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Friends With Way Too Many Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 5))

Page 30

by Young, Luke

  “What’s going on?”

  “She wants to play.”

  “You… at midnight?”

  Brian shrugged. “Yeah, she’s… we were working together on the movie and she just wants to blow off a little steam.”

  “Uh-huh. I think she wants to blow something, but it’s not steam.” Todd grinned.

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yes, you are.”

  Todd made a face. “All right. I think I’ll just go shut the lights off on the back courts.”

  “No, I think you’ll just go home early. I’ll do it. You can go.”

  “You sure?” Todd frowned.

  “Go. Get out of here. Go have some fun.”

  “Have fun playing…” Todd made quote marks in the air. “… tennis.”

  “Okay…” Brian rolled his eyes as he headed to the entrance. Opening the door, he scanned the parking lot and was surprised to find only three cars. He half expected to see television vans and reporters clamoring to get inside.

  Todd stepped out and turned back to him. “Dude, I want details.”

  “Look, I’m a married man and—”

  “She’s got to be on your celebrity free pass list right, I mean—”

  “What?” Brian made a face, shaking his head. “I, um, I don’t even know what that is?”

  “Sure you do, everyone has them. It’s a list—”

  “Goodnight, Todd.” Brian pulled the door closed and locked it.

  Leaning back against the wall, he sighed then glanced up to the clock.” Oh, shit.”

  He took off rushing toward the men’s locker room stopping suddenly to grab a new tennis shirt and shorts off the rack in the store. Once inside, he tore off the tags of his new outfit, pulled off his wind pants and shirt and slipped on the new clothes.

  Looking at himself in the mirror, he sighed. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re just going to play tennis. That’s it. This is just a story you can tell your grandchildren in thirty years. She’s the biggest movie star on the planet and you’re kidding yourself if you think she wants to sleep with you, you fucking idiot. Not to mention you have the most beautiful, incredible wife on the planet, who happens to be pregnant with your baby.” He pointed to himself in the mirror and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, don’t forget that douche bag.”

  He waved his hand at his reflection in the mirror. “And of course, even if she wanted to have sex with you, that whole free pass list is crap. I mean, no one really gets a free pass even if… shit, I’ve really got to stop talking to myself. I’m such an idiot.”

  He bounced up and down on his heals checking his look in the mirror. “Okay… okay. I’m ready… yes.”

  When he opened the glass door to the court, he discovered Amanda sitting on the bench with her hands on her knees. She looked amazing. Her hair was tied in a ponytail and she wore this adorable little peach colored skirt with matching shirt. She rose from the bench and gave him a smile. “Ready?”


  They took their positions on either side of the court and he hit a ball to her with medium pace. She hit it back and he swung, missing it completely.

  “Sorry.” He cringed, embarrassed.

  Pulling a ball from his pocket, he hit it to her and she returned it back only to have him miss hit the ball sending it flying right into the glass wall to the left of the court. “Geez sorry, I, uh–”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I just need to warm up.”

  “All right.”

  Taking a deep breath, he headed over to retrieve a ball behind him and closed his eyes standing still for a moment. He whispered to himself. “Come on pull it together spaz.”

  “Okay, sorry, here we go.” He jogged back to the court and hit a shot over the net. She returned it hard down the line and he took off after it blasting a shot to her backhand. She hit it solidly to his backhand very deep as she rushed the net. He moved back and fired a shot down the line. The bouncy superstar lunged for it, hitting a near-perfect drop volley that died on Brian’s side of the court for a winner. She shot him a smug look.

  “Nice.” Placing his hands on his hips, he stood dumbfounded. “Have you been taking lessons?”

  “Yeah, and my coach is amazing.”

  “He must be.” He shook his head smiling and fired another ball to her. With his butterflies now gone, Brian was at the top of his game. The two played an entire set, which Brian won six - one. Although along the way Miss Joseph hit some incredible shots and won a few hard fought points. It was quite warm in the indoor court since the air conditioning had automatically shut itself off more than an hour before and Brian was so caught up in playing he forgot all about it.

  Exhausted, they sat on the bench together dripping with sweat and chugging Gatorade. “Wow, you really have improved.”


  Pulling his iPhone off the bench, he checked the time. “Shit, it’s after one. I really should get home.”

  She pulled her sweat soaked shirt out from her chest. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you so long.”

  “No. No, it was fun.”

  “Do I have time to take a shower? Or do you need me to go.”

  “What?” He dropped his bottle; it bounced off the court and splashed up all over his leg. “Shit?” Wiping his calf with his hand, he groaned.

  She giggled. “A shower… do you have time to wait?”

  “Sure. No, go ahead. The towels are in the locker room and there’s, um, soap and, you know, shampoo and everything right in there.”

  Rising up to his feet, he walked ahead of her. She rushed up to him, reaching out for something. He stopped and turned awkwardly toward her as she pulled a tag off his shorts.

  “Oh, thanks. I must have—”

  “Are those new?”

  “Well, yeah, I didn’t have anything to wear so I grabbed them from the store.”

  “I won’t tell anyone.” She flashed him a grin.

  When he reached the door, he held it open for her. She walked through and when he followed he tripped catching his foot on the door sill.

  Turning back, she giggled. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” He shook his head. “I think I’m just tired.”


  They headed down the hall and the men’s and women’s locker rooms were on opposite sides of one another. She opened her door and glanced back to him. “I’ll just take a quick shower and be out of here.”

  “Take your time, I need to, you know, myself, so, um, you know, wash away…” He lifted his hands in the air awkwardly. She chuckled and he disappeared behind the door, pressing his back to it and letting out a long sigh. “Wash away? You suck.”


  Once inside, he stripped off his soaking wet clothes and carried a towel with him into the shower room. His manhood was half way pumped up and he looked down at it, frowning. “Don’t start with me.”

  Turning on the cold water, he moved under the spray cringing with the sting before adjusting the temperature a bit to keep from ending up with hypothermia. Glancing down, he now sported a full erection. “Fuck. Think about something else. Come on, just the tax bill, yeah that’s due next month and…”

  He washed his hair and when he was done, he took another look and the problem was nowhere near going away. Putting his hands on his hips, he sighed. After mulling over his options, he took hold of it and began working it while wearing a disgusted expression. “How do you live with yourself?”

  Suddenly Amanda stepped into the shower room completely naked. She smiled, impressed. “Wow, you really like doing that in the shower don’t you?”

  “Shit.” He spun away from her, pointing his erection toward the wall. “What do you mean?”

  She laughed. “You know, in the book, you do that.”

  “Oh, yeah…” He chuckled nervously.

  Moving to the shower head next to his, she turned on the water, standing to the side as she felt the t
emperature with her hand. “I think there’s something wrong with the hot water on the women’s side, so I—”

  “Oh, really… I’ll need to check that.”

  “I hope you don’t mind that I… I figured I could shower over here.”

  “Mind, no. I mean, there’s plenty of heads… I mean, shower heads over here.

  She pushed the button on the automatic shampoo dispenser and found it empty.

  “Could I get some of yours?”

  “Huh, what?”

  “Your shampoo.” She moved next to him and waited, smiling.

  “Yeah, sure.” With his erection still at full attention, he covered it with one hand and backed away.

  “Thanks.” She filled her hand with shampoo then returned to her shower. Backing her head up under the spray, she tilted it all around soaking it completely. She worked the shampoo into her hair as the water streamed down her breathtakingly amazing body.

  Brian watched her, captivated, with his head tilting and his mouth wide open. “Oh my God,” he whispered as she stretched backward languidly, her breasts heaving forward. She ran her fingers through her hair and he swallowed hard never blinking once as his eyes followed a single white gathering of suds as they slid slowly down her arched back to her curvy rear end then down her tanned, toned legs.

  She opened her eyes to look at him, catching him in the act. He turned quickly, grabbed the soap and rubbed it furiously over his body.

  Motioning to his groin with a nod of her head. “Is that because of me?”

  “Huh? What?”

  “Are you, uh, in that condition because of me?”

  “Well, yes, I mean, no, I, uh, tennis makes me, you know…”

  She took a few steps toward him and looked him in the eye. “Tennis makes you hard like that?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “I didn’t see any giant bulge like that when we were playing.”

  “Well, no, it doesn’t happen all the time.”

  “I hope not.” She smiled. “Or those kids you’re teaching, might be calling the police.”

  He chuckled nervously.

  Placing a finger to her lips, she glanced down once more to his unrelenting erection. “It looks like you have a real problem there. If you want to finish doing what you were doing, I won’t mind.”

  “Um, no, I…”

  “Or better yet, I could take care of it for you.” She placed two fingers on his chest then slowly slid them down his wet slippery body toward his groin.

  He shivered and grabbed her wrist gently. “No, I really appreciate the offer, but I’m married and you’re getting married right, I don’t think—”

  “Jarred and I are through. We called the wedding off.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” He turned the knob on his shower head to the cut off the water and moved to the hook on the wall to retrieve his towel. Quickly, he wrapped it around his waist and with his erection still in full force, he sported an enormous tent.

  “No one has to know.” She looked him in the eye.

  “Look I’m flattered. Obviously I’ve been fantasizing about you.” He dropped his gaze down to his problem area then back to her face. “In fact, I have been since I was like fourteen. What guy wouldn’t want to be with you. You’re amazing.”

  “I think you’re pretty amazing too.”

  “I’ve really enjoyed working with you and, you know, it’s been incredible meeting you and playing and—”

  “Just imagine how amazing fucking me might be.” She flashed him a naughty look.

  He swallowed hard. “I don’t doubt it. Something tells me I might finish in about, oh, eight seconds and, uh, that wouldn’t be any fun for you, right?”

  “Something tells me you recover pretty quickly.” She flashed him a sexy smile. “I mean, you’re a young guy, so—”

  “Sure, yeah, but. No, I—”

  “Look, I want to simplify my life. I’ve never, ever dated a regular guy. I’m thinking of scaling back my acting and moving to the mid-west and just taking it easy.”


  Placing her hand back on his chest, she pushed him slowly backwards until he ran into the tile wall. “If we’re half as good in bed as we are on the court the sex might just kill me, but it’s a chance I’m willing to take.”

  “Wow…” He narrowed his eyes. “That sounds sort of familiar.”

  She smiled. “It’s from the movie.”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “You said it to Jillian, right? Did you really say that, because it’s just about the sexiest thing I’ve ever—”

  “Wait…” Taking hold of her arm, he carefully removed it from his body then took a step away from her. “I love my wife. I’m like crazy head-over-heels in love with her. Every time I see her it somehow feels like the first time, you know. I, I… I would never, ever do anything to jeopardize that. I mean, even though we have this crazy thing that says I can sleep with you because you’re on my celebrity free pass list, I just can’t do it. I just couldn’t imagine getting past it.” He sighed. “Like I said you are gorgeous and I’m really in awe of your talent, but I couldn’t live with myself if I did— if we did… I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too.” She pulled a towel off the hook and wrapped it around her breasts. “But I understand.”


  She shook her head. “I really hope Jillian realizes what she has with you. I mean, if she ever—”

  “Oh, she does!” Jillian appeared at the entrance shaking her head. “You better believe she does.”

  “Jillian, I, um… look, we…” Brian stammered.

  Amanda’s eyes widened. “Oh, sorry. I’d better go.”

  “He is pretty great.” Jillian shot her a deadly serious look. “Stay away from him because he’s mine.”

  “All right.”

  Jillian took a few steps closer to her. “Oh, and Anastasia is not a pervert or mentally ill or… or a pedophile.”

  “Okay.” Amanda took a step back.

  Angrily, Jillian pointed directly at her and she moved closer still. “And I wasn’t date raped or past around like a bag of chips or whatever the hell you said.”

  “I never said that.” Amanda’s confused expression went from Jillian to Brian then finally back to Jillian.

  “Yes, you did.”

  “Okay, maybe I said something like that when I was trying to figure out my character’s motivations.”

  “Uh-huh…” Jillian shot her a snotty look. “Can you guess what’s motivating me now?”

  “Um, well…”

  “You’ll find out when I slap the crazy, diva, lunatic, peach-napkin-loving, O.C.D. bizarreness out of you.”

  Amanda groaned, outraged then rushed away.

  Jillian moved to him, glancing down to the still rock hard problem under his towel. “How the hell are you still hard?”

  He shrugged. “I missed you.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “Look, I’m under a lot of pressure right now, I’ve got superstars trying to sleep with me, I’ve got a pregnant wife and I’m trying to run a business and it’s all—”

  “Shhh.” Jillian put her fingers to his lips. “I heard your big speech and you’re lucky too, if I have come in a minute later and just caught you with your boner and your naked friend, I might have run out to your office to get your racquet and come back swinging.”

  “Oh, that wouldn’t have been good.”

  “Imagine the story there. Author beats husband and Hollywood’s most famous actress to death when she discovers them in the shower together.”

  He scoffed. “That would be the lead story on the news every night for a year.”

  Moving to him, she took hold of his towel and worked it free. Gazing down to his erection, she smiled. “And no court would ever have convicted me.”

  “Probably not.”

  “Now, what are we going to do with this?”

  He smiled. “We could see if Miss Joseph wants t
o do a threesome.”

  Taking hold of his manhood, she moved to her knees and looked him in the eye. “What?”

  “I mean, I was just throwing it out there. I do have the free pass and all and I figured if you joined in then that makes it even, you know, more, um, more… what’s the word I’m looking for?” Curling his lip, he looked skyward.

  She squeezed him hard.

  “Ouch.” He looked down to her. “I was only kidding.”

  “Keep it up funny boy.” Her frown turned into a smile. “I do love you and like I said your speech was really great.”

  “Like Oscar worthy or more like Emmy?”

  “Oscar.” She flashed him a smile then took him in her mouth. He leaned his head back and struggled to breathe.


  The moment, Victoria spotted Jillian on her knees servicing Brian, she stopped dead in her tracks. “I can’t believe you two.”

  “Victoria, what the hell?” Brian stepped back horrified, slipping from his wife’s sweet mouth. He picked up his towel from the floor and wrapped it around his waist.

  Jillian turned to look at Victoria then bounced her palm off her forehead. “Oh, I completely forgot that you were here.”

  Victoria scoffed. “Every time I walk in this locker room, I find you blowing him.”

  “You should have walked in five minutes ago…” Jillian scoffed. “… you would have found him showering with a movie star.”


  Jim appeared behind Victoria, his face pale white and his mouth hanging open. “I just, um, I, uh, I just saw Amanda Jo naked.” Staring straight ahead, he said slowly, “I saw Emily from Twentysomething with no clothes on.”

  “Big deal, I just showered with her,” Brian shot back.

  “What?” Jim shook himself back to reality.

  “Hon, nobody cares that you saw her naked.”

  “Okay.” He shrugged, disappointed. “So what’s going on in here?”

  Grimacing, Victoria pointed to the naughty couple with her thumb. “She was blowing him.”

  Jim made a face. “Again?”


  Returning her attention to her husband, Jillian shook her head in a ditsy manner. “I came in to tell you the big news and I forgot about that too when I found you showering with what’s her name.”


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