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Claimed: An Evan's Alphas Prequel

Page 7

by D. J. Heart

  Chad had never felt so helpless or so good.

  “You like that?” Peter asked, licking up Chad’s neck and teasing the shell of his ear with his teeth.

  “Yeah…” Chad moaned, arching his back and pushing his ass up. He could feel Peter grinning into his neck.


  Peter lifted up and moved back, kicking Chad’s legs apart, and settled into the space between his thighs. He grabbed a pillow and shoved it under Chad’s hips, lifting his ass up so that his hole was on perfect display.

  “Beautiful.” Peter’s voice was gravelly. “You ready?”

  Chad nodded, his fingers curling in the sheets over his head, not sure what Peter was asking but wanting it anyway.

  “Try to relax,” Peter said, and out of nowhere a stream of lube hit the top of Chad’s crack. The thick liquid felt cold, and Chad couldn’t help his hole from twitching. He tried to make his body as boneless and loose as possible, wanting to please Peter, but the next intrusion made that impossible.

  Peter fucked into him with three fingers; the burn and stretch making Chad cry out and pull away. Peter moved with him, fucking his fingers into Chad’s tight opening until they were buried to the knuckles.

  “You can take it,” Peter said, his voice calm and in control. “Just relax and let me in.”

  Chad grit his teeth and tried to relax, and after a few seconds it seemed to work. The intrusion burned, but the feeling of fullness—not to mention the way Peter worked his prostate—was more pleasurable than the stretch was painful.

  “How are you doing?” Peter asked, fucking his fingers in and out, his other hand stroking Chad’s flank with soothing motions. Chad took a while to answer, too overwhelmed to get his thoughts in order.

  “So full,” he said when Peter’s hand stilled, waiting for an answer. Peter chuckled, and Chad shuddered at the amusement in the older alpha’s voice.

  “Not yet, you aren’t,” Peter said, removing his fingers from Chad’s ass. He draped himself over Chad’s back, pecs pushing into Chad’s shoulder blades, and moved his shaft so that the massive head of his cock was pressing against Chad’s rim.

  Chad gasped at the feel of Peter’s cock at his rim, but he didn’t tense up. He didn’t think Peter was going to fuck him yet—not without more prep.

  He was wrong.

  Peter thrust his hips forward, and for a second Chad’s vision went white and his ears filled with static. He couldn’t breathe, the burning pain of Peter’s cock forcing his rim to stretch overwhelming him.

  “So good for me,” Peter grunted, pressing forward until the length of his cock was buried in Chad’s ass.

  Three fingers had been nothing compared to this. Chad felt branded and laid claim to, Peter’s body weighing him down and filling him up. It was the most intense thing he had ever experienced.

  It felt like he was going to fall apart.


  Peter lived for this moment. There was nothing that rivaled fucking into the virgin hole of another alpha. Chad’s ass clenched down on his cock tighter than a vise, and if he were less experienced Peter wouldn’t have been able to hold off from coming.

  But Peter was anything but inexperienced, and he’d be damned if he shot his load before he’d fucked Chad open and made him come just from being fucked.

  “Breathe,” Peter reminded the alpha beneath him. Chad responded by gasping loudly, and Peter nuzzled into his neck for a wet kiss. Staying in place while he let Chad get used to the girth of his cock, Peter sucked Chad’s skin between his teeth and bit down gently.

  Chad shuddered so hard Peter almost had trouble staying on top of him. It was an interesting reaction. Most alphas who were fine with being fucked would balk at the threat of Peter’s teeth. That Chad didn’t made something dark and primal rise up in Peter.

  If Chad wanted to be claimed, Peter would be only too happy to oblige. He pressed his teeth down more firmly, reaching up with his hand to pin Chad’s head to the mattress, and he’d almost broken Chad’s skin with his teeth when it hit him what he was doing.

  He couldn’t claim Chad. Fucking him was one thing, but claiming him without his consent was unthinkable. Peter had never had his instincts take over like that before.

  Chad, oblivious to Peter’s turmoil, moaned impatiently and arched his back.

  Peter responded to the invitation by lifting his hips and slamming them back down, impaling Chad on his cock. His knot, sizable even before it swelled up, made Chad grit his teeth and cry out as it pressed for entry.

  “Take it!” Peter demanded, the grunted demand delivered with as much authority as he could muster. Chad didn’t stand a chance. He went limp, his eyes closed in pleasure as Peter started fucking him with hard, punishing strokes.

  “That’s it,” Peter grunted, the words spilling from his mouth without any conscious thought behind them. “Take my fucking cock. Feel that knot fucking into you. That’s my good boy.”

  Chad didn’t answer other than to grunt and whimper each time Peter thrust into him, and by the time Peter was ready to shoot his load he was a sweaty mess. The sound of his hips crashing into Chad’s ass echoed through the room, and Peter had never felt more primal or strong.

  “Peter, I need to… I’m going to…” Chad sounded desperate, and Peter’s balls pulled up tight.

  “You can come,” he said, his own orgasm just seconds away. Chad cried out, and Peter was no match for the way the younger alpha’s ass clamped down tight on his cock as he spilled his load. It pushed Peter over the edge. His own orgasm hit him like a sledgehammer, his balls emptying their load into Chad’s ass with a series of spurts that had Peter grunting his pleasure like a caveman.

  “Is that…?” Chad asked as Peter’s knot started to inflate. Peter ground his hips down, letting his full weight pin Chad to the bed.

  “My knot,” he said, his voice laced with satisfaction. Since Chad wasn’t an omega, it would only stay inflated for a short while before going back to its usual size. Chad could take it.

  “It’s big,” Chad said, his voice breathless.

  “Hurts?” Peter asked. There wasn’t anything he could do about it if it did, but he hoped that Chad wasn’t in so much pain that he was having a bad time.

  “No, it’s just… big.”

  Peter leaned down and kissed his cheek, and Chad relaxed under him.

  The young alpha’s easy submission was driving Peter crazy. It made him feel strong and powerful and protective in a way he’d never experienced.

  For a second he wondered if maybe he was the one being seduced—if Chad knew exactly what he was doing, and was playing Peter’s instincts like a fiddle—but he dismissed the idea immediately. No one was that good of an actor. Besides, trying to pull one over on an alpha like Peter was a suicide mission.

  Peter closed his eyes and let his face come to rest on the back of Chad’s head, the alpha’s short hairs tickling his cheek. Chad was breathing heavily, Peter moving up and down with each breath, and after a few minutes Peter took mercy on him and rolled over. He pulled Chad with him, placing an arm over his chest and spooning him.

  Chad made a small contented sound, and Peter grinned into his neck. His knot soon returned to normal, but Peter didn’t pull out. He liked the feel of Chad’s tight hole warming his cock.

  A few minutes later Chad started snoring. Peter blinked, not sure why he was caught off guard by the fact that Chad felt safe enough to go to sleep. He gently extricated himself from Chad’s body and slipped out of the bed, heading to the bathroom to clean off his cock and get a washcloth. He moved stealthily back into the bedroom and rolled Chad onto his belly, cleaning off the mess he’d made of the younger alpha’s ass and inner thighs. There was nothing to be done about the wet spot Chad was sleeping on, but he didn’t seem too uncomfortable.

  Once Chad was moderately clean, Peter slipped back into bed and pulled the covers up over their bodies. He hesitated before moving in close to Chad’s sleeping body, not sure if Chad w
ould welcome that kind of intimacy if he were awake, but in the end he couldn’t help himself.

  With one arm draped over Chad’s back, Peter buried his face in the pillow next to Chad and closed his eyes.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this peaceful.


  Chapter 9

  Chad woke up with an ache in his ass and Peter practically sleeping on top of him. The larger alpha was snoring gently, his arm and leg slung over Chad’s body in a ball-tingling show of possessiveness.

  Other than the sound of Peter’s breathing, the room was completely silent. There was no hint of the city below, and Chad took a second just to enjoy the lack of sirens, honking cars, and noise. Then he glanced at the clock on the bedside table, and a jolt of adrenaline shot through him.

  He was supposed to be at the Tank Security training facility in less than forty minutes. He had signed up for the morning classes on advanced hand-to-hand combat, and the last thing he wanted was to be late on his first day. Space in the class was limited, and his absence would not go unnoticed.

  Not sure if Peter would appreciate being woken up so early, Chad tried to untangle himself from the alpha’s possessive grip. Peter made a disgruntled sound as Chad lifted the arm over his chest away, but Chad managed to free himself without Peter waking up.

  Moving quietly, Chad gathered his jeans and boots off the floor and pulled them on in a hurry. As he buttoned his jeans, he tried to get used to how sore his hole felt.

  There was no denying how much he had enjoyed submitting to Peter. It had felt like falling off a cliff and finding out he could fly.

  Now that he knew that being with Peter was something that he enjoyed, Chad wasn’t going to spend time worrying about it. If anyone found out about what he had let the older man do to him… well, it wasn’t like he had any reason to be embarrassed. There was nothing weak about submitting to an alpha like Peter.

  Casting a last glance at Peter’s sleeping form, sheets pulled down to his hips to expose the huge slabs of muscle that made up his chest and obliques, as well as his rippled eight-pack and wide shoulders, Chad licked his lips and resisted the temptation to stay.

  He didn’t think he’d want to get fucked again anytime soon, but there were other things they could do. Chad nearly moaned when he thought of all the things he’d like to try with the older man. Even just spending an hour kissing him and exploring that magnificent body with his tongue sounded like heaven.

  But Chad had to go to class. He slipped out of the bedroom, finding the rest of his clothes in the living room, and made his way to the front hallway. He looked around for something he could use to leave a note explaining why he had to leave.

  He didn’t want Peter to think that he’d regretted what had happened between them.

  Seeing nothing that resembled a pen or paper, Chad moved back into the penthouse. After a minute of frantic searching, he ended up in the kitchen where he found a pen and notebook lying in the top drawer next to the fridge.

  Thank you for last night, I had a great time. Sorry I had to run—signed up for morning classes.

  Chad Brand

  Chad wrote his cell phone number under his signature and left the note on the kitchen counter. He turned around and rushed to the exit and climbed into the elevator. The view of the city lit up by the morning sunrise was even nicer than it had been the night before, but again Chad paid it no mind.

  Pressing the button for the lobby, Chad waited impatiently as it took him down to the first floor. He practically ran toward the door, throwing his arm up to hail a cab before he’d even made it outside.

  The gesture proved unnecessary. There was a cab right on the curb with an older couple stepping out of it, and Chad climbed inside before they’d had a chance to close the door. He instructed the driver to take him to the Tank Security training facility.

  Checking his watch, Chad saw that he had twenty minutes before the class was starting. If he was very lucky, he just might make it.


  Chad made it into the locker room with one minute to spare before he remembered that he didn’t have his gym bag with him. He looked around, wondering what he should do. There were several alphas in various states of undress around the room, but none Chad knew well enough that he could ask to borrow a pair of shorts.


  “Hey Chad, what’s with the face?”

  Chad turned, surprised to hear his friend Mick’s voice coming from right next to him.

  “Mick, hey,” he said, smiling. “I forgot my bag. You wouldn’t happen to have an extra pair of shorts I could borrow, would you?”

  Chad and Mick had been recruited together, and though they weren’t close, they had bonded as the two new guys on the team.

  “Sure, but they haven’t been washed after I last used them.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ve got,” Chad checked his watch, “thirty seconds before my class starts.”

  Mick laughed and zipped open his bag, reaching inside and pulling out a loose pair of basketball shorts. “All right, though I expect you to wash them.”

  “Thanks.” Chad took the shorts and changed into them as fast as he could, leaving his T-shirt on. “You’re a lifesaver.”

  He threw his coat and jeans into an empty locker and ran out of the locker room. He rushed to the room where they were holding the advanced hand-to-hand combat class and slipped inside with a fervent hope that he wasn’t late.

  He was in luck. There were four other alphas milling around the room, stretching and warming up, but the class hadn’t started. A few of them looked over when he entered, but not like they were judging him for being late. Chad walked inside like he had all the time in the world and started stretching.

  A few seconds later, the door opened again and another alpha walked in. Chad finished stretching his quads and dropped his foot to the ground, turning around.


  He should have stayed in bed with Peter. The alpha stepping into the room, sauntering in like he owned it, was Peter’s asshole friend Aiden. Chad knew the moment Aiden noticed him, because the alpha’s mouth turned up in a surprised grin. He studied Chad for a few seconds, a mix of derision and lust in his eyes, before walking to the front of the room.

  “Okay guys, you know the drill. Pair up,” Aiden said. His voice was brisk and professional, and Chad hoped that Aiden wouldn’t be an asshole now that he knew Chad worked for Tank Security. “Chad, you’re with me. Come up here.”

  Chad forced himself not to wince. The other alphas seemed surprised that Aiden knew his name, casting him considered glances like they were trying to figure out who he was.

  Once Chad had made it up to the front of the room and came to stand on the mat next to Aiden, the older alpha ignored him. Chad even relaxed as Aiden launched into an explanation of what they would be practicing.

  He obviously knew what he was doing.

  “Okay, now let me demonstrate. Chad, you’ve had basic training here at Tank Security, right?”

  Chad nodded and Aiden grinned. There was a mean gleam in his eye that didn’t bode well for Chad.

  “Great. Come at me like you’re going to take me down.” Aiden spread his arms and took a step back, opening himself up for an attack. Chad knew how Aiden was going to deflect him, but that didn’t help him at all. He had no idea how he could prevent Aiden’s counterattack from working.

  “Today, Chad,” Aiden barked, impatient. Knowing that there was nothing he could do, Chad moved forward just like he’d been taught, hoping that Aiden would hold back when he took him down.

  No such luck. Moving almost too fast for Chad to follow, Aiden deftly blocked Chad’s assault and then flipped him over so that he went crashing down on his back. The breath knocked out of him, Chad stared up at the ceiling as humiliation coursed through his veins.

  “Okay, let’s try that again, but this time in slow motion. I want everyone to see exactly how it’s done. Chad, get up.”

  Chad pushed
to his feet, wincing as a sharp pain shot up from his hole. He forced his face into a neutral expression, but when he looked at Aiden the alpha’s eyes were narrowed suspiciously.

  “Whenever you’re ready,” Aiden said, stepping back and spreading his arms again. Chad moved in for a slow motion attack, which was harder than he’d thought it would be. Every mistake in his bearing and technique was laid bare, and still there was nothing he could do as Aiden effortlessly brushed him aside and countered with an attack of his own.

  Since they were moving in slow motion, Aiden didn’t get to slam Chad down on the floor, but the easy way he outmaneuvered him was almost worse. Aiden had skills that Chad simply couldn’t match, and that was even more obvious now that they were moving at a speed where every move they made was carefully calculated.


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