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The Case of the Rising Star

Page 18

by Zavo

  “Russell, you knew I never intended to spend my life in Sawyer. I made that clear to you before we ever fell in love. I begged you to come to Los Angeles with me. We could have had a great life here.”

  “You shouldn’t have left me, Gordon.”

  Russell repeated this over and over, at which time I fully realized the state of his mind. In the years since Gordon’s departure, it appeared Russell had not had the best of times. It was then that I truly feared for Gordon’s life. I turned from the two of them as a phalanx of police officers burst through the door, guns raised. When I turned back around, I saw that Russell had his gun pointed at Gordon. I fired immediately, as did several of the officers. Russell seemed to float off the beam before landing with a loud, ugly thud, several feet from us. Gordon ran to him, and I went to Gordon. He was cradling Russell’s head in his lap. It was clear Russell was dead. Several bullets had struck him in the head.

  Gordon continued to hold him, tears running down his cheeks, as the police secured the building. When the medical examiner arrived, I had to literally pry Gordon from Russell’s body. He fell against me, limp, tears still coursing down his cheeks. As they rolled Russell away, I helped Gordon to his feet. He was a little unsteady and grabbed my arm for support. I escorted him out of the building, where we ran into Stuart Douglas. He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him short.

  “Gordon is done filming for today, Stuart. I’m taking him to his house. It’d be best if you didn’t raise a fuss or try to stop me. You can finish the picture in a few days.”

  “I just wanted to tell you that Jerome Sinclair is dead.”

  Gordon cried out beside me, and I felt as if I had been kicked in the balls for the second time that day.

  “Thanks for letting us know, Stuart. How is Stella?”

  “She’s with him now. I should get back to her.”

  “Give her my condolences, and let her know I’ll call her as soon as I get the chance.”

  Stuart moved out of our way as I walked Gordon to where Jonathan was waiting with the car.

  “I’ll take it from here, Jonathan.”

  I helped Gordon into the studio car and got behind the wheel. A small crowd had gathered. I ignored them as I drove off. Gordon didn’t speak till we arrived at his car.

  “I don’t want to go to my house, Derrick. Have Claude take us to yours?”

  “Certainly, Gordon. The police are going to want to question you at length regarding Russell.”

  “That can wait till later, can’t it, Derrick?”

  “I’ll see to it.”

  He didn’t speak the entire way to my house; he simply sat huddled against the back passenger door, his eyes closed. When I reached the estate, I had to help him from the car and into the house.

  Charles appeared in the kitchen and helped me carry Gordon up to my room. I undressed him and helped him into bed. Gordon slid under the covers and immediately fell asleep.

  I left my room and went down to the billiards room. I grabbed a bottle of bourbon and pulled a chair over to the window, sat, and drank and smoked cigarettes for the next few hours. When I heard someone approaching, I turned to find Nathan standing behind me.

  “Derrick, I heard what happened at Paramount this morning. How is Gordon doing, and how are you?”

  “He’s in my room, resting. He’s pretty shaken up by the whole incident. We haven’t talked about it since I brought him home. Me, I’m a mess, I guess. Not only because of Gordon, but because of Daniel. I feel like I did after losing Randall. Like’s it all crashing down around me.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Could you call Stella Langton and see how she’s doing?”

  “I already tried, Derrick, but the phone must be off the hook. I’ll drive out there later today.”

  “Thanks, Nathan. Have you heard from Daniel?”

  “He was at the office a little while ago. He said he was sorry for what happened. I guess I still don’t understand what’s going on, Derrick. You’ve been so caught up in Gordon’s case that you and I’ve barely had a chance to talk.”

  “To put it succinctly, I think Daniel and I are through. Oh, and I also told Gordon Maxwell I’m in love with him.”

  “I was thinking as much when Daniel asked me to give you this note. I’m not quite sure what to say about the Gordon thing.”

  I opened the envelope, and my heart sank as I read it.

  Dear Derrick,

  I know I should handle this in person, but I simply do not have the time.

  I must leave Los Angeles at once to attend to some urgent personal matters.

  Effective immediately, I am resigning as a detective at Steele Investigations.

  I don’t know how long I will be gone, but I will contact you upon my return.

  Please don’t judge me too harshly, Derrick. I need to do this for both of us.

  I will always love you.


  When I was done reading I folded the note and placed it on the windowsill in front of me.

  “I can tell by your face, Derrick, it wasn’t good news.”

  “The note confirms what I just told you, Nathan. Daniel has broken up with me. Plus, he’s quit the agency and he’s leaving Los Angeles.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me. What the hell happened?”

  I handed him the note. “Seriously, Nathan, he hasn’t talked to you about any of this? You guys are best friends.”

  “All he said is that the two of you are working through some issues. Issues involving Gordon Maxwell and Benjamin Montgomery. He politely asked me to stay out of it. Which I’m happy to do, Derrick, if that’s your wish as well.”

  “I don’t know what I want, Nathan. I am quite certain Daniel is hiding something from not only me, but the entire family. My gut tells me it’s something that could be potentially dangerous. I’m certain that Warren knows what it is. You and Daniel became best friends in New York. Yet you never knew that he was involved with Benjamin Montgomery?”

  “You know how Daniel felt about me in New York, Derrick. Yes, I let him suck my cock a few times which, in hindsight, was not terribly brilliant. But after he professed his love for me and I rejected him, I basically fell out of touch with him for several months. If something did develop between him and Benjamin, it was after that.”

  “How did you and Daniel wind up deciding to come back here at the same time?”

  “That was simply a chance meeting. I was having coffee at a sidewalk café when he happened to walk by. He was alone, so I invited him to join me, and he accepted. I had already decided to return to Los Angeles. When I mentioned this to Daniel, he jumped at the chance to come along. He asked to stay with me till we left. Now that I think about it, for our remaining two weeks in New York, he basically never left the apartment. Almost as if…”

  “As if he was hiding from someone.” I finished for him.

  “That would explain why he was not happy to see Warren. Warren knows something about him.”

  “Once I’m sure Gordon is going to be okay emotionally, Nathan, I’ll plan a trip to New York. Would you be willing to accompany me?”

  “Count me in, little brother.”

  I stood up, and we hugged fiercely. “Before I go check on Gordon again, I need to talk to you about Warren.”

  “I think it’s safe to conclude that Warren Montgomery is just like his uncle, Angus. He’s a vicious bully who cannot be trusted. How do you think Dad is going to react to this news?”

  “Dad’s no fool, Derrick. He heard about the fight you two had at Paramount, plus several other things about Warren as he was out and about, things concerning his behavior. He’s already thinking Warren is not a good fit at the agency, or in the family, for that matter.”

  “You know what this means, Nathan? If we fire him and basically toss him out of the family, he’s not going to take it lying down. He has a temper, as you well know. I’m betting we would become his number one enemy. And before you kno
w it, he and his brothers would have their own detective agency here in Los Angeles.”

  “I think it’s best to let the month play out, Derrick. Give Warren plenty of rope to hang himself with.”

  “That’s probably the wisest plan for now, Nathan. I’m going to check on Gordon. Lunch should be almost ready. I’ll take him a tray and then I’m going to go for a drive. I need to do some thinking and clear my head.”

  When I entered my room to check on Gordon, he was wide awake and lying on top of the covers, naked. I quickly locked the door and slid beside him. Lunch would have to wait. I did eventually bring Gordon his lunch, but I wasn’t hungry. After Gordon ate, he went back to sleep, and I headed for the drive I had told Nathan about. And I knew right where I was going. Roman was delighted to join me.

  I had found out where Daniel was staying, and drove to it without a plan. I wasn’t even sure if he was still in Los Angeles. I didn’t want to just drop in and see him because I was too angry. Also, I didn’t want to pop in and find him with Benjamin Montgomery. I pulled up outside the building and sat there for a moment, thinking. I was just starting to get out of the car when a fancy sports car pulled in a few cars down the line. Out of it sprang a young, good-looking man. From a photograph Nathan had found in a New York paper, I knew it was Benjamin Montgomery. Was he staying at the same hotel? Or was he here to see Daniel? Now, calm down, my inner voice told me. As a detective, you know it’s best to have proof of something even though it’s in front of your own eyes.

  I got out of my car, told Roman to stay, and raced after Benjamin. He was already in the building and waiting for the elevator by the time I reached the front door. I crept silently in, and once he had entered the elevator I waited to see which floor he was headed to. Thankfully, he stopped at the second floor. Anything higher and I would not have been able to catch him. I raced up the stairs and opened the stairwell door right as Benjamin was heading down the long hall. Thankfully, he was heading away from me. I closed the door to a crack as I watched him walk past several doors before stopping at the next one and knocking loudly on it. After a second knock, the door opened and I could see Daniel standing within its frame. I couldn’t hear the words exchanged, but he ushered Benjamin in and closed the door. I felt as if I had been kicked in the balls repeatedly. I guess I had my answer.

  When I got back home, Gordon was still asleep. I went into the library and lay on the sofa, quickly falling into a deep sleep that lasted till my mother roused me for dinner.

  After dinner, Gordon received a call from Donald. Russell’s father and new girlfriend were flying to Los Angeles to retrieve Russell’s body for a proper burial in Louisiana. Gordon was surprised they had been able to afford it. They had declined his offer to pay to have the body flown there. Gordon decided to fly home for the funeral and would be gone for a few days. I drove him to the airport first thing in the morning.

  For the next few days I kept busy with paperwork at the office. There had been no sign of Warren. Gordon called me the day after the funeral. It was wonderful to hear his voice. He had been catching up with a few old friends. Seemed he was now an official hometown celebrity, due to his motion picture successes. He had also seen his father, which had not gone well. He and his latest girlfriend had been stinking drunk first thing in the morning. Gordon’s attempt at a social visit had been rebuffed, and he was determined not to see them again. He would be home in two days and had already purchased his return ticket. I told him I would be happy to pick him up at the airport and jotted down his flight information.


  I had decided not to stay at Gordon’s house last night after picking him up from the airport. I was relieved to see him, but still stinging over seeing Benjamin entering Daniel’s hotel room. I had skipped breakfast and decided to take a ride out to where my new house was being built. As I arrived, I dismounted and looked at the monstrosity looming above me. It overlooked the same pond by which Daniel and I had first made love. It saddened me to think of it.

  It would be several months before the house would be finished. And then I would be living in it. Alone. Well, except for Roman. I had lived alone before. It hadn’t killed me. I sat on a pile of lumber by where the front porch would be and lit a cigarette. Tomorrow morning, Nathan and I were flying to New York to investigate Daniel. It had to be done. I had to put this to rest. I couldn’t think about starting a life with Gordon until I resolved the Daniel issue. Wow, I’d finally voiced the thoughts that had been swirling in my head for days. What if Daniel turned out to be in the clear? What if he and Benjamin were just friends? What then? Would I stop seeing Gordon? I was afraid to answer that question.

  The case of Gordon Maxwell had come to a tragic end with the deaths of Jerome Sinclair and Russell Grant. Gordon had at first been inconsolable, blaming himself for leaving Russell in the first place, setting this tragic turn of events in motion. I spent a lot of time trying to ease his sense of guilt. I had told Gordon of my love for him before the death of Russell—one that could not coexist with my love for Daniel. It certainly had not been expected, and it had hit me very hard. As I looked out over my new property, I saw someone approaching on horseback. I wondered if it was Nathan. When the figure drew nearer, I saw that it was Gordon. I rose as he got closer, and the smile on his face elicited one of my own. He rode to me and smiled down at me.

  “I miss you already, Mr. Steele. More so than I ever thought possible.”

  “Right back at you, Mr. Maxwell.”

  He held out his hand to me and I grabbed it and pulled myself up behind him. I wrapped my arms around his middle and kissed him tenderly on the neck as we headed down the trail.

  About the Author

  Zavo was born and raised in the Adirondack mountains of upstate New York. He relocated to the Pacific Northwest more than twenty years ago and has been penning tales of male lust and romance ever since. His short stories have appeared in FirstHand, Frat Sex 2, How the West Was Done, Inches, Locker Room Tales, and Treasure Trail: Erotic Tales of Pirates on the High Seas. He is also the Lambda-nominated author of the novels Hot on His Trail and Two Bottoms in the Ninth. Formerly employed in the fields of market research and public relations, Zavo now splits his time between being a virtual assistant and a page in his local library. He lives in Camas, Washington, with his partner of fifteen years. He is currently penning the further adventures of Jake Slater, in addition to another exciting Derrick Steele mystery.

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