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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

Page 4

by Sheri L. Swift

  Jireh quickly got up from the table and ran into the living room and jumped on top of him, “Get up! Get up!”

  “Go away squirt!” He moaned.

  Jed called out, “Oh little brother, this is only pay-back.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Soon Cole and Rose had breakfast made.

  Everyone sat down at the table and held hands as Cole asked the blessing.

  “Thank You Father for allowing us another year to join together at this table with our family. Bless those who couldn’t be here with us and let them know how much we miss and love them also.”

  All of the family said, “A-men!”

  Everyone began eating and catching up on the latest Safe Harbor news as well as any news with the Mer which included Megalodons.

  For the Prentis family this felt as much like a holiday as any when they could all be together again.


  After the dishes were brought to the sink Rose said, “Okay Lana and Lizzy I got this; you two go enjoy a swim.” She smiled to them both knowing they were aching for some alone time together.

  “Thanks Mom.” Lizzy smiled and headed up the stairs to change into her swimsuit.

  “Thanks Mom, I love you.” Lana hugged her.

  “You’re welcome; you’re just what Lizzy needs right now.” Rose smiled and gave a wink.


  Jedediah put Jireh down for a nap in Cole and Rose’s bed and then he and his father continued their conversation in the living room.

  Will headed up the stairs to be alone and go back to bed.

  Lana and Lizzy went out the front porch door and walked across the sand and out onto the wooden dock. When they reached the end, they both sat down and let their feet dangle in the water.

  Although Lana was nearly twice Lizzy’s age, she was a little more than half-Mer and like all merwalkers, she had the slower growth genes causing her to be about the same age as Lizzy.

  Lizzy poured her heart out to her sister; her friend until she had no more tears to cry. They were soon replaced with laughter as the two sisters went for a swim with their Mer relations.


  After the sun had set, Cole rowed the small boat out to Gull Island with Rose and Will. The others had already gathered in the cavern.

  Soon the mermen Prince Makoa and Prince Tarrock surfaced and helped swim Rose and Will upon their backs far down below through the entrance to the cavern.

  Cole swam behind them.

  When they all surfaced inside the cavern, they were met with smiles and food from the Fijian families.

  Micah shared the cavern with his mermaid wife Princess Tarra, sister of King Titus, and their merman son Prince Keola.

  Their merwalker daughter Princess Talei, husband Kawikani and daughter Anue also came for the reunion.

  Prince Ulysses brought Faith.

  Andrew also shared the cavern with his mermaid wife Fianna and their merwalker son Maiele.

  King Titus went and gripped Cole’s forearm, “Welcome, it is good to have you join with us.”

  “Thanks it’s good to see you’re all here safe and sooner than later.”

  Titus knew Cole’s thoughts were on Lizzy, “Yes, we made good speed.”

  Prince Makoa also gripped Cole’s arm in greeting. He was married to Lana and Titus’ daughter Princess Rose; named after her grandmother.

  Their son Prince Ahanu was Cole and Rose’s first great-grandson. He was one winter older than Prince Titan. Their daughter Princess Jaylee was three winters and was Cole and Rose’s only great-granddaughter.

  The children had long shiny black hair, dark brown eyes and a dark blue glistening tail like their father.

  Prince Makoa was a descendant from the Mer mixed long ago with the Native Americans who once lived on Safe Harbor Island.

  Prince Tarrock was married to Princess Payton and their son Prince Owen; named after Cole’s middle name, was the second great-grandson of Cole and Rose. He was just two winters old.

  Rose went and scooped up Owen and Jaylee into her arms.

  Cole pretended to grab Titan and Ahanu, but the Mer-boys quickly swam from his reach.

  Cole gave an exaggerated gasp, “What no love for your old grandpa?”

  The two boys swam back to him and he hugged them both.

  Jireh jumped into the water with Mr. Big Eyes following closely behind and got a hug from Cole too.

  Lana, Seturus, and Lizzy helped serve everyone the Seafood stew Fianna and Tarra had made.

  The Fijian brothers had carved several wooden bowls and eating utensils of Mahogany from their island long ago.

  Jedediah was glad he and Prince Makoa would be able to play cards together again. They had a special friendship.

  Makoa had beaten him the last three times they played.

  “You know you’re goin’ down this time.” Jedediah grinned to Makoa as he sat down on the cavern floor and shuffled the cards upon an old wooden coffee table.

  “We shall see.” Makoa grinned with a wink and hopped up on the ledge near the table.

  “Hey boys, I think this old man will show you how it’s done.” Cole sat down on the floor to join in the game and took the cards from Jedediah and he began shuffling them.

  Jedediah grinned and shook his head.

  “Then I will have to play as well, it would be an unfair advantage with Cole,” Micah chuckled.

  Andrew also joined in as well as Prince Tarrock and the game began.

  The Fijians provided their island music they had recorded last they were home on Kaloki Island.

  The women all joined in conversation, except for Faith who spent this time swimming and talking with Prince Ulysses; they were making up for the time they spent apart on the journey.

  The children swam and played water basketball; Cole had attached a hoop onto the cavern wall a few years back on the side where the water was.

  All the families enjoyed this time together and the celebration lasted well into the hours just before dawn.




  “Come on Lizzy, you can do it!” encouraged Jed as he laid on his surfboard gripping the sides with his hands and feet while Prince Makoa swam him down deep below into Lobster Grotto.

  “Here goes.” Lizzy also gripped her surfboard as tight as she could with her hands and feet while the merman Midori swam her down in the same manner in which Makoa had.

  Midori was an Asian Mer with long black shiny hair, dark brown eyes and a dark green tail which was rare for a Mer. He was once a Mer of Tiselius like Princess Seturus and her brother Prince Tristan.

  When Midori surfaced with Lizzy she said, “That was awesome!”

  Midori grinned.

  “Yeah, Makoa’s been bringing me here for years,” said Jedediah as he propped his board up against the wall.

  “Many winters,” Makoa chuckled.

  “I am so glad you have come for lunch Lizzy.” Seturus smiled as she stirred the large pot of clam chowder resting on the bricks in the center of the fire ring next to the grotto wall.

  “Me too, it smells wonderful.” Lizzy smiled.

  Jireh and Mr. Big Eyes jumped into the water with her.

  She sat up, scooted back on her board and helped them up in front of her.

  “I have even become accustom to eating the clams in such a way.” Midori smiled.

  “I shall never eat my fish in such a way.” Makoa grinned and shook his head.

  “I might get you to one day. Remember, your Native American ancestors most likely ate it that way too.” Jedediah winked.

  Makoa sighed deeply with a half grin.

  Jedediah knew he had never tried before and would most likely not ever, but he loved giving him a hard time which was the way of their friendship.

  Lizzy was glad she was brave enough to enter the grotto this year. She wasn’t as adept at swimming so deep like Jed had become.

  She always wanted to do it without her scuba g
ear; another item from my bucket-list checked, she thought.

  “How are we all able to breathe in here?” she asked Jedediah.

  “Dad found out there is fissures which run along the bottom of the Ocean and back up to Gull Island. To the right it brings in air and to the left it draws air out; along the wall where Seturus is cooking.”

  Jedediah turned up his music app on his phone so they could enjoy it while visiting.

  Lizzy listened and couldn’t believe how pretty the song was, “Hey Jed, what song is that?”

  “It’s Oceans by Hillsong UNITED.”

  “It’s really beautiful.” She smiled.

  “I thought you’d like it.” Jed grinned with a wink.

  “You need to help me download it to my phone; Robbie always did it for me,” she said feeling another rip to her heart with the memory.

  “Sure Sis.” Jedediah sensed her sadness and was determined to help her heal this summer.

  Seturus loved serving others and was happy to have so many guests come for lunch. This was what she always dreamed of for her life with Jedediah.


  Lizzy went surfing and scuba diving as much as she could with Jed and Lana and their Mer relations.

  It felt good to spend so much time in the water again, not to mention how many wonderful adventures she was experiencing; she never allowed herself so much time to do so.

  She and Robbie had always done things together without the others since the time she fell in love with him at his Senior Prom.

  A part of her was missing without him, but another part of her was coming alive like never before.

  She realized she had let go of the things which made her who she was; including the Mer side of her.

  She was determined to never let that happen again.


  “This is one of my favorites,” said Jedediah in his mind to Lizzy as they were scuba diving.

  The mermen Prince Makoa and Midori had swum them to the front of an old wooden ship with a carved figure of a mermaid at the front. The words Bonnie Sarah were carved into her stern.

  “Oh my gosh! That looks just like Lana!” Lizzy said in her mind.

  “Yep, like many of the mermaids, even my Seturus.” Jedediah winked.

  “They do all look so much alike unless they are the darker haired ones.” Lizzy smiled to Midori and Makoa.

  They smiled back.

  “Let’s check out the cave Titus took Lana to on their first date,” Jedediah chuckled letting air bubbles escape his scuba mask.

  “Okay, let’s do it!” Lizzy grinned and then gripped Midori’s neck as he sped through the water following after Prince Makoa and Jedediah.

  In no time, they reached an underwater mountain range with a deep crevice at the top.

  This was the most frightening thing Lizzy had ever done, but she closed her eyes and held onto Midori’s neck and waited for the light she was sure to follow.

  As they swam deep into the crevice it led to the entrance of an underwater cave filled with plants which caused the cavern to have a neon blue glow.

  There were several anchovies swimming within making it glisten.

  Lizzy opened up her eyes, “Wow, this is so beautiful.” She beamed a smile.

  “Yes it is.” Midori smiled.

  “Lana told me about the cave a few years back.” Jedediah grinned.

  “It has been a special place for the King and Queen,” said Prince Makoa with a grin.

  “I can see why, I can’t believe you or Lana never told me before.”

  “You haven’t exactly been around to tell Sis,” Jedediah said cautiously.

  “I know; it’s been my fault for being so caught up with Robbie’s life I forgot to live one of my own.”

  “I’m just glad you’ve come back to stay.” Jedediah smiled to her.

  “Yep, I am too.” She grinned.

  Makoa and Midori began grabbing up and eating several of the anchovies.

  Lizzy giggled, but in her mind said, “Gross!”

  All heard her thoughts and laughed.

  Makoa said, “Your Mer Ancestors ate them that way and still do,” he chuckled.

  Jedediah grinned, “Just ignore him.”

  The four continued exploring the cave until it was near time for Jedediah and Lizzy’s oxygen to run out.

  Then the mermen quickly swam them back to the cavern at Gull Island where Jedediah and Lizzy had left their boards.


  One day after surfing, Jedediah and Lizzy went to the favorite hangout for surfers on the island; Breaker’s Point Pizza and Wings.

  They sat down at the table while the waitress went to get their root beers.

  “I can’t believe how long it’s been since I was last here.” Lizzy gave a half grin.

  “Yep and I know it’s probably hard for you to be here without him,” Jedediah said understandingly.

  “I just always thought I’d be with him. I never dreamed going away to college would change all that; would change us so much.

  I spent the last five years pinning onto my Dream House and Dream Wedding boards on Pinterest thinking we’d be married and have a home of our own,” Lizzy answered back in her mind, not wanting others to hear.

  “I’m sorry Sis, I didn’t mean to open up old wounds; I just wanted to hang out like we used to,” he answered back in his mind with a smile.

  “I’m glad Jed; I’ve really enjoyed these past few weeks. Please tell Seturus thank you for allowing us to have some time to visit.” She smiled as they continued their conversation in their minds.

  “Hey I’ve enjoyed it too and Seturus was happy to.”

  “I didn’t realize how busy Lana would be now that she’s the Queen of the Mer.”

  “Yeah, Titus was serious when he said she’d rule beside him.”

  The waitress came back with their drinks and took their order for a Hawaiian pizza.

  “Hey Sis, why don’t I take you scuba diving in the city of Torbist one day?” Jedediah continued the conversation in his mind.

  “Gosh, I haven’t been there since I was twelve.”

  “Really, why?”

  “King Titan made me an honorary Princess or something and gave me a crown of pearls, but dad wouldn’t let me keep them. I guess I just felt bad about it and never went back.”

  “King Titan never did anything honorary; he must have really proclaimed you a Princess.”

  “Wow, I’ll have to ask Lana about that one.”

  The door opened up across the room; Lizzy happened to look just as her biggest fear walked inside the restaurant.

  “Oh Jed!” Lizzy said in her mind as she froze.

  “Sis, I’m so sorry; do you want me to head him off?”

  Robbie’s eyes caught sight of Lizzy and he slowly began walking to her.

  “No, I knew this day would come.”

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No not just yet.”

  Lizzy couldn’t believe how ragged Robbie looked. He had the beginnings of a beard; his red hair was growing out a bit; which was not the norm with his coaching job. His eyes were red and swollen and he was thin and paler than usual.

  “I know I’m probably the last person in the world either of you would wanna talk to, but I’m askin’ for this one time to tell you my side of things,” Robbie’s Southern drawl cracked with the asking.

  “Are you sure you want me here Sis?” Jed asked again in his mind.

  “I guess not, but don’t go far,” she answered in her mind.

  “I’ll just go across the room to another table; just rip it off like a band-aid Sis.” Jed said to her in his mind.

  “I’ll leave you two alone to talk things out.” Jedediah gave a half grin to Robbie as he got up and went across the room to another table.

  “Thanks Jed and thank you Lizzy for allowin’ me to talk with you.” He sat down across from her in the empty chair Jedediah had just been in.

  “I don’t want to be here all d
ay, we were just getting dinner,” she said coldly.

  “I understand. Lizzy if you only knew what really happened that night. I was set up by people I thought were my friends and who thought it would be pretty funny.”

  “Maybe that’s the problem Robbie; the friends and the circles you run in. If you had just left with me we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

  “I know Lizzy; you tried tellin’ me so many times and I didn’t listen. I’m tellin’ you I’m a different man because of it.”

  “That may be so, but I’m also a different woman because of it.” She said sternly.

  “I wish I could go back in time and start over and not make the same mistakes, but I can’t; all I can do is move forward and never make ‘em again.”

  “That’s the point Robbie; we can’t go back in time and I don’t know if I could ever trust you not to do the same thing again.”

  “I love you Lizzy and I’m willin’ to do anythin’ to save us. I wanna marry you Lizzy and spend the rest of my life with you.” His eyes began to fill with tears.

  “I used to love you Robbie, with all of my heart and I would have been your wife. The more I think about things I realize I followed after you and your dreams, but left myself behind. I’ll never do that again!”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to, I know I was selfish and I know what its cost me.” Tears fell down his cheeks.

  “I need time to sort things out; I’m not ready to even consider a relationship with you or anyone for that matter.”

  This ripped at Robbie’s heart that she would even think of someone other than him, “I can do that; I’ll give you as long as you want. I just ask that you not give up on me. I swear nothin’ happened with Lisa, I threw her out as soon as you left.”

  This stung Lizzy; the memory of he and Lisa together would forever be in her mind.

  The waitress arrived with the pizza.

  “Okay Jed, I’m ready for you to return,” Lizzy said to him in her mind.

  Jedediah got up and came back to the table.

  Robbie couldn’t keep his tears from falling, “I’ll always love you Lizzy; no matter what you think of me.” He got up from the table and left without a word to Jedediah.


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