The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5

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The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5 Page 8

by Audra Hart

  I force myself to answer them. “Maybe… I am not sure.” I blush and quietly admit, “I have been having visions of my mate. It’s really complicated and I am not ready to talk about it.” Brigid nods, looking like she thinks she understands, but Aideen looks mischievous, like she’s planning to tease me unmercifully. I stare at her hard and warn, “Aideen, I love you like my own child, but if you even attempt to mess with me about this I will go Medieval on your ass.” Aideen looks shocked at my warning and Brigid looks happy. I quickly change the subject back to how wonderful Morna and Luca look together.

  Morna and I spend the rest of the evening alone in her suite drinking scotch, smoking cigarettes and eating crappy nachos. We laugh and catch up but Morna reveals some heavy things about her past in this incarnation that she’s not proud of. She’s afraid Luca will hold them against her, but I know he won’t. He loves her too much to harshly judge her actions when she didn’t know the truth about them.

  But our talk makes it plain to me that she has some serious self-image problems. A little more time with Luca, and getting her memories back should help with that. I hope. I think her father and that shit head she married really did a job on her self-image. Sometimes men really suck! I remind myself that women have been known to cause just as much harm. I decide to let these thoughts go and focus on my time with my sister.

  I finally crash because I drank so much scotch that I am buzzing big time. I don’t know how long I slept before I hear Morna and Luca in their bedroom. Something is very wrong! Morna is being attacked by some unseen force. CRAP! I go to try to help, even though I haven’t a clue what I might be able to do.

  Morna eventually breaks the link with her attacker with Luca’s help. After a while she drifts off the sleep and I decide to go back to my room. Instead, Luca and I start talking. I am shocked to learn that Morna has never told Luca who her real Father is or that she carries the Talismans, the very essence of our Guild’s magic in her soul. She is our magic! Her emerald green eyes represent the power of our Guild.

  Honestly, she’s much more than our magic… she has a magic that is much more ancient than ours. She is ancient and primal in her power, and has always made me think of the Dragons of the truly ancient times. If Spell Weavers had spirit animals like the Shape Shifters and Changelings, I would say that Morna’s a dragon.

  Fionn has always agreed with my assessment, and as a Shape Shifter he would probably know. He’s always said there is much more to Morna than any of us ever knew, and I have always agreed. We see eye to eye on many, many things. We are so close and have been for centuries. He’s my very best friend, ever.

  God, I miss Fionn! I wonder if I will have to give up my best friend in order to claim my true mate. I hope not, but I know I would if Damian turns out to actually be my true mate. If Damian couldn’t handle me having Fionn for a friend… I would give him up for a chance at a life with my true mate. Immortals would do almost anything to find their mates, and I am no different. But feeling this way makes me feel disloyal to my dearest friend and leaves me torn between the dream of a true mate and my dearest friend.

  I soon realize that Morna has awaken and has been listening to us. I can feel her emotions as she reacts to our conversation. Much of what we have discussed has been new information to her, things she hasn’t remembered on her own. That’s gotta be rough to not even truly know yourself. Before I leave I urge Luca to let Morna know that her so called secrets do not make him love her any less. She needs his reassurances, she needs to know his love for her is not conditional. It never has been.

  I finally make my way towards my own room. I have tense moment when I encounter George in the elevator. I get the distinct impression that he is hunting. His demeanor towards me has changed, he’s suspicious. I catch him scenting me during the elevator ride and I suddenly understand what and who he is and why he’s reacting this way to me.

  When the elevator doors open on my floor, I move to disembark but turn and smile at him, blocking the doors open. “George, the one you smell on me and in this hotel is no threat to you, or anyone else. He’s not a typical Stone Cold.”

  George’s hand darts out quicker than I can react to and he drags me back into the elevator and closes the door, hitting the stop button to trap me in there with him. I look down at this hand gripping my arm and rage boils through me. “Get your hand off of me, Stone Breaker! I am not your enemy and the vamp you smell isn’t either.”

  “You know what I am? How?”

  “I wasn’t sure until you started sniffing me like that. But you aren’t a Changeling, Shape Shifter or any kind of vamp, so that left Stone Breaker. Plus the Native American Heritage kind of seals the deal,” I say gently and smile reassuringly when he releases my arm.

  “What are you?”

  “Ask Brigid. If she hasn’t told you yet, I won’t steal her thunder. You both love each other, so don’t let concerns about what we may or may not be get in between the two of you. But know this, we come from a group of magical beings much like your own Clan. Our mission is to protect mankind and guard the Gateways between the realms.”

  “Well, crap,” He snorts. “You could be one dozens races with that description.”

  I can’t help it, I smile. “Yes, we could be.” I turn and push the button to open the door and disembark from the elevator. I smile at him again and tell him, “Don’t worry, bro. We are the good guys too. You know Brigid‘s heart, trust in it.” I know that I got through to him when he smiles. “See you soon, brother.” I say as the doors close.

  When I get back to my room I light a smoke and pour another glass of scotch. I stretch out on my bed and flip through the channels on the TV. I doubt I will be able to go to sleep, wondering about what our future holds with a couple of Stone Cold vamps and a Stone Breaker in our family tree because I have no doubt whatsoever that Brigid and George are meant to be true mates. Their auras are perfectly matched and it’s obvious to me that the love they feel for each other genuine and of the forever kind. I snuff out my smoke and drink my scotch before I curl up on the bed and let my mind focus on my potential mate. I am getting so impatient to meet him. It’s beginning to feel like a compulsion and not just a desire.

  I am dreaming about Damian, again, when the phone rings. I am trying to clear the images out of my mind as I walk over and dig my phone out of my backpack. This time I wasn’t just dreaming about making love to Damian this time we were doing battle, back to back. Protecting each other. In another vision he’s holding me tenderly and telling me that he will always do everything he can to keep me safe. His voice is deep and smooth, like silk and I feel it in my very core just remembering the rich tone and timbre. I sigh as I answer my phone.

  “Breena! Help me! I bit Morna!”

  “No fucking way!” is my initial response. On the other end of the phone Luca tells me, “I didn’t do it on purpose…but I infected her with my venom. Come help her, please!”

  I have rarely heard Lucian Michaels sound so uncertain, and I have never heard him sound so frantic. “I’m on my way, Luca. But, brother, calm down,” I tell him gently. “Even if you did expose her with enough venom to change her, you know it’s what she wanted anyway.” Luca’s only response is pained growl. Fuck! My brother in law is drowning in guilt.

  * * * * *

  We spend the next three days in hell. All of us, but especially Morna and Luca. When a human is exposed to Stone Cold vampire venom it is extremely painful. The changes the venom causes the human body are horrific and unquestionably permanent. I have persuaded him to leave the room a few times to get ice to pack Morna’s body in when she was burning up from the Change. And now he has finally left again to go steal some blood from a couple of blood banks. Luca is terrified that Morna will wake up in a deep blood lust like he did. He won’t take chance on her getting away from him and attacking some helpless person. Morna kept him from committing such a horrible act by keeping him in a binding spell and hunting animals for him to drain their blood.
Luca will do everything in his power protect his beloved in the same way.

  When I first arrived, I wanted to examine the bite wound and if a vampire could blush, my brother in law would have blushed bright red. He exhales and looks me squarely in the eyes, “I was loving her with my mouth.”

  I blushed enough for both of us and mutter, “So you didn’t actually bite her, more like exposed her flesh to those sharp teeth?” Lucian nods and gently mops perspiration from Morna’s brow as she moans and writhes on the bed.

  “Regardless of my intent, I hurt her, Breena. I have forced her to become the same kind of beast that I am.” The pain I see in Luca’s eyes rocks me back on my ass, literally. Shit! Love between true mates is truly a double edged sword.

  “She’s going to be fine. She certainly won’t blame you for this. If I know my sister and her appetite for you, I suspect she was urging you on.” Luca won’t look at me so I know it’s true. We turn our attention to trying to make Morna comfortable. Brigid showed up with strong drugs to help take the edge off the pain Morna experiences, but it has still been hell for my little sister.

  By the third day I am absolutely exhausted from helping Luca care for Morna and from being inundated with her agony, her fear and the confusion of the nightmares. Luca had told me about the nightmares he endured when he was changed and I hate to see my sister dealing with them. Finally, Luca convinces me that the worst has past and I should go back to my suite to rest. Before I leave I remember my encounter with George Welborn in the elevator. I tell Luca about it and that he’s probably Brigid’s true mate.

  Luca smiles, “Well, he’s certainly in no danger from me as long as he doesn’t try to hurt Morna.”

  “I know, I just wanted to warn you. Besides, I don’t think he would attack either one of you after I spoke to him. I didn’t tell him that we are Spell Weavers, but I am hoping Brigid will do that for us. He’s her mate so it’s her place to tell him.” Luca never takes his eyes off of my sister when he nods. I walk over to him and I slip my arms around his waist. He wraps me in a comforting embrace before I whisper, “She’s fine, brother. Probably better than fine. Stop beating yourself, Lucian Michaels.” I snicker when a bawdy thought occurs to me, “You don’t have to worry about hurting her during sex any longer.” He looks down at me shakes his head before he gently slaps my backside and tells me to be good. I just laugh and remind him how like my sister I am and that being good is not something either of us do well.

  As I am leaving their bedroom I make a joke about not wanting to be in their shoes when they have to explain over and over how Morna came to be exposed to his venom. I am shocked and pleased by my brother in law’s response. “Fuck em. What my mate and I do is no one’s business.”

  I grin and say, “Morna has really had really good effect on you in this incarnation.”

  He grins back at me before saying; “Breena, she’s always been an amazing woman, but now… She’s beautiful, funny, smart as hell, honest, caring, sexy as fuck, and so carnal and earthy she makes my blood boil. I have never loved her more.”

  “Well that’s good.” I grin like a very happy idiot. “This new Morna is good for you too. You have changed for the better. You no longer act like you have a giant stick up your ass,” I taunt before I scoot out of their bedroom. I can hear him chuckling and feel his amusement mingle with his love, lust and admiration for my sister vie for dominance over his guilt over Changing her.

  I go back to my room and shower and then fall into bed, buck naked and sleep like a dead person for almost twelve hours.


  My dreams are again filled with my potential mate, but this one is different, more real. I straddle his hard body and cover his throat and chest with eager kisses. I am making my way down his body, I want to taste him. To share my pleasure in touching him, tasting him…

  I am rudely dragged away by my hair before I can taste him. “Shit, Breena! Wake your ass up, woman! It’s me, Fionn MacLeod!”

  That snaps me out of it. I blink several times and realize I am straddled over my best friend’s body and we are both naked. “What the hell are you doing here, Fionn?” I gasp. “Shit, I almost…”

  “Yeah, I know what you almost did. Get off of me, baby. Shit, I have never wanted anyone more than I want you right now. Goddammit! I need a cold shower!” His voice is gruff and angry sounding and I scamper off of him quickly, pulling the sheet around my naked body. I watch as my best friend quickly bolts for the bathroom and I hear the shower running. He yelps, presumably when he gets under the spray of cold water. I smirk. Been there, done that.

  I take advantage of Fionn being out of the room to dress quickly and call Morna’s cell. She’s up and around, and apparently not suffering from rampant blood lust. Almeda and Ari are due to arrive at their suite shortly. Luca and I are discussing Morna’s condition while she’s showering.

  I suddenly realize I am no longer alone in the bedroom. I turn to face Fionn and he’s looking more than a little freaked out. “Luca, I better go. Fionn showed up to see me and I think he overheard enough to be truly stressed.”

  Fionn makes a bee line for me and wraps his arms around me, “Baby, stressed don’t even begin to cover it. Morna Glynn is a vampire? Has our whole fucking world gone crazy?”

  I hug him back and mutter, “Not yet, but I got a feeling it’s going to before it’s all said and done.”

  Fionn pulls back and looks at me, “You really okay, baby? I’ve been sleeping beside you in the nude for almost six hundred years and you never, ever went all sexy seductress, love machine on me before… well, until lately.”

  “Well, hell stud; you think it might have something to do with over eight hundred years of suppressed sexuality and being close to meeting my mate? I was right in the middle of one those dreams and your hot body right there with me, all naked and luscious.” I shiver and blush. I’ve never hid the fact that I think Fionn is hot from him, but I have never been so forthright in describing his physical appeal to me.

  Fionn chuckles and kisses my cheek, “Yeah that might do it.”

  “What are you doing here, Fionn?”

  “I was worried about you. I been having some weird dreams about you and Morna. Or at least I think it is Morna that I have been dreaming about. Is she a big, beautiful Amazon-like woman in this incarnation?”

  I smirk, “Yep that would describe my little sister.”

  Fionn scratches his head, “Well, I guess the pain and torture you two have been enduring is her Changing into a goddamned vamp?”

  I nod again. What else is there to say? That pretty much sums it up in a nutshell. Leave it to Fionn MacLeod to cut through all of the crap and go to the heart of any matter. That’s why I have always adored this man! I look at him irritably though because I wish he had stayed away for a while. His being here when my hormones are going crazy in anticipation of meeting Damian is really, really confusing me.

  Fionn gets this hurt look on his face and says, “Goddammit, Bree! You maybe found your mate and now you are wishing I would go away! What the hell, woman?”

  I can’t hide my shocked reaction. “You reading my damned thoughts, Fionn MacLeod?” I demand angrily.

  He blushes and says, “Yeah. It’s a little talent that keeps getting stronger. I haven’t told you about it because you usually tell me exactly what you are thinking about, so I haven’t seen the need in telling you.”

  “Oh no, that’s not something you tell your best friend. Being a fucking mind reader is no big deal at all,” I snort sarcastically.

  Fionn takes my hands and leads me over the sofa in my suite. “Look, baby, I should have told you. But I didn’t want you acting differently around me. Even my Mom and my sister act differently around me since I told them.”

  “Fionn MacLeod, you stupid son of a bitch! I have told you everything about me my whole damned life! Always! How could you keep this from me?”

  “I feel like a freak, baby. I didn’t want you to see me that way.�

  I pull Fionn to me and he nuzzles into my chest as I lovingly rub his shoulders. “Fionn, I would never see you as a freak, caraid.” I kiss the top of his head and he pulls me into his lap but remains nuzzled into my chest.

  Fionn snorts. “God, I hate this Damian bastard already. He’s your damned true mate and I am left in the supporting role of caraid, just a fucking friend! I am going to lose you completely when you two hook up. You are my other half, Breena. You have been for centuries. And it won’t work after you become his other half. You won’t need me like you do now, and he’s a vamp, he sure as hell isn’t going to put up with us, I mean the way we are with each other. We have all of the intimacy of lovers without the sex. There‘s no way in hell he will allow that. Those bastards are crazy possessive and jealous when it comes to their mates.” Fionn pulls back and looks me in the face. “I was missing you so bad, and already mourning what I know I am losing with you. So I wove a finding spell and came to you. You were asleep, so crawled in bed with you.” He kisses me cheek and mutters; “I never realized what a needy little fuck I have become until now.”

  I laugh and kiss him back, chastely but enthusiastically. “You aren’t a needy fuck! At least not any more than I am. And you’re right. Things probably will change between us and I hate the thought of it too. You have been my other half for so long. We have filled a need in each other’s lives and it’s been wonderful. But Fionn, don’t you ever want more?”

  He smirks and raises an eyebrow at me as though to say; “Seriously?” He cups my face and says; “Breena, I am a man. A damned man-whore, in fact. It’s been a perfect set up for me. I can bed any woman I want and I always have you when I need my partner, my other half. Someone who loves me no matter how stupid or insensitive I act. Someone who needs me too. But when you mate up with that damned vamp, I am going to lose you.” He snorts and rolls his eyes. “I am a selfish fuck.”


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