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Dances with Wolves

Page 2

by Dances

  Shaking her head in exasperation and annoyance at herself, she realized that she was more excited about seeing her friends than the party itself. Although she knew that she would enjoy herself, Larissa had stoutly told her that she intended to ensure Jada had sex at least twice. And once Larissa put you on one of her lists, that was it. So she had the prospect of some good sex ahead of her, but that didn't take her butterfly nerves away.

  Maybe she was a prude now, either that or just dull. It had been so long since she'd been to one of Larissa's parties, to any party. Had she stopped remembering how to have fun? God, she hoped not. But the thought didn't ease her nerves. What did help was the knowledge that it was a masquerade. She couldn't make a fool of herself if no one knew who she was. In fact, that settled her stomach instantly. She was free to not be herself. She had the luxury of pretending to be anyone she wanted. To think so was dangerously thrilling, but she knew that that would enable her to enjoy the festivities to the max.

  It was wonderful to be back at the castle, Jada admitted to herself as she jumped from the curricle as it pulled up outside the front entrance of the castle. For some reason it had always felt like a home away from home. Jada mentally reprimanded herself. She should have asked to come visit earlier than this because she immediately felt happier and more relaxed just being here. The last time she'd stayed at the castle was at Larissa's wedding reception, a time that had been both happy and sad for everyone.

  It had been sad because Larissa had left America, her parents had left the castle for good, and moved permanently to another estate with a view to travel around all their properties that dotted about the globe, meaning that it was the end of an era.

  It had been a happy because Larissa was so obviously in love with Alex that no one could wish anything but a long and lovely future for them both.

  It was nice to be here knowing that she was just here to enjoy the festivities. Her emotions weren't tied directly into this event as they had been at the wedding or at the baptism.

  "Jada!" someone shrieked so loudly that it actually echoed through the castle grounds.

  Looking for the source and locating it, she reciprocated and yelled, "Larissa!" before running forward to reach her best friend. They collided laughingly, hugging, and crying all at the same time. "It's fantastic to see you again!"

  "Tell me about it," Larissa said, grinning happily.

  They stood looking at each other for a few seconds, feeling the bonds that tied them together as family and friends, and they embraced again.

  "I just need to get my bag and then I can come join you," Jada said, smiling as Larissa grabbed her arm and linked them together.

  Waving a nonchalant hand, Larissa stopped, turned around, and called out to the driver, "McDougall, would you please take Jada's bag to her room? Thank you so much." Turning back to Jada, she spoke eagerly, "I want to show you around, darling."

  With that, Larissa dragged her forward through the huge wooden door.

  Jada chuckled happily. "It's wonderful to be here. Why has this always felt like my second home?"

  Pretending to think about it, Larissa tapped her chin and then said laughingly, "Hmm, maybe because it is? Oh, wait a minute. Here, you have to wear this, and I have to wear mine, as well." With a strong jerk, she tugged Jada into a small room at the beginning of the hall.

  Jada peered around suspiciously but saw nothing in the gloomy room. She jumped when Larissa practically bounded onto her and dragged something over her face.

  "Larissa? What the hell?" Jada asked, batting her hands like she would a pesky mosquito to push her friend away.

  "It's a masquerade. You have to be masked!!"

  "Why didn't you let me pick my own mask?"

  "Look, I'm your fairy godmother during this vacation, and where your appearance is concerned, I definitely want to be in charge!"

  She couldn't see that much of her friend in the gloom, but Jada was sure Larissa would be looking militant and her legs would be spread, hands on her hips. She couldn't help but smile at the mental image. When she wanted to, Larissa could be extremely domineering.

  "For God's sake, Lari. I'm not totally helpless!"

  Despite her words, both women could hear Jada's acceptance of Larissa's edict.

  "Can we get out of here? It's way too dark!"

  "Sure, come on. I still want to show you around."

  On stepping outside the room, Jada blinked at the bright light and studied her friend's mask intently. It covered nearly all of her face. It was obviously supposed to be a butterfly, but it was like no butterfly she'd ever seen. There was nothing childish about the shape of the creature, totally unlike the usual B-shaped wings. These wings were made of wire metal, swirls decorated them, allowing peeks at the face underneath. Balls of the same metal littered the sweeping curling edges of the swirls and bejeweled droplets fell from the wings. She could see Larissa underneath, but at the same time, it was easy to see where someone wouldn't be able to recognize her. It was a lovely mask and it suited Larissa's temperament and looks perfectly. "What am I if you're a butterfly? A moth?" Jada asked disparagingly. But she grinned at Larissa's look of annoyance.

  "I think you'll find that you look beautiful!"

  "I'm sure!" she replied condescendingly.

  Despite the beauty of the mask, Jada could see the mega-watt glare and allowed herself to be dragged away once more.

  They walked down the hallway, which was swathed with huge red velvet gold-edged banners. In a bizarre way, they looked as though red wax had been dripped over the walls. It looked magnificent, regal, and exciting. The chandeliers above them sparkled merrily. Candles were spread along the wall brackets, adding a Gothic edge to the whole scene. The ancient antiques that were littered about the place shone gently in the candlelight. The castle was very obviously in full party regalia.

  As Larissa pointed out little changes she'd made since having become châtelaine of the castle, Jada smiled at the happiness that colored her every word. She was glad that Larissa was enjoying her new life and home. She had done wonders with her home. It had always been beautiful, but with the added decorations it was even more opulent and lovely.

  The walk to her room shouldn't have taken long. Whenever she'd stayed before, Larissa's family had always given her the same room. She doubted that custom would have changed, so she assumed that Larissa was either taking her on a tour or she was trying to force her to circulate. It was probably the latter which was probably why it worked.

  They passed several men and women along the way. Some were short, some were tall, others were fat, while still more were thin. There was obviously no certain look for those in attendance. Until one particular man passed them, she was very aware that she'd found none of the men attractive behind their masks.

  Jada breathed a sigh of relief that this one man did something for her. He was different than the other men she'd seen, long and rangy with a leashed power that was obvious in every move he made. Blacker than black hair rippled over his skull, thick wavy locks chopped short to control them. Tall with a commanding presence, she felt her body quiver as their gazes clashed. Golden eyes behind his mask shocked her. Her mind argued that it was not possible to have golden eyes. She must not have gotten a good look at them. They had to have been an amber-brown color. The only time she'd seen similar coloring was on a documentary about wolves. Her lips quirked as she realized that his mask was that of a wolf. She'd been so stunned at the coloring of his eyes that she hadn't really taken in the rest of the picture. Unable to resist, she turned to watch him as he continued to walk down the hallway, but he continued on his way and she couldn't get a better look at him.

  She summoned a mental image of the mask, wondering even as she did if he would be wearing the same mask the next time she encountered him. To her surprise, she discovered her mind had very obligingly recorded far more details than she'd realized.

  Obviously, the mask was Japanese in design. Its starkness was shocking. The mask loving
ly followed the contours of his face, leaving his lushly shaped mouth and strong shaven jaw bare. It was wolf-shaped in that the mask had a small snout that covered his nose, the eye holes were almond shaped, two small triangles adorned the very brim of the mask and acted as the wolf's ears. It was white, stark and simple, yet the designer had allowed for a thick line of red to decorate the mask. It swirled over the curves of the eyes, bracketed the snout. It looked shockingly like blood, as though the wolf had gone in for the kill, but she shook her head at that analogy. The mask and the man underneath were far too beautiful for that.

  Their gazes locked once more as he turned to look back at her.

  Jada shivered as pleasant darts of sensation rippled over her, pulsing through her pussy and peaking her nipples. She managed to detach herself from his gaze and felt like drooling over his predatory walk, each movement concise with a lethal edge to it. He looked dangerous. He looked sexy, and, God, she wanted him. Those darts of pleasure heated up as he managed to snare her gaze once more. She felt on edge, couldn't help but feel like prey he would love to devour. And, at the moment, she wanted nothing more than to be devoured. She groaned. It woke her from her trance, and she made herself ignore the man, turn, continue walking, and concentrate on what Larissa was saving. A shiver skated through her as the excitement began to wane.

  "Are you cold, darling?" Larissa asked, a look of worry etched on her brow.

  "Just a little. It's a lot warmer back home, you know?"

  "I know." Giving a hearty sigh, Larissa gave her a pointed look then admitted, "It's one of the things I miss. Every other want can be eased. Food can be sent over, you'll visit when you can, and we talk all the time, but the weather!" she said, groaning loudly. "God, I miss the sun sometimes. It always seems to be gray, and when I think I can't stand it one moment longer, the sun shines and lights every dark corner and seems to make everything sparkle. The grass looks greener, the sky bluer, and, straight away, I'm happy again."

  "I'm glad to hear it," Jada said, squeezing her friend's arm. "You deserve to be happy, honey. I'm glad you found Alex and that you love each other and now you have Conall! I couldn't wish for anything more for you."

  "I know, Jada, that's why you're such a wonderful friend. I just wish the same for you. You're thirty, for heaven's sake, yet you act like an elderly spinster. I refuse to let you waste any more of your life, Jada, because that's what you've been doing. I won't stand for it anymore. I can't bear to think of you back in the States, working every hour on the hour only to come home to an empty apartment. It's just not right, and, moreover, it can't be healthy for you. You have to stop feeling inadequate for the rest of your life. You're so much more than a womb, darling. Look at you! You're beautiful!" Larissa forcibly grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her in front of a mirror along the hall. "You've seen some of the guests. Not everyone can pull off a mask, yet, look at you, you're beautiful with or without it." She quickly pulled the mask away so Jada could see her before and after image.

  "Larissa, I hear what you're saying. It's just a lot easier to say than to put into practice. How can I help but feel the way I do? Men have made me feel this way! I've been serious with three men since college, two of them ended it because of my infertility, and I ended the last before he could, because I just couldn't bear to tell him, I couldn't bear for him to know and then break up with me just like the others did. For me, splitting up is as inevitable as night turning into day. I won't deny that I want to have a partner. I just haven't found the right one yet one who accepts that I can't have kids, and, as you say, darling, I'm only thirty. There's plenty of time to find the perfect guy." Jada gave her friend a smile and then jokingly said, "By the way, I like the mask."

  "And so you should, it's lovely!"

  It really was lovely. The part that covered her face was very simple, like the eye mask she wore to sleep but with holes for sight. The edges were sharp and angular, a simple black satin. Gathered at the side of her head was a large cluster of black, green, and sable colored feathers contained by a pin on which lay a sapphire-colored gem. A long length of black satin ribbon fell from the sapphire pin. The feathers lay along the side of her face in a semi-circular pattern. There was something very art deco and 1920's about it, yet at the same time it reminded her of a Native American headdress.

  She smiled before turning to her friend and kissing her on the cheek. "Thank you for caring, Larissa, and thank you for inviting me. I have to admit I was skeptical of your plans at first, and, although that feeling will probably return later on, at the moment, I'm looking forward to the masquerade!"

  Chapter Two

  "You've got the same room as always. I think we should put a plaque on the door," Larissa said, shrugging as the idea took shape in her mind. "That's not a bad idea actually. I never let any other guest use it." She tapped her fingers against her chin thoughtfully.

  Jada looked at her warily. She knew instinctively her friend was in plotting mode. "Don't be silly. You don't have to put a plaque on the wall. I'm not a VIP, for God's sake!"

  "Hey, don't knock yourself! You are to this family!"

  Jada smiled warmly and reached out to hug her friend once more. "You're crazy, you know that?" she said, sighing. "I can't believe how much I missed you. I've been working way too hard. I haven't had a full free weekend for the past six months. Instead I just kept taking work home with me. I think you're right. I need to get a life," she joked, then said more seriously, "I should have visited sooner. Where's my godson? I just realized you haven't taken me to his nursery! Some godmother I am."

  "We're always here for you, Jada. Never forget that. Conall's with mom and dad. I'm feeling the separation blues already! Anyway, before I get teary-eyed-I swear I'm still hormone loopy two years after Conall's birth-there's a list of rules that you have to agree to, every guest does. It's only informal, but it makes the whole thing flow easier," she said with a smile and a wink. "Don't forget to read down the list. The whole thing is supposed to be a lark so rules shouldn't be that important, but if everyone follows them it's a lot easier to have fun, because we can all relax knowing that we've all got each other's backs. It frees us all from our inhibitions, even me." She winked naughtily. "Your dresses and costumes are in the closet. I'll leave you to look at those yourself. Supper will be served shortly," she said, hurrying out of the room before Jada could even think of anything to say.

  Smirking a little, since a more audacious and free-spirited Larissa was incomprehensible to the imagination, Jada walked around her old room, sighing in pleasure as she realized that nothing had really changed. When she was young, before she'd become friends with Larissa and thought of castles, she had automatically thought of gloomy, cramped stone rooms, not light and airy, spacious chambers. She wouldn't deny that the rooms further up the main tower were darker than this particular bedchamber, or that some were indeed atypical of castles, but even so, the majority were beautifully decorated with huge windows to wide-open views of the Scottish highlands. Staying at this castle was always a treat. There was such an atmosphere here that just staying the night became a real occasion.

  Jumping impulsively on the four poster bed, Jada couldn't stop the chuckle of glee that escaped as she bounced and was enclosed in a golden deluge of down bedding. Despite the cold weather, the windows were open, and, as fresh air blew in gustily, heavy white velvet curtains dragged lazily across the lush burgundy-carpeted floor, thin gossamer voile flew with abandon in the wild breeze. It was a beautiful sight and even more enchanting because the room was filled with the scent of chilly purity.

  Lying on the bed, Jada eyed the matching bed curtains, imagined closing them at night to block out the harsh realities of morning as she enjoyed luxuriating in her lover's attentions. This bed had been crafted with the mind to start dynasties. Well Jada couldn't do that, but she sure as hell could appreciate the practice of baby-making! Smiling with relief, she realized that for the first time in her life she'd managed to bypass any negative tho
ughts about her infertility! The crippling pain had numbed, and she vowed that no longer would she allow something that was completely out of her control to control her life. With a wanton smile that spoke of the freedom that vow now gave her, Jada stretched out once more on the luxurious gold covers, then bounded from the bed to look for further changes to the suite of rooms. So far only the bed and curtain linen had changed from a deep navy blue to the crisp white and gold accents that now graced the bedchamber, she looked forward to seeing any other alterations Larissa had made since her last visit.

  She stepped into the bathroom and smiled as she saw the huge white cast iron bath with its gilded lion paws that dominated the bathing chamber. With a blush on her cheeks, she remembered climaxing for the very first time in that bath.

  Larissa had always enjoyed shocking her, nothing had changed there. She remembered how at the age of fourteen she'd naughtily divulged in her first experiences of masturbation. She'd then badgered and pestered Jada until she'd given it a go herself. God, the trouble that girl had caused her! Shaking her head with a grin, Jada left the pleasant memories of the slipper tub and walked into the lounge area of the suite.

  Once again, all the soft furnishings were white. It looked romantic and highly feminine. She couldn't hold back the sigh of pleasure that came to her as she looked at it, nor could she refrain from smiling at the sheer beauty of this lovely room. The sofas were plump and heavily cushioned, small pouffes were clustered around here and there. A coffee table sat in the very center of the room, upon which stood a beautiful iron statue of a woman, her body graceful, her face demure, diving into a wave of water that caressed and cushioned her from fall.

  There was an antique cabinet that she knew would house a television set and the rest of the HiFi and media equipment in one corner of the room. Other corners were filled with a hodgepodge of old furniture, small console tables in one, a large ornate floor-length mirror that stood independently from the wall in another. Huge and domineering, it added more light and space to the already bright and airy room. Everything masculine and modern was hidden behind delicate and antique furniture.


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