Book Read Free


Page 5

by SJ McCoy

Dani smiled at her. “It’s lovely to meet you. I’m the reporter from—”

  “Oh! You’re Dani Walsh! I love your magazine. I can’t believe I get to meet you. I read that article you wrote about Drew Lowry and Carrie Washington. It was amazing. I love you. Everyone else was trying to make it sound like he wasn’t that bad, but you just called him the asshole that he is.”

  Grace raised an eyebrow, and Dani smiled. “I didn’t exactly call him an asshole. That would get me fired in a heartbeat, but I did present the other side.”

  “I hope you can do the same for me,” said Grace. “I know the media thinks I’m just some little gold-digger who got her claws into Oscar.”

  Louise scowled, and Dani could tell that not only was she an old friend, but also a very loyal one.

  “You’ve got no worries there. I’m looking forward to being the one to break the news of the real story.”

  Louise turned her scowl on Dani. “And what’s the real story?”

  “That Oscar Davenport is off the market for good. That he’s head-over-heels in love with a wonderful, big-hearted woman, and together they’re doing great things for the community.”

  Grace looked thrilled, if a little embarrassed.

  Louise beamed at her. “In that case, you can be my new friend, too.”

  “Thanks.” Dani liked her. She might come across as the stereotypical ditzy blonde, but Dani had a feeling she was another one with a big heart.

  “Ladies.” They all turned to see Oscar standing there. He slung his arm around Grace’s shoulders and smiled around at them. “It’s wonderful to see you, and looking so beautiful, if I may say so.”

  Dani nodded at him. Maybe he wasn’t the arrogant prick she’d thought him to be, but she still wasn’t sure she totally trusted the guy.

  “How are the guys?” asked Grace.

  Oscar made a face.

  “Do we have a problem?”

  Oscar blew out a sigh. “Not yet, but I’m hoping one of you can help me head one off before it happens.” He smiled at Dani and Louise.

  “What do you need?” asked Louise. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “What’s going on?” asked Grace.

  Oscar looked uncomfortable. “Do you remember Kendra?”

  Grace’s lips pressed into a thin line. “From Six?”

  He nodded.

  “Which one’s she?” asked Louise.

  Judging by the look on Grace’s face, Dani guessed that he might be talking about one of his many former conquests.

  Oscar looked at Grace, and she shrugged. “The one I used to call the bitch in heat.”

  “Oh, that one,” Louise nodded. Then her expression changed as it dawned on her that Grace might not want to hear about this Kendra. “Oh! What? What about her? She’s not here, is she? Do you want me to get rid of her?”

  Grace’s expression softened, and Dani’s impression of Louise was confirmed as the little blonde scanned the crowd indignantly.

  “No. We can’t do that,” said Grace. She glowered at Oscar and added, “Unfortunately.”

  “Oh, come on, beautiful. She’s not after me anymore. She knew when she was beaten, outclassed by the better woman.”

  Dani had to give him credit for trying.

  Grace just scowled.

  “No, it’s TJ I’m worried about. When she knew you and I were together, she transferred her affections to him. I’m afraid she’s going to bid on him.”

  Grace shrugged. “She’s got the money. I’ll be happy to take it.”

  Oscar shook his head. “It’s not that. He can’t stand her. When he saw she was here, he threatened to walk out. If she bids on him and wins …” He shook his head again. “He won’t spend an evening with her. No way. He just won’t do it. I know him. And if she wins and doesn’t get what she wants, then I can see her kicking up a shitstorm. I don’t want to ruin all the good publicity we’re garnering by having her talking badly about us.”

  “Great. So, what are we supposed to do? Pull him from the auction?”

  Oscar smiled at Dani. “I was wondering how you’d feel about outbidding her?”

  “Me?” She wasn’t about to admit that she’d love to outbid the woman, whoever she was, since she’d do anything to protect TJ. The thought surprised the hell out of her, and she was hardly going to tell them she felt that way. “I’d love to help, but I don’t have much. If the bids are going to go the way I think they are tonight, I won’t stand a chance even if I bid my entire life savings. Sorry.”

  “No! I don’t mean bid your own money. I’ll cover whatever it takes. Just outbid that woman,” said Oscar.

  Grace chuckled. “I thought the fundraiser was about getting other people to donate.”

  “It is, but this is about more than money. I don’t want to piss TJ off. He’s been doing so well lately.”

  “I’ll be happy to bid on him for you,” said Louise with a smile. “Do I get to go on the date with him?”

  Dani didn’t miss the look Oscar and Grace exchanged. There was a reason they didn’t want Louise to bid, and she had a feeling it wasn’t what Grace said next.

  “Thanks, Lou. You’re the best, but I don’t think it’d work.”

  Louise’s eager smile faded. “It might. If I get to go on a date with him …”

  Grace shook her head. “No, I don’t mean that. I mean, he’d know. Kendra would know. They both know you don’t have that kind of money.”

  Louise pouted. “They don’t know for sure. I might have.”

  Oscar put a hand on her shoulder with a grateful smile. “No, you’re a sweetheart for offering, but Grace is right. I think it needs to be Dani. If you will?”

  Dani met his gaze. She wanted to help out. She’d like to help TJ avoid the man-eater, and surprisingly, she wanted to help Oscar as well as Grace. She could see that he cared about his brother, and that meant a lot in her world. She nodded slowly.

  “Does she get to go on the date?” asked Louise.

  Dani opened her mouth to say no, there was no need, but Grace grinned at her. “Yes, absolutely.”

  Dani started to protest, but Oscar waved a finger at her. “You have to. We don’t want anyone finding out that it was rigged.”

  Dani drew in a deep breath. Did she want to be a part of this? She wasn’t sure it was wise to get involved. She ignored the little voice in her head that was screaming at her to say no and again nodded slowly. “Okay.”

  Chapter Five

  Alex grinned at TJ and Terry. “Wish me luck, guys. I’m up next.”

  “Break a leg,” said Terry, “and get ‘em warmed up for me. I’m after you, and I need ‘em in the mood to spend some money.”

  They watched from the wings as Alex made his way out onto the stage when the emcee announced him.

  Terry grinned up at TJ. “Can you believe I’m nervous as hell?”

  “I sure can. If it’s any consolation, you’re probably nowhere near as nervous as I am.”

  “Yeah, but you’re worried about who’ll win you. I’m worried if anyone will want me.”

  TJ shook his head. “You’ve got no worries. Barbara Holmes has had her eye on you all night. And a couple of the other ladies have, too.”

  Terry’s eyes twinkled as he peered out at the crowd. “I hope she does bid on me.”

  “You like her? For real?”

  Terry shrugged. “She’s a good woman.”

  TJ nodded. She was. She was a friend of the family. Her late husband had been a mentor to his dad. She’d gotten in touch with Oscar when she’d heard about his work at the shelter and had already become one of its major benefactors.

  They watched Alex strut about on stage as the emcee talked him up. It seemed the women were already whipped into a frenzy. The bidding started at five hundred dollars and topped a thousand in just a few minutes. A giddy brunette came running up onto the stage when the emcee brought his hammer down at two thousand two hundred. She sli
d her arm around Alex’s waist, and they both hammed it up for the photographers.

  Terry shook his head as he watched them make their way down the steps and out into the crowd.

  “What’s up?” asked TJ.

  “I was crazy thinking this was a good idea. You should go out next and tell him to forget about me. There’s no point.”

  “Of course there is. It’ll be fun, you’ll see.” TJ repeated what Oscar had kept telling him—even though he wasn’t sure he believed it.

  “It won’t be fun when no one bids on me, and even if they do, the photos are going to be awkward, and then we’re not going to be able to get down the steps.”

  TJ gripped his shoulder. “That’s your nerves talking. You’re just looking for things to worry about now it’s nearly your turn. It’ll be fine. I’ll make sure it is.”

  “And ladies, do I have a treat for you. Please give a big hand for Terry Emerson.”

  Terry looked up at TJ. For a moment, he looked as though he wanted to make a break for it, but he nodded. “I’ve faced worse.”

  TJ laughed. “You can say that again. Now, get out there.”

  Terry nodded and straightened his jacket then wheeled himself out onto the stage. TJ was relieved to see a big smile on his face when he reached the emcee and turned to look out at the crowd. He’d be fine. He was a trooper. In every sense.

  TJ peeked out at the crowd. The place was packed. Oscar was right. There were lots of beautiful women out there, but he wasn’t interested. Well, except in one of them. He scanned the crowd, looking for a shiny silver dress. There she was. His heart beat faster at the sight of her. How did that work? And why did it happen? He didn’t know, and then again, he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Whatever it meant, he couldn’t allow himself to let it mean anything.

  The emcee was talking up Terry, telling the crowd they’d be lucky to have the honor of spending an evening with him, talking up all the work he did at the center and reading out quotes about him from his friends. “Who’s going to open the bidding for me?” he asked.

  TJ looked out at the crowd. There were lots of smiling faces, but no bids. Shit! He should have set something up in case this happened. He should have thought. He looked at Terry. His smile was still in place, but it didn’t reach his eyes anymore. Damn. He shouldn’t have to go through this. TJ looked out at the crowd desperately. Someone had to bid.

  “Five hundred.” He turned to look at the bidder. It was Dani. A warm feeling flooded his chest—was that what gratitude felt like?

  “Thanks, honey,” called Terry. “It’ll be the best five hundred bucks you ever spent.”

  The crowd laughed, and Dani blew him a kiss. “I’m banking on it,” she shouted.

  “Not so fast, young lady. Six hundred,” called an older woman near the front of the room.

  “Seven hundred.” A hand went up farther back.

  TJ heaved a sigh of relief. He’d been worried for a minute there, but Dani had gotten the ball rolling. He’d have to thank her later. He smiled. He liked that idea. It meant he’d have a reason to seek her out and talk to her before the evening was over.

  “Eight hundred.” It was Dani, bidding again. That puzzled him. He’d assumed she’d just wanted to get the bidding started. Was she really in it to win?

  ~ ~ ~

  “Slow down. You’re supposed to be bidding on TJ, not Terry.”

  Dani turned to smile at Louise. “Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.”

  “I hope so because if you win him, you’ll have to pay for him yourself.”

  “I won’t win. Wait and see.”

  Louise pouted. “Well, for your sake, I hope you’re right.”

  Dani looked around as someone bid nine hundred. It wasn’t Mrs. Holmes, though. “One thousand.”

  “Have you lost your mind?” asked Louise.

  Dani grinned at her. “I hope not.” She held her breath as the emcee looked around. “Do we have any more bids? No?”

  “Shit,” Dani mumbled.

  “I told you.” Louise shook her head.

  Terry peered out into the crowd. He seemed to be scanning the room. Dani knew who he was looking for and it wasn’t her.

  “Going once, at one thousand dollars …”

  “Two thousand!” Dani laughed with relief. It was Mrs. Holmes. She was standing off to the side of the room, waving her hand in the air. “Three thousand,” she called.

  “Yours was the last bid,” the emcee gave her a puzzled look.

  “Four thousand,” called Dani, before things could get complicated.

  Mrs. Holmes shot her a good-natured smile. “I’m sorry, dear, but this is one war you’re not going to win.”

  Dani grinned back at her and shrugged.

  “Ten thousand dollars.” A collective gasp went up around the room, and Mrs. Holmes nodded at Dani. She’d made her point.

  The emcee looked at Dani. “Any more bids?”

  She shook her head and tried to look disappointed.

  “Going once, going twice, going three times, to the lady in the pink dress. Sold.” He turned to look down at Terry. “I don’t know how you do it, but you’re the prize of the night.”

  Terry beamed up at him and nodded.

  Louise linked her arm through Dani’s. “You are one lucky lady.”

  Dani laughed. “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Dani shook her head. “Never mind. I think we make our own luck to some extent.” She looked back up at the stage. Mrs. Holmes was making her way up there for the obligatory photos. She frowned. All the other couples had come back down the steps afterward, greeted by a round of applause. How was that going to work for Terry?

  Just as Mrs. Holmes and the photographers reached the stage, TJ came out from the wings. A shiver ran down her spine. He was gorgeous. Perhaps even more so, dressed in a tux. He was carrying a chair, and he set it down next to Terry. While Mrs. Holmes shook hands with the emcee, TJ pulled the photographers aside, then he disappeared back into the wings. Dani wondered what he was up to until she watched the photographer gesture for Mrs. Holmes to sit for the photos. Dani smiled to herself. It seemed TJ looked out for his friend. That impression was confirmed when the photos were done with, and he came back out onto the stage—this time accompanied by Oscar. He had a word with Mrs. Holmes, and she nodded happily, then he and Oscar picked up Terry’s wheelchair between them and carried him down the steps. They were greeted by the loudest applause of the night when the guys set him down, and Mrs. Holmes took hold of Terry’s hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed it in a grand old-fashioned gesture.

  “Aww,” said Louise. “I love Terry. He’s awesome.”

  “He sure seems it.” Dani nodded, thrilled at the way it had all worked out.

  “That’s going to be a tough act to follow,” said the emcee. “Next up we have a man I know many of you ladies have your eye on. Please welcome to the stage, Mr. TJ Davenport.”

  The applause was perhaps as loud for TJ as he stepped out onto the stage, looking a lot less comfortable now that the spotlight was on him.


  “What?” asked Louise.

  “I don’t know. I assumed they’d announce him by his proper name.”

  “What’s that?”

  Dani cocked her head to one side.

  Louise laughed. “Don’t worry. I might play dumb sometimes, but I know what a proper name is. I mean, what is his proper name? I’ve never heard it. I only know him as TJ. I kind of thought it was his proper name.”

  Dani shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I was curious to find out.”

  Louise pouted. “Well, you can ask him on your date.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to steal the chance away from you. Do you like him?” Dani shot a look up at the stage. The emcee was recounting all of TJ’s talents and accomplishments. She’d wanted to hear this.
r />   Louise was laughing. “What’s not to like? He’s gorgeous! Don’t worry though, he wouldn’t give me a second glance. I’m not his type, and I know it. I just like to play at being in like.”

  “So, me going on this date with him won’t upset you?”

  “Hell, no! You’ll get used to me. I’m only playing. I don’t do serious.”

  “Okay. Good. But I need you to get serious now. I need you to help me make sure I win. I can’t let everyone down by letting this Kendra person outbid me.”

  “Don’t worry.” Louise shot an evil look to where Kendra was sitting with her friends. “We’ve got this, girlfriend. We’re on a mission to keep TJ safe.”

  Dani chuckled. “Okay. Good.”

  “Who’ll open the bidding at a hundred dollars?”

  ~ ~ ~

  TJ’s face was starting to ache. He’d found himself smiling a real smile when Dani was bidding on Terry. He’d broken into a grin when he’d seen Mrs. Holmes come hurrying back from the ladies’ room and get flustered thinking she was missing her chance to win. The grin had stayed with him while he kept his promise to Terry that he had nothing to worry about with the photos or getting down from the stage. When the emcee had called him out here, the grin had frozen in place.

  The emcee was looking out at the audience. “Who’ll get us started?”

  “One hundred,” called a woman sitting up front.

  “Two hundred.” TJ smiled as he recognized one of his mom’s friends.

  “Three hundred.”

  The bids were going up fast. His neck was hurting from following the shouts around the room.

  “Two thousand.” That was his mom’s friend again. Maybe she’d win. Shit. She had a daughter. He hoped this wasn’t about setting him up to go out with her.

  “Two thousand two hundred.” He did a double take. Was that really Dani?

  She smiled up at him, and he smiled back. Damn. He hadn’t expected that, but all of a sudden, he cared who won.

  “Twenty-three hundred.” His mom’s friend winked at him.

  “Let’s stop wasting time, ladies.” His heart sank as all heads turned toward Kendra, who had stood up and was waving her finger in the air. “Three thousand and he’s all mine.” She gave him a look that he’d guess was meant to be seductive, but only served to make his blood run cold. He shot a look off to the side, seriously considering making a run for it. Oscar was standing there, shaking his head.


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