The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5

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The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5 Page 9

by Audra Hart

  “No, you will never lose me, Fionn. Our relationship will change, but we will always be important to each other. We will always be there for each other, just maybe not in the same way. For instance, the crawling in bed with me naked is definitely going to have to stop.” I blush when I think about what I was doing earlier and what happened between us at my house in New Orleans. “In fact, in light of what’s going on with me, it should probably stop now.”

  Fionn nods, “Yeah, you are probably right. If that happens again, I won’t be strong enough to stop you and you won’t forgive me if I make love to you while you are in the midst of some hormone frenzy over your potential mate.” He smiles wickedly at me and says, “I’d love to taste your sweet pussy again, but I won’t risk losing you to do it.”

  I giggle like a damned teenage girl for some reason. “Asshole, of course I would forgive you, but it would really complicate our situation even more. And it’s definitely the wise move for you to keep your face out of my pussy, sweet or not.” We both laugh until we are near tears. Finally, we are just holding each other tightly when Fionn breaks the peaceful silence between us.

  “You know my inner man-whore is really pissed at me for taking the honorable high road in this situation. That little stunt you pulled in bed just proved what I have always known; my Breena is one hot little sex kitten. At least you will be when you finally decide to release that iron control you have kept yourself under for all of these centuries.”

  I snort and get up off of his lap. Talking about this is making me uncomfortable. Bullshit! It’s making you horny and you don’t want to be tempted, Breena Glynn!

  Fionn chuckles and I throw a pillow from the other sofa at him. “Asshole, stay out of my head!” I grin at my friend and say, “Get your boots on, stud. We are going to get a steak. A big assed steak and a few margaritas.”

  “Kind of early for you isn’t it?”

  I shrug. “Maybe, but my internal clock is all messed up and Luca said Morna is fine, so I want to relax with my friend.”

  “I want to see Morna,” Fionn says. “I want to see for myself that she’s really okay.”

  “She may not recognize you yet. Sorry, bro, but I mentioned you in passing and there wasn’t even a flicker of recognition in her eyes. There‘s really no rhyme or reason to how the memories come back to her, but she will remember you soon.”

  Fionn shrugs. “I am not too surprised she doesn‘t remember me yet. I was always more like an annoying little brother to her or a good little soldier who followed her orders without fail on the battlefield.”

  “You were a lot more to her than that. Don’t take it personally. She thought Aideen was some broad that Luca was fooling around with when she first saw her.”

  “Aideen only wishes,” Fionn snorts. “Is Aideen still breathin?”

  “Aideen is fine, but Morna’s going to have her hands full with her.” I tell Fionn the whole story of Morna finding Aideen and Luca hugging in the hallway. Morna had passed out at the sight but finally remembered Aideen and a great deal of other things from her past. But the memories left Morna wracked with pain, physical and emotional. I look at Fionn and ask, “What did you mean, ‘Aideen only wishes’?”

  Fionn shrugs, “She’s always been way too attached to her Daddy and way too pissed off at her Mama. But lately, something sick in goin on inside that girl’s head. I think she has the hots for Luca.”

  I nod, “Yeah, Brigid and I are worried about that too. Something is definitely messed up there.” Fionn agrees and we decide to distract ourselves with a good meal.

  Fionn and I find a steakhouse nearby and I do enjoy three margaritas along with my porterhouse. We are almost through eating and talking about what to do with ourselves when Morna pops into my head and asks me to come to her suite. “Crap, that’s not comfortable,” growl when she breaks the connection. “Now I have my sister and my best friend entering my head without my permission.”

  Fionn is looking at me strangely, “That was wild! I felt her pop into your head. It was like a physical presence. What the hell is happening to all of us, Breena? Morna’s doing magic without spells… well, she’s always been able to do that, a little bit. But now she’s connecting mentally with other people, and she’s a vamp! I am reading minds, you are seeing the future, Brigid is finding tumors that are so tiny no spell weaver should be able to find em. Bronwyn swears she’s becoming a little bit telekinetic. Elias and Micah are getting stronger and weaving spells no one under seven hundred years old should be able to do. This is getting spooky as hell. Mom nailed it when she said things were going to get weird for the Spell Weavers of Airendell.”

  I nod and ask Fionn if he wants to come with me. “No thanks. Morna basically said it was those Elves that summoned you. You know my Shifter half hates being around those folks.” I find it amazing how ancient animosities can run through the veins of folks that weren’t even alive when the battles raged between the Dragon kingdoms and the Elf and Fae kingdoms.

  I look at Fionn in consternation, “But you are half Spell Weaver, you are descended from the Elves just like me.”

  “True, but the Shifter half of me is dominant in most aspects of my personality and abilities. Elves and Faeries make my skin crawl,” Fionn admits. He reaches out and strokes my cheek with his fingertips. “I am going to see Rinda. She’s at Morna’s halfway house for those runaway girls. She’s freakin out cause she thinks someone is stalking the girls. Rinda isn’t one to see danger where there isn’t any, so I think I will go lend a hand.” He chuckles and adds; “She’s got your potential honey helping her keep an eye on the girls. I am going to help out because if there is any danger, I want someone around that Rinda can count on better than a newly reformed vampire.”

  I feel anger at Fionn’s comment but keep my shut. But it’s plain he read my thoughts anyway. “Stay out of my head, asshole,” I growl. I love Fionn, but this isn’t right. I warn him that I will erect a barrier to keep him out if he doesn’t refrain from reading my thoughts.

  Fionn suddenly starts laughing wickedly. “Seems like I will get to check out your sweetheart before you do.”

  “Don’t screw around with his head, Fionn. If he’s my mate, I want him to accept you. You are important to me. I want you in my life as much as you want to be.”

  Fionn starts laughing. “Baby, if he’s your mate; you won’t want me in your life as much as I want to be there. You’ve kept me from being your lover for centuries and that’s not likely to change after you hook up with your mate.” He pulls me to him and kisses me, hotly. Fuck! Why does he do shit like this? He knows how he affects me.

  Fionn pulls back and smirks. “Sorry, baby, the male ego is a fragile thing. It helps knowing you want me even if you won’t ever do anything about it.”

  I give him a dirty look, but I also get the feeling there’s more to it than that. I feel like he’s saying goodbye to me on one level. We both know our relationship is changing. And as much as I want to find my mate and claim him… part of me is so scared to let go of what I have with Fionn. It’s familiar, it’s safe and it makes me feel so secure.

  Fionn snorts and mutters; “Yeah, just what every man wants to be, a security blanket for a hot woman.” We both laugh and I remind him that those who eavesdrop on other’s thoughts run the risk of hearing things they don’t want to know. Fionn pays our tab, kisses me again and then goes to the restroom to weave the finding spell to go to Rinda.

  I decide to walk back to the hotel, which probably isn’t a good idea because I bawl the whole way. Three people stop me on the street to ask me if I am okay. I can only nod. How do you tell a total stranger that you just basically lost a centuries old relationship that most mortals would give their eye teeth to experience? And I lost it for a potential relationship that may or may not be as good or better. Shit! Sometimes life really sucks. I am so worried that I am making the biggest mistake of my very long life.


  When I get back to the Hotel I
have myself under control, but Ari is looking at me funny. Somehow I know he understands what’s happening inside of me, even though I have my spells up and I know he’s not reading my mind. I guess he’s more empathic than he thinks.

  I am quickly distracted from my little drama when I get a load of Morna. She’s different, there’s no doubt about it, but she’s not a Stone Cold. I am not even sure she’s any kind of vamp. But she’s faster, stronger and looks at least ten years younger than she did before the venom exposure. Her body is harder and her skin is a lot like Luca’s; cool to the touch and absolutely beautiful in its pale glory and smooth perfection. All of those horrible scars from the crash are completely gone. She’s breathtakingly beautiful in my opinion.

  Her senses and cognitive functions seem to be operating on hyper drive. In many ways she does remind me of a Stone Cold… but all in all, she’s still Morna. The red ring around her irises are a little freaky, but kind of sexy in a preternatural sort of way.

  They have decided to get Brigid to do a full medical work up on Morna to see exactly what changes have occurred. They have also abandoned the plan for Aideen to act as Morna’s lore mother, and I am immensely relieved with that decision. I can feel Morna’s relief too. She too knows something isn’t right with Aideen. Still perceptive as hell. I smile at the realization that it won’t be easy for anyone to surprise my sister, even her own daughter.

  I am very worried about Aideen and not at all convinced that she has her mother’s best interests at heart. I am relieved to learn that I will act as Morna’s lore mother instead Aideen. I strongly suspect Morna won’t really need one. She feels like an ascended immortal to me already. I might help her remember the lore and our history…but that’s probably all she is going to need from me. I am convinced that she is already ten times stronger than me, and I don’t mean just physically - magically as well.

  Luca and I go outside and put a buffer spell around the rental car and plan to put protective spells on Brigid’s clinic. The Elves want me to come back and help them deal with Aideen when she gets out of surgery and joins us at Morna and Luca’s suite. I am not really looking forward to that. I love my niece, but she can be a real little bitch when she wants to. I may have to take a page out of Morna’s book and do a little mental smack down on the brat before it‘s all said and done. Hell, maybe even a little physical smack down. I get the feeling that Aideen is just one heartbeat away from losing her mind and doing something vicious.

  I look over at my brother in law and realize he won’t like that at all. Jeez, he’s never been able to be impartial when it comes to Aideen. He lets guilt dictate his behavior toward that little girl. Always has. Get over it! Lots of kids had to grow up without both of their parents around all of the time. But it’s not like Aideen ever lacked for love or security even a single minute of her long life. Aideen needs a reality check. I am just not sure that I am the right one to give it to her.

  The meeting with Aideen ends in her leaving in the expected huff. Almeda looks at me and smiles. “You knew she would react that way, didn’t you?” I nod not willing to explain my fears to a pair of elves that I am not confident I can trust fully. “Well, hopefully she will grow up soon. That’s why we want to take to her Alfheim. She needs a dose of reality. She needs to meet her siblings. She has to understand what’s at stake.”

  “I hope that’s enough,” I say softly. “Something isn’t right there. I mean she feels off.”

  Ari and Almeda seem to agree, but they don’t seem to have any more answers than I do.

  When Luca heads back to the clinic to pick up Brigid and Morna, Almeda smiles at me and says; “Damian won’t be jealous of your relationship with Fionn once you make him understand it.”

  I snort. “Can’t anyone have any private matters anymore?”

  I am shocked when the very ancient Elf blushes. “I am sorry for poking my nose in your business, but you are very troubled by it. It seems you are struggling with the typical bird in hand dilemma.”

  I crack up about that. “It’s a little more complicated than that.”

  “I know. I was sitting in your spot about four thousand years ago. I, like you, waited for my mate. I was almost fifteen hundred years old when I met Ari’s father. But for centuries before that time I had my dear friend, Collingwood. We were everything to each other but lovers. And, Breena, I too struggled thinking I was giving up the best thing in my life for the potential of something better. But in reality I gave up nothing. I earned a mate whom I loved with all of my heart, who gave me a child that has been the light of my existence for fifteen hundred years. And Collingwood, well without me acting as his surrogate mate, he actually took a risk and found his own true mate. He was very, very happy with her for many centuries until she died in an attack of Ice Giants. Collingwood is still my best friend, and holder of a part of my heart. We have never had a sexual relationship, but it’s always been very real and very special. Sadly, we have had to comfort each other through the loss of our true mates, but we have always had each other, even when we had our mates. I don‘t think you are losing Fionn, just changing the parameters of your relationship.”

  I nod and concede that was how I was logically seeing the situation, but feelings are harder to rein in. My feelings don’t always follow logic. I am eager to change the subject and quickly start talking about my mother.

  The Elves have more than just suspicions that Magdrid is behind the problems facing the Guild and Morna, in particular. “She’s dangerous,” Ari warns. They relate some of my mother’s history to me that I was never aware of. Magdrid, First Spell Weaver of Airendell is one sick, twisted woman who is power hungry and uses mortals and Immortals alike to achieve her goals. “I am afraid she will go after you or Morna, or both. You both pose a considerable threat to her control of your Clan.”

  I snort at that. “Don’t dismiss Ari’s words, young one,” Almeda says gently. “You are just as qualified as your sister to lead the Spell Weavers of Airendell. But I suspect your future lies largely with another Clan… actually a new Clan. But yours and Morna’s futures will always be closely entwined. Together you will bring something new and wonderful into existence. All of mankind and even the existing magical clans will benefit because of you two sisters.”

  I want to ask them a million questions about their cryptic hints, but Luca calls and tells me that Morna and Brigid were attacked by three vampires that they are pretty sure were sent by Magdrid and Kyera. Luckily, Brigid’s Stone Breaker boyfriend was there to lend a hand in defeating them. Everyone but the bad vamps came through unharmed. Luca said that he has to finish destroying the bodies and feed Morna before they come back to the hotel. And George has a million questions and they will probably have to answer some of them. Apparently Morna smells like a vamp now and George isn’t sure what to make of my sister and her mate.

  After talking to Luca I relate the tale to the Elves. “The dark one is getting desperate,” Ari says.

  “Who’s that?”

  “We aren’t sure.” Ari admits. “Someone else is behind Magdrid and Kyera. I suspect a Vanir that disappeared over seven hundred years ago. But mother thinks someone is behind the Norsewoman pulling her strings.”

  My gut clenches when one particular Vanir comes to mind instantly. I hope and pray that I am wrong. Oh God, that will devastate Morna. Please let me be wrong. I guess I have let my shielding spells slip because Ari smiles at me. “You are very canny, Breena. Don’t suppress that incredible intuition of yours. You will all need it to overcome the Evil that is stocking your Clan and mankind.”

  I look at Almeda and say, “This dark one you have mentioned. That’s not the Vanir witch is it? Someone else, someone very powerful and ancient is controlling her, aren’t they?”

  Almeda smiles. “We never confirmed the Vanir was a witch, but there’s no sense playing games with you. In your gut you know who it probably is as well as we do. And that it would be devastating to Morna to learn this until we can prove she isn�
�t acting against Morna of her own free will.”

  I ignore that, I already assumed we agreed who was helping Magdrid and Kyera. I also assumed they agreed that she wasn’t doing it willingly. It just doesn’t fit who she is. And Vanirs value family above everything else, it can’t be her. “So why do you call this person the dark one?”

  “Because every vision I have had about this mystery there is a dark, vicious, ravenous hunger lurking behind all of the players. Moving everyone around like pieces on a chess board. And the types of minions that Magdrid and Kyera have been employing…”

  “WOW! You think she’s behind it? The mother of darkness, the creator of the Stone Colds and Ghouls?” Both of the Elves nod. “But I can’t really share these theories with anyone, especially Morna before she has her memories back and her power is at full strength, can I? I would probably be putting her at even greater risk if I did.” I feel overwhelmed by the thought of carrying this burden alone.

  “I think Fionn, Elias and Damian should know as soon as possible. Samantha will soon suspect as will another seer who hasn’t fully entered the equation yet. I suspect Morna knows too, on some level.” The ancient Elf looks very thoughtful before continuing. “Her consciousness is very complicated. She seems to have some sort of multiple awareness that we have never encountered before. Perhaps it is a result of the many lives she has lived… or something else.” The Elf looks thoughtful. “Regardless, her allies and protectors need to know who we suspect in order to help protect her. Morna must survive.”

  No shit! Morna must survive. “You think I should tell Damian? He’s not going to know me from Adam nor Eve. Why would he believe anything I say? He’s not magic, he won’t understand.”

  Almeda chuckles. “Damian will trust you and love you immediately. It was visions of you that turned him from his dark nature that overtook him after the Change. He’s young, but he has a very old soul, literally. Cocidius held his soul back so that he would meet you in this time. You two should have met and mated centuries ago, but Cocidius, the meddler, had a plan. The two of you will help overthrow the dark one and remove his children from her tyranny.”


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