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A Hayu's Dream

Page 39

by Beth Hoyer

Heather if I was in the depression ward. She confirmed it. I asked her why. She told me Anna read my diary and thinks I might be depressed. I hope not. Bruce came and stayed until the nurse shooed him out. We talked about work. I complained about the aches and pains I get from work. Bruce complained about the fish smell and having to get up early to fish. Then he kissed me on the lips and left the hospital. I hope Sue doesn't visit me. Bruce brought along some clothes for me. It was dinnertime, which I decided to eat first before I change into the clothes. Then I changed into the clothes. They were blue sweatpants, a purple rugby top and a hooded zippered white top. It was good to put them on besides wearing a dress with thick tights. The pajamas I wore were crewneck. I took a shower. I came back out of the bathroom to find Heather there. She wanted me to take some pills. It was like taking aspirin. The pills made me sleepy so I think I'll go to bed now. I'm tired. Yawn. The nurse left the door open. The light woke me up. I couldn’t move to the other bed because someone was sleeping in there. I felt sick like I want to throw up. I got up and closed the door then I didn’t sleep well. I kept getting up to close the door. The nurse kept it open. I met my roommate. Her name is Sally Jonson. She has a broken foot. There's a wheelchair for her to use. I think I hid my journal in my pillowcase. I moved my journal to the bed stand. I woke up to catch Sally opening it. She gave it back to me. She apologized for that. I'm annoyed when people are nosy. The nurse Heather came in and told us its lunchtime. I feel like having chocolate. The TV is closed-captioned. All it shows is my favorite TV show. I couldn't change the channel to the news. There were several people watching TV. They weren't friendly with me. They were glued to the TV. Bruce and Luke came around 4pm. Before that, I took a nap. It was great to see Bruce. I kissed him on the lips. Then I shook hands with Luke. They both smelled of fish. I think they were out fishing. They stayed for an hour before the nurse shooed them out. Heather came with my pills. I can't wait to go home. Heather mentioned I might go home tomorrow. Tomorrow is May 1st. I'm glad. I can't wait. I'm excited. I think I'll go to sleep now. Yawn. Bruce and Luke told me they couldn't make the 7pm visiting hour. So I'll see them tomorrow before 4pm.



  May 1, 2101

  Dear Anne,

  The light from the opened door bothered me. I decided to get up and close the door. Breakfast was in three hours. I hope I can sleep. A nurse opened the door and left it open. Rude. I got to get up and close it before I go to sleep. The bed is not very good it’s hard. I hate it here in the hospital. I'm still in the hospital. I asked Heather when I could go home. She told me around 3pm. I can't wait. I ate breakfast then I took a nap. Heather woke me up to tell me it was lunchtime. I'm getting tired of writing down what I eat. It's boring. Yawn. I took a nap. 3pm came and I'm home. Bruce kissed me on the lips waking me up. At home I didn't do much. I watched too much TV. It was great to see Bruce. They took a day off from fishing to bring me home. I'm grateful to be home. The hospital was awful. I didn't get enough sleep. I called work and asked when I'm coming to work. I'm getting sick of the eight hours. I'm sick of the customers playing games with me. I want to work in the library. I decided to go to the library. I told Luke about going to the library. He told me to stay home and rest. I told him about going tomorrow. He told me the library is closed. I worked on my gymnastics web site. I found my name taken off. Sue's name was on there. I added my name and found it taken off. Again I added my name and found it taken off. I kept getting a box telling me it was blocked. I wasn't supposed to add my name. It was my idea for the web site. I'm annoyed at Sue. I checked my High Council web site. It had perfection crap in it. It was about people being a certain height, weight and must see and hear. It sounds like the army to me. I think the army must be running Earth. I looked online for an Earth web site but Bruce told me it was dinnertime. I ate dinner then I continued my search for an Earth web site. I found one and I wasn't happy about that. Earth is run by the army. The requirements to join the army became a religion called Perfection or High Council. I can't believe Anna grew up in this. It's a good thing I'm not on Earth. There was a law that says anyone not meeting the requirements was put to death. I'm glad the law doesn't take effect here either. I can't wait to go to the library and ask for a job. I'm getting sick of working at the store. I should be going to bed but I don't feel tired. I left Bruce a note telling him to tell his father how he felt about fishing. I watched the news. The news talked about Edenia being off limits. They added about reaching a message from Earth. Earth wanted their perfection law to take effect on Terra. I really hope not. Bruce and I would be in big trouble. I think I'll tape my diary to my leg tonight along with a pen. I have a strange feeling something bad is going to happen to Bruce and me. It's the same with TV shows. I get a feeling something bad is going to happen to a character.



  May 12, 2101

  Dear Anne,

  I don't know where Bruce and I are. Let me start in the beginning. I woke up to feel a cloth on my face and I saw it was Luke who put the cloth on me. It smelled of something awful that it made me sleepy. I was annoyed to be waked up. I fell unconscious. I woke up in an air mattress bed in a tent. I found my diary in a pant pocket. I discovered I was wearing a blue sweat like material coveralls. I saw Bruce on a bed next to me. Heather came in the tent.

  She told me "You're on Edenia. It's May 12, 2101."

  I asked why. She explained Earth sent Terra a ship that will arrive on Terra with soldiers to kill anyone not meeting the army's requirements. The ship is supposed to arrive on Terra tomorrow. I can't believe it. I asked her how the ship could arrive so quickly. She told me that thanks to technology it now takes a year of sleeping to get from Earth to Terra. I asked her about Luke. Heather assured me Luke is here too. He'll come in the tent soon. She told me to sleep then she left the tent. The blankets are a silver cotton material. I looked over at Bruce. He's wearing a blue coverall. I hope the soldiers don't come to Edenia to try to kill us off. I really hope not. One thing I'll miss is my kittens Victoria and Demeter. I hope their doing okay. I dreamed that I was still in New Mexico with my parents sitting around a campfire with a stick in my hand. I looked at my parents and was about to say something when my vision clouded over and showed Kurt laughing. It was very disturbing. Edenia is warmer than Terra we don't need winter gear. Bruce woke me up by kissing me on the lips. We went outside the tent holding hands. It was good to see greenery. It's been awhile since I've seen green plants instead of snow. I could see we were in a valley at the foot of a mountain. There were trees. The trees were very tall and thick. I think we’re in a forest. There was a waterfall next to the mountain. I saw a crystal spire on top of the mountain. There were ten tents in all. I saw a car that looked like a truck. We saw Heather and waved her over. There were people walking around the valley doing chores. Heather came over to us. She politely asked us to look for firewood. I asked her where the shuttle is. She told me it was hidden underground in a cave. I asked her about going to the spire. She confirmed it, but added about us spending the night here in the valley before we reached the mountain. Bruce and I scavenged for firewood. I wanted to change into my wolf form but Heather came by and glared. She told us not to do that what she called was skin walking. We found an armful and brought it back to camp. We made sure to keep camp in sight when we looked for twigs. The sunset was beautiful. I saw Luke who Bruce hugged him. I asked Luke about my kittens. Luke told me Anna has them and stayed on Terra because she met the army's requirements. I hope they won't kill her because of being related to me. I told Luke that. He told me she met the requirements and is acceptable now. I can't believe it. I'm shocked. Dinner was like a pop tart in chewable packet. The packet was chewable but not to be swallowed. Heather warned me not to swallow the packet. It was toothpaste. For drink was water.

  I’m in our tent. The tent is small. When I stood up I could touch both ends with my hands. The beds are air mattresses with silver sleeping
bags and pillows. Luke told us to go to bed now, because we're getting up at dawn. I decided to write. I'm grateful someone put my journal in a zippered pocket in the coverall. I should be going to bed now. Bruce is asleep. The light is getting dim. It’s getting harder for me to write.



  May 13, 2101

  Dear Anne,

  There was a thunderstorm last night. The lightening kept Bruce and me up. I didn’t bother to write about it. Heather woke us up. I felt tired that my feet ached. The walk to the spire was a long one. First camp was disbanded. Heather and Luke taught us how to take down the tent. It's like camping out in New Hampshire back on Earth. Well when I was in grade school my dad, mom and I went to New Hampshire to do some camping. We camped in a campground with a tent. The campground had bathrooms and showers too. We visited the mountains in the area mostly at the foot of the mountains. Saw the sights including the Old Man of the Mountain. I had a fun time and would like to go back someday.

  We dismantled the air beds and folded them

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