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Hungry Cowboy

Page 72

by Charlize Starr

  "Do you know how worried I've been?" Found clenched her fists, careful not to stab herself with the needle. "I saw that thing attack you hours ago and you didn't even call me to tell me you were alive."

  "You were unconscious."

  "You didn't know that! You didn't call. You didn't even send a text to let me know you were okay. I thought that you could be dead, Alexandru. I thought that thing might kill you and now you're here without a scratch, not caring about how worried I have been!"

  "I healed. I did get pretty beat up, but—"

  Found felt the blood drain from her face. For a wild moment she wanted to hit him, to strike out so that he would know what he put her through. He seemed to recognize that he wasn't being reassuring and cut himself off.

  His jaw clenched and he let out an angry snort. "Here I was, half-crazy with worry for you—"

  "And I made Wava let you know I was okay." To her horror, Found's eyes began to flood with tears. This could not be happening. She was not an emotional waif who cried at every drop of the hat. It had to be the pregnancy hormones messing with her body. "Why didn't you phone me? I'm your wife!"

  "You are my wife and I was doing what I had to do to protect you. Do you understand that?" His hand closed around her wrist. "You don't understand the vampire ways, it hasn't been long enough, but if I am going to be Emperor, I have to expand my territory. I have to constantly show the others that I am strong, or they will take everything from me. That includes you."

  Found's heart fluttered, but she didn't want to give up her anger that easily, no matter how intense Alexandru's big eyes were, no matter the urgency in his voice.

  "If I had challenged the Shifters and then delayed meeting their returning challenge, any number of my brothers would have come after you. I was protecting you!"

  "Protecting me," she repeated, then laughed. "Protecting me? If you were protecting me you would have been here, like you should have been. If you had, then Vlad wouldn't have attacked me!"

  Alexandru's face paled. He reeled back as though she had slapped him. "Vlad attacked you?"

  She didn't answer, but that was answer enough.

  Fury trickled into her husband's face. His hands clenched the bedclothes, tearing through the fine fabric and with a jerk, he was on his feet. A rage-fueled roar echoed around the room and he charged away without another word.

  Oh, God! Found threw back the blankets and ran after him, her nightdress twisting around her knees. What have I unleashed?

  He was going after Vlad. Right here, in the Empress's palace. He'd kill his brother and the Empress would kill him for shedding blood in her own home. Found's heart jumped to her throat, getting in the way as she tried to shout after Alexandru. Her muscles and joints protested but she pushed herself faster.

  Wava was at the end of the corridor and her eyes widened as Alexandru brushed past her.

  "Sandru," she called.

  "He attacked Found!" Alexandru's shout echoed through the corridor.

  "Wait," Found cried. "Alexandru, don't!"

  He didn't turn, didn't even slow down. Wava hurried over to her, but Found pushed her sister-in-law away, desperate.

  "What happened?" Wava asked, running to keep up with Found.

  "I told him Vlad attacked me," she cried, tears pooling in her eyes. Alexandru was going to die and it was all her fault. She hadn't told anybody about Vlad's attack on her for precisely this reason! What had she been thinking?

  Wava cursed softly. "Hurry. If we can catch him before he finds Vlad, we might have a chance to stop him."

  Found didn't want to think what would happen if they were unsuccessful.

  Chapter Seven

  A growl rumbled in Alexandru's chest, his dark eyes blazing as he hunted his prey. Vlad would pay for harming Found. He would rip off his half-brother's head and everybody would know that they would pay dearly for touching her. The growl turned to a snarl as Vlad's scent grew stronger. He heard both Found and Wava following, calling after him, but his pulsing blood was too hot to ignore.

  He burst into his brother's chambers. Vlad sat in a chair, a book in his hands. He leaped to his feet as Alexandru snarled, advancing slowly. The taste of blood, both the Bear Matriarch's and the human blood he had drunk to heal himself, was still in his mouth.

  "Hello, Brother," Vlad greeted. "You stink of Bear."

  Alexandru charged, roaring. Vlad sprang lightly out of the way, striking Alexandru's wrist with the heel of his hand. It pushed him off balance, but he regained himself quickly. His ribs ached and a stitch in his side told him he wasn't fully healed from his fight with the Bear.

  Vlad's eyes glinted and a smile twisted his lips. Alexandru's muscles roped and he charged again, hands outstretched. His brother slipped from between his finger and a solid blow landed on his ribs. The freshly healed bones cracked under the impact. Alexandru stumbled back, gasping for breath while the scrawny vampire laughed, dancing around his brother.

  "Sandru, stop," Wava cried from the doorway. She and Found both stood there, eyes wide. Wava held onto Found tightly while the younger woman fought to get herself free.

  "He's not worth it," Found said. "Alexandru, please. If you kill him in the Empress's palace—"

  Vlad's laughter drowned her out. "Listen to her. She's so in love with you. Isn't it sweet?"

  Alexandru growled. His blood pulsed in his ears and he wanted to destroy Vlad more than anything–but where would that leave Found? Wava? His lands? His position?

  He gathered up all of the self-control that he possessed and turned his back on his half-brother, headed for the door.

  "You love her too, don't you?" Vlad shouted after him. "I did warn you about the dangers of falling in love… why I even heard that you didn't claim Shifter territory because you were so worried about her. Is this how you plan to defend her?"

  Alexandru froze.

  "If you protect your lands like you protect your wife, it's a wonder you have any. I could have drained her a hundred times over and you'd have never known who did it."

  Alexandru's blood surged. He lunged, his vision blurring in a field of red. Vlad's face was all he could see, Vlad's gasp of pain as his knuckles cracked into his chest was all he could hear. The younger vampire stumbled back, weakly fending off the blows. Alexandru seized him by the throat, sinking his fist into Vlad's stomach, pounding his chest.

  "You will never touch her again!" the Vampire General screamed, both his hands wrapping around Vlad's throat, choking him. "Never!"

  He heard a familiar voice behind him but ignored it, squeezing tighter. Vlad's face began turning blue and Alexandru hoisted him into the air, snarling.

  Hands grasped his shoulders, dragging him backward. Alexandru growled, shrugging them off. Fangs flashed in his peripheral and something pierced the back of his neck. He yowled, releasing Vlad to whirl on his attacker. Two vampires darted in, grabbing his arms and throwing him back against the wall.

  The Empress stood before him, her wide eyes narrowed in anger, a silver blade stained with blood in her hand. His blood.

  Alexandru went limp, allowing the two guards that held him to force him to his knees. The smell of his blood washed over him, clearing his mind. It trickled down his back, hot and potent.

  He wasn't sure how long the Empress let him bleed before she stepped forward and put a hand on his head. He stood, straightening his shoulders.

  The Empress gazed at him coldly. Her years of bearing vampire children and taking vampire blood had made her grow in stature and she was almost as tall as any of her sons now. Her skin was pale, white even. She was like a corpse walking. Her eyes were overly bright, her lips as red as blood. Her once-ebony hair was shot with gray and fine lines were appearing on her face, but she held herself with such pride and authority, Alexandru instantly felt like the child he was when he was first presented to her.

  "This behavior is appalling. Assault within my own palace walls? I have half a mind to ban both of you from ever owning land again
. And you, Alexandru. I expected more wisdom from you. Did you not notice the silver blade in your brother's hand?"

  Alexandru jerked. Vlad indeed had a silver knife clutched in his fingers. Blood pounded in his ears. If the Empress had not stopped them when she had, he would have a fatal wound by now. He swallowed hard. Vlad flashed his fangs in a grin.

  Found pushed past the two vampire guards, wrapping her arms around Alexandru. He put an arm around her waist and tried to give her a reassuring smile, but his face wouldn't work. His hot-headedness had nearly cost him his life and where would she be if that had happened? Vlad, as his conqueror, could claim her. The thought made his blood run cold.

  The Empress tossed her head and glared at the two vampires. "Speak your reasons for this uncouth behavior. The one in the wrong shall be lashed a hundred times, the other fifty."

  "He attacked me, My Lady," Vlad said. "I was here in my chambers reading and he came in with fists flying."

  Alexandru repressed a growl. Trust Vlad to manipulate the facts to make himself seem innocent.

  The Empress's eyes darkened as she turned to Alexandru. "What reason do you have for this?"

  "He attacked my wife," his hold on Found tightened. "You can see the bruises still on her body—"

  "Because you weren't here to protect her," Vlad interrupted. "Really, brother… you are going to blame me for your own inept protection?"

  Alexandru snarled. "She is mine!"

  "Both of you be quiet," the Empress gazed coolly at Found. "Come here, girl."

  Found stepped forward, though she didn't release Alexandru's hand. She shook, making Alexandru wince. He should have protected her. What was wrong with him? He knew he was smarter than this.

  "Vlad attacked me," Found said. "He made unwelcome advances and when I defended myself he threw me down a set of stairs."

  The Empress did not reply. She took Found's hand in her own, lifting the wrist to her nose. Her eyes fluttered shut as she inhaled deeply. "Curious. She carries your child, but does not carry your claim."

  Alexandru's heart stopped. "She is pregnant with my child, we are married—"

  "Human binding traditions mean nothing to vampires. She is not yours until you claim her and mark her with your scent by drinking her blood."

  Found gasped slightly and Alexandru pulled her back to his side. His muscles bunched as the urge to protect her flooded him, but how could he protect her from himself? He had never taken blood directly from the vein. If he took from her now… she was so tempting he may easily kill her.

  "I was waiting until after the child was born, to lessen the chances of an accident," Alexandru said desperately.

  Found squeezed his hand.

  "If you are so weak as to have an 'accident' while she is with child, then you do not deserve to claim the child after it is born. You have tonight to mark your female, else whichever of your brothers drinks from her first has claim to her and the child. My decision is made," the Empress added when Alexandru opened his mouth. "Now get you to the dungeons. You as well, Vlad. A hundred strikes each."

  "But—" Vlad started.

  "Two hundred for you, then, if you think you can question me." She narrowed her eyes at the younger vampire.

  Alexandru nodded. There was no point in delaying it. He quickly left the room, his arm still tight around Found. He wanted to reassure her that he would not harm her, but how could he lie?

  "It'll be fine," Found murmured, as though hearing his thoughts. "You're strong."

  The vampire general stopped and turned to his wife. She smiled at him, but he could still scent adrenaline in her. "Wava."

  His sister stepped up lightly beside him.

  "Please take Found back to our chambers."

  "I'm coming with you."

  "Please." Alexandru stroked her face. "I don't want you to see me lashed."

  Found sighed but nodded. "I'll be ready for you."

  She pressed herself onto her toes and kissed him. He kissed her back, fevered, desperate almost.

  He would be strong enough to stop once he started drinking her blood. He wouldn't hurt her. He couldn't hurt her.

  Life without her wasn't worth living.


  Found waited for her husband to return, dressed in a small, lacy dress. It wasn't exactly a negligee, but it was just fine for what she had in mind. She had sent Wava away, readying herself for Alexandru. She tried not to think of him in the dungeons, being whipped.

  He carried his shirt over his arm when he slipped into the room. Pale red lines crisscrossed his back and Found's stomach churned. Vampires healed quickly, but even these faded remnants of his ordeal left her hands trembling.

  "Are you okay?" she asked, hurrying to his side.

  Alexandru nodded. He looked tired, with dark circles under his eyes, but mustered up a smile for her. "Yes."

  Found smiled back, not knowing what to say.

  "I drank a quart before coming up," he continued. "I won't lose control. I'm strong enough to do this."

  He sounded like he was trying to convince himself. Found sighed. It seemed she trusted her husband more than he did. If he needed to drink from her to keep her safe, so be it. There was a risk, yes, but there was no doubt in her mind that he was strong enough.

  "You won't hurt me. I know you won't."

  Alexandru's fingers brushed her neck, and then cradled her belly. It had grown firmer over the past thirteen weeks since she conceived, rounding out a little more but not much.

  "I won't hurt either of you."

  "I know. Besides, even if you do, that's a kinder fate than being torn apart in a fight between your brothers."

  A flicker of surprise crossed Alexandru's face and he laughed. "You always astonish me, dear one. I think I'm more afraid than you are."

  "There is nothing to be afraid of. You’re stronger than your desires."

  He touched her cheek, then her lips. Her heart raced as Alexandru's eyes fell on her throat. He licked his lips, desire warring uncertainty in his eyes as his hand traced the curve of her belly.

  "Wait," she whispered, though he hadn't moved towards her. "Before you drink from me, I have a request…"

  His eyes returned to hers and he nodded.

  She stepped closer, bringing her body into full contact with hers. "I want you inside of me."

  "It's dangerous."

  "So is drinking my blood. But if you can do one, you can do the other, can't you?" She raised a brow, challenging him. "Besides, it could help you get used to my taste and being close to me before you drink."

  Alexandru growled, but the grin that crossed his face told Found she had convinced him. He effortlessly lifted her and took her back to the bed, pressing a long kiss to her mouth. Found moaned as he nibbled on her bottom lip, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  He draped himself over her, his hands roaming her body. Found wrapped her legs around his hard hips, smiling. Her heart beat faster and she knew she should be afraid that Alexandru would not be able to control himself, but she wasn't.

  "I trust you," she whispered, needing him to know. "I know you're not going to hurt me."

  "You're covered in bruises," he whispered back. "Even if… how am I going to avoid hurting you?"

  His hand cupped her face and she leaned into his touch. "You won't hurt me."

  He gazed into her eyes. He must have seen something that gave him strength because he pulled her into his arms, holding her firmly but not tightly and pressed her mouth open. His tongue darted in, instantly finding all the right places to pool desire in her belly. His hands brushed her breasts. Found gasped. They were so much more sensitive than they had been just three months ago!

  His lips tickled along her neck and she moaned in delight as he began sucking gently. Something pulled inside of her and she palmed him through his pants. Every inch of her skin tingled and tightened, until she melted against him.

  He slowly removed his clothing and then hers, his mouth never leaving her body, her
hands exploring his. They stared into each other's arms as he entered her, moving gently and slowly–too slowly. It wasn't enough and she begged him to go faster. Panting, he gave into her request.

  He brought her to climax and Found snarled, digging her fingers onto his back. Her teeth clamped down on his neck, so hard that it broke skin. That finished him and they lay panting and writhing for several long minutes.

  Alexandru chuckled when he raised his head. "Amazing."

  Found nodded in agreement. "I told you that you wouldn't hurt me."

  "You did tell me. I thought it would be hard, to have your delicious scent so close to me. But it made it easier, somehow, to hold you in my arms… Found Burlap, I think you've cast a spell over me and made me love you."

  Found's heart nearly burst with happiness. "If I cast a spell on you, then you must have also cast a spell on me."

  He kissed her, and then gazed at her neck. "I need to…"

  "You won't hurt me." He still looked uncertain, so Found rose herself to his lips. "You won't hurt me. I trust you."

  She lay back down, tilting her head to give him better access. Alexandru's fingers trailed over her jugular and he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. Found gave him an encouraging smile and he bent over her. He kissed her neck first, making her moan.

  "I'm going to bite you now. Are you ready?"

  "Yes," Found breathed.

  Alexandru's sweet breath wafted against her skin. He kissed her, his lips making her shiver, then his teeth pressed against her. A sharp pain made her cry out, but instantly her body was throbbing. Found arched to her husband, hips rocking, as intense pleasure flooded her body. A million galaxies were born in her brain.

  All too soon it was over. Found lay panting, her eyes closed with the aftershocks of bliss. Eventually she became aware of Alexandru stroking her hair, whispering something over and over. With effort she focused on his words.

  "I'm sorry."

  She shook her head, pressing his hands to her lips. "No. Don't be sorry."

  Alexandru's eyes were full of concern. "I hurt you."


  "You screamed."

  "I scream for other things too, remember." Found grinned, unable to stop herself. "It was amazing. Like… the feeling of you inside me. I felt so alive."


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