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Legacy Sanguis

Page 11

by Timothy A. Ray

  The taller man set the suitcase in front of the dresser, then clapped his hands. “I wouldn’t unpack much, never know when we have to jet. On the other hand, you could probably do with a quick shower and change of clothes.”

  The sniff he heard told him what he hadn’t even realized about himself, he stank. “No need to hint at it twice, I get the drift,” he laughed. “Not like I was expecting to run out of the house tonight. Throwing on deodorant was the last thing on my mind.”

  Benji smiled and nodded in response. “There are some in the bathroom in case I forgot anything. So, did your questions get answered to your satisfaction? Or are there still some bouncing around in there?”

  He had forgotten that the man offered to fill him in upon his return, so he was briefly stunned that someone was actually going to take the time to listen without being bullied into it. So far, Renny had been the only approachable one, the only one that seemed interested in keeping him informed on what was going on, but since they’d gotten back he had disappeared into Speedy’s parlor and hadn’t emerged since.

  “Actually,” he began, taking a seat and facing the man, “Kayumi mentioned that the bullets she’d given me had garlic in the hollows? What exactly are we dealing with here? Are they vampires out of legend or just a species of creature that resembles them? Are they called vampires because they consume blood? Because there are medical conditions that might require that. And yes, I realize that we don’t have a lot of time, that we may have to take off at any second, but I’m not going to be very helpful if I don’t know what I’m dealing with here.”

  “Better informed, better armed. I get that. However, in the end, it doesn’t matter what they are, the results of what they do is the same. So should your actions in dealing with them. To answer your question, vampires of today are the basis for the legend and folklore of the past. Most folktales have a sliver of truth, some inspiration that fuels the story. Like humans, they have evolved through breeding practices, the strong culling the weak and improving their bloodlines,” Benji began.

  “Breeding? You telling me those things can have kids?”

  What must that be like? How did they control the urge to feed on the kids as they came out all covered in blood?

  Benji’s eyes narrowed, as if reading his thoughts. Who knew? Maybe he was. “Be patient, I’ll get there.”

  Properly scolded, he folded his hands on his lap and clamped his mouth shut.

  “I’m trying to think of the best way to describe what I’m talking about, but the only pertinent comparison I can think of is the Time Machine. Have you read it, or just seen the movie?”

  He almost kept his mouth shut out of sheer stubbornness, but that was childish; he could admit it. “The movie, with that guy from Prometheus in it.”

  “Figures as much. Literature is lost on the young,” Benji sighed.

  You’re what? A year or two older than me? he inwardly teased. The other man’s look killed the smile forming and he tried to passively nod instead.

  “Regardless, it saves me some time trying to come up with something else. So, in the movie there are two species of man. The Eloi, which are frolicking humans in loin cloths dancing about foolishly and with no purpose to their lives. And the Morlocks, who live underground and eat the Eloi. They are products of evolution where Mankind split in two and evolved down separate paths, but still close enough to depend on one another. That is what we’re dealing with in regards to the vampire,” Benji said, moving the suitcase against the dresser and taking a seat on top of it.

  Hopefully it held his weight and didn’t pitch him to the floor. He wouldn’t be able to stop laughing if that happened, and he wanted to be on this guy’s good side and not anger him anymore than he already had.

  “No, you’re fine. I’m not Naomi, I’m not quick to temper. Now, vampires evolved in much of the same way as the Morlocks. They are a species of Man that evolved to feed off their more traditional kin; probably nature’s way at slowing down our population growth. They are biological, like any other beast that walks the Earth. They eat, breathe, copulate, and reproduce. Their hearts pump at triple the speed of ours, making the blood course that much faster through their veins, but it doesn’t generate the same heat as ours does. They are typically around seventy-two degrees in temperature, which is how they can so effectively fake their deaths.”

  “But a heart monitor would pick up their pulse, even beating that fast, right?”

  “Not when they hibernate,” Benji responded. “Like a bear, their metabolism slows way down, making it near impossible to tell if they are alive or dead. They can go without food for weeks, and their stats plummet so low that they are undetectable by non-specialized devices meant for readings such as theirs. It’s a rarity amongst those already turned to go into such a state, but when it comes to fledglings, it’s how their bodies handle the change that comes with the introduction of the Sanguis Virus.”

  “The what?”

  “Sanguis Virus,” Benji repeated. “It means blood in Latin. Not that original, I know, but they didn’t ask me before they named this stuff. They probably thought they were being clever, didn’t realize there was no spark of creativity behind their simplistic honorific. A vampire’s need to consume blood, their inhuman thirst for a throbbing artery, is generated from how fast they burn through their own supply. If you want a better explanation, you’ll have to talk to one of our scientists, I’m afraid I’m just a glorified bookkeeper and house cleaner.”

  “From what I’ve seen, you’re much more than that,” he remarked.

  Benji chuckled and waved his hand. “I do what I can. Now, as I was saying, vampire brains are more active than ours. Scientist estimate that we use about ten-percent of our brains and have only theories about what might happen if we were to access more. Vampires are the answer to that. Portions that are dark within humans are brought to life with the Sanguis Virus, it’s what allows the increased strength, faster reflexes, and telepathic abilities. They are not immortal, but they do live twice as long as humans, as the fresh blood slows the degradation of their tissues. They breed like we do, though I wouldn’t try to have sex with one; they’re like to snap your bones in two with the slightest exertion. Very few human/vampire hybrids have survived to birth, and those few of us that do are considered the pariahs of both races.”

  Wait. What did he just say? “Those of us?” he asked, his breath catching.

  “My mother,” Benji said slowly, “was a vampire.”

  He was on his feet an instant later and backing across the room.

  Benji eyed him curiously. “Seriously? You think they’d let me live if I was a danger to you? You think I wouldn’t have killed you already if I had any designs to do that? You’re being ridiculous. You’re as safe with me as you are any other of my compatriots, and probably more so than Ezio. I won’t wolf out during a full moon and nearly take your head off. As to my diet, I prefer steak over human blood anyways. Though, I admit, I do like it rare.”

  The smile was unnerving, and he still found it hard to totally relax. “Sorry, just a lot to take in tonight and I didn’t see that one coming. You seem so—.”


  He nodded.

  “I can survive on either diet but prefer not to drink blood unless it’s a person deserving of a quick death. Mostly pedophiles and wife beaters; though they taste nasty, like Rare Reserve Vodka. Takes forever to get that taste out of my mouth. I do have some limited control over my telepathic skills, which is why they leave me behind to deal with the authorities, as I can sway them into thinking they’ve been called in on false alarms or adjust the stories of witnesses as they relay what they saw. It also makes me a very proficient banker,” Benji grinned. “Used to work on Wallstreet before the Legacy Foundation recruited me. Which was fortunate in their timing, as the SEC was looking into me at that point, and though they had no clue how I was getting my information, they knew something was going on and would have eventually blackballed me just o
n suspicion alone. I needed a career change anyways. I was bored. This job, however, never lacks for excitement,” Benji laughed.

  My wife being murdered and changed into a monster hardly qualifies as excitement, he sneered inwardly, unable to help it. Out loud, he asked, “wouldn’t they know what you are just by seeing what the sun does to you? Did you stay inside all the time? How could you effectively trade if vampires sleep during the day?” He was trying to grasp all that he was being told, but it was a lot to take in in such a short period. He doesn’t look like a bloodsucker.

  “Thank you, I try,” Benji returned with a smile. “And I see that they forgot to mention that vampires are not allergic to sunlight? The only thing ultraviolet rays do to vampires is inhibit their control over their powers. They are still there in a limited fashion, but for some reason the sun bottles them up and makes them much harder to access. The only substance, that I know for a fact, vampires are allergic to is garlic. Though, onions do affect them if ingested in high doses as well. There is a chemical reaction when garlic is introduced into a vampiric organism, making their blood boil until it bursts. If they’ve just fed, it could be a rather gruesome sight to witness.”

  “They don’t turn into dust?”

  “Vampires are no different than any other living creature upon this Earth, they’ll turn to dust if exposed to the elements and over the course of time,” Benji responded. “I won’t transform into a husk like Claudia if exposed to direct sunlight, that’s pure fiction. However, I burn quickly if I’m out in the sun too long, but that’s just the White in me. I haven’t experimented with garlic to see if it affects me as it does them, being half-vamp and all, but that would be like you grasping a hot electrical wire just to see if you’d get zapped. You only need common sense to figure out the bad in that decision.”

  Renny’s head appeared in the doorway. “Naomi wants us downstairs in fifteen. If you’re gonna shower, better hurry before Ezio uses all the hot water. He’s been bitching about smelling like alligator since we got back.”

  “Okay, thanks,” he replied, moving towards his suitcase.

  Benji got up and gave him a friendly smile, “I’ll be around if you want to talk later. I’m sure there’s more questions you seek the answers to, and I’ll do the best I can if time allows. If you need any help with any of this, just holler.”

  He nodded and smiled, not ready to fully commit to the man’s presence just yet, but at least comfortable enough to nod graciously and give a half-hearted wave as the taller man left.

  Fifteen minutes to shower and put all that stuff on? Was that really necessary? Were they seriously going to just throw him into the field with no training at all?

  Sighing, he stripped off his shirt, tossed it on the floor by the dresser, and turned on the shower. Without thinking, he jumped in before it had time to warm up and felt his gut pull in and his knees buckle from the frozen ice droplets pounding his exposed torso. Well, I’m awake now, his mind nearly screamed as the cold water flowed over him, his nerves lighting up in protestation.

  He prayed not for the soul of his wife, nor that he would make it through the day unharmed, but that the heat would kick in soon before his testicles fled up his ass to escape the icy prison he had willingly leapt into.

  Common sense indeed.


  He found a pair of combat boots lying on the floor by his suitcase as he stepped out of the bathroom, the towel about his shoulders as he stretched his back and tried to loosen up. Guess Kayumi had forgotten that bit and decided to save him a trip and bring them up for him. How she got his shoes size didn’t seem as important as whether or not she’d heard his teeth chattering from within the shower. The heat never really kicked in and if he got the chance, he’d give Ezio a good punch in the arm for using it all up.

  Maybe he wolfed out in the shower so that he could get his fur clean as well. A mental image came to mind of the giant man covered in drenched fur shaking himself like a dog climbing out of a pool. That was one mess he was glad he didn’t have to clean up.

  Not believing he’d ever adjust to this kind of life, he set about getting dressed while inwardly wondering why he hadn’t gone home when offered the chance?

  Because I’m a dumbass.

  He laced up his boots and buckled on the belt he’d been given, the ammo pouch already attached so he didn’t try to fumble with it afterwards. He’d never done any of this before, had no idea if any of it was right, but he was quite sure they’d be quick to point out anything he got wrong; he knew that for a fact. They weren’t the nurturing/forgiving types from what he’d seen so far, and there would surely be a fair bit of hazing before the day was done.

  When he finished and got to his feet, he could feel a real difference in how he carried himself, like he was taller and buffer than he’d ever been. He knew it was the bulky armor, but still, the world seemed different. He didn’t know what to do with a gun, but it was strapped under his left armpit just below the shoulder pads and he’d go with point and shoot tactic until someone told him otherwise.

  He truly doubted anyone would actually let him fire it until they showed him how to use it. Probably why the bullets were in the spare magazines and not in the one currently equipped. He’d have to keep that in mind if the shit hit the fan. This was one instance where shooting blanks could be detrimental to his survival.

  “You ready?” Renny asked from just outside the doorway.

  “As much as I can be with exactly zero experience with any of this outside of a video game,” he replied with a short laugh. “You don’t simply click a button, and have it thrown on in an instant, you know?”

  “It’ll become second nature if you stick around long enough. You’ll even discover your personal preferences and style. I’m not a Glock man myself, I prefer a Magnum; more stopping power. Now, Naomi is going to get cranky if we don’t get going. You ready?”


  Renny laughed, “that’s what I say every time too, but it’s the job we signed up for. Come on, man.”

  Had he signed up for it? Was it official then?

  Following after, he forgot about the extra girth to his body and rammed the door jamb with his hip. “Motherfucker. This is going to take some getting used to. I’m bigger than I should be.”

  Renny laughed but didn’t break stride as he continued down the hallway.

  Taking the steps was just as hard and he had to put a hand on the rail to keep from stumbling down the steps; the boots needed breaking in. He was going to get blisters for sure. If he ended up on his feet all day, he’d be limping by noon and barely walking by evening. Probably not the best time to switch shoes, maybe he should put his own back on until the current crisis was over. It wasn’t like the vamps were going to be trying to bite his feet, right? Or was that some type of fetish thing for them too?

  They took a right at the base of the stairs and headed to the large living room to the rear of the house. He had yet to explore this far, but then, with a house this size, there was probably a lot he hadn’t seen, including the land around them. Was it a full plantation or just the house? Were they in the middle of nowhere or had other houses long since been built nearby? He really had no clue about any of this and should have paid more attention when they’d driven in instead of acting like they’d thrown a bag over his head to hide their location.

  The living room appeared to be the only part of the house fully furnished as it sported three large flat screens, four couches, two recliners, and a serious stereo system on a cabinet on the south wall. A large painting of the moon was mounted over a gigantic fireplace and he wondered if someone had put it up to rag on Ezio and his condition; probably Naomi’s doing.

  Nearly all the new faces he’d encountered since waking the night before were strewn about the room and were hopefully the extent of strangers he’d have to encounter for a bit; he needed a period of adjustment. He was rarely around so many people outside of social events and it made him slightly uneasy to be ne
ar so many; he was starting to feel claustrophobic.

  Renny went to stand next to Ayana near the fireplace. Speedy was sitting in a recliner, bent forward, hands bouncing as his right knee pistoned up and down; he was worked up about something. Ezio was lounging on the couch, fully-geared yet looking comfortable and relaxed, like it was his second skin and not the werewolf form he morphed into. How that could be with so much stuff strapped on, he had no clue; there was no way he’d be able to do that in the near future. Kayumi sat on Ezio’s right, leaning forward with her hands folded in her lap, watching as Naomi paced in front of the fireplace. The only person he didn’t see was Scalps, but that didn’t seem all that unusual as he’d really only seen the man once since this all began.

  “London wants to recall us, send a new team in,” Naomi stated, looking to Renny, the tall man’s head shaking slightly with disapproval. “They think it’s on us that this is spiraling, but that’s mierda. There is something else going on here, something we haven’t encountered before, and no other team is going to handle it any better than us. By the time they got boots on the ground, it’d be far too late anyhow; which is probably the reason we’re still here.”

  “They gonna send backup?” Renny asked.

  “No. They’ve engaged the local private security companies to protect the names Speedy has furnished so far, but I wouldn’t count on any of them being effective. They don’t know what they’re protecting these people from. The best way to protect them is for us to find this vamp quickly and put him down. It’ll be daylight soon; his powers will be subdued, and he’ll be no more dangerous than any other perp, he won’t act again until he can do so uninhibited. So, we have until sunset to stake his ass or people will start to die. We have a place to start?”

  Speedy was fidgeting as he shrugged his shoulders. “De dag an' bone is 'eavily encrypted. Obviously by someone wi' skills. I’m runnin' algorithms, tryin' ter craic it, but naw promises.”


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