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The Bryson Blood Wars

Page 13

by Cynthia Blue

  “Aunt Clover,” She called out.

  “Shhh! Let me put Lil’Sharp down first,” Clover said, as she made Lil’Sharp very comfortable. “There we go. He’s just like your Uncle Sharp. They get cranky when they don’t get their food and miss their naps.” They giggled. “He’s sleeping.” Clover and Calista quietly left the nursery and went into Calista’s room and sat on the edge of the bed. “What’s up?”

  “Something’s wrong and I’m scared,” Calista said with sadness.

  “What are you scared of, baby?” Clover asked.

  “It’s difficult to talk about. You might not understand,” Calista replied with shame.

  “Calista, this is Aunt Clover. Whatever it is you can tell me. I’ll understand.” Clover said. “What seems to be the problem?”

  “Today I started bleeding,” Calista admitted.

  “Bleeding where?” Clover asked with a panic.

  “That’s the problem. It’s where I’m bleeding,” Calista said. “I’m bleeding...down there.”

  When Calista said that Clover knew exactly what was going on. This is why a little girl needs her mother. Clover understands why Calista would be terrified. She didn’t have a mother to talk to about these things. Clover knew she had to step in.

  “Oh my God, listen baby. There’s nothing to be scared of. Come with me.” Clover took Calista by the hand and into the room she shared with Sharp. She went into the closet and grabbed one of the pads from after she gave birth to Lil’Sharp. She gave the pad to Calista and gave her instructions. “This is what you do. I need you to take a good shower, tape this pad inside your panties and when you’re done I want you to come back here so we can talk about this. Remember, there’s nothing to be frightened about, okay.”

  “Okay Aunt Clover,” Calista said. She was still scared but felt a little better and went on her way.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit! How the fuck am I going to do this!” Clover didn’t know how she was going to explain this to Calista, but she had to suck it up. Her thoughts were interrupted by her cellphone ringing. She found her purse to take her phone out and answered. “Hello.”

  “Hello, may I speak with Clover Bryson?” An unidentified woman asked.

  “Speaking,” Clover replied.

  “My name is Marcy White. You baked a cake for one of my coworkers for her bachelorette party. Her name is Gabby Smith,” Marcy explained.

  “Yes I did.” The cake design was a man’s nine-inch dick. There was a trail of white frosting coming from the tip representing semen. The trail of frosting spelled out: Enjoy your last ride.

  “The design was perfect and the cake was delicious,” Marcy complimented.

  “Thank you,” Clover replied with a smile.

  Marcy continued, “My best friend is having a birthday coming up. She’s been down since her husband left her for another woman and I was hoping this birthday party would cheer her up. I was wondering if you could bake a cake for the party. Of course, I’ll pay you.”

  She got my attention. Clover thought. Clover loved baking but had never considered making a career out of it. Who knows how far it will go. She might as well accept. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do for you. What’s your name again?” Clover asked getting her pen and paper ready.

  “Marcy White and my phone number is 404.....”

  “Got it and this is for a birthday cake?” Clover asked for confirmation and taking notes. Clover saw Calista standing in front of her and decided to end the call. “Listen, I have a personal matter to take care of right now but I’ll call you back to discuss the details.”

  “Thanks,” Marcy said.

  “No problem. Goodbye,” After the call ended Clover asked Calista, “You’re wearing the pad right?”

  “Yes I am,” Calista said and sat next to Clover. “What’s happening to me?”

  “Oh baby,” Clover said and put her arms around Calista. “What’s going on is a very natural thing. Calista, what you’re having is a period. It’s one of the first steps of a girl’s body developing into a woman.” Clover went into a dresser drawer and got a spare calendar Laliyka gave her from the beauty academy she attends and gave it to Calista. “You need a calendar to mark for twenty-eight days from the day your period starts. On the twenty-eighth day your period is supposed to start back. Your period will last about five days and to control the flow and not mess up your clothes you need to change out your pads. We’re going to Wal-Mart after this talk and get you some.”

  “Okay,” Calista replied.

  “If you have any questions about this, I’m here okay,” Clover said.

  “Okay,” Calista said letting go of her fears.

  Clover sighed before asking Calista this next question. It was difficult but Calista needed to know everything. “What do you know about sex?”

  Calista blushed before giving her answer. “The Jody and Yvette scene from Baby Boy and without birth control or a condom you can have a baby or STDs.”

  “Good girl,” Clover was impressed with Calista’s knowledge at such a young age. “There’s something else you need to know about sex.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Now that you’re having periods, you can now get pregnant with a baby. That’s why keeping up with the dates is very important. If your period doesn’t come when it’s supposed to and you’ve had unprotected sex with a boy, chances are you’re pregnant,” Clover said.


  Clover reflected back to what Kayson did to her in Opal’s car. Things between her and Opal are still strained especially after Kayson’s murder. “What do you know about rape?” Clover struggled to ask.

  “It’s when a man makes a woman have sex with him but she doesn’t want to. He hurts her very badly. He even hits her.” Calista explained.

  “Do you remember Kayson?” Clover asked.

  “Yes.” Calista answered with gloom.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “He was cute, but scary.”

  Clover pulled Calista in her arms. This little girl is very bright and an excellent judge of character. She needed protection and a motherly bond and Clover was determined to be the surrogate mother Calista needs in her life right now. “He’s dead now. He won’t be scaring anybody anymore. You remember when I was in the hospital a few years back?”

  “Yes,” Calista said, “Daddy said you were hurt but didn’t say how.”

  “I was in the hospital because Kayson raped me.” Clover confessed.

  Calista was shocked and horrified, “I’m sorry, Aunt Clover.”

  “It’s okay, baby,” Clover said. “It was terrible and I don’t ever want you to experience anything like that, okay? Don’t ever let anyone do anything to you that you don’t want. You fight as hard as you can. If they end up hurting you, do not let them get away with it. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes Aunt Clover,” Calista said. It devastated Clover of the thought of history repeating itself with Calista.

  “Calista,” Colton walked in the room and called out.

  “Hi Daddy,” Calista greeted with a big smile and rushed into her father’s arms and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

  “Hey Colton. I need to take Calista to the store for something. Can you watch over Lil’Sharp until I get back and here’s his baby monitor?” Clover said and handed Colton the baby monitor.

  “Sure thing Clover,” Colton said.

  “Calista, I need to talk to your father for a moment. You go and get ready.” Clover said.

  “Alright,” Calista said.

  Before she left, Colton stopped Calista and said to her, “Calista always remember you can talk to me about anything.”

  No words were shared but Clover and Calista knew Colton overheard their conversation. “Yes daddy,” Calista replied.

  After Calista left, Colton stared at Clover and tears started to fall from his eyes. He pulled Clover into a big hug. “Thank you so much, Clover,” Colton said with deep gratitude.

  “Anytime Colton. An
ytime.” Colton replied.


  “What’s the problem?” Clover asked Calista after they reminisced about how Clover helped Calista get through her first period.

  “Here it goes,” Calista said. “For some time I had a feeling I was being watched and followed. I even felt like they were times when Bray and I were being intimate he was right there watching us. I thought it was all a figment of my imagination, but now I know for sure someone is stalking me.”

  “Stalking you?”

  Calista continued, “Before I came here for the meeting I thought I heard someone moaning while I was taking my shower. Afterwards, Bray called and we talked. The phone rang again and it was him.”

  “He called you?”

  “Yes,” Calista answered, “I thought it was only Bray calling me back but it was him. He told me Bray couldn’t fuck me like he will and hung up. I was so scared. I had to get as far away from that house as possible. That’s why I was shaken up at the meeting. I couldn’t get that call out of my mind. After I left here I went over to my friend Richard’s house, told him what was going on and he escorted me home and he stayed with me and checked the house. Nothing was disturbed, but when I went into the laundry room to wash clothes and found a couple of my thongs scattered on the floor. It looked like the sick fuck was using them to jack his dick off with. I saw semen all over them. I burned those thongs. That’s when I called you and started packing my bags.”

  Clover was highly disgusted by this story. “Calista, this is serious. Clearly, this guy is deranged and dangerous. You have to report this. Have you told Bray?”

  “No, I haven’t, and please don’t tell him that goes double for daddy and Uncle Sharp,” Calista pleaded.

  Clover didn’t feel right about keeping quiet about this situation, but she decided to go along with it for confidential reasons. “Okay, I won’t tell them for now, but if you don’t tell anybody else you have to tell Bray. This man broke into the home you share with Bray. He’s your husband and wants you and the home he shares with you to be safe. He has to be notified.” Clover explained.

  Calista thought about what Clover was saying and she made a lot of sense. “I’ll tell him when he gets back,” She said.

  “In the meantime, if it’ll make you feel better you can stay here when Bray has his away games,” Clover offered.

  “Thank you so much Aunt Clover. I feel safe already.” Calista said with a smile.

  “Good. Let’s get you to bed,” Clover said and the two went upstairs to get some rest.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Opal was on cloud nine about her engagement. There are still a few bumps in the road, but it looks like Wallace is trying to change. At least that’s what she convinced herself. The meeting still stuck with Opal. She felt the family’s love now but she didn’t know if the love would still be there if her secrets were to ever come out.

  “This is so exciting.” Opal said with a smile as she and Wallace were heading to a superhero themed costume party. Opal was going as Poison Ivy wearing a green jumpsuit that Wallace bought for her to wear to the party. Wallace was wearing a black suit and tie and Opal found it strange.

  “Yes it is,” Wallace said with a smile.

  “By the way, what’s with the black suit and tie for a costume party?” Opal finally asked.

  “Oh....I’m going as Bruce Wayne,” Wallace answered.

  “Gotcha,” Opal said getting the concept.

  “Here we are,” Wallace said when he parked the car. “Let’s go my lady.”

  They got out of the car and Wallace took Opal by the hand and led her to the party. When they went inside all eyes were on Opal, but it wasn’t in a positive way. The looks Opal was receiving was ridicule, crazy and a few covered giggles. The reason for the attention was because she was wearing a costume at a black tie affair.

  “Wallace, what the hell!” Opal hissed under her breath with venom. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I’m just finding out. I’m as embarrassed as you are.” Wallace tried to say with a straight face while doing a terrible job holding in his laughter at Opal’s expense.

  Opal already knew Wallace was full of shit. Why else would he buy a costume for her to wear for a black tie affair. “I’m leaving,” She said.

  Opal tried to turn around to walk out the door but Wallace grabbed her arm and pulled her further inside. “No, you’re not,” he insisted.

  “I’m not staying here dressed like this,” Opal argued. “Even though you’re probably enjoying this.”

  “That’s not true and you’ll be fine,” Wallace insisted while clenching his teeth and led her to a table.

  It wasn’t even a full minute before a supermodel type light skinned woman with long hair and gray eyes walked over to Wallace and gave him a little too friendly hug. “Wallace baby, I’m so glad you could make it,” she said.

  “Trisha baby, I wouldn’t miss your party for the world.” Wallace said.

  “Trisha!” Opal yelled because she remembered the name well. It was the name of one of the women who was always calling and texting Wallace. This particular woman was sending Wallace nasty ass pictures. When Opal confronted Wallace about it he said the woman sent them to the wrong number. Now Wallace brought Opal to this nasty ass hoe’s party with her dressed in this ridiculous costume while everyone else is dressed nicely in black tie attire. “I knew it! This is the same Trisha that’s been texting my fiancée and sending him those nasty hoe ass pictures!” She turned to Wallace and casually asked. “So Wallace, how long have you been fucking this slut?”

  “Opal, please calm down!” Wallace begged but the situation was to far gone.

  “Don’t you fucking dare tell me to calm down nigga!” Opal snapped. “You got some fucking nerve bringing me to this stank bony ass hoe’s party with your hands all over this bitch!”

  “Look bitch!” Trisha yelled and got in Opal’s face. “Nobody told your fat ass to come up in here looking like a pregnant ass swamp creature!”

  Opal didn’t say one word. She let her fist do the talking by punching Trisha dead in the nose. Trisha fell hard to the floor on her ass and Opal pounced on her like a hungry lion and started choking the shit out of her. Since she was already the laughingstock of the party, Opal figured she might as well ball out and beat this bitch’s ass. At least it’ll make her feel better about the whole fucked up situation. Trisha was struggling for air but Opal didn’t care. She had enough and wanted to break Trisha’s neck.

  Wallace tried to pull Opal off Trisha but she pushed him off of her with a quick swift motion with her arm. Trisha was about to use the brief opportunity to get up and take a swing, but Opal stopped with a block and a powerful sucker punch to the face. It took three men to pull Opal off Trisha. Opal regained her composure and was prepared to leave. Before she left she stomped over to Trisha who was struggling to get off the floor to kick her in the stomach and the face before making her exit. Wallace chased after Opal and she stopped at a nearby corner to make a quick call.

  “Opal come back here!” Wallace demanded as he caught up with her.

  “What nigga?” Opal snapped back at Wallace.

  “How the fuck could you embarrass me like that back there?” Wallace yelled with anger.

  Opal couldn’t believe this bullshit Wallace had coming out of his mouth. What the hell! I might as well add a second notch to the belt. Opal thought before giving Wallace a fire filled left hook to the jaw. “Are you fucking serious nigga? I embarrassed you? You the one to fucking talk! You lied about taking me to a costume party so you could make a fool out of me and to add insult to injury it was your hoe ass side piece’s party. Not only that, but you didn’t do shit about that bitch getting in my face and disrespecting me. You are the one who embarrassed me motherfucker!”

  “You know what. Fuck this shit!” Wallace dismissed while still rubbing his face where Opal punched him. “You can walk home for all I give a fuck. In fact Trisha made a few good points back the
re. Your ungrateful ass need to be than.....”

  Opal interrupted Wallace with another punch to the face. Wallace was about to raise his balled fist when Opal said, “I wish you would.” Wallace didn’t say anything. He was about to walk off when Opal mumbled, “Clover was right about your ass.”

  “What did you say?” He must have super sonic hearing! Opal thought. She never intended on telling Wallace about the meeting but, oh well.

  “I said, Clover was right about your ass.” Opal repeated with absolutely no regret. “Her and everybody else. My sister gathered everybody who loved and cared about me to her house to talk to me. She invited everyone except you and I wondered why. Now I know why. Clover tried to convince me that you’re a no good bitch ass nigga who doesn’t deserve me and I should call off the wedding. Obviously, Clover made a few valid points and if you continue to treat me like something you found at the bottom of your shoe, I’m going to take her advice.”

  Opal’s taxi pulled up and the driver patiently waited for her. Opal entered the cab and found an empty paper bag in the back seat. She asked the driver who looked like he just got out of his teens. “Do you need this bag?”

  “No, you can have it ma’am,” The driver answered.

  “Thank you,” Opal said with gratitude. Opal peaked out the cab and called out, “hey Wallace!”

  “What!” Wallace replied back with an attitude.

  “To show you how much I still care about you.” Opal took the paper bag and threw it at Wallace. “Give it to that bitch to put over her head. I wouldn’t want her bruised and fucked up face to ruin your nut,” Opal said with fire in her voice. She slammed the door and the driver took off.

  That’s the last time I bring another woman around that crazy fat bitch! Wallace stood at the corner looking dumbfounded with his mildly bruised face as he watched Opal’s taxi cab disappear into the night. He was furious that his plan to humiliate Opal completely blew up in his face. She was supposed to be the fool not him. He was beyond angry about tonight’s events. The way Opal talked to him. The way she beat Trisha’s ass and, most of all, she had the nerve to punch him two motherfucking times in his handsome face. Opal was getting out of line and he knew why. Opal’s defiant attitude towards him needed to be dealt with as soon as possible, after he takes care of Trisha physically and, of course, sexually.


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