The Bryson Blood Wars

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The Bryson Blood Wars Page 2

by Cynthia Blue

  “Yes she is,” Clover said, “I’ll go over there and talk to her.”

  Skyla stopped Clover and said, “Clover, I don’t mean to overstep my boundaries, but may I be the one to talk to Calista?”

  “Sure knock yourself out.”

  “Thanks,” Skyla said and walked over to Calista. “Calista.”

  “I want to be alone,” Calista said not trying to be rude.

  “Can we talk? Not as your boyfriend’s aunt but as a woman. Not just any woman. A woman who loves a popular athlete,” Calista motioned for Skyla to sit down next to her on the bench. “I know you’re pissed and have every right to be. I know you’re not pissed at Bugs but at the situation. Take it from someone who knows. This is just the tip of the iceberg.”

  “What do you mean?” Calista asked.

  “When Bugs goes pro the scandalous bitches are going to be in full force, especially when he’s on the road. The nasty sluts will be there, but not you. There’s no shame in what you did. Shit, I had to put a couple of bitches down myself,” Skyla admitted.

  “You and Max have problems?” Calista asked. She always thought they were happy.

  “Yes, even when they retire you’ll still have nasty hoe problems.”

  “How do you handle it?”

  “Besides busting their heads open?” Skyla’s rhetorical question made Calista laugh which was a good sign. “I let my presence and position be known and let these bitches know that I’m quick to put them in check. As far as Bugs goes, he did tell her about you and tried to diffuse the situation, right?”

  “Right,” Calista agreed.

  “If he hadn’t, then you would have needed to deal with him. Bugs is a good guy. Y’all be alright. If you still have doubts, always remember that a man’s biggest fear is a scorned woman without a pre-nup.”

  “Thanks Sky,” Calista said with a smile.

  “No problem,” Skyla said and hugged Calista. “I think there’s someone who wants to say something.” She motioned at Bray who was standing behind them.

  Bray walked over to Calista and said, “Doc, baby I love you. I would never hurt you.”

  “I know. I love you too,” Calista said and they shared a kiss.

  Skyla giggled at Calista’s pet name. Bray and Calista looked at each other and joined in on the laughter and they said, “She gets it.”

  Bray and Calista were heading to the refreshment table and they walked past Moselle and Lynn making out like horny teenagers. “Eww get a room!” Bray yelled out in disgust.

  “Oh boy hush!” Moselle yelled back and continued kissing her man.

  “Excuse me,” Opal said as she approached Moselle and Lynn.

  “Hi Opal,” Moselle said.

  “Have either of you seen my boyfriend, Wallace?” Opal asked.

  “No I haven’t,” Moselle answered while on the inside wondering why Opal would waste her time.

  “Was he wearing a gray shirt?” Lynn asked.

  “Yes he was,” Opal answered. “You’ve seen him?”

  Lynn felt uncomfortable answering the question, but he didn’t have a choice. “Uh.....I saw him volunteer to take that girl Calista had the altercation with home.” All three of them knew Wallace’s intentions with Xizzy.

  “Thanks,” Opal said before walking off in humiliating shame. She was hurt but not surprised.

  “Why does she put up with that?” Moselle asked.

  “Zero self-worth,” Lynn answered and shook his head in pity.



  “Alright ladies, Break time!” Coach Towns of the high school cheerleading squad announced as the ladies scattered away to get water, talk, rest and etc.

  Clover and her best friend, Laliyka were sitting in the bleachers resting while drinking out of their water bottles and passing the time with conversation. They were beautiful sixteen-year old juniors with semi-slender frames and brown skin, except Laliyka, who was about two shades lighter. They were well liked around school. Even if you didn’t know them personally you knew about their close friendship and that out of the whole cheerleading squad Clover and Laliyka stood out. Mainly because Clover had the biggest ass on the squad and Laliyka had the biggest titties on the squad, which is the main reason why they were so well known.

  “I can’t wait for the competition next month,” Clover said.

  “Girl, who you telling,” Lalyika said. “You know we’re going to kill that shit!”

  “You know it!” Clover cheered and gave Laliyka a high five. “You know what I also can’t wait for?”

  “What?” Laliyka asked.

  “Senior year!”

  “I know right! It needed to get here like yesterday.”

  Clover felt like she was on top of the world with all of her blessings. She had wonderful loving parents who are still madly in love with each other. A very close relationship with her adult sister, Opal and great friends, especially her best friend, Laliyka, who’s like family. Let’s not forget about her handsome boyfriend Sharpiro aka ‘Sharp’. Not many teenage boys are understanding of a girl who wants to save herself for marriage. Fortunately for Clover, she found a one of a kind. She always dreamed of spending the rest of her life with Sharp, becoming his wife and building a beautiful family together. Speaking of which her boo thang was calling her cellphone right now. Sharp should be getting off from his after school job at Burger King right now and on his way to pick her up from practice.

  “Hi baby,” Clover answered.

  “Hi baby girl,” Sharp greeted back. “I got good news and bad news.”

  “Bad news first,” Clover said with slight gloom.

  “I’m stuck at work because one of my tires has a flat, but don’t worry. I already called your parents. Your dad is on his way to help me with the tire since Colton is out of town chaperoning a field trip for Calista’s school and your mom called your sister to tell her to pick you up,” Sharp informed.

  “Awe, you’re always looking out for me,” Clover said with a smile.

  “Of course baby, I love you,” Sharp said.

  “I love you too and I will see you later.”

  “I love you too, bye.”

  After the couple hung up, Clover let out a big lovesick sigh and smiled. “Sharp again, huh?” Laliyka assumed.

  “Yeah,” Clover answered.

  “He’s a cutie. Sexy brown eyes, smooth dark brown skin and a perfect muscular, chiseled body that’ll make you want to drop your panties no matter where you at,” Laliyka said with seduction.

  “Laliyka, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t lust after my man,” Clover said sternly.

  “Girl, I was talking about his brother Colton. Now that’s a real man.” Laliyka smiled and licked her lips.

  Clover gave Laliyka a crazy look and replied. “Hoe please! Colton is a grown ass man with a kid. He’s not trying to go to jail off of your crazy ass.”

  “Whatever bitch!” Laliyka dismissed. “He’ll come around someday. His daughter Calista is a sweetheart.”

  “Yes she is,” Clover agreed. Calista looks up to Clover and is very fond of her. Clover treasures the special relationship that she and Calista share. After serving in the Marines, Colton started his new career in Education. He just got promoted to principal at the middle school. He’s also a single father due to the fact that one day Calista’s mother dropped her off at his house and never looked back. Ever since then it’s been the two of them. That is until Sharp was forced to move from Dallas, Texas to Atlanta, Georgia to live with Colton when their father kicked him out a year ago as a result of falling out over their mother’s death.

  “Calista still wants to be a doctor?” Laliyka asked.

  “Yes,” Clover answered, “It’s so cute watching her play her Operations game like a real doctor. Great job on her hair by the way. She looked so adorable in her school pictures.” Laliyka’s dream is to become the best beautician in Atlanta.

  “Anything for my future stepdaughter,” Laliyka said with glow.

  “Stop that!” Clover said with annoyance.

  “It could happen,” Laliyka said with determination. “Before I forget, momma wanted me to tell you thanks for the cake you baked for her co-worker’s retirement party.” Clover loves cooking but baking is her specialty. She never misses an opportunity to show off her skills.

  “Tell her, no problem,” Clover said.

  “About the call, what did Sharp want? It seemed very important.” Laliyka asked with curiosity.

  “Oh! Sharp called to tell me that he couldn’t pick me up because of a flat tire.” Clover answered.

  “Oh dear, do you need a ride home? You know momma doesn’t mind,” Laliyka offered.

  “That’s okay, I’m good,” Clover said. “Daddy is helping Sharp with the tire and momma called Opal to tell her to pick me up.”

  “How is she?” Laliyka asked with deep concern.

  Clover sighed before giving her answer. “Well, I’d say that she was doing great, but we both know that would be a boldface lie. So I’ll just say that she’s maintaining.”

  “When is she going to get rid of that evil, heartless, disgusting, mind-fucking motherfucker she calls a husband?” Laliyka asked with complete disgust.

  Opal and Kayson have been married for eight years. Kayson is tall, muscular, and handsome with smooth chocolate skin with a sexy smile and eyes to match. Behind this irresistible sexy ass man lives a monster who has made Opal’s life a living hell by using his most powerful weapons: his words and his actions.

  “I don’t know honey.” Clover shook her head in pity, “I just don’t know.”

  “She’s such a sweet beautiful woman. She deserves so much better,” Laliyka said.

  “I know, but Opal doesn’t think so. She’s self-conscious about her weight and Kayson loves to make her feel worse about it,” Clover said.

  “I’m surprised that she stuck with it this long. Especially after finding out about Jacori.” Laliyka was referring to Kayson’s outside kid with Opal’s boss Alex, of all people.

  “When I think about it and all the things that Kayson’s done to her….I could kill that nigga!” Clover hissed.

  “You and me both,” Laliyka nodded in agreement. “The fucked up part was how she found out.”

  “I remember,” Clover said.

  It was Opal’s birthday and everyone was gathered at Golden Corral to celebrate. Opal was so happy and everyone was having a great time. All of the sudden her boss Alex walked in with her son Jacori. For a while, Alex had been slightly hostile towards Opal and she didn’t understand why. Opal has always been a hard worker at the office so she dismissed it as stress.

  “Well what do you know? My boss Alex just walked in with her kid,” Opal said out loud when she spotted them. Everyone at the table turned to their direction and it looked like the duo was heading their way. Laliyka took a good look at Jacori and whispered to Clover and Sharp. “Is it my imagination or does that kid look a lot like you know who?”

  “No it’s not,” Sharp replied with a whisper.

  “Sharp’s right,” Clover agreed. “That kid looks a little too much like...”

  Jacori made eye contact with Kayson, rushed into his arms and cheered out. “Daddy!”

  “Jacori, my boy!” Kayson greeted back ignoring the evil glares that he was receiving. “How you doing?”

  “Great,” Jacori answered. “I had fun last night when you came over.”

  “Me too, son.” Kayson said not caring about Opal’s reaction to the humiliating discovery on her birthday of all days.

  “I wish I could see you all the time,” Jacori said with slight sadness.

  “Well you see why I can’t.” Kayson said as he pointed at Opal which made her humiliation even worse, but of course her ‘loving’ husband didn’t give a fuck.

  “Baby, let’s find us a table and we can talk to your daddy later,” Alex said to Jacori.

  “Yes mommy,” Jacori said. “Bye daddy.”

  “Bye son,” Kayson said as he hugged Jacori before he and Alex went on their way, but not before Alex gave Opal a taunting smirk and Jacori shot her a dirty look.

  Everyone was shocked and appalled about what they just witnessed. Not because of the discovery of Kayson’s outside child with Alex, Opal’s supervisor but because of Kayson’s total and complete disregard for Opal and her feelings. Come on now, your wife finds out that you had an affair and child with her boss and you’re acting like it’s no big deal. What kind of man treats his wife like this? At least show some type of remorse, or give some type of explanation. Oh no, not Kayson. Kayson is just sitting there eating his food like everything is all good. No apology. No explanation. Nothing.

  “Daddy, I have a question.” Calista said.

  “Yes baby girl,” Colton said facing his daughter.

  “How can Mr. Kayson be a daddy to another lady’s baby and he’s married to Ms. Opal?” Calista asked. “I don’t understand daddy.”

  “Well...uh.” Colton stuttered trying to find a way to explain this fucked up situation to his little girl. “It’s a confusing situation.” Like the saying goes only three types of people tell the brutal honest truth, no holds barred and always keep it 100. Those three types of people are drunks, anyone who is pissed the fuck off and kids.

  For a little girl, Calista was very bright. She noticed the discomfort that her question caused and said in her sweetest voice mixed with guilt, “I’m sorry daddy.”

  Colton glared at Kayson with hate for making his little girl feel like she did something wrong. He then gave Calista a hug and a kiss and assured her. “Baby girl, you don’t have anything to be sorry about. You did nothing wrong.”

  The innocence of a child holds so much power. That power caused Kayson to cringe in his seat and everyone was enjoying it. Secretly, they admired Calista for her ability to bring that abusive arrogant prick to his knees and Lalyika decided to go for the kill.

  “That’s right baby! You can ask anything you want.” Lalyika said to Calista and that made her smile and Colton mouthed to Lalyika ‘thank you’. She then turned to Kayson and demanded. “What you waiting on? Go ahead and explain this foul shit to the girl!” Normally, Lalyika’s mom would’ve checked her about using profanity, but this time she decided to let it slide. Mainly because Lalyika beat her to it. Lalyika and her mother are so much alike.

  “Kayson looked like he wanted to punch you in the face for that,” Clover said.

  “Right. Right.” Lalyika nodded. “Notice how that look disappeared quick, fast and in a hurry when momma glared at him.” Lalyika and Clover bust out laughing because they know Lalyika’s mom doesn’t play, especially when it comes to her only child.

  Ever since Jacori was revealed; Kayson never misses an opportunity to bring him around Opal so she can be even more miserable. He really loves leaving Jacori alone with Opal so he and Alex can go out. Jacori is hell on wheels. He’s an angel around Kayson and Alex but a devil around Opal. Of course, Opal can’t discipline Jacori and if she complains about him Kayson shuts her down every time. Alex also does her share in making Opal miserable job-wise by flaunting her affair and baby with Kayson in her face. Making Opal look incompetent and ignorant in front of the entire department, that kind of thing.

  “That Jacori is a handful,” Clover said.

  “That’s cute.” Lalyika said with a fake smile and baby voice. “Finding a nice way to say that he’s a little evil motherfucker.”

  “Look who his parents are,” Clover sarcastically agreed.

  “You’re right,” Lalyika agreed. “Kid doesn’t have a chance.”

  “Opal really appreciates all of us helping out with Jacori.” Clover hugged Lalyika to show her gratitude. “Thank you, by the way.”

  “No problem,” Lalyika said. “That was an emergency the first time. Leaving Opal with Jacori for a whole week so he can go on vacation with Alex.”

  “That was beyond fucked up,” Clover said and started to laugh. “Jacori straightens u
p when you’re around. He’s scared of you.”

  “Of course he is,” Lalyika said with a giggle. “That little nigga knows I don’t play that shit. All kidding aside, why does she stay?”

  “For some reason she doesn’t think she can do any better,” Clover answered.

  “That’s ridiculous,” Lalyika said. “I’m guessing that bitch Alex is making Opal miserable at her job?” Clover nodded. “Wait a minute! If that’s the case why doesn’t Opal just quit and find another job?”

  “Because he won’t let her.”

  “What the fuck you mean, he won’t let her?”

  Clover sighed, “I mean he wants Opal to still keep that job despite the drama. Oh sure, she’s tried to find another job but Kayson always finds ways to sabotage her. Destroying her resumes, have Alex fuck up her recommendations and if she does get interviews, he would erase the messages or cancel the appointments.”

  Lalyika couldn’t believe this shit. “You mean to tell me that Kayson wants Opal to keep that job and endure all that bullshit?” Clover nodded. “Damn! I guess she feels like she should be lucky to have anyone if she’s putting up with all of this.”

  “She needs to stop thinking that way. You know once Opal gets Kayson out of her life she’s going to be fine. It’s just that she’s just going to have to do it. She’s going to have to go through with the divorce.” Clover concluded before they went back to practice.


  Opal was sitting in the living room watching TV while Kayson and Jacori were looking through a picture book. They came across a picture of a pig and Jacori pointed at Opal and chanted, “Piggy! Piggy!” Opal tried to fight the tears but she couldn’t.

  “No son that’s not a piggy,” Kayson corrected. That made Opal smile, but it disappeared when he came back with. “She just looks like one.”

  That did it for Opal. She went into the bedroom, locked the door and cried her eyes out on the bed. How can a man who claims to love her and married her treat her like this? Opal wondered this until her cellphone started to ring. Opal reached for the nightstand and saw that it was her mother. She wiped her tears before answering it, “Hi momma.”


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