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Sparing the Heart (Pastime Pursuits #3)

Page 22

by Tracy Krimmer

  In my bogged mind of thoughts I manage to miss a right and turn the car around as quickly as I can. I’m three minutes from the station and clueless as to the words I’ll formulate when he’s standing in front of me, but I can’t think of anything to say. All I’m focused on is the end result: me and Kellan together.

  I hold my leg hostage to stop the bouncing. I’m stuck between anxiousness and having to pee. I pull into the parking lot and nearly forget to put the car in park. Once I whip open my door and the rain starts pouring in, I realize I forgot an umbrella. I’ll have to run. No problem. I dart for the first door in my view.

  “Employees only!” I yell. “Ugh!” My hair is now matted to my scalp and my jacket and pants are soaked. I’m freezing. The temperature can’t be much more than forty degrees. Snow still dots the ground in some places and the harsh rain only makes it look dirty.

  I power walk to the front of the building where the main entrance is. Thank God. I open the door and step into the lobby, a wet disaster. The receptionist drops her mouth when she sees me.

  “May I help you?”

  Oh man, I’m in shambles. I can’t stand my jacket sticking to my body. I peel it off and hang it on a rack. “I’m here to see Kellan Valentine.”

  She can’t seem to stop staring at me. At my shirt. I drop my head down. Crap. I’m standing here in bright pink V-Neck with the words #1 Grandma written across. Tiffany made me buy this on a bet. I tossed it on this morning and didn’t even think to change before bolting out the door. That’s my reward for doing something on a whim.

  “Is he available? Kellan Valentine? My name is Kate Hayes.” Stop staring at my shirt. I’d put my jacket back on, but, unfortunately, it’s soaked.

  Still keeping her eyes on me she reaches for her phone. “Let me check.”

  As she calls Kellan or whoever she has to contact to check his availability, I walk the perimeter of the lobby. Many awards are displayed on the wall, including Kellan as Meteorologist of the Year two years ago. I had no idea he was that good, or that such an award even existed. Different magazines sit on the end tables, most local featuring someone from the station on the cover.


  I turn and the receptionist is off the phone, her eyes finally off my shirt.


  “Mr. Valentine will be right out.”

  I take a deep breath with the thought of him knowing I’m here and coming into the lobby. I can’t go fix myself up in the bathroom. What if he comes and I’m not here? Besides, I don’t have a brush with me and a public bathroom doesn’t give me many more options than tampons and paper towel. I require a blow dryer. And a prayer.

  Before I can close my eyes and offer up a plea to whomever will listen, I hear Kellan say my name.


  His voice. I’ve missed his voice. The way he says my name is different than how he suggests the viewers grab an umbrella. It’s just not the same.

  “Kellan, I … needed to see you.”

  “I’m working. Now’s not the best time.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” Sometimes I forget boundaries when it comes to regular jobs. I can work wherever and whenever, so it’s never an issue for me. “You didn’t go.” I whisper this, making sure the receptionist doesn’t eavesdrop. She’s gotten her fill of me today. She doesn’t need to butt in on our conversation, too.

  “I did. I didn’t get the job.”

  “Oh.” So it’s not that he didn’t want it, he just didn’t get it. This doesn’t change how in love with him I am. “I’m sorry. You wanted this badly.”

  He put his hands in his pockets. “I did. There are a lot of things I want I don’t get.”

  His eyes remain on mine and I can’t look away. I’m on that list. His pouty lips and sad stare tell me this. And I’m the one who walked away. Not him. He has every right to hate me. “It’s not that I didn’t want you.”

  “I know.”

  “My world was ripped out from under me when my dad died. I think I finally healed after my mom’s passing when he was taken from me. Starting new was the only way I could make sense of moving on. I can color until my fingers bleed rainbows, but being in that house constantly reminded me of what I lost. After a few months, I started to find comfort here, but something was missing. When I found you, I was complete. I understand you want to start somewhere else. I’ve done it before, but I can’t do it again.” I’m planted here now. My roots grow from a new tree.

  “And I would have stayed for you.”

  “That’s why I broke things off. I love you, Kellan.” I can’t believe I said the words out loud to him. In the lobby. In front of the receptionist who I’m pretty sure is listening, though doing a spectacular job of hiding it. I pull him further from the desk. “I couldn’t live with you resenting me. I know what that feels like. I couldn’t handle that.”

  “I could never resent you.”

  “That’s easy to say, but you don’t know.”

  “Why are you here, Kate? Why did you come?”

  I still don’t have an answer to this. Am I fighting for us? Is he? “I … I want to be with you, even if that means moving to North Carolina or Oregon or Maine. Wherever you go, I’ll go, because home is where you make it. Home is wherever you are.”

  His silence scares me. He can scoop me up like in a romantic movie and kiss me endlessly, or he can turn and walk away and out of my life and I wouldn’t blame him. I’m done sparing myself any pain, though. I’m putting my heart on the line here and hoping I didn’t toss a gutter ball.

  “Part of my job is research and hypothesis,” he starts and I’m startled at the break in silence. “I went to the interview and they did offer me the job.”

  “They what? You said you didn’t get it.”

  “I didn’t. I countered them and they wouldn’t meet me. I think I came back with an impossible offer to match because deep down I didn’t want them to. I don’t want to leave. I never did. I was trying to escape from a life I didn’t want. Then I met you and everything changed.”

  What’s happening? What is he saying? My heart is pounding in my ears and I’m trembling. Every inch of my body is contracting, restless.

  He takes my hands in his and lifts them to his chest. “I’ve been in love with you ever since you first threw a snowball at me.”

  A lump catches in my throat and I can’t breathe. Words pop around in my head, but my lips can’t formulate a sentence. “I … I don’t know what to say.”

  “Then don’t say anything.”

  Before I can speak, he’s kissing me, his lips hard on mine before his tongue dances into my mouth. I can’t hold back and wrap my arms around him as he pulls me tighter. I’m weak, losing myself and forgetting we’re in a public lobby. At his work. My hands run up and down his muscular back and he’s squeezing me so tight I never want him to let me go. He kisses my nose before we separate.

  “Come back to my dressing room. Let’s warm you up.”

  He doesn’t realize that I’m already warm.



  One year later

  The house turned out amazing. Kellan did a spectacular job renovating it, and Janice got the full, new asking price. When the financing fell through for the Reinders, I was devastated. Kellan, though, swooped in and bought it. For us. He gutted the entire inside of the house, put in new floors, cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms, all new appliances, and a soaking tub I can’t wait to fill with bubbles. Today is the perfect day to show off our new home.

  The ceremony is beautiful, especially under the gazebo he built in the backyard. Saying “I do” to my new husband under something he created with his own two hands is so amazing. And my brother and his wife are here, along with my aunt, and everyone from bowling, minus Macy, of course. I couldn’t have dreamed of a more perfect wedding. Small, only a few close friends and family, and as the leaves change from bright and green to metallic shades of reds and oranges. We’re ready to begi
n our life together.

  I’m happy now, happier than I ever imagined possible. Kellan coming into my life was something I could never have predicted, and the forecast for our future looks clear and full of sunny skies. I start as a Marketing Assistant at Clear Pen after our Hawaiian honeymoon, Kellan is Chief Meteorologist at Channel 13, and we adopted a kitty four months ago, and named her Snowball. I’m anxious to tell Kellan about the little bundle he’ll meet in nine months. I’ll surprise him after the wedding.

  “Thank you everyone for coming,” I clink my glass to gather everyone’s attention. The place is packed, even with a small guest list. We hired a planner to arrange seating and decorate and it was worth every penny. We’re all standing outside, the lights hung on the gazebo providing a romantic tone, as well as the shining moon.

  “You’ve made this day truly special. Losing my father two years ago was probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever faced in my life. I tried so hard through my whole life to make work my main priority and spare my heart of any pain. I never realized that sometimes in life you need to experience the hurt to appreciate what’s in front of you. And sometimes it’s important to take a step back and let things happen.” I slide my hand down my groom’s arm and we lock fingers. “I’m so blessed I met this man and all of you.” I face Kellan. “I love you, honey.”

  We exchange a kiss which creates whistles from the crowd. I smile and look over each and every face. Every person here has had some impact on my life, given me some reason to recognize the value of all the cards I’ve been dealt. Through the laughs and cries and embarrassing moments, they’ve all stayed. They all managed to break past my shield and love me without condition. A single tear rolls down my cheek and drops onto my collarbone. I clutch Kellan’s hand. “I love all of you.” My voice cracks as I say the words and Kellan offers me support with an extra squeeze.

  I hope my dad and mom are out there, able to witness this moment. Their presence is strong, running through me like blood. I tilt my head back and find the brightest star in the sky. “And you, too.”

  The End


  There are so many people to thank! This book wouldn’t exist without the help of many. If I forgot anyone, blame the extra cup of coffee I didn’t have!

  Thank you to …

  Karen Stack, for suggesting bowling as the pastime for this book.

  Stephanie Pajonas, Brittainy Cherry, Jayne Denker, Tiffany Williams, and Kathryn Biel for taking the time to beta read the first draft and offering so many suggestions.

  Stephanie, again, for being a great critique partner and friend to bounce ideas and frustrations off of!

  Brea Brown for helping with the blurb. Okay, for pretty much writing it. Thank you so much!

  Melissa Amster for answering bowling league questions and for passing the same set onto others to answer. Also Tammy Rolsma for answering these same questions.

  Karen Booth for all the chats we had while I was writing this book. Whether you know it or not, you helped get me through this.

  Tiffany Williams for allowing me to base Tiffany’s character off of her amazing smile and fantastic personality. We’ve never met in person, but I’m sure your as much fun as the character is.

  Andrea Nowak for sharing her realty expertise.

  Michelle Pfeiffer for bringing Stephanie Zinone to the screen in Grease 2, and Ken Finkleman for writing the screenplay. The movie is and always will be one of my favorites.

  Sophie, my dog and writing partner. You’re not supposed to be on the couch, but I don’t care. I let you up there anyway. We’re a team.

  Mostly, I want to thank my husband for doing so much for this book, and for him and the kids for putting up with me during revisions. I’m always a little on edge during the process.

  Sparing the Heart completes the Pastime Pursuits series and I hoped you’ve enjoyed all three. Whatever you take from the books — the romance, the growth of the characters, or simply the urge to get active, I’m grateful. Find something you love to do and do it — geocaching, walking, bowling — anything to get you moving! Thank you to every reader who picked up this book. I can’t thank you enough for your support. You’re awesome!

  About the Author

  Tracy’s love of writing began at nine years old. She wrote stories about aliens at school, machines that did homework for you, and penguins. Now she pens books and short stories about romance. She loves to read a great book, whether it be romance or science fiction, or any genre in between, or pop popcorn and catch up on her favorite TV shows or movies. She’s been known to crush a candy or two as well. Her first romance novel, Pieces of it All, released in May 2014 followed in December with Caching In, a romance mixed with the hobby of geocaching. She also has written several short stories.

  Thank you so much for reading SPARING THE HEART. If you liked this book, consider my other works. You can purchase at Amazon at


  CACHING IN (Pastime Pursuits Book 1)

  Can a compass lead you to love?

  Broken-hearted Ally Couper has had enough with her ridiculous life. Her job at the bank is going nowhere, and her love life might as well be non-existent.

  Determined to try something new, Ally becomes absorbed in the world of geocaching. The high-tech driven scavenger hunt introduces her to Seth, and she realizes the game isn’t the only thrilling part.

  Ally’s bad luck may finally be changing, until the past threatens to halt her future with Seth. Can they find happiness together, or is love the one cache Ally can’t find?

  JAY WALKING (Pastime Pursuits Book 2)

  Chelsea Wyatt, a single mom trying to build a life for her and her son, is sick of the body she sees in the mirror. A daily diet of Cookie Crisp cereal is not doing wonders for her mood or her figure, and it’s time for a change. Setting out to get fit, she commits herself to a daily walking plan, forcing herself to give up her all-sugar and carb diet, a difficult task at her donut obsessed job.

  But her plan goes sideways when a stumble on the ice puts her in the arms of Jay, an attractive young man out on a run. They grab coffee together, and Chelsea finds herself thinking about him long after their short meeting. The thought of dating again hadn’t crossed her mind in years, and she doesn’t even know if Jay is available, or if he would be interested in her despite her unfit body.

  Just when she has a handle on her new routine, her past catches up with her, throwing her blossoming relationship with Jay and the rest of her life into chaos. Can Chelsea hold onto the people she loves most, or will a wrong turn set her up for failure?


  An alcoholic. A scarred man. A thief.

  Harvey, a twenty-two-year-old high school drop-out arrives home, a brief stint in rehab behind him and ready to start his life again. Then he meets Beth and her innocence and her desire to have it all capture him completely.

  A girl on the cusp of womanhood. Determined. A bright future.

  Beth, a recent high school graduate among the top in her class, can’t wait to get to college and fulfill her dreams. Then she meets Harvey and with his mysterious past, he stirs feelings in her she can't ignore.

  The chemistry between them is unmistakable but Harvey doesn't trust easily and refuses to divulge his past to Beth though she wants to be a part of his future.

  The pieces of their lives lie broken all around them, but can Harvey put his life back together and win Beth over before she begins her new life without him? And can Beth find the strength to become the woman she wants to be without sacrificing her integrity?

  Short Stories




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