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Steamy (It's Getting Hot In Here Book 1)

Page 7

by L. Nicole

  “Give me those lips, baby,” I murmur, and then I kiss her, showing her without words just how much I love her.



  I shut the shower off, still smiling. I just can’t believe how my life has changed since moving to Wazega. I realize all of it centers around Gabe, and maybe that should make me nervous, but it doesn’t. I’m safe with him.

  He loves me.

  I sigh happily as I towel off and twist my hair up in in a towel, and then wrap one around my body, humming softly to myself. It’s quiet here without Gabe, but I’m going to read my book and fall asleep easily. I’ve spent most of the day rearranging the kitchen, so things were easier for me to find, not to mention made more sense. Gabe, for some reason, had his plates and things in cabinets across the room from the sink. I hate washing dishes, but that made it worse.

  So much worse.

  He told me to make myself at home here, to make it feel like it was my place too. I resisted, but what we’re building doesn’t feel temporary. So, tonight, I even went so far as to rearrange the bedroom. The way Gabe had it, the sun rose every morning and shined straight in on him, even the blinds didn’t block it all. That’s okay on a normal day, but with Gabe’s work schedule, he needs to be able to sleep late on his days off. I hope he likes it. It’s an easy fix if he doesn’t, however.

  I brush my teeth and go through my nightly routine. I forgot to grab Gabe’s shirt to sleep in, but I can change in the bedroom. I walk out, finding the remote on the nightstand and flicking the television on for noise. I walk over to the dresser to find a shirt and freeze when I catch the reflection in the mirror.

  “Jerry,” I gasp when I see him leaning against the doorframe and staring at me. Our eyes meet through the mirror and my stomach recoils. I look down at the dresser, looking for my phone that I laid there earlier…

  But it’s gone.

  “Looking for this, Riley?” Jerry sneers, holding it up with a look of victory on his face.

  I turn around slowly, staring at the man who has made my life hell.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Okay, I admit that’s a stupid question, but I need to keep him talking. I have to figure out what I’m going to do.

  “I came for you. It’s time you stop running away from me and face what is between us. I’m tired of you playing your games.”

  “What’s between us? I’ll tell you what’s between us, Jerry. A protection order—which you’re violating.”

  “You shouldn’t remind me of that. I’ve been pretty damn understanding of your little stunt, Riley, but I’ve had enough. It’s time you grow up and come back home and finish what we started.”

  Oh, God. I knew he was insane but seeing it this close, and hearing how delusional he is, makes my stomach churn. I need to get him out of this house. I need to do something quick too. I’ve been on the other side of too many of these calls.

  “You need to get the hell out of here, because I’m calling the cops.”

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Riley,” he says with a creepy-ass grin, holding up a large butcher knife from Gabe’s kitchen.




  “Lawson, you’re wanted on the phone,” Keith calls out across the kitchen and dining area of the station.

  I half-jog to the phone that’s mounted on the wall in the garage area. No one ever calls me here except Riley. My cell has shit signal in the garage, so she just calls the station’s general number.

  “Hey,” I answer, stopping short of adding her name or an endearment. This old phone doesn’t have caller ID, and it’s better to be safe rather than sorry.

  “Gabe,” Carter’s voice rumbles.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, my voice tight, my heartbeat increasing quickly.

  “Maybe nothing,” he hedges, but I cut him off.

  “You’re worried or you wouldn’t call me.”

  “The officer we had watching your house and Riley tonight didn’t check in at ten. He’s to check in every hour.”

  “Fuck,” I hiss, fear licking up my spine, my hand gripping the phone so tight that it’s a wonder it doesn’t crush beneath my hold.

  “Listen, there’s no answer on his radio or his cell. I’m headed out to the house now. I’m just giving you a heads up. It could be nothing. I’ll call you when I get out there.”

  “Fuck that. I’m leaving now. I’ll be there before you.”

  “Damn it, Gabe. Don’t do anything stupid. Let the law—”

  I hang up, not listening to what else he has to say. I run out of the garage to my truck.

  “Gabe! Where are you going?” I hear behind me, but I ignore it. I have to get to Riley. If anything happens to her, I don’t think I can survive. She’s my world. Damn it! I knew I shouldn’t have gone into work tonight…



  “Okay, Jerry, I’ll go with you.”

  “Of course you will. You knew I would come after you, didn’t you, Riley?”

  I bite back what I really want to say, knowing that will only make things worse.

  “I did,” I answer, my stomach churning.

  “It’s the game we play, but it’s time to stop the games, Riley. It’s time we’re finally together.”

  “You’re right. I was just scared,” I lie.

  “I’ll have to punish you. You can’t use other men to make me jealous, Riley. That’s not allowed. You belong to me.”

  I swallow down the bile that rises up at his words. He starts walking toward me and my panic threatens to drown me. I don’t want him near me.

  “I…I need to get dressed. We should leave, before anyone shows up here.”

  For a minute, I am afraid he’s going to argue. He seems to think it over and slowly begins to nod his head yes.

  “Hurry and change.”

  “Uh… You need to go out in the hall and let me—”

  “That’s not happening. You’ve been a bad girl, Riley. Your body belongs to me and you shared it with someone else. Now, it’s time to prove to me that you are going to change.”

  He starts advancing on me and I know that look on his face. It’s the same one he got when he hit me and tried to put me in his car. I desperately try to look for a weapon, while doing my best to keep my eye on Jerry. I start backing up toward the nightstand. If I survive this I’m going to keep a damn bat by the bedside. I had one in my old place. I think it’s in Gabe’s garage now. In hindsight, I should have put it by this bed—no matter how safe I felt in Gabe’s arms.

  I grab the lamp, yanking it from the wall, and inadvertently knocking things to the floor.

  “Don’t come near me, Jerry. If you do, I’ll use this,” I yell, pulling off the shade with a vicious yank. Jerry laughs, throwing his head back like what I just said is hilarious.

  “What’s a lamp going to do when I have this, Riley?” he mocks, and I have to admit he’s got a damn point.

  “Try coming at me and I’ll show you exactly what it will do, asshole,” I taunt, bravely—and probably very stupidly. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m trying to bluff. The lamp is heavy and metal, but he’s bigger than me and crazy, so he’s probably right.

  My words make him throw his head back and laugh again.

  “This is why I like you. I knew you wouldn’t make it easy for me,” he says, while still laughing.

  There’s a noise from the kitchen that I should probably be worried about, but honestly, I have bigger problems. I know if I wait for Jerry to attack me, then I’m in a defensive state. So, when he turns to look in the direction of the noise, I charge at him. I swing first at his head, wishing I could take the knife hand out first, but I wanted to try and knock him out while surprise was on my side. I hit him hard and he staggers back, shaking his head. I don’t give him time and immediately swing again. I think Babe Ruth would have been proud because his head slings to the side and there’s blood. I swing again, and again.

nbsp; I’m starting to panic because for some reason he’s not falling. But, with one swing, that I try to put all of my adrenaline behind, he sways and crashes down. He’s still not unconscious though, which is my goal. I go to swing again and scream when someone grabs me from behind pulling me away from Jerry.

  “It’s okay, Riley. I got you, sweetheart,” Gabe murmurs. “You’re okay now.”

  I watch as the cops subdue Jerry, my body goes lax against Gabe and I close my eyes in relief.



  One Week Later

  “So, it’s done? He’s going away?” I ask Gabe, hardly able to believe it.

  “It’s done, baby. With all of the warrants he has on him from assorted states, Jerry will be in prison for a long time.”

  “It couldn’t happen to a nicer person,” I mutter.

  “Even if he wasn’t going to jail, I’m sure he’d think twice before he tackles with Derek Jeter,” Gabe jokes.

  “I was thinking more like Mickey Mantle or Babe Ruth,” I respond, making Gabe laugh.

  “I love you baby,” he says taking me into his arms.

  “I love you too,” I murmur, holding him close, laying my head on Gabe’s chest. “I can’t believe this whole nightmare is finally over,” I breathe.

  “Believe it. From here on out, sweetheart, you’re going to taste nothing but the good in life.”

  “Is that a fact?” I laugh pulling back to look up at the man I love more than anything in the world.

  “Oh, yeah,” he murmurs, and then my breath catches in my chest when he steps back and then goes down on his knee in front of me.


  He reaches down in his pocket and pulls out a small jeweler’s box. My heart begins beating rapidly, slamming against my chest. He flips the top of the box open and holds it up to me.

  “Riley Thomas, will you marry me?” he asks.

  For a minute, I’m stunned. So many emotions are swirling inside of me that I can’t even name them all. Overall, however, is happiness.

  “Yes!” I practically scream, holding my hand out. Gabe slips the ring on my finger while I squeal with joy.

  I fall down into his arms and he kisses me, holding me close.

  Like he cherishes me.

  He does. I know he does, because I cherish him too.

  “I can’t wait to be your wife, Gabe,” I murmur.

  “Then, let’s do it today.”

  “Today? Is that even possible?”

  “We’ll fly to Vegas. I’m off for the next few days, I’ll call and tell them I won’t be back until next week. You still have a week left of leave that your job gave you because of this shit. Let’s fly to Vegas, get married and have a hot as fuck honeymoon.”

  “You’re serious!” I gasp.

  “I am. We don’t really have family to invite. It’s just us and honestly, it will be just the two of us from here out. Let’s go get married by Elvis,” he says with a grin.

  “Uh…it’s not going to be just the two of us from here out. I want kids Gabe Lawson—lots of kids.”

  “Define lots,” he says, but he says it still smiling.

  “Two. I want a boy and a girl.”

  “This is a four-bedroom house, Riley. I tell you what, make it three kids and you have a deal.”

  “Fine,” I huff, sounding like I’m not totally behind the idea. “Three kids.”

  “Good,” he laughs, and he stands up, while somehow holding me in his arms and cradling me against his chest. I’ve heard the term fireman’s hold my whole life, but it took meeting Gabe to truly appreciate it.

  “Hey! Where are you going? I need to pack for Vegas.”

  “That’s great, sweetheart, but three kids are a lot. I figure I need to get a head start on baby number one.”


  “Yeah baby, that’s it. Me and you, you on the bed and me behind you, fucking you hard.”

  “Is that normally how you get a woman pregnant?” I giggle.

  “We’ll try several positions to make sure it works. Now stop questioning me and start stripping,” he says, as we get to the bedroom.

  What else can a woman do when a smoking-hot fireman demands she gets undressed?

  I do as my man ordered. Which is fine, because I get my reward in the end…

  The End—Literally



  Six Years Later

  “So? What’s the verdict?” I ask Riley the minute I walk through the door. I’m still pissed she had to go to the doctor on her own. I had work though, and there was no way I could take this one off. I’ve just been offered an arson investigator position and that means busting my balls to prove I’m worthy. It’s a move I’ve been wanting to make for a while. Being a father to our unruly kids and the husband to the best woman God ever put on the face of the earth means I need a job that doesn’t require me to live away from every third day—and sometimes more. Riley needs to know I’m here for her. She’s worn out most evenings and I want to make sure I help her in any way I can.

  “You’re home early,” she says in surprise. She’s lying down on the sofa and strangely enough the house is quiet. Milo is curled against her. When he sees me he nudges me with his head. Once I scratch his head gently, he jumps off the couch—no doubt in search of food.

  “Where’s the kids?”

  “Carter’s wife picked them up and took them out for ice cream,” she says, slowly waking up.

  “That mean we’re alone?” I question, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice.

  “Woah, stop that thought right there.”

  “Fuck. Does that mean?”

  “I’m not pregnant, but dang it, Gabe this was a close call. I know we wanted a large family, but we have four kids. We just moved into a bigger house to make room for all of us, and we only have six bedrooms!”

  “What can I say, baby? My sperm loves your eggs as much as I love you.”

  She rolls her eyes at me and shakes her head.

  “And that’s exactly why you aren’t getting near me tonight,” she mumbles.

  “That’s not happening. We have the house alone for the first time in—hell, I can’t even remember when that has happened. I’m fucking you, Riley. That’s all there is to it. I’m fucking you here against the wall, in the bed from behind, and then in the shower you’re going to suck my cock dry.”

  “I’m glad you have it all planned out,” she mutters, but she’s not fooling me. I can see the fine blush over her features and the way her nipples are hardening under her t-shirt.

  “If you talk really nice to me, I’ll drop to my knees and eat your sweet little pussy as a reward baby.”

  “Uh… that’s so nice of you.”

  “I thought so,” I reply with a grin.

  “By talking nice to you, you mean dirty right?”

  “You know what I like, sweetheart,” I remind her, and she does. I love driving her to the point that her sweet little mouth begs me to fuck her hard.

  “I mean it, Gabe. I can’t handle any more kids. These four are slowly pulling me under. Thank God, Joey goes back to school next month and Caleb and Davis start preschool.”

  “You say that now, but the minute you drop your babies off in preschool…”

  “You’re right, but damn it, four boys are enough to overpower this mommy.”

  “I offered to get snipped and you could always have your tubes tied,” I remind her.

  “I know,” she replies with a sigh. “This is really all your fault.”

  “Mine?” I question, trying to hide my smile, because I know what’s coming.

  “If you had given me one girl—just one—I wouldn’t have kept trying.”

  “We could always try one last time,” I suggest.

  “Oh no, I’m not falling for that one. You’ll knock me up and another little Gabriel Lawson mini-me will pop out,” she mutters in disgust.

  “Well, I’ve been reading up on ways to m
ake sure the child you carry is a girl.”

  “Like that works,” she mocks, rolling her eyes.

  “Some doctors swear by it. It’s all in what the mother to be eats and the position she is in at the moment of fertilization.”

  “Ew, you make me sound like a damn test tube,” she complains, scrunching up her nose in that cute, adorable way that I love.

  “Definitely no,” I deny.

  “At least there’s that.”

  “But I’m not above a little tube-snake boogie,” I murmur.

  “Oh God, you did not just say that.”

  “Enough small talk, we’re wasting time. I need to fuck my woman.”

  “You’re so romantic Gabe.”

  “That’s why you married me.”

  “If I get pregnant, you better make sure it’s a girl,” she warns.

  “Scouts honor,” I agree, ripping my shirt over my head and kicking my shoes off.

  “Let me guess, you were never a scout,” she whines, but she does it while standing up and slipping her dress off.

  “Of course I was, and to prove it, I’ll give you a personal demonstration on how I won a merit badge for starting fires,” I croon right before I take her mouth in a kiss.

  “Shut up and get to work, Gabe,” she growls when we break apart, already undoing my pants.

  Fuck, I’m the luckiest man on the planet. I knew from the moment I first saw Riley that she was everything I’d ever wanted. With each day we spend together, she proves that over and over, and I’m going to bust my ass to do the same for her—including giving her a little girl.

  Seven months later, on Christmas day, Hannah Grace Lawson was born. She had her mother’s beautiful hair and her daddy’s mischievous smile. Even premature she was the picture of health. Her dad’s look of awe and love as he watched his little girl nurse, and the hoarse way he told his wife how much he loved her, had every nurse in the hospital swooning. Gabe Lawson didn’t notice. He had everything he wanted right in front of him.


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