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Dances with Wolves

Page 5

by Dances

  Frowning slightly, she looked at him more closely. His jaw was just as sculpted yet not as square as her dinner companion's had been, his chin elongating his face. His top lip was slightly thin, but the bottom was very kissable. His hair was a dark blond and cut in a surfer style, gelled, sticking up in various directions. It was a good look, and it suited him. Thankfully, he didn't look like one of those vain pricks who spent ten hours in front of the mirror to achieve perfect hair. She saw that his eyes were a piercing emerald green, and, with just one look into them, the arousal that she'd managed to bank over dinner became a conflagration, setting her body alight.

  She didn't know why, but somehow she felt that the two men were related. They didn't really look alike. Their coloring was different, but she just had a sense, a feeling that they were. She didn't think they were brothers but cousins maybe? Perhaps she was just giving in to her overactive imagination, placing too much weight on the similarity of the masks, but she didn't think so. They had to be related, and, the more she thought about it, the more certain she was.

  His body was lean, but she could see the hidden power behind each movement. She imagined that his evening jacket and pants were deceptive and that underneath them his body would was corded with muscle. She could be wrong, but she sincerely hoped not.

  "May I have this dance?" he asked politely.

  Oh God! He was another Scot! She chastised herself mentally. Why was she surprised? She was in Scotland after all. She was bound to meet lots of them. But she couldn't ignore the way his Scottish brogue made her feel.

  "Yes, you may," she said, smiling warmly. His voice had instantly made her forget that she hated dancing and she took the hand he offered to her. They said little as they walked to the dance floor. When they faced each other, she had to admit to feeling a little discomforted. Was every man that Larissa had invited to this party so sexy? Was it something in the water? Perhaps a quick immigration to Scotland should be at the top of her to do list!

  When he took her hand in his and placed the other low on her hip, Jada moved closer to him, leaving a slight space in between them. His free hand rested in the middle of her back and, as if by magic, their bodies in tune, they swayed to the music together. Her cheek soon pressed against his muscled chest as his hand slid over her back, up to her shoulders, stroking and caressing wherever he touched. Their dancing wasn't overly energetic, they just drifted along to the music, but each and every movement ratcheted her body's need up, her arousal apparent by her stiff nipples which dug into his chest, his arousal apparent as it pressed into her hip. It wasn't threatening or worrying. It all seemed perfectly natural.

  As the song ended, he leaned his head down and whispered into her ear, "Would you like a drink?"

  "Please," she answered quietly, allowing him to walk her from the dance floor to the wet bar. Glancing at all the bottles on show, she saw that they were all alcoholic and knew that was with the intention of further loosening up everyone's inhibitions. She wasn't that big a drinker and would have preferred some soda water, but she thought the bartender would have laughed at her had she requested that. So, although she didn't really want anything strong, instead wanted to remember what actually happened tonight, wanted to be in full control, she asked for a white wine spritzer. Surely they couldn't deny her that. There wasn't a lot, but there was some alcohol in it after all!

  When her gold wolf handed her her beverage, she took a sip with relief. Her mouth had gone bone dry from excitement, nerves, and the extreme warmth of the room generated from the crush of bodies. Her body felt red-hot. Need burned a path through her being. She knew that both wolves had brought her to this point, a point she'd never reached before, one she'd never even known existed.

  She tried to distract herself with the wine she'd gotten. It was refreshing, although a little stronger than she was used to. There wasn't much of a spritz. She could imagine Larissa telling all the wait staff before the party started that if a woman in a red dress and a feather mask asked for a drink be sure that you give her the strongest alcoholic drink possible! But, what the hell, this was a party. With a grimace, she took another sip and felt the buzz of alcohol addle her brain slightly. She knew that she'd have to drink it slowly if she didn't want to pass out on the floor! That would be a great end to the night. But going slow on her drink was easier thought than done because she was thirsty. She was constantly trying to remind herself that she'd have to drink in moderation, even though it was starting to be a pain in the ass. Why couldn't they have something that actually quenched her thirst instead of making her thirstier?

  The gold wolf led her over to a small seating area. It was empty as the rest of the merry goers were dancing and taking advantage of the music. She took a seat and sighed in relief as she unobtrusively kicked her shoes off, but she had the feeling the gold wolf knew what she'd done, as a small smile touched his lips as he looked at her. The silence should have been uncomfortable, but it wasn't. They sat looking at each other for a few moments, studying the other's face and mask. It was like they needed to burn each other's image into their retinas.

  "Your name?"

  "Jada," she answered huskily.

  "Although extremely beautiful and very you, you're not supposed to give out your real name, Jada," the wolf warned easily.

  A flush burned her cheeks, but she answered, "I never intended to, but earlier it just popped out. I'd be no good with an alias anyway. I'd never remember it," she said, shrugging. "It's easier this way."

  "Hmm." He was silent for a few moments, then said her name again, obviously relishing the sounds on his tongue, "Jada, why are you here?"

  She started slightly and looked up. "What, at the masquerade?"

  His slow nod was her only reply.

  "I should ask you the same thing!"

  The wolf smiled. "You may ask, but my answer holds no interest to me."

  With a tart look, Jada replied, "My friend invited me."

  "Did you realize that the masquerade was a front for darker pleasures?"

  She was tempted to roll her eyes but muttered instead, "An orgy, you mean? Yes, I knew that."

  "You see, that's what puzzles me. You, my dear, do not look like someone who frequents orgies."

  "I suppose I should take that as a compliment. I'm not, but there's a first time for everything, isn't there?"

  "You're right, there is . . . ," he said, hesitating before making the effort to change the subject. "Do you live in America or have you immigrated to my native land?"

  She smiled at his quaint way of asking how available she was. "No, I live in America-the land of the free," she joked then sighed wearily. "I only live there because of my job. My friend moved over here a few years ago. We're like family. It's been hard adjusting to life there without her. I think I would have moved had it not been for my work."

  "It's wonderful that regardless of the thousands of miles that separate you, you still remain best friends. It's a credit to both you and your friend." He smiled warmly. "Is this your first time at the castle?"

  "No." She shook her head with a secret smile. "This place is like my second home. I've been coming here for more years than I can remember. Is it your first time here?"

  He gave her a pointed look that told her he knew what question she was really asking, but he replied nevertheless. "No, neither my first visit nor my first masquerade. Does that upset you?"

  She was a little shocked by his question, and she looked it. "Of course not! Why should it?"

  "We both know that what's happening between us won't end at first light tomorrow . . . ." Before he could continue, a man walked over to them and stood beside Jada.

  She jolted in shock as she realized it was the red wolf, the man from earlier. "Would you like to dance, Jada?"

  She looked helplessly between the two wolves and smiled gratefully as the gold wolf nodded his head slightly as if to say it was okay for her to dance with this other man. As she stood and retrieved her shoes, she didn't see the look th
at passed between the two men.

  The music was faster now, the DJ obviously taking advantage of lowered inhibitions. Salsa music was blurting from the speakers. Tugging her to him, the red wolf immediately started them both in the basic salsa rhythm.

  She practically fainted in shock that this powerfully masculine man could salsa dance! At that moment in time, she silently thanked her mother for making her attend those horrific dance lessons when she was young! They danced well together and, although she was a little rusty, alright very rusty, she managed to keep up with him, and, as the dance ended, she laughed a little at the fun she'd just had.

  "I never took you for a salsa dancer," she joked.

  "Ah, never judge a book by his cover, Jada," he winked at her, his golden eyes sparkling, then noticing her breathless state, asked, "Would you like to dance again, after you have had something to drink, that is?"

  She nodded, and they walked over to the seating area where the second wolf sat watching them. He passed her her drink and got to his feet. Standing between these two tall men was rather intimidating. She quickly gulped her drink, forgetting her earlier promise to take it slowly and drink in moderation and watched the two men stare daggers at each other. Never had she seen anything so frightening as what passed between the two wolves, not a blow was struck or a move made, they fought silently, and, although she thought the red wolf won, the gold wolf took her hand and led her back to the dance floor.

  The ensuing hours were some of the best she'd ever had. She danced with each man in turn, returning to the seating area only to be taken back on to the dance floor by one of her wolves. Her glass was never empty, and she knew that she'd drunk far too much, could feel it in her slow coordination and dizzy head, but she didn't care. In its own way, the alcohol made her a better dancer. She was freer with her movements and more confident. The result was that she felt sexy.

  On slower dances, where they were pressed together, she'd feel their hard cocks pressing into her, feel the strength emanating from their lean corded bodies, and she in turn would feel inordinately sexy and female because of that. She was woman to their man and never had she thrilled so much at the basic yet important differences between the sexes.

  Another advantage to the alcohol was the pain in her feet had disappeared. Apparently white wine spritzers acted as anesthesia to pinched toes and achy feet. It was something she'd have to note down for future use! Eventually though, fatigue dogged her step. She was still partially jet lagged, had only napped here and there, so she was surprised that she'd managed to stay awake for so long, but when she thought about the adrenaline that coursed throughout her body, adrenaline triggered by her two partners, it wasn't really a surprise.

  "I'm sorry to break up the fun, wolves, but I'm tired. I need to sleep." With a quick glance around the rest of the room, she noticed that a lot of other couples felt the same and had headed off to different sections of the castle. She doubted that they'd be doing what she wanted to do though, which was sleep!

  "Of course, Jada," the gold wolf said smoothly. "Can we escort you to your room?"

  Tilting her head in consideration, Jada knew that if she said yes, they would expect her to let them into her bedroom, not just leave them outside the door! Was that a bad thing though? It was why she was here and she wanted them, more than she wanted her next breath. With a foggy mind, she tried to analyze what the problem was, why wasn't she shouting, Yes, God, yes, take me, take me now! Inwardly sighing, she realized that it was because this just wasn't like her. She didn't just meet someone and then go to bed with them. Never mind two of them! She didn't even know their names, hadn't even asked them! She knew nothing about them really, but what really freaked her out was that, although her mind said no, you don't know these two guys, you don't fuck men you know nothing about, her body screamed, 'These men are mine', and that was the problem. But for the first time in her life, she was going to listen to her body!

  "Yes," she said a little defiantly, then on a deep breath, "you can." She stood up on shaky feet then bent down and removed her shoes, hooked them on to her fingers, and walked over to them. Without her shoes, they towered over her even more and perhaps that should have intimidated her, but it didn't. It sent a pulse of longing to all her extremities, making her tingle all over.

  The red wolf smiled. "You were tiny before, now look at you."

  With a mock glare, she put her hands on her hips.

  Both men grinned at her, and she winked and walked ahead of them, keeping her back straight and purposely swaying her hips. They soon caught up with her, and, as they reached the staircase that would take them to her room, the red wolf moved ahead and swooped down, catching her in his arms and lifting her high against his chest. Perhaps she should have complained, but instead she snuggled into his hold and hooked her arms around his neck. Huskily, she whispered, "Third floor, end of the corridor."

  The trip to her room wasn't particularly smooth, but each second in his arms inflamed her passions and increased her longing. She had no idea what would happen over the course of the night, but she had a pretty good idea of what she wanted, of what her body needed. She pressed kisses into his neck, nibbled at the skin. His taste ignited her need. She began to crave him, crave his touch and his kisses. At the press of her mouth, his pace increased, and soon they were outside her door. Rather than open it, however, both wolves stopped. Their silence made her look up and at them. She asked quietly, her nerves starting to worm their way inside her mind, doubt settling in. "Is something wrong?"

  "Of course not, Jada. However, are you sure that you wish this night to continue? Do not fear that you cannot say no, because you can and we will still search you out tomorrow."

  She hesitated then because it felt so right with her face curled into his neck and whispered, "I'm sure." She felt his head move against her and heard her door open. The cold air that exited her room made her shiver. She'd left the windows open earlier, and the chill had permeated the entire room.

  The red wolf walked into her chamber, and, as he reached the bed, he gently placed her on the duvet and waited for her to release her arms from around his neck.

  Locking his arms on the bed, he leaned above her for a second or two, then lowered himself and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

  She eagerly parted her mouth, touched her tongue to his lips, and smoothed it over the curve of his mouth.

  As their mouths played, his hands smoothed down over her shoulders and down further to cup her breasts. They didn't stay there long. Instead they slid over the silk to caress the curve of her waist and hip.

  When his hand ran over her belly and then her pussy, it made her shiver with need. With gentle hands, she pushed against his chest until he stopped. Turning her back on him, she presented the zipper that she'd struggled with earlier.

  The sound of it being released was loud in the quiet room. Her courage nearly failed her as silence reigned for a few moments. Soon she was being lifted from the bed and made to stand on her feet. The dress crumpled about her waist, revealing her demi-cup bra and stomach.

  The red wolf's hands curled around her waist, and, suddenly, he burst into action, pulling the dress down over her hips and thighs, allowing it to puddle on the ground. Both men groaned as her body was revealed to them.

  She frowned as she noticed the red wolf stand back, but she understood why when the gold wolf came forward, completely naked, except for his mask. A small groan escaped her mouth as she took in the pure beauty of this man, his body hard and muscled, long and lean. A six pack graced his belly, not overly defined, but one that came naturally, not after grueling hours in the gym. His limbs were graceful and strong. Banked power rested there, and the thought made her sizzle. His cock was larger than normal, more thick than overly long, and her pussy clenched at the thought of it pushing its way inside of her.

  He strolled over to her, confident in his body, and rested his hands on her waist for a second. Placing a soft kiss on her lips, he gentled her, his hands
smoothed upwards and released the catch on her bra. Then, as his mouth teased hers, he tugged her panties over her hips and pulled them down so that they too sank to the floor. His hands curved over her arms, stroked up and down then over her shoulders. Stepping away, he allowed her strapless bra to fall between their bodies and soon his hands cupped her breasts. The rough skin of his palm touched her tender nipples, making her hips arch into his. His hands were obviously on a journey of discovery as they didn't rest there for long. They moved down to her butt, this time to cup her cheeks and press her belly into him, his cock cushioned by the softness of her flesh. He ground her against his hardness for a second or two then, clasping her to him, walked forwards until the bed hit the backs of her thighs and he tumbled with her on to the center of it.

  A little unsure of his next move, she groaned in shock when he parted her legs, lifted them high and apart and lowered his head to her pussy. Her entire body began to tremble as ,without a word of warning, his tongue plunged into her aching slit. She moaned, swinging her head from side to side. His tongue fluttered inside her, drawing her juices forth as he supped from her. His moans of pleasure echoed in the room and vibrated against her tender skin, making her hips buck against him as she sought more.

  His hands clamped down on her hips, stilling her.

  She groaned in anguish as his mouth moved to pinch her clit between his lips. Rubbing it between such a soft area made her crazy. He teased her with his lips when what she really wanted was his tongue or teeth. Her prayers were soon answered. His flitted his tongue over her clit, drawing a shocked cry from her throat.

  He lathed it at length in a leisurely manner.

  When his teeth nipped her clit, a long low groan escaped her. She could feel her juices flow freely from her cunt, felt him lap them up. It heated her blood to know that her scent now covered his face. Totally absorbed with what the gold wolf was doing to her, she had forgotten the other man, who watched with covetous eyes and a hard cock. She soon remembered him, however, when the bed jostled and shook. It jolted her slightly from her pleasure-dazed thoughts. Feeling the press of his mouth against hers, she hungrily ate from his lips, she sighed into his mouth as the sensations increased her need. When his lips disentangled from hers, her lips formed a pout. Her mouth hungered for him.


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