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My Cherie Amour

Page 13

by Azod, Shara

  puppy think he would be repulsed and give Cherie up? His mind reeled. Sweet and gentle

  Amélie in a long-time ménage relationship? The petite woman seemed so – innocent, in a

  motherly kind of way. She was undoubtedly beautiful, but there was nothing about her that implied the kind of wild inhibitions that a ménage implied. But then she was Cherie’s

  mother and Cherie was nothing if not passionate.

  “I sincerely hope that smile has nothing to do with our Amélie,” Claude growled.

  “Actually, I was thinking about your daughter.”

  As soon as he said it, Diego wanted to bite off his tongue. Dios, but it was easy to

  forget one’s self in the face of all of this.

  Luc quickly cut his companion (lover?) off before he could respond to Diego’s slip of

  the tongue. “Let me explain to you how this began so that maybe you will understand

  Agathe’s anger against us all.”

  Diego listened with rapt attention as Luc explained how Claude came to marry

  Agathe and the subsequent annulment after Agathe found out about Amélie. He was told

  about how the unusual relationship began between the three had grown, and finally how

  Agathe had reacted to the indignity of her annulment, the ménage and the many children

  that resulted from the unusual relationship. While Diego could sympathize with Agathe’s

  initial anger and shock, he had to agree the woman had let her bitterness eat at her until it

  gave way to something twisted. She had thought to use Cherie, who was innocent in the

  entire dirty little drama, as a weapon to strike at Claude and Amélie.

  Sitting back once more Diego regarded the men in front of him. They didn’t need

  to be censured or chastised or even the least bit embarrassed. To be honest, casting judgment on any of them was not his place. They obviously understood where they were

  guilty to an extent. Luc had not glossed over their casual disregard for the demented

  woman’s feelings in their quest to have the live they wanted to live.

  “Does anyone outside your family know all of the details of this? Anyone who

  would want to assist Agathe in her plots for revenge?” He asked them both. The first order

  of business had to be to find the threat then neutralize it.

  “No one outside the family knows,” Claude absently rubbed at his throbbing skull.

  “Agathe would never admit her humiliation to anyone. Whenever we happened to be at the

  same place she would either leave of act as if we were no more than passing acquaintances.

  In a way, I guess that is exactly what we are. I saw her rarely. We introduced Cherie as my

  adopted daughter. There had been massive speculation, but no woman in society wants to

  even acknowledge the plaçage system. They all pretend it doesn’t exist.”

  “Étienne knows,” Diego informed him, his mind already working on the best way

  to track down one very disturbed woman bent on destruction. He didn’t notice Claude’s

  sudden preoccupation with something in the corner or Luc’s secretive smile.

  “Perhaps you should keep ‘Tienne close,” Luc suggested with a sly smile. “For added

  protection, just until we find Agathe.”

  ******* Cherie watched with some enjoyment as Diego tried to pace a hole in the brand new

  carpet in the newly decorated front parlor. She doubted he even noticed that since he had

  been gone today the room which had previously held only a medium sized sofa now

  contained two additional settees, three comfortably stuffed chairs, two lamps, various

  knickknacks, artwork and a baby grand piano. The reason for her lover’s agitation was

  twice as amusing as his preoccupation. Étienne was sprawled across one of the settees

  shooting her amused glances every so often. For reasons only known to Diego, Claude and

  Luc, Diego had agreed to let Étienne move in with them until Agathe was found. Now

  apparently he was having second thoughts. She sighed as she rose to approach Diego.

  “If you did not want to do it why did you agree?” she asked softly, reaching up to

  stroke his clinched jaw.

  Diego looked down at the little woman who had managed to wiggle her cute little

  ass into his jaded heart and turn his life upside down. She was amused. He did not find any

  part of this situation humorous.

  “Your fathers insisted.”

  “Diego, no one can make you do what you do not want to do. Not even my fathers.”

  She said with twice as much sarcasm as he had. Cute.

  “Can’t they?” he demanded. “This is not about my family!” Cherie responded hotly. She knew that if Diego

  didn’t want Étienne here, he would just say it. Why was he being so damn difficult?

  “Isn’t it?”

  Cherie reared back as if slapped. “You would judge them Diego?”

  Diego could have kicked himself as soon as he said it. Damn! He didn’t really have

  any issues with Étienne staying here. That was the problem. Why the hell didn’t he have a

  problem with it? Looking down into the stunning aquamarine eyes bright with unshed

  tears, he felt a wave of guilt.

  “Querida, I’m sorry.” Pulling her into his arms he bent to trail kisses across her face.

  “I am just uptight.”

  “Well don’t take it out on me,” she mumbled against his chest. Um, he smelled like

  sandalwood and spice. Deliciously male. Looking up she tried her damnedest at a glare and

  failed miserably. “Next time I will not be so forgiving.”

  He let out a bark of laughter even as he swept her up to place her on her back on the

  sofa. “Te amo, mujer,” Diego whispered before covering her mouth with his own.

  As soon as his lips touched hers she went up in flames. Moaning she arched her back

  seeking the comfort of his hard body against her softness. He complied immediately

  pressing his chest against her breasts, but it was not enough. She need to feel the heated

  smoothness of his skin sliding against her, she needed him to be inside her so deep she could not distinguish between the two of them. With all of the urgency she felt, Diego

  reached under her to undo the buttons of her gown, pushing it down her shoulders to her

  waist along with her shift without moving his mouth from her. Their tongues parried and

  thrust stimulating the act of love heedless of the man watching from across the room.

  Tearing his lips away from the ambrosia that was her lips and tongue, Diego captured a

  painfully puckered nipple, lightly biting then licking the small hurt. His hand wandered to

  her legs making a slow trip up her body while pushing the yards of material up as he went.

  Thank God she had decided against wearing hoops or a panier. She inhaled sharply when

  his blunt finger found her core, his strokes against her clit sending delectable shock waves

  throughout her body. He played with the nubbin at his leisure, strumming until she was

  whimpering with need.

  “You’re so wet, bebé. So hot. You make me so hard when you’re wet like this.” He

  slipped two fingers inside her cunt, making her hips jerk as she tried to force him deeper.

  “Get hotter for me, Cher. Show me how much you want me.”

  “Please Diego, take me.” His mouth encased her nipple, his teeth tugging the

  sensitive flesh. “Please fuck me. I need to feel you inside me.”

  With a growl he moved back slightly to free his throbbing cock from his breeches.

  Dios but this woman could drive him wild with nothing more than a moan.
Watching how she licked her lips as his engorged penis came into view almost made him come on the


  “Kiss him, . Show him how much you want him.” Leaning forward she wrapped

  her lips around him without protest, swallowing him whole. His hands fisted her hair,

  pulling her closer on to his cock. “Mierda bebé, you’re killing me!” Cherie merely moaned

  around his rigid cock making him quiver from head to toe. “Sí, sweetheart. Just like that.”

  He was going to have to stop her soon. His balls were full and tight as he watched her

  swallow him, her cheeks hallowing as she sucked him down. So beautiful.

  He allowed himself to savor just a few more strokes before pulling out of her greedy

  little mouth. He didn’t want to spill his seed down her throat; he wanted every drop to be

  spent inside her core, not in her mouth. It wasn’t until he had sunk every inch deep inside

  her wickedly snug pussy that he remembered they were not alone. Casting a quick glance to

  the other side of the room his eyes met Étienne’s. He should pull out immediately, bundle

  his woman up and head for the privacy of their bedroom. Instead he held the other man’s

  gaze as he began to slowly move. Sliding back until he was almost completely dislodged,

  then driving forward until their pelvis’ were mashed together, Diego flexed his muscles of

  his ass as he watched Étienne’s nostrils flare. He repeated the motion, his eyes drifting

  down to the growing bulge Étienne did nothing to disguise. Licking his own lips, Diego increased his pace, thrusting and retreating as he watched the younger man free his own

  rigid cock and stroke in time with the movements of Diego’s hips.

  He wanted to look away, but he was enthralled. Watching Étienne, feeling Cherie’s

  ever spasming pussy; it was most erotic thing he had ever experienced. His hips began to

  move faster, going as deep as he could possibly get. It was so good, it felt so right. Diego

  wished he could feel disgust at what he was doing, about what Étienne was doing, but he

  didn’t. He had crossed some invisible line and he knew he could never go back. When he

  felt Cherie’s release ripping through her body causing the walls of her cunt to tighten

  painfully down on him he let go with a howl, witnessing Étienne’s simultaneous release.

  Shit! What had he done?

  Not wanting to examine what had just happened he scooped Cherie up in his arms

  striding towards the door, intending to ignore the other man and what had just taken place

  between them. He almost dropped her when at the door she lifted her head, looked right at

  Étienne and said, “Join us in the bedroom after you clean up, ‘Tienne. There really is no

  point of you sleeping in one of the guest rooms now.”


  “Capitán? Capitán, you must wake up!”

  Diego opened one eye to see Carlos hovering over him like some mother hen. What

  the devil was he doing in his bedroom? As the memories of the previous nights activities

  came flooding into his consciousness he turned his head sharply to see Cherie curled up

  against his side and sure enough, the puppy was right beside her. No, he would not think

  about what had happened after leaving the parlor. He would not acknowledge the other

  man in his bed, beside his woman. Was that Étienne’s hand on his. . .

  Jumping out of the bed, he turned to Carlos heedless of his very naked state. “What

  is it?” he growled.

  To his credit, Carlos didn’t even attempt to look towards the bed. In fact he looked

  far too preoccupied and agitated, which was not a good sign. “You have to come

  downstairs, Capitán.” Carlos may not have looked toward the bed, but his voice never rose

  about an urgent whisper.

  “Meet me in the front parlor,” Diego growled shrugging into a robe thrown across

  the end of the bed. Feeling a bit snug across the shoulders he looked down at the garment.

  But of course it was the puppy’s. Pulling the thing off again he glanced around the room summarily putting from his mind the clothing strewn about on the floors. Where the hell

  was his robe?

  “Uh, mi Señor Duque, there are guests in the parlor,” Carlos stammered.


  It was practically the crack of dawn, who could possibly be paying a visit? His first

  thought was Claude, Luc or some other member of Cherie’s irksome family. Perhaps there

  was word on the whereabouts of Agathe. Absently he waved his personal secretary away.

  “Fine, make sure they have refreshments and let them know I will be down soon.”

  Well he probably wouldn’t be going back to bed now. He might as well dress for the day.

  “And find my valet. I am going to need a shave.” And a bath, but a quick wash would have

  to do for now.

  Noticing Carlos still had not moved he lifted and imperial brow. “Was there

  anything else Carlos?”

  “Err, you guests .”

  “Yes?” This was getting tedious.

  “It is the governor and your former wife.”


  Diego was seething by the time he made his way to the parlor over an hour later. Let

  them wait, he fumed to himself. Dressing meticulous in full dress uniform complete with saber, he strode into the room every inch a royal duque and captain of the Spanish Armada,

  a fidgety Carlos at his side. He be damned if he would be cowed by a viscount and his

  overly pious ex-spouse. Walking over to the fireplace mantle he faced the tiny crowd

  arrayed before him arching, an imperial brow at every one of the five people assembled in

  front of him. Governor de Gálvez, his beady eyed secretary, Maria-Teresa and her duena

  Ana, and slightly frightening looking woman swathed in black from head to toe, remained

  seated at his entrance.

  “Carlos,” he drawled, “is there anyone in this room besides my dear wife who

  outranks me?”

  “No, .”

  Three of the four promptly rose to their feet. Maria-Teresa remained seated and the

  mystery woman was already standing behind his fomer wife.

  “Ah, much better.” Diego crossed his ankles while motioning for everyone to return

  to their seats. “To what do I owe the honor of just an early morning house call?”

  He had looked directly at the governor while speaking. The impertinence of the man

  intruding on his private residence at this hour was astounding. One would think after their

  little test of wills yesterday, de Gálvez would be far more prudent. At least the man’s

  secretary had the common sense to look frightened. The governor looked – triumphant.

  Well that just would not do at all. “I did not think there was an appropriate time to seek out my husband,” Maria

  Teresa spoke for the group in her soft-spoken manner. One had to literally strain to hear

  her. “Since you would not come home to Spain, I came here to you.”

  As if that explained everything. Turning to face her, Diego had to fight to stay on

  his best behavior. His dear wife had no great desire to see him anymore than he had to see


  “We are no longer married, my dear. And how is your father?”

  She had the grace to blush and looked down at her hands which were firmly clasped

  together in her lap. He could have sworn her ever-present duena cracked a faint smile. But

  that would be impossible. The sour faced woman did not laugh or even deign to smile.

if she did so, her face would shatter in a thousand little pieces.

  “Señor,” de Gálvez began only to be cut off by Diego at his most haughty.

  “You may call me Señor Duque, Vizconde. Or do you prefer Governor?”

  The governor quickly looked to Maria-Teresa, but finding no support there, he

  quickly switched tactics.

  “Excuse me, I meant no disrespect.”

  Diego inclined his head and waved for the governor to continue.

  “I would never dream to interfere with your personal affairs, but on this matter I felt

  I have no choice but to step in.” “I would tread wearily if I were you,” Diego responded softly, lightly caressing the

  sword at his side.

  In any other situation Diego might have been impressed by the man’s bravado. At

  the current time, however, he was in no mood to be charitable. With Cherie and the puppy

  upstairs, some maniac woman looking to do God knows what to his lover and mother of

  his unborn child, and now his singular cause of the worse two years of his entire life (no

  doubt at the behest of the king) sitting in his home, he had enough on his plate.

  Impatiently he drummed his fingers against the mantle, the only visible sign of emotion he

  would allow. The governor swallowed harshly and plowed straight ahead.

  “Your lovely wife and Madame Bonnet here have brought to my attention you have

  been living openly with a disreputable woman. While I must admit I have no authority to

  generally get involved with my subjects personal affairs, Señora Maria-Teresa and Madame


  Before any of them was aware of what happened, the sword that had previously

  hung on Diego’s hip was pressed against the governors Adam’s apple. A visible tick showed

  prominently on Diego’s jaw as he had to fight to control the urge to slice the pompous

  idiot’s throat from ear to ear.

  “First of all de Gálvez, Maria-Teresa is no wife of mine. Second, you allowed the

  daughter of the king to be influenced by a woman has just escaped from a mental asylum. And third, you invade my home, insult me and insult my rank,” Diego’s voice was barely

  above a whisper, but fury emanated clearly from every word. “Nothing concerning my life

  is of any consequence to you. Not ever. You may think you have the king’s ear, but I can


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