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A Hayu's Dream

Page 76

by Beth Hoyer

I’ll go to bed now. I don’t know if I could sleep while feeling hungry. Bruce is lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. I explored the room and discovered the bathroom so I took a hot shower then I came out. Bruce went to take a shower. He’s now on the bed staring at the ceiling. I asked him what he was thinking about. He was about to say something when the lights dimmed. The Mesan’s Curse after showing us the bedroom did warned me that it was the computer’s way of telling people to go to sleep.



  September 3

  Dear Anne,

  Today it was like yesterday. Going to the cafeteria to eat green goo then hanging around the garden. Bruce and I explored the garden. We came upon a Sakul and a Mesan’s Curse who both disappeared. It was very weird. Our escort got a call on his communications link. He told us that the three men escaped from the jail. He escorted us to a room. In the war room the Commander a female Highlander I assumed was yelling at the Highlander security chief. I didn't understand a word she said because she seemed to be talking in a foreign language while I was in my wolf form. He looked ashamed. The Commander touched a button on the table and the monitor showed the three men, King Sea, Ellison and Teorjer together pulling up the iron gate and escaping by knocking out the guards. I was secretly glad they escaped. I have no idea where they went. Mainland standing there signed for us to change into our Human forms which we obeyed. I looked around the room to see Highlanders, or Elves standing at consoles while there were screens flickering scenes. I pulled out my diary and started writing. Mainland was a little nosy. He asked me what I was writing. I told him using my voice that I was writing my memoirs for people to read once I’m finished. The security chief left the room as the commander left the room running after him. The lights blinked and I looked to see a monitor showed a gray Sakul in the hallway attacking people. The Sakul entered the room and signed for Bruce and me to come with him. Bruce and I talked and decided not to. The Sakul waved a hand and then hands grabbed it by the neck and the hood shrived up in ashes. I saw the three men Teorjer, King Sea and Ellison Donovan who were acting annoyed. The security chief came and tried to arrest the three. Teorjer grabbed the poor security chief by the shoulder and lifted him up.

  I lip read him speaking “Do not make the elementals like us madder.”

  Then he put the Highlander down. I’m surprised that Teorjer is so strong. I should have known that. The lights blinked. A monitor appeared above the table showing sinister helicopter ships coming through a vortex. They were firing on the station.

  I also lip read the three say together “The High Council.”

  Then the station fired lasers at the ships. Bruce and I braced each other on the table. Then there were vortexes opening, I saw white bubble ships and purple chicken ships appeared and fired on the spider ships. I saw a huge sinister helicopter ship fire a beam at the station. A yellow squid ship appeared out of nowhere and was destroyed by the beam. Then the sinister helicopter ships disappeared. The battle was swift and short. The commander came in the room. The commander told us with us forced to lip read due to her not signing that there was a curfew for people to go in their quarters which a Mesan’s Curse led us to our quarters. There were metal beams littering the floor along with spider carcasses. In our quarters I pulled out my diary and started writing. The day was exciting. I’m excited about the excitement. A Mesan’s Curse came in our quarters and asked to talk to us privately. He told us about a gate was found on the planetary station. He told me that it was safe for us to go through the gate. I asked him why we were told to go in it now. He told us we were from the past. The High Council according to the spies, have expressed interest in capturing us mind raping us to get our information on the past including Earth. Bruce and I had a talk and decided it was best to go. He led us out of the room to the elevator. I’m writing this as fast as I can on the elevator. I hope they destroy the gate after we go through it. I’ll miss this world. It’ll be interesting. I wonder where we’ll be when we go through the gate. We got off the elevator through a maze of hallways and the Mesan’s Curse escorted us to a round metal arch with clouds in between it. It was the gate according to him. The Mesan’s Curse told us to change in our coveralls. He turned his back as we changed clothes. I made sure my diary was in my pocket safely. Bruce and I held hands and walked into the gate. We entered a forest. I couldn’t see the sky because of the tall trees. The trees were really thick. Bruce and I wandered around. Then we felt drumming vibrations. The vibrations drummed a message to follow them. We followed the drumming vibrations then reached a beach. I looked at the sky and I could see a planet in the sky. It looked eerie like Terrania. We followed the drumming vibrations until we reached a cave and inside were Humans. They welcomed us with suspicion. We explained we were from Terra and came here. One of the Humans introduced herself as Admiral Lynn. She seemed to know sign language because she signed. I pulled out my diary and started writing. Bruce and I are sitting on the floor. I’m a little tired. Yawn. I think I’ll go to sleep.

  I went to sleep and dreamed of a Samol. The Samol gave me a stick with an Egyptian symbol of Osiris on it. I woke up and found my hand holding the stick. Bruce was interested. He dreamed and woke up with the stick. Admiral Lynn thinks the planet gave us the sticks as a way they accepted us. I asked Lynn where we were. She explained we’re on Edenia. I asked her what year it was. She was confused. I tried my best to explain years. She told me we don’t have years anymore. Bruce and I met the other Humans. There were thirty people who introduced themselves. It was nice. I asked about the Banshees. Lynn told me that they are off the planet. I stood up and saw a Banshee in the cave. Lynn was annoyed. She yelled at the Banshee. I didn’t understand a word she said. I think she was speaking in foreign language. The Banshee turned around and walked out of the cave. I’m not sure what year it is. It is very crazy here. I’m not sure if Lynn is my descendant. She reminds me of Anna. Outside a storm is coming. Lynn asked me if I was a descendant of her ancestor Anna Zeskaya because of how I closely resembled her. Bruce and I had a talk and decided not to tell them about being an ancestor of hers. We truthfully told Lynn that I was related to Anna. Lynn didn’t ask any more questions. She insisted that I come inside the cave with her. A storm was coming. We went inside the cave. There were glow bulbs in the walls. The others were standing around looking like they were bored. Bruce and I had a talk about not telling the others we were born on Earth. A Human dressed in pants and no shirt with a scar on his left cheek was with a blonde hair woman who looked partly like a snake was dressed in green coverall come in the cave. Behind them was a man who was like a reptile wearing brown pants and a gray long sleeve crew neck shirt. They explained that the man was her father Tovok. I wonder if she and Lynn are related. Lynn hugged Tovok. I could tell that he was blind. He was waving his hands in front of him. The Human male introduced himself as General Wickers. The female was Valeria, Tovok’s daughter. I think I’ll go to sleep now. I’m leaning on Bruce and I’m a little tired. Yawn.



  September 4, year unknown

  Dear Anne,

  Lynn woke us both up. She told us a Samol in her dream told her to go to the gateway and enter it but we had to be in our wolf forms. How did she know of our wolf forms? It must be the Samol. We left the cave. Outside was sunny outside. I could see the beach. I followed Lynn and the others to the gateway. The gate was again a round metal arch that was appearing to be guarded by dark humanoids that had dinosaur triceratops heards. Lynn explained they were called Banara. The Banara let us through. Admiral Lynn and the others went first then Tovok and his daughter. We followed General Wickers. We entered a stadium was eerie familiar. There were aliens that looked like humanoid version of animals on Earth. There were deer, apes, reptiles and other animals. We stood at the arena. It was interesting. I felt drumming vibrations. I saw tall humanoids on a raised platform wearing hooded robes. One of them talked in a foreign language. I
didn’t understand a word was said. I lip read Lynn telling the man on the raised platform on seats about people who can change forms from Human to wolf. Admiral Lynn signed to me to change my form to Human which I did and she asked me to light the cauldron. I saw a door next to the people on the raised platform. The door was familiar. I remembered it was a door. So I aimed my stick at the door. A ball of lightening came from my stick and hit the door. The door opened. The man on the raised platform yelled no. Samol with cross-sticks came out and put the man in a coffin. I asked Lynn who he was. She told me his name was Jupiter. Then General Wickers stood between two lighted small cauldrons and then the cauldron lit up. I wonder what planet we’re on. I asked Lynn she told me the planet is called Humania I’m surprised. I looked in the sky and I could see some moon that reminded me of Edenia. Then there was a creature in Native American wear. He had a sun mask on covering his eyes. Lynn bowed to him and called him Honored One. Honored One signed that the two of us were to go through the door. I wanted to stay but Honored One

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