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Claimed: An Evan's Alphas Prequel

Page 13

by D. J. Heart

  Chad was holding perfectly still, trapped and breathless between Peter’s legs. Peter almost regretted that he was wearing the leather pants, no matter how hot they made him feel. Having Chad rim his hole might just be worth forgoing the leather.

  “You like it when I control you like this, don’t you?” Peter asked, knowing that Chad couldn’t answer. “You like being used to make me feel good.”

  Relaxing his thighs, Peter grinned as Chad gasped for breath. He looked up at Peter, cock blocking his view, his face sweaty and his expression one of pure bliss. He leaned up like he was going to take Peter in his mouth, but Peter stopped him.

  “Worship my balls,” he demanded. Chad hesitated for only a second before lowering himself back down and tentatively licking Peter’s left testicle. It was round and big, hanging loose in its sac between Peter’s thighs.

  The feel of Chad’s mouth on his most vulnerable part felt like heaven.

  “You like that?” he asked when Chad engulfed one of his orbs in his mouth, gently sucking on it. Peter felt the tug all the way up into the lower part of his stomach, and it felt wonderful.

  Slowly jerking himself off, Peter was leaking pre-cum all over the top of Chad’s head. It was running down his forehead, mixing with the sweat on his face—both his own and that from Peter’s balls. The sight was magnificent.

  “Now suck my cock,” Peter said, the pleasure almost too intense. An alpha’s mouth on his balls had never felt so good, but he wanted more. “Put it in your mouth and take it down your throat.”

  Chad lifted his body up and caught Peter’s throbbing member with his open mouth, but it was clear from the first few seconds that Peter’s demand to be in his throat was going to be a struggle. Chad managed to get an inch into his mouth, teeth scraping Peter’s cockhead and making him wince, before gagging furiously.

  He reared back, looking at Peter’s cock like it had betrayed him.

  “Try again,” Peter said, his voice coming out gruff and stern. “This is something you need to learn.”

  Chad got a determined look on his face and dove back in, and though there were less teeth he gagged just as soon.

  “Stay on it,” Peter ordered, putting his hand on the back of Chad’s head when he tried to pull back. He pushed the younger alpha back down on his cock, ignoring the way he gagged and choked, coming to the very back of his throat before the angle prevented him from going further.

  “Right there,” Peter said, almost growling. “Now reach up and play with my knot and balls.”

  Chad obeyed, and it took everything Peter had not to come.

  “Good boy,” he almost snarled. “Squeeze my knot and suck my cock.”

  Chad did as he was told, and Peter let him get used to the feeling of having his mouth invaded before releasing his head.

  “That’s it,” Peter sighed, putting his hands back behind his neck. Chad continued slurping on his cock, kneading his knot and drooling all over him.

  It was heaven. Chad was so naturally submissive that it made Peter feel almost drunk.

  By the time he had Chad climb into his lap and sink down on his cock, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Chad’s rim swallowed his burgeoning knot to the base, and Peter couldn’t hold back anymore. He reached under Chad’s arms and gripped his shoulders from behind, pulling him into his chest as he shot his load with a grunt of pleasure.

  “Can I… can I come?” Chad moaned, having held his orgasm at bay against all odds.

  “Shoot for me, baby,” Peter growled, pushing his hand up into Chad’s hair and yanking his head to the side to expose his neck. He bit down on Chad’s throat, just shy of breaking the skin, and Chad’s orgasm rocked through him.

  Peter could feel it in the way he clenched down on his knot, his cock shooting another load of come into his young mate.

  Closing his eyes, Chad going limp on top of him, Peter relaxed back against the seatback cushion.

  It was perfect.


  Chapter 20

  It was weird, but as good as getting owned by Peter felt, Chad enjoyed what came next just as much. Happy, his body feeling like it was floating, he and Peter snuggled up next to each other on the couch and watched the evening news.

  “Are you doing okay?” Peter asked, his arm over Chad’s shoulders. Chad realized he hadn’t been paying attention to whatever they were talking about on the screen, his nose practically buried in Peter’s pit. He looked up to see Peter watching him with an amused expression.

  “Yeah…?” Chad said after a while. He felt happy and safe, and Peter smelled amazing. Musky and slightly spicy; Chad couldn’t get enough of it.

  “Was that a question?” Peter shifted them both so that Chad was sitting more upright, though still pressed into his side.

  “No,” Chad said. “I feel pretty great.”

  Peter smiled at him.

  “If you start feeling bad, just tell me. You were pretty far gone, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you feel a little weird in a while. It’s perfectly normal.”

  “Okay,” Chad said, not really sure what Peter was talking about. When Peter snorted and let him sink back down so that he could mash his face into the side of his pecs, he forgot all about it.


  Waking up, Chad almost felt like he wanted to cry. The clock on the bedside table read two a.m., and Peter was snoring softly into his ear. He could feel the alpha’s cock resting against his thigh, soft and still intimidatingly large, and for a second he couldn’t breathe.

  He felt empty and sad and awful.

  Was this what Peter had talked about? Chad hadn’t felt this wrung out since Hell Week in boot camp.

  “Can’t sleep?” Peter asked, lifting up on his elbow and looking down at him. Chad could barely see him in the darkness of the bedroom. He shook his head, not quite able to speak.

  “Come here,” Peter said, sitting up against the headboard and pulling Chad up with him. Seated between Peter’s thighs, his back resting against Peter’s chest, Chad breathed out a long breath as Peter wrapped his muscular arms around his waist.

  “Is that better?” Peter’s voice was right in his ear. Chad nodded, and Peter’s arms tightened momentarily.

  “Good. Do you want me to talk or be quiet?”

  “Talk,” Chad said, his voice rough.

  “I can do that,” Peter said, and Chad could feel him smiling into his neck. “Did you know that when I was a teenager my parents sent me to a military academy because I was so out of control? This one time, I…”

  Chad listened to Peter’s voice, zoning out and closing his eyes. He still felt awful, but not as empty as he had when Peter was sleeping. Eventually, the rumble of Peter’s voice sending pleasant vibrations through his body, Chad fell asleep.


  In the morning, Chad woke up with his head in Peter’s lap. Peter was still sitting upright with his back against the headboard, but his head had lolled back and his mouth was slack and open.

  The night before felt more like a bad dream than something that had actually happened.

  Then Chad realized what had woken him. Pressing against the side of his face was Peter’s sizable morning erection.

  Chad couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed it.

  About to wake Peter up, Chad had an idea. The night before—with the exception of that weird thing in the middle of the night—had been amazing, but it had all been entirely on Peter’s terms.

  It was Chad’s turn to have some fun.

  Moving slowly, doing his best not to rouse the sleeping alpha currently serving as his pillow, Chad turned around and slid down the bed. Now he was in the perfect position to lift up on his elbows, lean forward, and lick a wet stripe with his tongue up from the base of Peter’s balls and to the head of his cock.

  Peter groaned, stretching his legs and arching his back, but he didn’t wake up. Feeling bold, Chad took the head of Peter’s cock in his mouth and sucked. When he looked up, Peter was watching him
with an amused expression.

  “Good morning,” Peter said, reaching up and stroking his hand through Chad’s short hair, letting his broad palm rest against the back of his head in a clear invitation to keep going.

  Chad smiled around the cock in his mouth and went deeper. Using one hand to work the base of Peter’s shaft and his knot, Chad tried his best to relax his throat and push his head down on Peter’s cock.

  Peter hissed through his teeth, startled and pleased, and as Chad squeezed down on his knot he shot his load.

  Chad wasn’t quite prepared for the torrent of come that suddenly filled his mouth, and as he pulled off, spluttering and choking, another three spurts hit him in the face. Coughing, wiping the creamy fluid off his eyelids, Chad opened his eyes to find Peter jerking himself off and watching him with a self-satisfied smile.

  “That’s a nice way to wake up,” he said, wrapping both fists around his knot and giving it a final, lazy squeeze. “I take it you’re feeling better?”

  Chad nodded, a warm buzzing feeling filling his stomach. Lying down, spreading his arms and legs like a starfish, Chad’s hard cock flopped down on his abs with a wet smack.

  “Okay, my turn,” he said, resisting the temptation to reach down and stroke himself.

  “What?” Peter laughed, looking down at him.

  “I’ve given you two blowjobs now, Peter. It’s your turn,” Chad said, spreading his legs a little further so that his balls fell down on the mattress.

  He was looking forward to this.

  The bed dipped, and Chad opened his eyes. Much to his dismay, rather than bending over him, Peter was standing on the floor by the edge of the bed with an amused smirk on his face.

  “You have permission to jerk yourself off, how about that?” Peter said, smiling in a condescending way. Chad frowned.

  “You’re seriously not going to return the favor?” he asked. Sure, he knew that Peter was more dominant than him—and it wasn’t like he expected Peter to bottom—but a blowjob wasn’t too much to ask, was it?

  “Not on your life,” Peter laughed. When Chad didn’t laugh with him, he gave him a bemused look. “You’re not nearly dominant enough to make me blow you, Chad.”

  Make him? Chad didn’t want to make him do anything. He just thought it was a nice way for Peter to reciprocate. If Peter didn’t like giving blowjobs, Chad would obviously respect it and not push, but this just sounded like Peter thought he was too good to do it.

  “So everything we do in bed has to be about who’s more dominant?” Chad asked, sitting up and pulling the sheets over his lap.

  “We are who we are,” Peter said, serious now. “If this is going to work, you need to be okay submitting to me. Always.”

  Chad didn’t know quite what he was feeling, but it wasn’t good. So far he hadn’t minded submitting to Peter—had loved pretty much every second of it—but always? That was a lot.

  Chad gave himself a little shake, wondering why they were talking like the relationship was going to last forever. He was taking this way too seriously.

  “No, no, you’re right,” he said, climbing off the bed and looking for his clothes before he remembered that they were in the dining room. “I like submitting to you, and it’s selfish of me to expect you to do things you’re not comfortable with. And it’s not like I can’t go out and find someone when I feel like being the dominant one.”

  “What?” Peter’s brow furrowed, his expression outraged. Chad powered on.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not mad or anything. And thanks for cheering me up last night. That was really weird.”

  Chad got out of the bed and walked toward the door. Peter jumped into action and blocked his way. Looking up at the older alpha, Chad was reminded again just how big Peter was.

  “Where are you going?” Peter demanded. Chad felt a flash of nerves, knowing that if Peter got angry or insulted he had zero protection.

  “I was just going to get my clothes,” he said, forcing himself to sound calm and nonchalant. “I left them in the dining room last night, remember?”

  Peter nodded and let him pass, but he followed him.

  Chad found his clothes on the floor where he left them, and he forced himself to stay calm as he got dressed. He blushed when he saw the stain on the window where his pre-cum had dried.

  Being dressed around Peter was weird, but unlike the reverse, Chad didn’t feel like he gained any power from it.

  “Thank you for the date,” he said, stepping forward and giving the naked uber-alpha a short hug. Peter stood ramrod straight like he didn’t really know what was going on. “I had a really great time. Call me?”

  Peter nodded, and Chad smiled. It felt forced.

  “Great. I should probably get going if I want to make it to the gym before my class. I’ll see you later!”

  Chad walked out of the dining room, and he was all the way to the elevator before Peter caught up with him.

  “You’re just going to leave?” he demanded. He looked indignant.

  “I figured the date was over…” Chad said, the elevator doors opening. He stepped inside. “Don’t forget to call me!”

  The doors closed, and Chad watched his expression in the mirror. It looked weird. His heart was pounding, and he wasn’t sure why.

  The elevator arrived in the lobby and Chad made his way past the concierge, the doorman helping him get a cab.

  His pulse didn’t go back to normal until his taxi home was nearly at his apartment.


  Peter stared at the elevator doors, feeling like he’d just made a huge mistake and not sure how he was supposed to fix it.

  Was not wanting to give Chad a blowjob really such a big deal? Chad was probably the most sexually submissive alpha Peter had ever met. He couldn’t seriously expect Peter to service him, could he?

  Except, maybe Peter should have just given it a try? Chad had a nice cock, and the thought of putting his mouth on it certainly wasn’t repellent.

  Peter felt conflicted. He’d never caved with Aiden, and it had put an end to their relationship. He just hadn’t thought he faced the same risk with Chad, given their different levels of dominance.

  Wondering what the hell he should do next, Peter got dressed and headed to the gym.

  Hopefully some exercise would clear his head and help him think.


  Chapter 21

  Chad sat down next to Topher and handed him a Coke, wincing as a shot of pain made its way up from his hole. Peter had fucked him without any prep, and though it had felt great at the time, his ass was crying out for a donut pillow.

  “So you just left?” Topher asked, sounding incredulous. Chad nodded.

  “What was I supposed to do? I don’t mind letting him take charge, but he made it sound like I was supposed to be his full-time submissive. We’ve only had sex twice. It shouldn’t be this serious.”

  “But he’s your mate,” Topher said, popping open his Coke and taking a sip without looking away from Chad’s face. “I mean, I only saw the two of you together for like ten seconds, but it’s totally obvious.”

  “What?” Chad couldn’t quite get himself to process what Topher was saying. It was too ridiculous.

  “Thing about it,” Topher said, leaning in. “Were you ever attracted to an alpha before you met Tank?”

  Chad shook his head. He’d never had anything so much as a stray thought about another alpha in that way.

  “And are you attracted to other alphas now?”

  Again Chad shook his head.

  “See, this is typical: intense initial attraction, immediate desire to form a claiming bond… you have all the signs.”

  “But mates aren’t a real thing!” Chad objected after several seconds in which he couldn’t think of anything else to say. Topher scoffed.

  “No, true mates aren’t a thing. It’s been pretty well established that some people match up on a pheromone level and that that’s where the whole true mates thing comes from.”

/>   “So I don’t have to be with him,” Chad said, the mention of mates and how right it felt making him panic. Topher grinned and shook his head.

  “No, of course not. It just means that you’ll have a real easy time of it sexually if you do decide to go for it.”


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