The Bryson Blood Wars

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by Cynthia Blue

  The Bryson Blood Wars

  The Marshalls Spinoff


  Cynthia Blue & Nyeshia

  Copyright © 2016 by Cynthia Blue

  All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper or magazine.

  Published in the United States of America by

  Cynthia Blue Creations

  Albany, Georgia 31705

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Works from Cynthia Blue Creations

  Cynthia Blue

  Unrestricted Chains

  The Lesson

  The Marshalls: Loyalty Is Thicker Than Blood

  The Marshalls 2: Loyalty Is Thicker Than Blood

  Untold Secrets


  Is He Even Worth It?

  Is He Even Worth It? 2

  Could It Be True

  Could It Be True 2: Second Chance

  The Cunning Linguist

  30 Stories to Tell

  The Jersey Wars

  The Hands of Time

  Paradise Taylor

  Luscious Life

  Luscious Life 2: The Return of Kareem

  Brown Eyes


  Cynthia Blue

  First I like to thank God for helping me discover my talent in writing and guiding me through this difficult but rewarding journey. I like to thank my family for their never-ending love and support. I want to say hello to my fellow alumni of Dougherty High School of Albany, Georgia and Savannah State University of Savannah, Georgia. I also want to thank my readers and supporters for giving my books a chance, feedback no matter if it’s positive or negative and encouragement to keep pushing. Without you I wouldn’t be a part of this industry. Last but not least I want to thank my CBC family Nyeshia, The Cunning Linguist and Paradise Taylor for giving me a chance as your publisher. It means more to me than you’ll ever know. Double thanks to Nyeshia for collaborating with me on this project. You were a very big help in making this story come to life. Thank you so much! I know it was a struggle and I appreciate you for hanging in there. *hugs*


  I’m back again and this time I am collaborating with my publisher, Cynthia Blue. I never thought about collaborating with someone, matter of fact, I never thought of becoming an author but here I am, doing both. It wasn’t easy, because I am in school and also writing with another person because it is not just on your time, it is both of your times. It wasn’t easy, but if you want something in life, there will be challenges, ups and downs all throughout. If something was easily given to you, then it is not worth it in the end. I am learning slowly but surely, but will get better with time. I am grateful that I get to partake in this experience and looking forward to continue collaborating with my publisher/author and many authors when I get the chance. I am thankful that I have people who encourage me and who was and still is by my side to this day. I could never have done this without the faith of God and my family supporting me through it all. Without putting my faith into action, I wouldn’t even have made it this far in the writing industry and would always wonder what if. I took a step out on faith and made a part of my dream come true. This is just only the beginning for me; watch out world, you won’t regret it.

  Cynthia Blue’s Dedication

  As I was writing this book I started to reflect on how far I’ve come in this industry. I may not be where I want to be right now but I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve gained while traveling down this difficult but rewarding path in my life. For that I like to dedicate this project to the four people who has played a major role in my literary career. Without you guys’ mentorship, support and wisdom I don’t know where I’ll be right now.

  Quisha Dynae - Thanks for believing in me and giving me a chance in this industry by signing me to GPP. Your confidence in me and my pen means so much to me.

  Shmel Carter - Thanks for being a listening ear and helping me adjust to this industry. Whenever I felt like giving up or felt discouraged you were there to encourage me to keep going and do my best.

  Ca$h aka Big Sweetie Who Never Smiles - Thanks for inspiring me to become a hardworking and dedicated publisher. I’ve learned so much by watching you from your writing, your intelligence and giving your all to your authors. You’ve shown me what being a true publisher is all about and I really appreciate that.

  Coffee - Even though we’ve only known each other for a short period of time; you’ve taught me so much. You taught me how to always maintain professionalism and optimism in this industry. Your highly positive attitude has opened my eyes on so many levels.

  Thanks for everything you guys and I love you!! *hugs, kisses and smiles (that also means you Ca$h LOL!)*

  Previously from The Marshalls Part 2

  Chapter 32

  “This is a nice setup,” Mai said when everyone arrived at the park for Clover and Sharp’s anniversary party.

  “Yes it is,” Skyla agreed.

  “Where is the couple of the hour?” Moselle asked.

  “There they are,” Leo said as she pointed at Clover and Sharp’s location and saw them coming their way arm and arm. “Hello! Happy Ten Year Anniversary!” Skyla said.

  “Thank you guys so much for coming!” Clover said. “This is my wonderful husband, Sharpiro. Sharp for short.” She introduced him and gave Sharp a big kiss.

  “Our mother couldn’t be here but she made these red velvet cupcakes for the party. Trust me you’ll love them,” Moselle said as she gave them to Clover.

  “I’m sure we will,” Clover said. “Oh Moselle, Bray is already here. He’s been helping Calista and Colton setup. There they are.”

  “Hi mom!” Bray greeted with Calista on his arm.

  “Hi baby,” Moselle greeted and hugged Bray.

  “Alright this is the biggest moment so far,” Bray said before he made the official introduction. “Calista, this is my family.” He started introducing everyone one by one. “And finally, this is my mother, Moselle.”

  “It’s nice to meet y’all,” Calista said.

  “Nice to meet you too,” Skyla said.

  “So, you’re my son’s girlfriend, Calista,” Moselle said. That was everyone’s cue to spread out and let Moselle have a chat alone with her son’s new girlfriend. “Bray and Clover has told me so much about you. What made you decide to become a pediatrician?”

  Calista went on to answer as they found a bench to sit and talk. “I always wanted to be a doctor since I was a kid. Plus I love kids and I wanted to make a difference in a small way.”

  “That’s good.” Now the big question. “What do you see in my son?” Moselle asked.

  Calista smiled before giving her answer. “When we were in high school I was very shy, especially around Bray because I had a huge crush on him. I knew I wasn’t the type of girl he would go for in high school, but he was always nice and sweet to me whenever we crossed paths. One day we ran into each other, after all these years, and I decided to take a chance and speak to him. I never thought that we would ever be a couple. He’s a good man and I want to be the woman that he deserves.”

  “I know you will. You seem like a sweet girl,” Moselle said.

  “Thanks,” Calista said before her mood changed suddenly. “Uh oh.”

  “What’s the matter honey?” Moselle asked with concern.

  “I need to find Aunt Clover,” Calista said.

  “I’ll walk w
ith you,” Moselle offered and she followed Calista as she tried to locate Clover.

  Calista found Clover and greeted her, “Hi Aunt Clover.”

  “Hi sweetie,” Clover greeted her niece back with a hug. “What’s up?”

  “Opal just arrived,” Calista informed.

  “That’s great,” Clover noticed Calista’s not so cheery demeanor. “Wait a minute. She didn’t bring….” Calista nodded her head. “Oh hell no!”

  “Who y’all talking about?” Moselle asked.

  “Opal’s new boyfriend, Wallace,” Clover said with an eye roll and pointed at their direction with her head.

  The ladies turned their heads at the direction Clover was pointing and saw a plus-sized woman walking with a tall, handsome milk chocolate muscular man with a nice smile. “He looks fine and charming,” Mai said. “What’s your beef with him?”

  “You’ll find out,” Clover said and Calista nodded in agreement.

  “Hi Clover,” Opal greeted.

  “Opal, girl, I’m so glad you could make it!” Clover greeted back and the sisters embraced. “Hi Wallace,” Clover agreed to be polite.

  “Clover, it’s great to see you!” Wallace greeted with a charming seductive smile. “You’re looking lovelier than ever. Who are your friends?”

  “This is Moselle, Skyla, Leo and Mai and you already know Calista.” Clover introduced the ladies and they smiled and waved.

  “It feels so good to be around a group of beautiful fine ass ladies….and Opal,” Wallace said with complete disgust. The ladies looked at each other like ‘what the hell’ before he turned to Opal and added. “Opal, get me something to drink and try not to scare the kids with your stomping, if you can help it.”

  Opal took her leave with her head down in shame to the refreshment table and the ladies got away from Wallace as fast as they could. “You see what I mean,” Clover said to the ladies.

  “What an ass,” Mai said, “It boggles the mind. He’s so handsome and charming, but then again so was Levt.” Mai knew first-hand how looks and charm can be used to disguise a man’s true colors.

  “It took all I had inside of me not to go upside his fucking head,” Moselle added.

  “I know right,” Leo said, “It sucks ass, I know. I was around Opal’s size and married to a man kind of like Wallace.”

  “How did you deal with it?” Clover asked.

  Leo sighed before giving her answer, “Till this day I don’t even know. Only difference is that he knew better than to say some shit like that to my face. He didn’t want his ass kicked.”

  The ladies laughed. “You go Leo!” Calista cheered and gave her a high five. Her laughter stopped when she saw something she didn’t like. “I’ll be right back. There’s something I need to handle quickly.” She said before taking her leave.


  Bray was throwing something in the trash when he heard a female voice call out. “Hi Bray!”

  Bray turned around to see who it was and it was an attractive young woman who was dressed a little too provocatively, and that was putting it nicely. “Hello!” Bray greeted to be polite, “have we met?”

  “No, but let me introduce myself. My name is Xizzy.”

  “Nice to meet you. Goodbye.”

  Bray was about to head back to the party but Xizzy stopped him. “Wait! Don’t you want my phone number so we can hookup sometime and maybe do other things.”

  I see what she’s all about. Bray thought. “No thanks. I already have a woman,” He said trying to be a gentleman to an obvious hoodrat; which is not an easy thing to accomplish.

  Xizzy decided to go for the kill. She got close enough to Bray to the point that her breasts were touching his chest. “I bet she can’t make your dick stand up like I can.”

  “What the fuck did you just say to my man bitch!” Calista yelled out in anger. She just came out of nowhere. “Go ahead! Say that shit again! I dare you!”

  Xizzy looked at Calista up and down and got in her face, “I was telling Bray that he needs a real woman that can do anything and everything he wants in bed.”

  “He already has that. Not that it’s any of your motherfucking business,” Calista said. “Now this is your only warning. Your trick ass better stay the fuck away from my man or…” Xizzy almost slapped Calista but she managed to block it and punched Xizzy dead in her nose so hard that she fell to the ground.

  “Doc, are you okay?” Bray asked.

  Calista couldn’t respond because Xizzy grabbed the back of her hair and started pulling it. “Bitch! Let it go!” Calista yelled and punched. Bray managed to pull them apart.

  “Doc, baby, calm down!” Bray pleaded.

  “Okay! Okay!” Calista said while trying to catch her breath. She took the quick opportunity to pull a handful of tracks out of Xizzy’s head and threw it at her, “Fix that weave hoe!”

  Xizzy charged for Calista. “Bitch!” She screamed and they ended up wrestling on the ground. It wasn’t easy pulling Calista off Xizzy, but Bray and Sharp managed to do it. Calista was about to go after Xizzy again but Bray had to literally carry her away from the scene because he knew that Calista would’ve killed that girl.

  Oh yeah she can still fight! Bray thought. “Doc, I’m sorry….”

  Calista cut him off. “Bray, I’m going to say this shit once! You better keep these nasty ass hoes in line and out of my motherfucking face and if I detect any foul shit from you, we’re done!” Calista then stormed off to sit on a bench so she could cool off.


  “Colton, calm down. Let her have her space,” Sharp was trying to calm his big brother down. Colton was beyond pissed. This was exactly what Colton was afraid of. The risk of his little girl getting hurt again.

  “I knew some shit like this would happen!” Colton hissed.

  “Calm down. Everything is cool now,” Sharp tried to convince Colton.

  “This is exactly why I didn’t want Calista involved with his kind!” Colton continued to lash out.

  That comment caught Moselle’s attention as she was walking by. She didn’t like it at all. She had to intervene. Colton had every right to be pissed but no one talks about her baby like that. She marched over to Sharp and Colton and let her presence be known. “Excuse me Sharp, but may I speak with Colton alone?”

  “Sure,” Sharp said before he left.

  When Sharp was out of sight Moselle began to speak, “We haven’t been formally introduced. “I’m Bray’s mother, Moselle.”

  “I already knew that and I know that you’re aware that I’m Calista’s father,” Colton said and Moselle nodded her head yes. He also guessed that Moselle overheard his comment and wanted to defend Bray. Colton didn’t have anything against Bray personally, but he knows that men of his status will get put in these types of situations. Yes, he turned Xizzy down but this won’t be the last time temptation will be thrown his way. “About what I said, I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “I know,” Moselle said, “But still, can we talk single parent to single parent?” Colton nodded and offered Moselle a seat right beside him. “I know you love Calista, she means the world to you and you want to protect her. I feel the same way about Bray. Sometime when we raise our babies all by ourselves we get a little to overprotective. Yes, you were way out of line with your comment but I completely understand your reasons behind it. You don’t want Calista to get hurt. I don’t want Bray to get hurt. Let me ask you this, do you think I want some nasty stank ass hoe anywhere near my baby so she can trap him and ruin his life?”

  “No,” Colton answered. He’ll admit that Moselle did make a good point.

  “Exactly. That’s my biggest worry about Bray going pro. Those whores chasing after him and taking advantage of my baby. They don’t see my baby’s character. They only see a gold mine.”

  “My daughter is not like that. She always tries to see good in everyone,” Colton said in admiration and Moselle silently agreed. That girl officially won Moselle over when she tore that scand
alous little bitch up and put her foot down. She’s a sweet girl but not a bullshitter. Moselle admired that. She also definitely knows that with Calista around those little sluts won’t stand a chance.

  “My son is like that too, but believe me Colton, he’s not going to do anything to hurt Calista. I raised him better than that. Yes, we want to shield our babies from pain no matter how old they get, but at the end of the day we have to let them fall on their own so they can pick themselves up on their own. Does that make sense?” Moselle asked.

  “I feel what you’re saying,” Colton said. “To our great kids.” Colton extended his hand out to Moselle out of respect and offering his friendship.

  Moselle shook Colton’s hand and repeated in agreement. “To our great kids.” Moselle hugged Colton, kissed him on the cheek and left.

  If Colton didn’t know it before, he knew it now that Calista is in great hands. His conversation with Moselle really opened his eyes. He was amazed by that woman’s strength, intelligence and compassion. Only one thing wrong with her: she’s taken.

  Colton hid his inner green eyed monster very well as he watched Lynn kissing the beautiful sexy Moselle and grabbing on that thick juicy ass of hers. He heard that women go crazy over Caribbean dick. Damn! Colton thought. All of these fine sexy ass women in the Marshall family and none of them are available. His luck with women hasn’t been great. Lynn is one lucky man, but if he fucks up Colton will be sure to be the first in line to audition for his spot.


  “She is still over there,” Skyla said as she and the rest of the ladies glanced at Calista sitting on the bench by herself in deep thought.


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