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Page 3

by Robin Nadler

“So it’s just you?”

  She shook her head. “Just forget it. I don’t want to have this conversation with you.”

  “You brought it up. Besides, you were at my office to discuss this, I assume, so you have my undivided attention. Let’s talk,” he said and smiled. He was amazed by her. She was so smart and strong, yet she had such an obviously low opinion of herself.

  She was about to say something when the traffic began to move. “Thank God,” she mumbled as he drove down the road.

  He was a little bummed about her silence and he knew she wasn’t going to say anything else.

  “So can I ask why you chose Urology?” he asked.

  “I was always interested in helping to create families for couples who were struggling. There is such a stigma when it comes to men and fertility issues, and I wanted to help. Since my diagnosis, I decided to focus on research and not be as hands on, but I like to give people options. I don’t want men to be embarrassed to seek treatment for sexual dysfunction or fertility issues.”

  He was surprised at how similar their reasons for pursuing medicine were. “Do you mind if I ask when you were diagnosed?”

  She looked at her hands. “Eight years ago.”

  “It was easier to turn to research, then to deal with the issues I began to have. My fingers weren’t as precise and I have some motor skill problems. I know it doesn’t seem like it, given how much I’ve just told you, but I am a very private person, and I didn’t want to have to explain to everyone what was going on. I was able to continue to make a difference and do a lot of consulting; I just don’t treat many patients.

  He didn’t know what to say. He had never met anyone like her and he found himself wanting to know everything. Instead, they drove in silence and when they reached the hospital, he turned to her. “Where is your car?”

  She was a bit dismayed by his lack of response to her story. “I’m going to go inside and check on my patient, so you can just drop me off by the door on your way.”

  “I need to go back inside and work on some charts, so I’ll walk in with you. I left in a hurry and need to tie up some loose ends because I’m off for a couple days.”

  “Okay,” she said and he parked. She got out and stretched her body, tired from sitting. “Thanks again for the ride. Goodbye Dr. Bryant.” She held her hand out to shake his.

  He walked to face her and smiled. “Dr. Bryant? David is fine.” He reached his hand and shook hers. They both felt the charge and Lila looked up into his eyes. “Thank you for confiding in me. It means everything to me.”

  “I need to go,” she said and pulled her hand away. She turned and walked away quickly.


  David sat in his office and finished some paperwork before answering his messages and locking his desk. He stood up and his phone rang. He felt a sense of excitement for a quick second when he thought it might be Lila, but he realized she didn’t have his number, and more importantly, she didn’t seem to want to spend a minute more with him.

  Who could blame her? He smiled to himself as he realized what a mess this day had been. He also knew that for some reason, he couldn’t get her face out of his mind. She wasn’t like anyone he had ever met before and he didn’t like to admit it, but he wanted to see her again.

  “Hello? Hey Brian. Yes, I’m finally back in my office. I’m fine. Sure, I’ll meet you there,” he hung up and decided going to have a drink with some colleagues might be exactly what he needed to erase the image of Lila Frankel.


  Lila sat in her office and put her head in her hands. She couldn’t believe the events of the day and it was just more confirmation for her that this wasn’t meant to be. His face kept flashing in her mind. He truly didn’t seem bothered by her MS or her quest to have a child. What he said made sense, and no one knew the facts better than she did, but it didn’t change her guilt and fear.

  She put her charts in the holder to be filed and was glad she had the next couple of days off. She needed to get away from all of this and clear her head of all things David Bryant. Her cell phone rang and she felt her heart race and then rolled her eyes. Get a grip, she told herself. He doesn’t even have your number.

  “Hello? Hey Carrie. Yes, I’m finally back and finishing up with a patient who was having some issues on my treatment.” She laughed at Carrie’s next sentence. “Contrary to what you think my job entails, it isn’t quite so hands on, if you know what I mean.” She listened. “I know you don’t get it, but there is a lot of good I can do to help men who have fertility and sexual dysfunctions. I like being able to make a difference.”

  “No, he left. I won’t be seeing him again. No, I don’t want to see him again. No, I’m going home and relaxing for the next few days. I don’t think I should. I know it’s just drinks, but Carrie, with you, it is never so simple.” Lila laughed. “Okay, okay, I’ll meet you there.” She hung up and realized this might be the perfect opportunity to erase the image of David Bryant from her mind.

  Chapter Six:

  David and Brian were enjoying some beers at a bar near the hospital and Brian was ribbing him about the events of the day.

  “I’ve heard of Dr. Frankel and her breakthrough research with male infertility. She probably has some interesting stories,” Brian grinned at him.

  “Nice. She was nice and I felt badly for what happened, but I don’t plan on seeing her again, in any capacity.”

  Brian nodded. “You’re probably right. She isn’t your type.”

  A look of anger crossed David’s face. “What’s that supposed to mean? What is my type?”

  Brian chuckled. “Relax, I just meant that you don’t tend to date doctors. You don’t like anyone who might challenge your intellect.”

  David went to protest and then shrugged. “What can I say?”

  The server put down another beer in front of Brian and looked at David who shook his head. “I’m all set, thanks.”

  “See the trouble with you, is that you are looking for a woman who is as pretty as you are and can put up with your arrogance,” Brian said as he ate a pretzel.

  “How about we look at your love life for a minute,” David sat back.

  “Brian? Is that you?” a female voice screamed and ran to hug Brian from behind. The girl’s arms hit Brian’s beer and the entire glass dumped across the table into David’s lap.

  “Shit,” he sprang up and Brian and the obnoxious girl laughed.

  “Dude, this is not cool,” David said. The girl grabbed a napkin and reached to dry David’s crotch.

  “I’m good, thanks,” he rolled his eyes and looked at Brian. “I’m going home. Thanks for the beer.”

  Brian grinned. “Sorry man. I’ll talk to you later.”

  David laughed and walked to the door.


  “You have got to be kidding me. You hit him in the crotch and knocked him out and went to jail?” Carrie squealed as she and Lila sat at the bar.

  “Maybe you could talk louder because I’m not sure the people in the next city heard you,” Lila hissed.

  “Oh Lila, this is too good not to make fun of.”

  “I didn’t go to jail, just the police station and he hit me in the chest, so we’re kind of even,” she said.

  “He hit you in the chest? What do you mean he hit you?” Carrie grilled her.

  “I dropped something and he went to pick it up when I did and his nose hit my chest,” she still couldn’t believe the ridiculousness of the whole day.

  “So when are you going to see him again?” Carrie’s eyes twinkled.

  “The twelfth of never,” Lila smiled at her cousin.

  “Why? Please don’t tell me it’s because you have MS. Sweetie he’s a doctor and he must know the facts,” Carrie hated that Lila always took herself off the market out of fear.

  “He knows, and he was surprisingly nonchStevet about it,” Lila smiled.

  “So what’s the problem?”

  She stood up and sighed. “He�
��s just not my type. I’m going to head home. It’s been a really long day. Are you coming?”

  “No, Jenna is meeting me here and we’re going to the movies. You don’t want to come?”

  “No thanks. I’m taking my old butt home to bed,” Lila smiled and walked to the door.

  Lila walked to the door and was surprised to see the crowd that had filled the small area. She tried to push her way through the crowd when she felt her arm being grabbed.

  ”Excuse me,” she said and pulled away from the large man who had man handled her.

  “How about a dance?” the obviously drunk man slurred.

  “No thank you,” Lila said and walked away.

  “I like hard to get,” he said and went after her.

  Lila slipped through the crowd and away from the man until she made it outside. She took a deep breath and made her way to her car when she saw a sight that stopped her heart. It couldn’t be. There was a man bent over rubbing his pants. She had to find a classier bar. She had to walk by him to get to her car and as she got closer, she stopped.

  “David?” she asked.

  He looked up and was grateful it was dark out, so she couldn’t see how red he was. “Lila?” He saw her staring at him and realized what it must look like. “I was trying to dry my pants before I got in the car.

  She tried to hide her smile. “I can see that. I’ll just let you get back to your pants. You’re standing in front of my car door.”

  “Some woman spilled beer all over me. It’s beer,” he stated.

  “I don’t care what it is. I just need to get in my car,” she said and grinned.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” he smiled.

  “Maybe just a little.”

  “Hey, you don’t want me but you’re going with him?” the large drunk guy stumbled towards her.

  “Seriously? I said I wasn’t interested. Leave me alone,” Lila turned back to face David when the guy grabbed her arm and yanked her to him.

  David jumped to them and looked at the guy. “Get your hands off of her.”

  “Aww, is your daddy here?” the guy sneered.

  David rolled his eyes. “What are you, a Neanderthal?”

  The guy let go of Lila who moved behind David and she rubbed her arm.

  “What did you call me?” The guy asked David.

  “So you’re obviously well educated, too.”

  The guy went to hit David but he moved out of the way and instead the guy made contact with Lila’s chin, knocking her to the ground.

  “Oh, shit,” both men said and David knelt down to her.

  “Hey, look at me, are you okay?” he cupped her face in his hands.

  She nodded. “I’m fine.”

  David helped her up and she rubbed her chin. “I think he left,” she said.

  “I don’t care about him. My concern is you. Will you let me take you home?” he asked, concern all over his face.

  “My car is right here. I’m fine, so thanks anyway,” she said and went to walk past him when she wobbled a bit. He caught her and held her for a minute.

  “Can you let me go? I’m fine.” She said, not liking how he made her feel, or perhaps she liked it too much.

  “Sorry. I just want you to be okay.”

  “I’m fine,” she said. “Thank you.”

  He watched as she got into her car and drove off. He stood there for a minute before he left, hating the fact that he longed to see her again.

  Chapter Seven:

  He felt like a stalker. Here he was, following her car from a few lengths behind. It was creepy and he knew it would be hard to explain, but he was worried about her. That asshole punched her pretty hard and he still felt like a moron for letting it happen. He should have taken the punch. He exhaled as he stayed behind her.


  What was wrong with her? Lila berated herself as she drove and wished she had taken the ride he offered. She didn’t feel well, and it wasn’t just the punch she just took. She hadn’t eaten much all day and the stress along with her medication schedule being off just made her feel like garbage. She was dizzy and nauseas and it occurred to her she needed to call a cab. She pulled into a convenience store and turned her car off. She would call a cab, but she just wanted to close her eyes for a minute.


  He watched her pull into the store and he waited for her to get out, but she didn’t. He saw her sitting there and she didn’t move. He pulled up next to her and it looked like she was passed out.

  “Shit,” he said and jumped out of his car and walked to her door. He pulled the door open and she screamed in terror, grabbing her pepper spray and spraying his face.

  “Oh God, ow,” he held his head and fell to the floor.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” Lila said when she realized who it was.

  “Who opens the door like that? I thought you were going to kill me,” she yelled.

  “I need something for my eyes. Water or something, now,” he yelled.

  “No, we need milk. Water will hurt you.”

  “I don’t have any freaking milk. I need something now,” he yelled.

  “Don’t move.” she ran into the convenience store and bought some milk and ran back to him, kneeling on the ground in front of him.

  “Look at me and let me pour it over your eyes,” she said.

  “Look at you? I can’t look at you. Just fix it,” he pulled his shirt off and rubbed at his eyes.

  “Stop it, you’re going to make it worse,” she said and held his chin with her hand and poured the milk over his eyes. He blinked and looked at her.

  “More, please,” he said.

  She poured more milk over his face and he finally felt some relief. He sat up against her car and she sat next to him, willing her stomach to settle down.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you were going to hurt me, she said sincerely.

  “I thought you were unconscious and I was afraid you had a concussion,” he said as he held his shirt to his eyes, the milk helping.

  “You followed me?”

  He sighed. “You shouldn’t have been driving and I didn’t want anything to happen to you.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  He moved his shirt and focused on her. “You’re welcome.”

  “Do you want to go to the ER?” She looked at him and moved to touch his cheeks, looking into his eyes.

  Her touch was intoxicating to him and even though his eyes were still burning, he couldn’t take them off of her. “I think I’ll be okay. I just need to take a shower.”

  She shook her head. “No, water is the worst. You need something like dish soap or baby shampoo and gently wipe your skin.”

  “I don’t have any dish soap or baby shampoo.”

  “You don’t do dishes?” Lila eyed him.

  “I live in a hotel.”

  She raised her eyes at him and shook her head. “Whatever, come on, I’ll take you to my house and help you.”

  He stood up and she tried not to stare at his naked torso. “I don’t want to leave my car here. Do you mind driving my car?”

  She rolled her eyes but decided not to argue with him. “Okay, come on,” she took his keys and helped him into the passenger seat before she locked up her own car and got into the driver seat of the Cadillac and pulled the seat way up.

  “Do you know what you’re doing?” he squinted at her.

  “It’s a car, David, I can drive.” She said.

  He sighed. “Just be careful.”

  She exhaled as she drove to her house, watching him out of the corner of her eye. She concentrated on not getting sick and just making it home. She pulled into her driveway and parked, grabbing her purse and helping him out of the car. She walked him to the door and led him to the kitchen table. “Sit here while I grab some things.”

  He didn’t move and waited for her.

  Lila grabbed a basin and some washcloths before coming back into the kitchen and grabbing some dish soap. She poured th
e soap on the cloth and added a little water before walking to him and standing between his legs as he sat. She tilted his face up to hers and gently blotted the skin around his eyes. He was able to focus more and his face was level with her chest. He tried to clear his mind and concentrate on his eyes.

  “You should sit for about 15 more minutes and then you can take a shower if you want to wash the milk and soap off,” she said. “I might have some clothes you can wear.”

  He smiled. “I don’t think we’re the same size, besides, I have a change of clothes in the gym bag in my trunk.”


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