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Claimed: An Evan's Alphas Prequel

Page 5

by D. J. Heart

  Peter just hoped that Chad wouldn’t run scared. He knew that he could be intense and intimidating, and while he wanted Chad to submit, he didn’t want it to be out of fear.


  Climbing behind the wheel of his Mercedes, Peter decided to head straight to the omega house. Chad was at the New Brixton Club, and though Peter was way overdressed compared to their typical clientele, he wanted to get to Chad before he found time to fuck an omega.

  The omega house might even work in Peter’s favor. If he got to Chad before he got his knot wet, the omega heat pheromones saturating the air would make Peter’s job of seducing him ten times easier.

  Even Peter was affected by omega heat pheromones. They were the ultimate alpha aphrodisiac.

  Parking his car in the lot a block away from the club, annoyed by the lack of valet parking, Peter made his way across the street and toward the entrance to the club.

  The New Brixton Omega House was relatively new, and not known for the quality of their omegas. They bought as many omegas as they could, with no thought to their condition, and then put them to use until they dropped.

  Peter wondered if there were any alphas out there that had become omega rights activists after having an omega die on their knot. Just the thought of it made him shudder in disgust.

  Walking through the front door of the club, Peter entered a sizable hallway with a reception area lining one wall and a pair of burly security guards guarding the entrance to the club itself.

  The two guards shifted nervously when Peter entered, but Peter ignored them. He enjoyed being dominant to practically every alpha he encountered, but being petty and smug about it was beneath him.

  “Welcome, sir. Is this your first time at the Brixton?” the beta behind the reception desk asked, smiling cheerfully. Peter nodded slowly and breathed in through his nose, the scent of omegas in heat making his cock swell.

  “It is. I’m looking for a friend of mine. I was told he’d be here.” Peter walked up to the counter, looking the young beta up and down.

  If he were attracted to betas, it would be this type. The young man was nicely muscled, and his face was handsome and rugged in a way that almost reminded Peter of an alpha.

  “I’m sorry, but we only allow customers into the club itself,” the beta said, sounding nervous. Peter looked up from the beta’s nicely muscled chest with a frown.

  “Did I ask if I could go in without paying?” he asked. The beta shrank back at his expression.

  “No, sir. Sorry. I’m not—”

  “I want full access,” Peter interrupted, handing the beta his credit card. He might be annoyed, but the beta had nothing to be worried about. Peter wasn’t the type to lose his temper unless challenged by another alpha.

  Fighting a beta was something only the weakest of alphas would do.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The beta swiped Peter’s card and handed it back to him, along with a gold-colored plastic bracelet. Peter took the tacky piece of plastic and put it in his pocket, holding back a sigh.

  “You actually have to put it—”

  Peter gave the beta a look that had him shut his mouth with an audible snap.

  “Thank you,” Peter said, turning around and heading toward the entrance to the club itself. The two alphas guarding the door let him pass without issue.

  It was early in the evening, and the club was relatively quiet. Peter made his way across the dance floor—the scent of omegas in heat making the air sticky and hot—showing his tacky bracelet to the alpha guarding the entrance to the omega area and passing inside without issue.

  The inside of the omega area was just as depressing as Peter had thought. There were maybe a dozen omegas in the room, all of them in bad shape, three of them busy being fucked by alphas. The omegas not currently in use were gathered in the middle of the room, their hands cuffed behind their backs with wide leather straps.

  There were several alcoves set into the wall that offered privacy, and a beta who Peter guessed served as a waiter standing by the bar with a blank look on his face.

  Looking around, Peter didn’t see Chad anywhere. Walking deeper into the room, Peter hoped that Chad hadn’t taken an omega to a private room.

  Looking into one of the alcoves, Peter saw an alpha lying on top of an omega, sniffing and licking him like he was trying to get high. The alpha caught Peter staring and glared at him.

  “Hey, what are you looking—”

  The alpha shut up when Peter bared his teeth, his mind clearing enough to realize that Peter was someone he didn’t stand a chance of beating.

  “Sorry, man. I didn’t—”

  Peter moved away before the man could finish his apology.


  Peter turned around at the sound of Chad’s voice. The younger alpha was standing behind him, a few feet away from the door.

  “Mr. Brand,” Peter said, closing the distance between them. Chad watched him approach like a bunny watching a cat stalk toward it.

  “Are you… what are you doing here?” Chad blurted out. Peter tilted his head, not quite sure how to respond. He wasn’t used to alphas like Chad asking him to explain himself. Chad must have realized how the question sounded, because he blushed and hurried to offer an apology.

  “I’m sorry, that’s none of my business. I’ll just go—”

  “I was meeting a friend, but he just called and told me he couldn’t make it,” Peter cut off Chad’s attempt to extract himself. He smiled to show that he wasn’t angry. “Are you here with anyone?”

  “I’m… no.”

  When Chad didn’t say anything else, Peter grinned. “Good. You can join me for a drink. Tell me what you think of Tank Security.”

  Chad’s eyes widened even further at Peter’s words, but when Peter bodily spun him around and led him out into the general area of the club, he didn’t protest. Peter kept his hand on the younger alpha’s upper back as he walked him out past the dance floor, carefully keeping track of Chad’s reaction to the gentle manhandling.

  So far it didn’t seem like Chad was reacting negatively. Quite the contrary; he was following Peter’s lead without a hint of resistance.

  “Sit here. I’ll get us some drinks,” Peter directed, guiding Chad to a table tucked away in the back, out of sight of the dance floor.

  “Oh, you don’t have to…” Chad trailed off when Peter shot him a stern look. The obedient silence made Peter’s balls tighten. He wondered how well Chad would take to other types of direction.

  It had been too long since Peter had been with someone truly submissive.

  “Wait here,” Peter ordered, heading to the bar and getting them both a beer. When he returned Chad was back to looking nervous. Peter grinned, trying not to look too much like a wolf about to devour his prey, taking the seat facing Chad.

  “So, you’re here by yourself,” Peter asked, sliding Chad's beer across the table. He leaned back and studied Chad with an interested expression. “Why?”

  Chad took the glass and cupped it with both hands. He looked up at Peter, hesitating like he wasn’t sure eye contact was acceptable, glancing back down and licking his lips before opening his mouth to answer.

  “Well, I… I wanted to see what it was like?”

  Peter quirked an eyebrow and Chad blushed.

  “Omega houses? They’re all pretty much the same,” Peter said, slouching back in his seat as he studied Chad’s expression and body language. The young alpha was nervous and out of sorts, but he wasn’t scared, and the way he kept glancing at Peter showed that he was very much interested—whether he knew it himself or not.

  “No, I know that. I wanted to… never mind.” Chad sounded embarrassed. It was adorable.

  But Peter got the idea. Chad might have been to omega houses before, but never in the VIP areas. Tonight was the first time he was getting time with an omega. Or it would have been, if not for Peter.

  “Well, maybe another time,” Peter said. The implication that Chad wasn
’t getting time with an omega tonight—despite the fact that he’d obviously paid for it—wasn’t lost on the younger alpha. He frowned, but he didn’t say anything.

  “So where are you from?” Peter asked. He reached out and grabbed his beer, bringing it to his lips. “I read your evaluation, but I don’t know anything about you beyond it.” Peter took another drink of beer, noting with satisfaction the way Chad stared at his throat as he swallowed. In fact, everything about the way Chad was looking at him turned him on.

  Peter’s cock was hard, the bulge in his suit obscene. If Chad were to catch sight of it, he’d probably have a heart attack.

  “I’m from a small town on the West Coast. You probably haven’t heard of it. It’s called Greenville.”

  “And did you like it there? It must be quite a change coming here to the city.” Peter leaned forward, and much to his delight Chad mirrored the move.

  “It was a nice place to grow up, I guess. I wouldn’t have wanted to stay there, though.”

  Peter nodded. He could understand that. Though he’d grown up in the city, he’d had the same urge to leave home and prove himself when he was young.

  “Who were you meeting with?” Chad asked, changing the subject. Peter stared at him, caught off guard again. Chad blushed, but he didn’t take back the question.

  Peter narrowed his eyes, unsure of how he should react. On the one hand, you just didn’t ask a more dominant alpha to explain themselves like that, at least not a stranger. On the other hand, Peter found himself strangely charmed by the social faux pas.

  “No one you would know,” he said, his lip pulling up in a half smile. “Though I’m glad they didn’t show. I’d much rather have a drink with you.”

  Chad lifted his eyebrow, a rueful smile landing on his mouth. Peter didn’t know quite what to make of it.

  “You think I’m lying?” he asked, keeping his voice light so that Chad wouldn’t think he’d taken offense.

  Chad laughed. “No, I just think you want to sleep with me.”

  Peter choked on his drink. Never in a million years would he have expected Chad to be the one to mention anything like that first.

  As Peter caught his breath, the smile slipped off Chad’s face, a mask of worry taking its place. He watched Peter warily.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that. I shouldn’t—”

  “No, no,” Peter said, waving away his apology with a grin that was all wolf. “You’re right. I do want to sleep with you.”

  Chad’s eyes were huge. He stared at Peter like he couldn’t believe what he’d just said, which was weird given the fact that Chad was the one who had brought it up.

  “You do?” he asked, his voice choked.

  “You’re very attractive, Chad. You must know that,” Peter said, leaning in further and resting his elbow on the armrest of his chair. “Of course an alpha like me would be interested.”

  “I…” Chad didn’t seem to know how to finish that.

  “And I think you want to sleep with me, too,” Peter said, leaning back into his chair with casual confidence. “In fact, I think you’ve been thinking about me a lot in the past couple of days.”

  Chad didn’t deny it.

  “I’m not sure it would be a good idea to get involved with you,” Chad said at last. He looked Peter in the eye after he said it, his expression wary.

  “No?” Peter smirked.

  “Well, for one thing, you’re my boss,” Chad said like he was starting a list.

  “I am,” Peter agreed. Chad blinked, looking like he’d expected Peter to argue the point. Peter knew that Chad was trying to talk himself out of whatever attraction he was feeling, and he needed to nip that in the bud. He sat up straight. “I’m also older than you, wealthier than you, and if you ever tried to fight me I’d wipe the floor with you. And do you know what?” Chad shook his head, looking dazed. “I think that that’s the appeal. A lesser alpha wouldn’t interest you.”

  Peter pinned Chad with a heated look, daring him to contradict his assessment. Chad swallowed noisily.

  “That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea,” Chad repeated his original point.

  “But you’re going to let me fuck you anyway,” Peter countered. When Chad didn’t answer, his breathing coming fast and hard, Peter pushed back his chair and got to his feet. Chad’s eyes landed on the bulge in his pants, and for a minute his labored breathing stopped.

  “What are you…?” he asked, looking up past Peter’s bulge to search his face.

  “I’m going to walk to my car and drive home,” Peter said, reaching down and adjusting his cock where it lay nestled against his right thigh. “If you want to come with me and see what it’s like to get fucked, you’ll join me. If you don’t, you can stay here, finish your drink, and head home. Either way, your answer won’t affect your employment at Tank Security.”

  “I… what?” Chad’s forehead was scrunched up in confusion, but Peter was done explaining. He’d given Chad his easy out—much as he’d have liked not to—and now he needed to have faith that he’d read Chad right and that he’d choose to join him.

  “It’s your choice,” he said, throwing a twenty down on the table as a tip before turning on his heel and walking away. He walked along the edge of the dance floor, more crowded now than it had been just fifteen minutes ago, and made his way toward the exit.

  If Chad hadn’t come after him by the time he’d reached the door, Peter would know that he’d misjudged the situation.

  “Wait up!”

  Peter grinned at the sound of Chad’s frantic voice. He looked over his shoulder to see Chad jogging toward him. Peter was pleased to see that the size of the bulge in Chad’s jeans almost matched his own.

  “Good boy,” Peter crooned, reaching out and grabbing Chad’s neck as he came to a halt. He squeezed down and Chad shuddered. “You won’t regret this.”

  Eyes closed, Chad didn’t answer, and Peter led him out of the club and down the road to his car.


  Chad didn’t know what the fuck he was doing. He let Peter guide him into the car, sinking into the plush leather seat while Peter closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side, missing the touch of Peter’s big hand on the back of his neck.

  He’d never felt anything like it. He could still feel the shudders running down his spine, the skin where Peter’s hand had been tingling and hot.

  “You’re okay,” Peter said as he pulled out of the parking lot. He reached over and stroked his fingers over Chad’s short hair, letting them come to rest over Chad’s neck and gripping down again.

  Chad moaned.

  “That’s it. Just relax and let it happen,” Peter said, massaging the point where Chad’s jaw and ear met with his fingertips. “You were fucking made for this, weren’t you?” The words sounded reverent, and Chad got the feeling Peter was speaking more to himself than to Chad.

  Either way, he didn’t feel the need to respond. He felt like he was floating.

  A while later—Chad didn’t know how long it was—Peter parked the car and shut off the engine.

  “We’re here.” The words were like a bucket of cold water. Chad blinked his eyes open, looking around the underground garage as Peter got out of the car. Peter walked around to Chad’s door and opened it. “Are you coming?”

  Chad looked up at Peter and swallowed. From where he was sitting the other alpha looked huge. When Peter just waited, Chad nodded and fumbled with his seatbelt to get it open, climbing out of the car on unsteady legs. Peter didn’t move back as Chad exited the vehicle, and Chad felt his stomach flutter at the close contact.

  He was entirely unprepared when Peter pushed him back against the car and captured his mouth in a kiss. For a moment everything stood still, and then suddenly Peter was licking into his mouth, one hand on his neck and the other moving down to cup his ass.

  Chad had never been kissed like this. Peter was in total control, holding him in place as he ravaged his mouth, his muscular t
high pushing between Chad’s legs and almost lifting him up in the air.

  It was over as abruptly as it had started. Peter pulled back, a self-satisfied smirk on his lips, leaving Chad breathless and wanting more. He pulled Chad away from the car by the front of his shirt, making him stumble and almost fall.

  Chad let himself be led away, Peter’s hand coming back to rest on the back of his neck as he marched him toward the elevator. At this point the controlling grip was almost familiar.


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