bitch of the worst kind.

  Fionn MacLeod has been my other half in almost all ways but sexually. I strongly suspect that his feelings for me exceed my feelings for him and if I continue to treat like I always have I will be guilty of treating my dear friend very badly. I love him too much, as my friend, to hurt him like that. It’s best if I keep my distance from him. At least until I sort out what may or may not be between Damian and me.

  When I finally go to sleep I am overcome with hot dreams of young Damian. About six o’clock I wake up panting and quivering from the aftereffects of a huge orgasm. “Holy cow! Over eight hundred years without an orgasm and now I am having them left and right.” I shake my head at my current state and decide it is useless to try to go back to sleep. I shower and order room service. Once I finish eating I debate calling down to Morna and Luca’s room. Brigid sent me a text with their room number last night. I am so impatient to see Morna. I hope she recognizes me and still feels a connection to me. I know her feelings towards me were uncertain and confused when we spoke over the phone.

  I finally call Brigid hoping catch up with my old friend before we meet Morna at Brigid’s clinic at ten am. But I am worried when Brigid tells me that Morna reconnected with Aideen and was having some sort of nightmare and that Aideen has gone to their room to check on her. “OH SHIT!” I growl. “How has Aideen been taking all of this?” I ask Brigid. I hear the hesitation on the other end of the line. “That bad, huh?”

  “Yes, I am afraid so. She’s so damned jealous of her own mother that she can’t see straight,” Brigid admits. “Ever since she came back from Asgard after breaking up with whoever she was shacked up with she has been single mindedly focused on being better than her mother. I think she’s trying to show Luca that he doesn’t need Morna when he has her. It’s very disturbing, almost like her feelings for her father aren’t normal… like she’s in love with him,” Brigid whispers.

  My heart is heavy as hell hearing this. Aideen has always been a little self-centered and resentful of her mother for her long absences. But this sounds like something else entirely. It really worries me. I decide to call Aideen and check on her after chatting a while longer with Brigid. When I do, I learn that Morna has some sort of migraine and won’t be coming to the clinic this morning. I am surprised that Aideen, as a surgeon, did not insist that Morna go to the clinic to be checked out, especially in light of the headache. Instead she gave her a shot of medication that should be strong enough to knock her out for several hours. I worry that Aideen doesn’t have Morna’s best interests at heart and I rather she didn’t have anything to do with her healthcare.

  I also gather from Aideen’s scattered account of the meeting that it didn’t go well. Aideen doesn’t sound at all impressed with her mother in this incarnation. But she practically purrs in love and admiration when she speaks of her father. Crap! Brigid was right. Something is definitely way wrong with Aideen’s attitude toward her Daddy. I quickly get Aideen off of the phone and call Luca.

  “Luca, how did Morna take meeting Aideen? Does she know who she is?”

  Luca sighs, “Breena, at first I think Morna thought I was fooling around on her with Aideen.” I gasp at that but when Luca describes how Morna found them talking in the hallway in an embrace, I can sympathize with my sister. If she didn’t immediately recognize Aideen as her daughter, all she would have seen was Luca with his arms around a beautiful woman. It would have been a horrible shock for Morna. I close my eyes as I imagine the pain she must have felt in that moment. Not good!

  Luca goes on to explain how Morna finally recognized Aideen after fainting. She remembered Aideen’s birth and dying, the first time. “Man, that’s gotta suck. I mean remembering your own death,” I say softly.

sp; “Morna has several of her own deaths to remember, thirteen in fact,” he says harshly. I can hear the pain in his voice. “Luca, none of this is your fault. You have taken very good care of her throughout this whole nightmare, but even someone as powerful as you cannot stave off death from a mortal.”

  My brother in law laughs harshly. It’s not a happy sound and it feels me with dread. “If I would give Morna what she wants, I could stave off death for her…” He lets the statement hang and I struggle to understand for a few seconds and then I gasp.

  “Oh shit! She wants you to bite her doesn’t she? She wants to become what you are so she can stay with you.”

  “Yes,” Luca answers softly. “Breena, God help me, but part of me wants it too. I don’t ever want to lose her again. I can’t do it again.” The pain I hear in my brother in law’s voice breaks my heart.

  “I know you don’t, Luca. And to be honest, it might be the perfect solution,” I say quietly.

  “NO!” He growls into the phone. “It would be wrong of me to make her into the same kind of monster that I am. I won’t do this to my Morna!”

  I can’t help it, I have to laugh at that. “Lucian Michaels, this world and all of the realms would be a better place if there were more like you. I don’t care if you do crave human blood, you are still the same honorable, decent, loving man that you have always been.”

  “How do you know, Breena? You haven’t laid eyes on me in centuries,” Luca growls. “How the hell do you know what I am like?”

  I chuckle, “Lucian Michaels, do you forget who you are talking to? I am the Chronicler of Airendell. I see visions of you all of the time, my brother. I know exactly what you are like. So don’t even try to convince me that you are some blood thirsty beast who barely controls himself. It really sucks that you became a vampire when you didn’t choose it and it sucks even worse that Morna and you have had to go through all of these cycles of her rebirth and dying… but through it all, your love for her, your dedication to the Guild and protecting mankind has never wavered once.”


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