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Comic Book Romance

Page 5

by Charles Payseur

  “Yeah,” Maxim said. “Pretty much definitely saved the day.”

  “That earns me more than a peck on the cheek, right?”

  Maxim half coughed, half laughed. He had to admit, the man was persistent. And smart. And hot as hell. And wasn’t running away screaming.

  “You’re awfully casual about this,” Maxim said.

  Liang shrugged. “You know, this isn’t all that unusual for me. The supervillains, the things almost going terribly wrong and then not at the last moment, the near pants-wetting fear—all pretty much reporting as usual. But I’ve never really met anyone else who could say the same.”

  “You’ve never thought about dating a superhero before?” Maxim asked.

  Liang raised his eyebrows. “I’ve never met one who was my type before.”

  And then Liang was in front of him and they were kissing again, Liang’s hands roving over his chest, along his side. Maxim let his own hands feel the delicate skin of Liang’s neck and shoulders.

  The alarms of the prison started going off, and Maxim felt the magical barrier trapping them all inside shiver. People were coming. People who wouldn’t know what to expect, but who would probably not be pleased to find Maxim and Liang making out in the middle of everything.

  “Don’t tell me that you have to go,” Liang said against his lips.

  Maxim pouted. “Wouldn’t be much of a Boy Scout if I started lying now.”

  “You owe me.”

  “I’m sure I can find a way to make it up to you.”

  They kissed again, and before he couldn’t bring himself to do it, Maxim sped away.

  CAL PUSHED his glasses back up his nose. He was waiting in the lobby. After everything, things really hadn’t gone too poorly. The prison authorities had roused a team of superheroes to enter the prison and deal with what was happening, but by the time they arrived, all they really needed to do was drag Luzo to the infirmary until she could be properly dealt with. Ragna went back to her cell willingly, and the warden had assured Maxim that she’d see to it that Gorillord and H.I.S.S. got some special privileges. There was just time to speed away, retrieve his briefcase, and change back into his suit and glasses before he was found by a search party. After that, it was just waiting for Liang to be escorted out as well.

  And then there he was, walking under the enormous magic warding stone, smiling despite the numerous ways that he had almost died. Not that Cal could help but smile as well, knowing that, for today at least, the day was saved and they were safe. And if he was a bit disappointed that he hadn’t been able to spend just another hour alone with Liang before the cavalry had arrived… well, Cal tried not to think about it too much.

  “You look no worse for the wear,” Liang said, slapping him on the shoulder, and Cal had to wince, pretend like it hurt.

  “Well, I don’t really see what all the fuss was about. I was trapped in a closet the entire time.”

  Liang laughed. “How you ever got a reputation as a great reporter, I’ll never know. There’s a superpowered fight happening right below you—about you, actually—and you spend the entire adventure locked away in a broom closet.”

  “Given what they say happened, it seems the most sensible thing to have done.”

  Liang shook his head. “Yeah, whatever, Cal,” he said, then walked toward the exit. “You coming?”

  Cal followed dutifully, keeping his distance, keeping his gaze lowered. There was a part of him that wanted nothing more than to grab Liang and spin him around, kiss him again, show him everything, but maybe it was for the best that they had been interrupted before. Liang was far too… tempting. It was strange that, much more than any supervillain Maxim had fought, it was a plain old reporter that threatened to undo him. Well, not old. And really not very plain either, as Cal couldn’t help but watch as Liang sauntered out of the prison and into the crisp air.

  “Mind if we detour on the way back to the office?” Liang asked as their cab pulled to the curb. “There’s something I need to take care of quick at home.”

  Cal shrugged. “Fine by me.”

  The ride through the streets was strangely quiet, and Cal tried to keep his attention out the window, staring up at the sky. After being in the Citiplex, he had an urge to fly again, to feel the boundless skies wrap around him in an embrace. He sighed. First they would need to check in, probably write something up. If they were fast enough, they could have something for the after-work feeds, and certainly they’d be expected to produce something longer for the morning print. Freedom would just have to wait.

  The cab stopped outside a tall apartment building, and Liang paid the cabby. “It’ll be easier just getting a new one, here,” he said, motioning toward the building. “Come on up. I’m sure after being trapped in a closet for a while, you could use some freshening up. And maybe a drink.”

  Cal couldn’t help but smile, though he quickly tried to stifle it. What he should do was take the cab direct to the office and let Liang catch up, but the prospect of facing Peri on his first day on the job after what had just happened wasn’t pleasant. He nodded, and together they made their way into the building.

  “Elevator’s broken,” Liang said while rolling his eyes. “I live on the seventeenth floor. Think you can make it?”

  Cal frowned. That was perhaps knowledge that would have been helpful to know before he agreed to come in. But there was nothing for it. He nodded, and Liang led him to the stairway. At least he had seventeen floors of Liang walking up the stairs in front of him to look forward to. He made sure to pretend to be winded for most of the climb, breathing deeply but not accidentally blowing out all the windows in the stairwell. Eventually they reached the right floor and Liang’s door. As Liang struggled to get his keys out of his pocket and Cal pretended to catch his breath, there was a chime from down the hall, distinct and unmistakable. Cal leaned so he had a better view, and sure enough, he saw an elevator door slide open.

  “It doesn’t look very broken to m—” He didn’t get a chance to comment more before a hand grabbed the front waist of his pants and pulled him. Off-balance, he let himself be led forward. The door shut behind him as he entered Laing’s apartment, and he opened his mouth to protest the rough treatment, only to find Liang crashing against him, arms wrapped around his shoulders and lips pressed to his own.

  Cal’s eyes shot wide open. Had he missed something? What was g—

  He managed to unravel Liang’s arm from around his neck and break their kiss. “What are you doing?”

  Liang raised an eyebrow. “You’re kidding, right? First, you disappear the exact moment that Maxim shows up. Then, Maxim knew who I was and what I did despite never asking for my name. Plus you just so happen to have the same color skin, the same color eyes, and the same color hair as Maxim. Plus, you didn’t sweat the entire time we were climbing those stairs. Put on a show about breathing, yes, but no sweat. Oh right, and you taste exactly the same as Maxim. Face it, Max, the greatest actor you are not.”

  “It’s Maxim, not Max!” Cal said before he could stop himself, then promptly clapped his hands over his mouth. Fuck. He slumped. Well, so much for that secret identity. He could probably still find something to do in news. Maybe in Sun City or somewhere out west. Or Canada. Canada probably needed reporters, right? And superheroes?

  “I suppose you’re going to tell Peri,” Cal said, trying not to imagine the headlines. It was a sad thought that Luzo’s arrest would be pushed down the page for the reveal of the Shocking Truth Behind Maxim.

  “You kidding?” Liang said, stepping closer. There was a look in his eyes that had nothing to do with the news, and Cal backed up into the door, face hot, breath coming in short bursts. “I’ve got the scoop of the century. Maxim’s secret identity. And you know what I’m going to do with that?”

  Cal swallowed. He had fled Metro City to prevent just this from happening, and on his very first day at his new job…. And yet even as he felt a panic rise in him, he felt something else as well. Desire. He trie
d to push it down, but he couldn’t. Despite everything, if Liang wanted to expose him, Cal wouldn’t fight it.


  He was surprised by the force of Liang’s lips meeting his again, the soft heat that suddenly swept over him. He didn’t resist, found himself wrapping his arms around to Liang’s back, gripping Liang’s firm ass to pull them closer, to maintain this mad moment.

  When Liang pulled away, it was only far enough to breathe, so that when he spoke, his lips still brushed against Cal’s.

  “I’m going to sit on it,” Liang said, and Cal felt fingers tracing down his ribs, past his navel, until…. Cal gasped as Liang slid his hand into his pants and found him. “Sounds like someone’s on board.”

  The last of Cal’s resistance crumbled. He swept forward, hoisting Liang by the ass so his legs wrapped around Cal’s waist. “Bedroom,” he said, voice rougher than he intended. But it had been a long time. He knew that he should stop, that there was no going back from this, but he didn’t want to go back. He had left Metro City and his old life behind for a reason. He wanted something, and he’d found it here in this man who in a single day had discovered more about him than anyone had before.

  Liang laughed and pointed down a hallway. Cal wasted no time, used his Maxim-um speed, and in three seconds, they were both on Liang’s bed, most of Cal’s clothes already removed. But not Liang’s—Cal wanted to take his time there. They kissed, and Cal explored Liang’s body, slowly unbuttoned his shirt, and pulled it away. Then his shoes and pants. His undershirt and socks. With each layer Cal felt like he was pulling away something of himself. That the more naked Liang’s body became, the more naked Cal’s identity became. Maxim. Calvin Kant. Two people in the same body that always seemed to be opposite sides of the same coin. Separate but connected. But now, finally, he was feeling something else. Like with Liang he could be just one person, not wholly Calvin and not wholly Maxim, but the best parts of both.

  Finally Cal pulled off Liang’s boxers and his cock bounced free. “Can I…?” He’d had sex before, of course, but always only as Calvin. This seemed different somehow, and he found himself nervous. Scared.

  But Liang only grinned and arched his eyebrows. “You mean, I’m going to get a Maxim-um blowjob?”

  Cal groaned but still took Liang’s cock in his hand and lowered his mouth over it. It was warm and hard, and Cal allowed himself to use a bit of his powers, using a bit of Maxim-um breath to gently frost the sensitive skin. Liang gasped and swore. Cal stifled a laugh, then got back to work, using his tongue to wipe away the cold, using his hand and a touch of his speed to tease Liang closer and closer. Cal could hear every beat of Liang’s heart and knew what it would sound like when he was about to come. Liang moaned and whimpered as Cal kept him on the edge, speeding up only to fall away, taking him deep in his mouth and then holding him still and only licking the ridge around the head.

  “I thought you were a superhero,” Liang said, “not a villain who condoned torture.”

  Cal grinned, then closed his mouth around Liang’s head, tonguing his urethra as he pumped Liang’s shaft, listening to the rhythm of his heart beat into climax, not pulling away as Liang shot into his mouth. Cal was greedy. He wanted more, wanted to keep Liang feeling this way forever. But there was time, he realized. He was done running. Done living isolated and unable to talk about every aspect of himself. This was a new chapter for him, and he’d make sure it lasted.

  When Liang’s tremors calmed, Cal pulled away and swallowed, looking down at the bed where Liang was panting, body glistening with sweat. “Want to try something new?”

  Liang grinned.

  Luckily, Liang had a good supply of lube. A good sense of balance, too, and a pretty strong core.

  Cal floated. The bedroom had large windows and, floating there, it almost felt like he was over the city, a leaf on the wind. Except, of course, that Liang was straddling him, Cal’s cock pumping in and out of his ass with quick thrusts of his thighs while Liang braced his arms on Cal’s chest and let his feet dangle into open air.

  “You won’t drop me, right?” Liang asked.

  Cal laughed, holding on to Liang’s hips with both hands. “We’re three feet above your bed, not a mile up over the city.”

  “You want to do it over the city?” Liang asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

  “Might be something to work up to,” Cal said, thrusting faster, enjoying the way Liang’s body relaxed around him, the way Liang’s eyes rolled up as he bit his lip and let his hand wander down to his own cock, which was hard again.

  “You want to do it on the Statue of Liberty? Or Mount Everest? Or the moon? You can fly to the moon, right?”

  “I cannot fly to the moon,” Cal admitted. “And Mount Everest is too cold. The Statue of Liberty…. Well, if you’re an exhibitionist, maybe.”

  “Got to let everyone know I’m dating a superhero.”

  “We haven’t exactly been on a date.”

  “Of course we have. We stopped a nefarious supervillain plot. What could be more romantic?”

  “You’re weird.”

  “You’re the one fucking me.”

  “Speaking of….” Cal increased his pace again, actually bouncing Liang on his lap, their bodies colliding in wet slaps as Liang pumped himself, and they both cried out at the same time, Cal filling the condom and Liang spilling himself over Cal’s stomach, then slumping forward. Cal caught him, lowered him gently so that he was resting on Cal’s chest, Cal’s cock, sated, sliding from his ass.

  “If that was our first date,” Cal said, “what do you have planned for our second?”

  Liang gave a lazy, satisfied smile. “There’s a big event at the Capital City Art Museum on Friday. You want to go with me?”

  “Sounds romantic.”

  “They’re unveiling a lost Picasso, and I’m betting that Art Fiend or Dr. Devious or even the Abstract might try to steal it.”

  Cal turned his head and looked out over the city and the slowly setting sun, then back into Liang’s eyes. “Sounds perfect.”

  CHARLES PAYSEUR currently resides in the frozen reaches of Wisconsin, where his partner, a gaggle of pets, and more craft beer than is strictly healthy help him through the long winters. He works an incredibly boring day job so that his nights can be filled with spaceships, magic, and attractive men kissing (and maybe a bit more than kissing…). His work can also be found at Less Than Three Press, Lethe Press, Circlet Press, and in Lightspeed Magazine’s Queers Destroy Science Fiction!

  When not writing fiction and poetry, he contributes to a number of blogs and review sites, and runs a home for his thoughts on short speculative fiction at Quick Sip Reviews ( On Twitter as @ClowderofTwo, he annoys the internet with far too many cat pictures and cocktail recipes.

  He can also be reached at:



  Twitter: @ClowderofTwo

  By Charles Payseur

  Comic Book Romance

  Field Work

  How the Supervillain Stole Christmas

  Simmer (Dreamspinner Anthology)

  Starstruck (Dreamspinner Anthology)


  Published by


  5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886 USA

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of author imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Comic Book Romance

  © 2017 Charles Payseur.

  Cover Art

  © 2017 Tiferet Design.

  Cover content is fo
r illustrative purposes only and any person depicted on the cover is a model.

  All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press, 5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886, USA, or

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-63533-900-0

  Published November 2017

  v. 1.0

  Printed in the United States of America




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