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Immortal Beauty (The Immortals)

Page 42

by Thomas McDermott

  “Go now! Find Frankie and warn him. Find Sahsa! Go get help now! Go!” The injured bird began to ascend into the air and out of nowhere Osiris jumped high up into the air and grabbed a handful of tail feathers before the shreaking bird got away. Claire concentrated again trying to ignore the yellow green eyes that were bearing down on her. The birds of the little forest heard her pleas and began to descend from the darkening skies. Both of the creatures were fascinated instantly. The distraction was too much for them and they could no longer hear their human side speaking to them of their important mission and could only leap and claw at the swirling cloud of birds. It was long enough of a distraction for Claire to break away into a run. She couldn’t run to the woods now and headed back to the house. She knew Celine would probably kill her but she had to help Marcus if it wasn’t already too late. Almost four hundred years ago she had been too late to save her friends. She couldn’t let that happen again. She made it back to the steps of the terrace when both creatures jumped on her, knocking her down. She couldn’t fight them so she didn’t bother. Her complacency seemed to confuse them and she heard Osiris in her head again.

  “Why don’t you fight us?”

  “Why bother?” She said out loud and calmly accepting her fate. “You could kill me in a second so there really is no point. Besides, we’re not really enemies you know. You just don’t realize it yet.” This statement left Osiris completely confused. He was so new to the ways of these humans. He looked at his sister who simply shrugged her shoulders. Isis didn’t understand these people with all their double talk anymore than he did. All she knew was that she was supposed to bring Claire to their mother. She looked out into the garden and wished she could just play with the birds again. That had been fun. All of this nonsense was beginning to bore her a little. Mabe when all the fighting was over she would be able to play. Isis looked down at the pale woman beneath her and wished that she looked like this beauty. Envy washed over her again and she couldn’t wait to get out of the sundress that with one look, Claire had let her know was ridiculous on her. They walked the willing Claire into the house where Celine was waiting. She had changed clothes for the evening and was wearing a gown that was inspiring. It was a black silk evening dress that had the smallest piece of silk rise up from her full breasts and wrap around her creamy throat. She wore a single emerald which lay nestled perfectly in the curves which flowed up from the sleeveless garment. She looked like she was going to an embassy party or something, not plotting the slaughter of a group of old friends. Claire smiled at the thought that Celine never really understood that she herself was the monster. These two innocent creatures were simply being manipulated by her and they would realize soon enough that there was no room for them in this modern world. Would they then turn on Celine and destroy their maker? It certainly would be poetic.

  “Ah Claire!” Celine acted as if she were greeting a house guest who just showed up for dinner. Her hair was loose now in ringlets resting upon her shoulders and Claire thought the had never seen a woman look so beautiful. Too bad that beneath all that beauty lay the ugliest person imaginable.

  “Celine.” Claire tried to wipe the dirt of her clothes as she was acutely aware of how unkempt she must seem next to this icon of perfection. “I knew you were up to something. Capturing you was just a little too easy.” She tried to sound indifferent. “You’ll have to forgive my appearance. Your pets shoved me into the ground.” She glared at Osiris who was staring stupidly at the two women. He didn’t understand this constant need to talk of things that had no meaning. He was going to have a lot to learn about the world when they had captured the rest of them. He found himself wishing it were over already. “They’re already tired of all your drama Celine.” Claire nodded to the brother and sister. “I can read their thoughts you know.” Osiris hissed at Claire and Celine was visibly shocked. She had no idea. “They don’t like it when I do it. It disturbs them immensely.” For the first time the smile vanished from Celine’s bravely painted face.

  “Don’t play with me Claire. I’m not in the mood. It’s really been an exhausting day and I’ve still a million little errands to attend to. Just tell me where Frankie is.” Celine recovered her smugness very quickly.

  “Oh if I know Frankie, he is making a dishonest girl of someone out there in the real world. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?” Claire couldn’t help herself.

  “Where is he?” Celine bellowed and her anger caused the air to change around them and Claire could feel the change like electricity on her skin. She prepared herself for the worst and tried to recede inside her own thoughts of vast plains and roaring waterfalls. She pictured all the things she loved most in this world. The air began to return to normal.

  “Don’t worry Claire. I have no intention of killing you.” Celine reached for a crystal champagne glass filled with the magic water.

  “Of course you do. You always do Celine.” Clair sighed trying to sound as bored as possible knowing it would piss off Celine. “She’ll kill you too.” She said to Isis and Osiris who still looked completely lost. She listened carefully for their thoughts and heard Isis very clearly in her head.

  “That’s what Taylor said.” Claire could tell that the seed of doubt was being planted and like all seeds, just needed a little encouragement to grow into something large and wonderful. She remained silent for a moment allowing the seed to stir around inside their childish minds.

  “Yes I always kill you.” Celine sounded just as bored as Claire was acting. “That’s the problem. I finally realized that every time I kill you, you always come back. Every time I get rid of you I am only insuring that you will come back and interfere with my plans over and over again. That is why I am not going to kill you. I am going to keep you very much alive.” The bright red smile widened immensely. “Forever.” There was untainted malevolence in Celine’s face. She no longer looked beautiful. The façade was beginning to crack. For the first time since Claire realized that Celine had taken over the house she was afraid. Celine walked over to her and kissed her on both cheeks which Claire submitted to willingly. She no longer saw any need for combat. She was defeated for the moment. She felt a sharp prick in her arm and saw the syringe in Celine’s hand.

  “Pleasant dreams my dear.” Celine’s voice sounded as if it were coming from far away and her hair became a blur of red curls and the milky skin began to melt into nothingness. Osiris caught the pale, blonde woman as she fell.

  “Get her upstairs!” Celine barked. Osiris obeyed but he stared at Celine in a new fashion. This time the look was not one of love and adoration but of curiosity and question. Celine did not notice. She was looking intently at Isis.

  “Oh look darling, you’ve spoiled your dress. Come, let us get you another.” She held out her hand but Isis wouldn’t budge.

  “I don’t want another. I look ridiculous in this dress. Why didn’t you tell me?” She stormed up the stairs after her brother. Celine sighed and drank heavily from the glass.

  “Children.” She muttered to herself. She would find a way to reassure Isis and Osiris of their place in the new world. Of course they must feel odd now, but soon they would fit right in. It had been a long day for all of them and she decided it was more important for them to rest and relax before she asked any more of them. It was hard to remember that they were just children. The water accelerated their growth from infant to adult in one day. It was an unforeseen event that had Celine thrilled at the rate she could grow her own army of gods. After a little while the two returned to the great room looking sulky and forlorn. Celine embraced them both.

  “I’m sorry that I have asked so much of you my beautiful children. Today was such a big day and I can’t tell you how proud I am of you.” They both beamed again showing their sharp incisors. “I think you two should play in the garden for a while. It’s yours now and I have brought in some deer and other livestock out back. You should go now and have some fun. I will call you in the morning.” They didn’t move. “Go on now darl
ings. You’ve made mother so very proud.” The two creatures kissed Celine on the lips and she watched them leap off the terrace into the night, letting loose a great and terrible sound. She would have to be more careful with them. They were smarter than she had imagined and were learning more and more with each passing day. They could capture Frankie tomorrow. He would return to the house before long and she was happy with the progress she had made today. She knew that Sasha had left the country and for now that was just fine with her. Out of all of them, Celine had a healthy fear of what the American girl could do to her if given the chance. She sat down at the large table and rang the bell summoning Virginie who was strangely subdued. She was really a good servant and Celine considered keeping her on indefinitely.

  “I’m ready for my first course. You may serve me now.” Celine was back to being the civilized president of her global company.

  “Yes Madomoiselle.” Virginie curtsied professionally and hurried to the kitchen to bring forth the meal she had prepared for the woman who was responsible for all this horror. Virginie loved Marcus too much to slip up now. If there was a chance at saving him Virginie would do everything this horrible woman asked of her. She could keep up this game forever. She had been a servant her whole life and knew how to anticipate the needs of people before they arose. She would watch Celine like a hawk and learn everything she could. Virginie was a pure soul, one of the rarest on earth who knew deep in her heart that evil never wins over good. Evil is always too greedy and somehow devours itself in the end every time. She knew it was naïve, but it gave her the courage to continue on in a world full of horror and bloodshed. The horror had now reached the house on Rue Raynouard and Virginie was ready to deal with it. Whether it was here or a thousand miles away, evil moved about this world in the most casual manner. Tonight was living proof. She garnished the plate of lamb and made sure it was perfect. Once satisfied, she carried the tray out of the kitchen knowing that the woman would be pleased with such exquisite cuisine with such artistic presentation. Virginie knew the type of woman Celine was and planned on catering to her every high class whim. Somehow she had to gain the trust of the woman who was holding Marcus hostage and it occurred to her for the first time that she was in love with her boss and would do anything to guarantee his safe return. This new bit of information startled her as she never realized it before now. She hid her emotions and executed the rest of the perfect meal flawlessly.


  Dawn came to Paris quickly and quietly. It was going to be one of those perfect Spring days in the city that drew everyone out. Every café and restaurant would be filled with people sitting too close to each other which was so specifically European. The sun began its ascent with pink and purple hues dancing off the few clouds that remained from the night before. Birds began to sing their joyful songs in the parks and the rooftops. Here and there people began to emerge from their homes and apartments sleepily making their way to the patisseries and cafes for the daily coffee and bread. Soon the city would be awake but for now it was peaceful and lovely in a way that could only last for a short period for such a city filled with millions of people. Paris had come a long way from the little Celtic colony that raised sheep and worshipped their gods. Frankie yawned and stretched and finally opened his eyes. Last night had indeed been quite memorable. Leaving his risqué adventure behind him and winked at the concierge who ignored him completely and Frankie laughed as he pushed the glass door out to the street. The sunlight was beginning to filter its way through the spaces between the building and Frankie loved how it felt on his face. The first thing he needed was coffee. Before he had gone two blocks there was a little corner coffee bar where he sat at a little table in the sun and flirted with the plump waitress who was happy to have an early customer and such a cute one at that. This was a good sign for her and that the day promised to be beautiful only added to her optimism. She hummed to herself as she ordered his coffee and got a glimpse of herself in the little mirror next to the coffee cups to make sure her hair was in place.

  Frankie thanked her and gave her his best smile and took tiny sips of the black heat. It was just what he needed. He was in a much better mood to deal with everything that was going on back at the house. He just needed a little break from all the drama of the captured Celine and the haughty Sasha and the indifferent Claire. Women! If he didn’t love them so much he would hate them for sure. He made a mental note to try his best not to be such a smart ass and try to be a little more serious. He knew how irritating he could be. Once he was done with his coffee he paid for the drink and began to walk and whistle as he realized it was about half an hour’s amble back to the mansion. On a day like today it was well worth the walk and he found himself looking up at the fantastic architecture of Notre Dame. Everything looked different in this light. On a whim he decided to go inside and light a candle. It couldn’t hurt.

  Sasha lay in bed afraid to feel her stomach. She finally gathered up her courage and reached down. No changes. that was a relief as she had nightmares all night long of giving birth to monsters and watching her body grow and expand before her very eyes. If only one glass of the cursed water had done this, what would it do to the poor woman who drank it daily? She didn’t want to think about any of that. The light of day chased away her terrors and she actually found herself looking forward to leaving the city which had become hateful to her overnight. Her bags were packed and there was nothing for her to do except take a bath and call a taxi. She had a few hours before her plane left and she decided to take it easy. She lay back down on he pillow and started thinking about being a mother. More than ever, she wished her own mother were still alive. She would know what to do and what to eat and how to prepare for the coming arrival. Sasha knew none of these things. She would be one of those women who read all the manuals on childbirth and care. She was not afraid though, as she had never backed down from any challenge before and wasn’t about to start now. She was startled when she heard the familiar urgent tapping on her window. The tapping that started this whole mess.

  “Oh my God! Leave me alone!” She wasn’t going to let any of them talk her into going back to that house. She climbed out of her bed in her favorite pajamas of sky blue cotton and threw back the curtains. She almost screamed when she saw a bloodied Madgalene knocking furiously at her window frame. She opened the heavy metal clast that kept the glass shut and watched as the injured bird hobbled into her room.

  “Oh you poor thing!” She couldn’t help but feel sorry for Claire’s winged friend. Where was Claire? She looked down to the courtyard and saw no one. As far as she knew, these two were never apart. If you got Claire, you got the bird. They were inseperable. A sinking feeling began to descend on her. She tried to assess the damage to Magdalene but had no experience with birds. She almost fainted when she saw the gash across the breast bone. It was made by a claw. There was no doubt in her mind that the claw belonged to one of Celine’s science experiments. She dabbed a towel in water and tried to clean the wound. Magdalene was surprisingly cooperative and let Sasha do whatever she could. The bleeding had stopped but she didn’t like how long and wide the gash was. She grabbed some duct tape from her closet and cut it into tiny little strips and held the wound close as she created a criss cross pattern of the tape, pulling the wound to a close. Magdalene stood on Sasha’s coffee table after she had finished mending the bird and began to caw very distinctly. She cawed three times and then rested and then three more times and rested. It continued for a while and Sasha realized it was always in threes and that it must be some sort of distress call like the old S.O.S signal from long ago. Claire must have sent Magdalene to her but Sasha had no idea what to do other than to tend to the bird’s injuries when it occurred to her that the bird might be hungry and thirsty. She poured a box of cereal onto the coffee table not caring about the mess and filled a little white bowl with water. She left the bird to its meal and ran a bath and methodically began to wash herself. She couldn’t believe what she was about to do
but she kenw that if she got involved she might never get out of this alive. She had made her choice and so had they. Of course she was thinking about Taylor but if she went back it would all happen all over again. One by one they would begin to die. She left her window open so Magdalene could leave when she saw fit. The tears were already falling down her face as she made her way down the soft oval stairs of her Parisian home for the last time. She stood outside the door not even noticing what a gorgeous day this was going to be. All she could think of was that it was probably already too late. They were probably dead by now and if she didn’t leave, she would be next. People walked by her and stopped to look at the pretty woman with suitcases who looked so sad. They all thought she must be sad because she was leaving Paris. Who wouldn’t be? The taxi came and the driver got out and threw her bags into the trunk. He confirmed her destination, Charles De Gaulle airport. She nodded in the affirmative unable to speak and got into the car. She was in a daze as the cab pulled away into the streaming traffic.

  Frankie walked in through the back gate of the garden hoping to surprise Claire. He wanted to shock her with his tale of lusty adventures the previous night hoping to get some reaction out of the stone princess. He had always been this way with her and found endless pleasure in trying to make her react to something he said. It wasn’t easy. He walked lazily and turned right onto the path that led up to the hill. Something was right in front of him. Something that used to be alive but was now a bloody and mangled mess. It looked like the carcass of a deer as he caught sight of the hooves. He cautiously looked around and satisfied that he was alone, he began to move stealthily toward the house. Going from tree to tree he moved like a soldier in combat and was glad that his khaki pants and tan shirt kept him blended in with the scenery. And to think he almost wore his red silk shirt last night! He crept forward slowly until he could get a glimpse of the house. There was Celine having breakfast on the terrace as if she had been there all along. There was no sign of the others and Frankie could only imagine the worst. He backtracked his way down to the river again and slipped out the gate. His heart was pounding and he realized suddenly that he couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to Claire. Sure, he teased her mercilessly but that was his way of showing her affection. They had always maintained their brother and sister connection even to this day. He was very protective of her and she allowed him to goad her as she allowed nobody else. He was almost running when he thought that he had no idea were he was running to. He stopped for a moment and turned toward the Eifel tower. He had to find Sasha. She wasn’t in the house. She had already left before Celine had somehow managed to wake up from her poisoned beauty sleep and take control of the chateau. It wouldn’t be long before Celine came looking for them. He had to get to Sasha before that old witch did. He ran faster and faster mostly out of fear and worry. He couldn’t think of Claire as dead. There was nothing in the world that could prepare him for that. He was exceptionally fit and kept up his rapid pace realizing he could get there faster on foot at this time of day as the rush of cars began their onslaught on the city. He would be there soon enough. He only hoped he would not be too late.


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