Education of ordinary citizen about entomology of locusts
Edwards, George
and bounty payments
counts of
and flooding
as key to controlling locusts
laid only in well-drained sandy cradles
and livestock tramping
and practices to destroy
Endangered Species Act
Entomological Society of America
Environmental Entomology (journal)
Eskimo curlew
Europe and control of locust outbreaks
Evans, Edward
Evans, Geoffrey
Evolutionary theory
and Agassiz
and Lamarck
and Riley
and Thomas
Exodus account of sixth plaque of Egypt
of animal species
of human beings
and loss of biological diversity
Extinction of Rocky Mountain locust
effects on ecosystem of
lessons to be learned from
and possibility of finding living examples of
Extinction of Rocky Mountain locust, habitat destruction theory of
and agricultural cultivation and grazing of river valleys
and alfalfa theory
and farmers occupying river valleys in Permanent Zone
and flooding
gradual acceptance of
and harrowing and plowing
as inadvertent
and livestock
means for not sophisticated
and motive as “hope” or “greed” of farmer/settlers
Extinction of Rocky Mountain locust, past suggestions regarding
and alfalfa theory
American Indians
continued lack of conclusive explanation as of late 1980s
and degraded ecosystem theory
and extinction of bison favorable for locusts
and extinction of buffalo as detrimental to locust
and lack of indications of prolonged decline
and role of climate
and role of fire
and search for major ecological change
Fabricus, Johann Christian
Faith and works
Falk, Peter
Fallows, strategically located
as agrarian missionaries
great increase in between 1870
and 1900
“hope” or “greed” of and extinction of Rocky Mountain locust
idealization of
numbers who died en route
and risks on the trail
and river valleys
in the Rockies
and two million people migrating to western prairies and mountains in 1870s
Farming practices, changing of in response to locusts
Farnham, Thomas
Faure, Jacobus
Federal government public assistance
of clothing and blankets
and fears of abandonment of frontier
of food and seed via Army
and grasshopper invasions of twentieth and twenty-first centuries
Female to male ratio
Fighting against locusts
and agricultural practices
and burning
and conscription of fighters
and covering plants with cloths
and flailing at locusts
and flooding
and insecticides
and invention of lethal machinery
and Mormons
and natural predators
pamphlet regarding methods
and phase transformations
and plowing
Files, F.W.
and drought and locust spread
role of in extinction of locusts
sound of locust swarm compared to
use of by American Indians to create grasslands
Fite, Gilbert
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Flamethrowing machines
caused by overgrazing
of fields
Flory Locust-Machine
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Forsling, Clarence
Founders and Leaders of Entomological Science
French wine industry
Galveston storm
Genetic testing
and Knife Point Glacier specimens
and lack of indication of prolonged decline
and material from natural state of locusts
Genitalia and taxonomy of male grasshoppers
Gentleman from England (Atkins)
Glaciers, melting of
Global warming
Glover, Townsend
Golden Mean or moderation in nature
Goshute Indians
Grant, Ulysses S.
as distinguished from locust
metaphors regarding
See also Grasshopper invasions
Grasshopper Chapel
Grasshopper Glacier
early scientific expeditions to
Gurney expedition to
physical circumstances of
shrinking of
Grasshopper Glacier expedition of 1987
and age of insects
crew of
devising experiments for
and laboratory analysis of 1987
retrieved biomass
lessons learned from
paper regarding
physical trek
and protein analysis
and retrieving of grasshopper biomass
scientific reasons for
Grasshopper Glacier expedition of 1988
Grasshopper Glacier expedition of 1989
crew of
and paper on mandibles of grasshoppers (spretus)
Grasshopper invasions
first half of twentieth century
lack of publicity regarding
outbreak of 1998 and early twenty-first century
of in twentieth century compared to those of locusts of nineteenth century
Grazing. See Cattle grazing
Great Plains low-level jet
Great Salt Lake, and rotting locusts
Ground, coming to, of locust swarm, reasons for and randomness of
Gurney, Ashley
and alfalfa
and extinction of bison and locust swarms
and favorable places of locusts within Permanent Zone
and insects at Grasshopper Glacier
and Rocky Mountain locust as separate species
and “weather theory” of decline of locust
Habitat destruction theory of extinction of Rocky Mountain locust
See also Extinction of Rocky Mountain locust, habitat destruction theory
Haeckel, Ernst
Hardin, Charles
Hardships and Western settlers
Hayden, Ferdinand
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Hazen, William B.
Heaton, Isaac
Hebard, Morgan
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, William Williams
Heninger, Taylor
“Hero ‘Hopper-catcher”
Hitchcock, Phineas
Hohe, Christian
Homestead Act
Howard, Leland O
Howard, Leland Ossian
Hubbell, Theodore Huntington
Human Genome Project
Humor regarding grasshopper
Hyde, Arthur Mastick
Illinois Natural Histor
y Survey
Imperial Bureau of Entomology
Industrialism vs. agrarianism
Insect collections
Insects and disease
“Integrated pest management” (IPM)
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
International Congress of Entomology in St. Petersburg
Introduction to Entomology, An (Kirby and Spence)
Introduction to the Study of North American Archaeology (Thomas)
Invasion tactics of locusts
Islamic response to locusts
Ivie, John
Jefferson, Thomas
Johnson, Andrew
Jones, George
Jubilee years
Kaltern trial of locusts
and conscription of locust fighters
and grasshopper swarms in twentieth century
and public assistance
Karamanli, Yusuf
Keeley, Lawrence H.
Kennedy, John F.
Kenter, August
Kenya Desert locust swarm of 1954
Kimball, Heber C.
King Suction-Machine
Kiowa Indians
Kirby, William
Klippart, John
Knife Point Glacier
and ice block given to Lockwood by Love
largest glacier in United States
Knife Point Glacier expeditions of 1989 and 1990
analyzing material from
and determining wax chemical fingerprints
and identification of Rocky Mountain locust
and mechanism by which locusts got trapped and deposited
and “mother lode” of Rocky Mountain locust remains
and predominance of female specimens
and quantities of Rocky Mountain locust remains washing out of glaciers
and stratification of glacier into bands and dating of historical swarms
Kuhn, Thomas
Lamarck, Jean-Baptist
Land Grant Colleges of Agriculture
Larson, Erik
LeDuc, William
Lemnos and locust tax
Lenin, Vladimir
Leopold, Aldo
Lessons from extinction of Rocky Mountain locust
Liberal League
Lice, body
Life cycle of locusts
Lincoln, Abraham
Linnaeus, Carolus
Literary accounts of locusts
Little Ice Age
Lockwood, Jeffrey
and extinction of Rocky Mountain locust
and conversations with Larry DeBrey regarding locust’s disappearance
and designing experiments
feelings when he began search for cause of extinction of Rocky Mountain locust
and finding locusts in Yellowstone National Park
and funding attempts following 1987 expedition
and Grasshopper Glacier expedition of 1987
and Grasshopper Glacier expedition of 1988
and Grasshopper Glacier expedition of 1989
and Knife Point Glacier expeditions of 1989 and 1990
and passion for grasshopper biology and ecology
and personal experience of grasshopper swarm
personal reasons for Grasshopper Glacier expedition
and position at University of Wyoming
and renewed passion for finding Rocky Mountain locust specimen after initial criticisms
and teaching at University of Wyoming
and treatments for rangeland grasshopper outbreaks
definition of
derivation of word
Locusta danica
Locusta migratoria
“Locust body bag”
Locust migratoriodes
Locust pardalina
Locust swarms of Locusta migratoria in Central Asia
Lonesome Dove (McMurtry)
Longgrass prairie
Love, Charlie
and Knife Point expedition of 1989
Lovelace, Maud Hart and Delos
Lugger, Otto
Machinery to kill locusts
and gathering and poisoning or bagging
and U.S. Entomological Commission
Mandibles as means to identify grasshoppers
Manitoba outbreak in 1902
Mantua locust swarm
Marx, Karl
Masanissa and deaths from rotting locusts
McMurtry, Larry
McNeal, Abram
McPhee, John
Mediterranean fruit fly
Melanoplus bivittatus
Melanoplus bruneri
Melanoplus femurrubrum See Redlegged grasshopper
Melanoplus genus
Melanoplus infantilis
Melanoplus rugglesi
Melanoplus sanguinipes See Migratory grasshopper
Melanoplus spretus. See Rocky Mountain locust
Migration circuit
Migratory grasshopper
and alfalfa
and Brett’s attempt to induce phase transformation
and Faure’s attempt to produce Rocky Mountain locust phase
and food plants as factors in ecology of
Latin name of
as possible changeling form of Rocky Mountain locust
and Carolina grasshopper
and conscription of locust fighters
day of prayer of fasting and prayer in, April 1877
and giving of seed
and Grasshopper Legislature
and public assistance
and bounty payments
day of public prayer in June 1875
Riley as state entomologist of
Molecular analysis
Monarch butterflies
Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve
Money as measure of virtue and social worth
Mormon crickets
and locusts as punishment for having failed to observe the Sabbath in 1850s
and locusts as tests of faith
Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard
Naming, taxonomic
National defense and public assistance
National Geographic Society
National Guard and grasshopper swarms
National Museum of Natural History
Native American Indians
decline of and extinction of locusts
and destruction of bison
and eating of locusts
and locust swarms prior to European arrival
and replacement of forested land with grassland
and river valleys
Native birds
Natural disaster
Natural predators for locusts
Natural theology
and conscription of locust fighters
and federal food distribution
Nebraska Relief and Aid Association
Nickodemus, Ken
Nunamaker, Dick
and alfalfa deleterious to
destroying of by farmers
life cycle of
no command structure within
and phase transformations
sounds of moving across landscape
Objectivity, scientific
Oblinger, Mattie
Odors of rotting locusts
Oklahoma Land Rush
Old Lady Horse
Old Testament locust swarms
On the Banks of Plum Creek (Wilder)
O Pioneers! (Cather)
Ord, Edward Ortho Cresap
Oregon Trail
Orosius, Paulus
Osborn, Thomas
Outbreak cycle of locust swarms
Outbreaks of locust swarms
in 1880s and 1890s
prior to European arrival
Overwhelming nature of locust swarms
Packard, Alpheus Spring, Jr. (“Alpha”)
background and career of
career of after commission
and eating locusts
Palmerston, Lord
Panic of 1873
Pasteur, Louis
Paul, Saint
Permanent Zone
favorable habitat places for locusts within
and flooding and destruction of locust eggs
as most vulnerable time
and numbers who survived between outbreaks
overlapping with cultivated lands in 1880
plowing of
and Rocky Mountains as source of outbreaks
Peteler Locust-Crushing Machine
Pfadt, Robert
Phase transformation theory
and attempts to create in Migratory grasshopper
and control of locusts during solitary phase
in different species
ecological triggers and physiological mechanisms of
and Rocky Mountain locust as separate species
and search in case of Rocky Mountain locust
and solitary and swarming phases
Pillsbury, John
Pioneers. See Farmers/settlers
Plotnikov, Vassily
Pope, John
Population size of locusts in 1870s
eggs and flesh of inedible by human after poultry ate locusts
as predators of locusts
ethical response to
as moral weakness vs. blameless misfortune
relation of federal government to
Powell, John Wesley
Practical Entomologist (journal)
Prairie Farmer (journal)
Pratt, Milando
Pratt, Orson
Preventative control and phase transformations
Protein testing and analysis
Public assistance
and admitting problem and discouraging new settlers
and bounty payments
and federal government
initially from private organizations
little available from county sources
and providing farmers with seed
at states level
those accepting lacking moral character
See also Federal government public assistance; Poverty
Public ignorance of entomology regarding locusts
and AIDS
and failure to observe Sabbath
locusts as God’s
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