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A Hayu's Dream

Page 68

by Beth Hoyer

woke up when I felt the nurse gave me my watch. I'm glad to have my watch back. I checked the time. It's 9pm. I wonder if I could get up and walk around? I walked around looking in curtains. Most were empty beds. There were few that had Jella and Rani. Jella looked like she was pregnant again. Baby number three. I went down the hallway and came to door with lasers on it. I think an alarm sounded when I put my hand through the lasers. The same nurse came running. She told me to go back to bed. I asked her why. She told me I should be resting until the doctor says its okay for me to get out of bed. I went back to bed. I saw Bruce on my way. He finished the book and was asleep. He had dark circles under his eyes. I think he woke up and spent most of the night reading that book. I'm positive that it's a trilogy book. I checked and was shocked to see that the book was by my favorite author Beth Hoyer. Wow. No wonder Bruce was so engrossed. Bruce is asleep. The nurse came and told me to go back to bed. I'm in bed now. The bed seems hard. I wonder where we are. I have no idea. I hope to get up soon. It's around 11pm on my watch. The clock on the monitor says 11pm. That's how I know it’s nighttime. I should be asleep. I think I'll go to bed now. I'm tired.



  August 13, 2384

  Dear Anne,

  Something is wrong with the lights because their blinking. Then the lights went out when I went to sleep then woke me up by blinking. I can't wait for the bleeping blinking lights to stop blinking. I'm getting annoyed. I got up and the nurse came. She told me it was time to eat. Eat? The nurse woke up Bruce and took us down the hallway to a door. She opened the door and it was a cafeteria similar to the one I was in on Edenia. There weren't many people around. I saw Maureen, Christian, Jella, and Rani there sitting at a table. They looked sleepy to me. The food was green goo and orange juice to drink. I complained about being 12am in the morning. The nurse told me it was 12pm noon. I asked her why the clock in my room says 12am. The Nurse left the cafeteria. Bruce fell asleep after eating his food. Maureen moved his plate out of the way of his sleeping head. The nurse came back and told us it was 12am. She apologized for waking us up at this hour. She led us to our curtain rooms. Bruce followed me and sat on my bed. Bruce is nuzzling my neck. I have a feeling we'll be having sex before the hour is over. Pardon my handwriting but Bruce is kissing my arm. A Nurse came and is watching Bruce nuzzle my arm. I asked the nurse to leave. She told us that her job is to prevent sex period. I asked why Jella was pregnant. She explained that Jella already had the baby. She had a boy named Alexei Zesky. That's the name of my father! Bruce went to his curtain room to lie down on the bed. He left the curtain open so I can see him as I write. Bruce is staring at the ceiling. The ceiling has lights implanted in them. I'm tired. I think I'll go to sleep. The nurse woke me up. Bruce and I learned her name is Francesca. She led us to the cafeteria. Food was green goo and green drink. I don't know what it is. It tastes like lima beans. Yuck. I'm not fond of lima beans. I asked Francesca when we get to leave the hospital. Francesca told me she'll have to talk to the doctor first. Jella nursed her baby in front of us. Christian and Bruce looked away when she pulled her coverall down revealing her chest. I noticed her chest seemed to be bigger than mine. I can't believe I wrote that. There are several things I can't believe I wrote down. My hair is coming in slowly. My hair is like a famous Irish singer. I can't wait for my blonde hair to grow back. I'm dying for hair. I can't believe I don’t have any hair on my armpits or legs. I think someone gave me some operation to remove the hair forever. I really hope so. I'm a little tired. I'm also bored. Maureen is asleep leaning against Christian. Rani is watching Jella breast-feed the baby Alexei. I wonder where they got the name Alexei Zesky. The only reason would be my diary. They could have read it and discovered that my father's name is Alexei Zesky but I didn’t write it down till now. I'm tired. I slept until dinnertime. Francesca came by. She gave us green goo to eat and drink. I'm getting a little sick of eating lima bean tasting foods. It's disgusting. I felt myself on fire like I had to have sex. Francesca gave me a shot in the arm and the fire feeling went away. I felt much better. The food wasn't helpful. It made me drowsier. I think it's drugged to make us sleep. Bruce has a head on the table asleep. Maureen and Christian are asleep leaning against each other. Francesca took baby Alexei from Jella and entered a cave. I followed her and saw her give the baby to a Sakul. Then I went back to the table to sleep. I'm tired. I think I better go to sleep now. I think I can lean on Bruce and sleep.



  August 14, 2384

  Dear Anne,

  I woke up in another bed. It wasn't the hospital. I woke up to see the room I was in was wooden on all sides. There was a door leading to down stairs. I looked out the window and I couldn’t see a thing. I realized the window was covered and it was nighttime. The lights were blinking. I entered a hallway, which had three doors on both sides. The doors were closed. Then I went down the stairs to a narrow hallway. There was a rack of pots and pans in the way of the hallway ending at a doorway. I went back to my room and found Bruce lying in bed asleep. I didn't wake him up. I went back to sleep. Bruce woke me up by kissing me on the lips and was interrupted by a tap on our shoulders and saw Francesca. She gestured us to come with her. We followed her down the hallway and down the stairs to the pots and pans. Francesca moved the pots and pans and opened a narrow door. I had to turn to my side to walk through the door. The door led to a dinning room. The door way was next to the fire place. The house has a feel of the nineteenth century in it. The dinning room was a little large. The windows were boarded up. At the table I could see Maureen, Christian, Jella and Rani without the baby. Breakfast was rice stuff. They were like rice. Then after breakfast Francesca told us to go to our rooms. Francesca gestured for us to go through the narrow doorway. I went in first followed by Bruce, Jella, Rani and Maureen and Christian. We choose rooms and then went in them. I saw Jella and Rani enter a room. I could see that their room was like the room I woke up in. boarded up window and a brass bed. I checked the other rooms. There were boarded up windows and a brass queen-size bed. Bruce is lying on the bed staring at the wall. I'm feeling bored. There aren't any books around here besides my journal. I haven't seen the Edenia book. I wonder why we're staying in this nineteenth century house. I could feel a drumming vibration. I'm sure we're still on whatever planet it is. I don't know where we are. I hope we'll come down for lunch. I got up from the bed and went down the stairs to the pots and pans. I tried to move the pots and pans. I couldn't open the door. I could feel there was a latch. The door was seemly made out of metal. I put my ear to the door and I couldn't hear a thing. I could feel vibrations. The vibrations feel like feet walking back and forth and someone stomping. Then I felt someone slam a door. Then the door opened and I fell through. Francesca wasn't happy to see me. She scolded me and told me to go back to my room. She slammed the door behind me. I could feel her locking the door. I wonder where we are. I hope there's something to do besides sex. I really do. Francesca came to bring us down for dinner. Before she came I tried to pull the nails from the boarded up window. The nails were old and the wood was old. I tried not to get any splinters. Dinner was gray goo and something gray to drink. I asked her why the windows were boarded up. She explained that it was to keep people from looking in the windows. I asked Francesca what was going on in the world. I wanted to know. She explained that there were fighting in cities. The house is far in a field alone. There are no bushes or anything around the house. Francesca added that she's looking for Lana and Lorne. She already informed the Mesan’s Curse about bringing them to here to stay. Francesca made us go up the stairs to our rooms. I can't wait to see the rest of the house. I would love to know what it looks like. The house seems nice. I'm bored. I think I'll have sex with Bruce. It'll give me something to do. I'm feeling like I'm on fire. I feel I have to have sex.

  Bruce and I had oral sex. It helped our cravings for each other. It was nice to have someone sucking my chest. I miss having that fee
ling. I'm sure my milk is gone. I'm not sure. Bruce is asleep next to me. He had a hand on my private part. I don’t mind his hand there. It's very pleasant. I think I'll go to sleep now. The fireplace is on. There's a light from the fireplace. The light is making the room an orange glow. I feel relaxed. I'm a little tired. I think I’ll go to sleep now.



  August 15, 2384

  Dear Anne,

  I woke up when I felt sunlight on me. Bruce undid the boarded window and is peeking out the window. I got up and looked. I could see a field with trees at the edges. Francesca came with hammer. She hammered the wood back in place. Then she told us not to have sex or pull the window open. I feel we have no choice but to breathe stuffy air. There seems to be air conditioning. I felt the wall and I could feel a ventilator. Bruce was nuzzling my neck. Then he's kissing it. I have a feeling we'll be having sex before we know it. I think Bruce can't help being bored too. Francesca came and handed us six books. Three were another

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