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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

Page 8

by Sheri L. Swift

  He was very big and muscular and she remembered how it felt to be held in his arms. She knew she had to say something soon or he would read her thoughts, “Tell me Midori, what was it like living in Tiselius?”

  “You must understand, for me and the other half-Mer it was not a good place. We were given the lowest of duties and treated unfairly in all matters.”

  “I’m sorry you had to live like that.”

  “I have a blessed life now with the Mer of King Titus.”

  “I know you do; I’m a little partial though,” she giggled.

  “Where you come from, do others judge each by appearance?”

  “We’re not supposed to, we even have laws against such things; but there are some who still do.”

  “There were other called Asian captives like my mother who bore children and then died. There were twenty of us when last I lived there.

  “There were also others who are different because their human mothers were brought from all over the lands near the Seas. I pray for all the half-Mer and I hope they have better lives with King Spero reigning.”

  “I’ll pray for them also.” Lizzy smiled.




  Just after 1:00am, Cole woke up when he heard Jedediah come aboard the Bonnie Rose.

  “It’s me,” Jedediah said in his mind.

  “We’re up,” Cole also spoke in his mind as he and Rose quickly dressed.

  Jedediah was out on deck with his dad’s binoculars looking out the starboard side.

  “What is it?” Cole asked continuing their conversation in his mind so no one might hear them.

  “Looks to be a heavy-lift ship, can’t tell if she’s got a drill, but she has a small submersible; there aren’t any clear markings.” Jedediah handed the binoculars to Cole.

  He looked out, “Most likely an illegal dive.”

  “Yeah, that’s my guess.”

  “Won’t someone stop them?” asked Rose in her mind with concern.

  “Sweetheart, it may be a sanctioned research dive, but as you know there aren’t a lot of people out here to spot her. She probably won’t like the fact we have,” said Cole handing back the binoculars to Jedediah.

  He looked again, “Whatever it is, it isn’t good so close to Tullius and our grotto.” Jedediah slowly shook his head.

  “No it isn’t, you and Makoa might want to check it out.” Cole grinned.

  “I think we will.” Jedediah also grinned and handed the binoculars to Cole again.

  Seturus surfaced with Jireh and Mr. Big Eyes on the port side of the Bonnie Rose.

  Jedediah got into the water and lifted Jireh and the Sea Lion onto the schooner.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll look after them.” Rose smiled to Jedediah and Seturus.

  Seturus smiled with a nod of her head.

  “Thanks Mom.” Jedediah clung to Seturus as they quickly swam below.

  Will and Lizzy came out of their cabins looking surprised after hearing some of the conversation in their minds.

  “Jed’s going to check things out with Makoa,” Cole said while still watching through the binoculars.

  “Awesome,” said Will.

  “I hope they’re careful.” Lizzy bit her bottom lip realizing how close they were to the Mer.

  “They will be honey, just like last time.” Rose took Jireh and Mr. Big Eyes to the galley with her. She decided to put on a pot of coffee and start an early breakfast for everyone since they wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon.


  It wasn’t long and Jedediah was completely outfitted with his dive gear.

  Prince Makoa met him in the grotto, “They’ve just started their descent.”

  “Okay, it’ll take them at least an hour.” Jedediah tested his air.

  “I will not be far behind you; I wish you would not do this Jedediah,” said Seturus with determination.

  “Sweetheart, please just stay here, I’m not sure what kind of cameras they have; it’ll be hard enough for us not to be seen. I have to go to help Makoa know which lines to pull out without harming the occupant of the sub.” He kissed her.

  She gave a slight smile, “I will go; only I will keep my distance.”

  He knew he couldn’t change her mind, “Alright, but stay far away, I know Titus will have some guardsmen out also.”

  “Are you ready Jedediah?” Makoa asked.

  “Yep, let’s do this Merman.” He got behind Makoa and held onto his neck.

  Prince Makoa swam Jedediah out of the grotto and toward the submersible.

  Seturus followed some distance behind.

  King Titus did send thirty of his guardsmen to stay back, but to help if Jedediah needed them. He was still not sure if Queen Poneros or any from her pod were in the area.


  As Jedediah and Makoa got close enough behind an outcropping of coral, they could see the submersible. They patiently waited as it continued its descent until it landed on the Ocean floor.

  The sub only had one occupant and he quickly began to use the hydraulic arms to collect core samples.

  “Okay Makoa, remember how you pulled out the last subs hydraulics, it’s pretty much what we’re gonna do here. We want to be careful and not cut off the guys air supply.”

  “Yes, he was getting too near the Oyster beds of my people. I agree and I know to be careful Jedediah.” Makoa grinned as he heard Jedediah’s thoughts.

  “Yeah, she only has a few cameras in front, but we don’t want you ending up on the afternoon news,” Jedediah chuckled and released air bubbles; he wished he hadn’t, but he doubted the sub could see him so far and behind the coral.

  Prince Makoa swam around to the rear of the submersible avoiding the cameras and began carefully pulling out the hydraulic hose from its connector. He then quickly swam back to Jedediah.

  Hydraulic fuel began pouring out everywhere.

  The occupant realized what was happening and radioed topside.

  “He must have been told to keep collecting as many samples as he could before his power and air runs out.” Jedediah was hoping they’d cancel the dive.

  “Should I disconnect the cameras also?” Makoa asked.

  “I don’t know, I think it would be too tricky. It won’t be long now and his hydraulic arms will fail as well as some of his function. They’ll pull him up; I think it’s probably good.”

  “I will warn my people to stay away until the sub has left.”

  “Yeah, we don’t want those cameras picking up anything or anyone.” Jedediah gripped onto Makoa’s neck again and they quickly swam away.

  Seturus was relieved to see them coming back.

  Jedediah let go of Makoa and took Seturus into his arms.

  Prince Tristan asked, “Is all well?”

  “It will be when they run out of fuel and air; which will most likely be in three hours or so.” Jedediah then kissed Seturus.

  “Call the guard back and warn everyone to stay within the city for the next four hours,” said Prince Makoa.

  “I shall do as you have commanded,” said Prince Tristan with a bow of his head and sped away.

  “I guess I’ll let dad know what’s going on and then we can head to the grotto,” Jedediah told Seturus.

  “I can let him know; you two go home and get some sleep.” Makoa grinned.

  “Are you sure Merman?” Jedediah grinned.

  “Yes, it is the least I can do.”

  “Tell Mom we’ll be by to pick up Jireh and Mr. Big Eyes after we wake up.” Jedediah got behind Seturus and held onto her neck.

  She smiled to Makoa, “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome.”

  Seturus thrust her tail speeding Jedediah through the water and toward their grotto.

  Makoa swam to tell Cole.


  The occupant of the submersible was beginning to request help when his power was failing and now he realized he even lost radio contact.

; His auxiliary back-up power was on, but in a limited capacity. He hoped they knew topside to start the ascent soon.

  He began to hear an odd sound, almost like music of some sort coming from outside the sub.

  He looked out the glass window and quickly drew in a breath; before his eyes appeared a mermaid with long black hair floating all around her and a golden jeweled crown upon her head.

  Her eyes were black as night and she played a golden harp with her long curved fingernails; she began to sing a wordless song.

  “No one’s ever gonna believe this!” He tried getting his cameras to function, but had no success.

  He saw the many necklaces she wore with black pearls and jewels, not to mention the golden harp.

  “You must be wearing a fortune,” he whispered.

  He then quickly reached for his personal waterproof camera and began taking pictures and video, “My, my, aren’t you the lovely lady?”

  The mermaid smiled and continued to play and sing.

  “I’ve never seen the likes of you my darling.”

  The mermaid seemed to giggle as though she understood and batted her eyes flirtatiously and continued her song, only now it seemed more pleading than before.

  “How I wish I could come out and take a swim with you,” he said.

  He began to feel light headed and had an overwhelming desire for the mermaid.

  She let go of her harp letting it fall to the Ocean floor. She motioned with her hand for him to follow her and swam passed the sub’s window.

  “No, don’t go, don’t go without me! Take me with you!” He put both his hands on the window.

  The mermaid swam back and smiled; she motioned him to follow her again and began to swim away.

  “I’m coming! Wait for me!” he shouted and reached up above him and began to open the sub’s hatch door.

  The mermaid darted away.

  The submersible quickly imploded with a loud popping sound, crushing it and its occupant.


  Jedediah was asleep atop his surfboard.

  Seturus was in the water beside him in their grotto.

  They heard the sound and felt their grotto shake.

  Jedediah quickly jumped off his board and into the water with Seturus.

  Neither was injured, but definitely concerned.

  Seturus quickly swam Jedediah out of their grotto.

  They were met by Prince Makoa and Midori.

  “Something has happened to the submersible, come with me,” said Makoa.

  Jedediah let go of Seturus and clung to Makoa’s neck.

  “Be careful,” said Seturus knowing he really did not want her to go this time.

  “We will, Midori would you look after her?” asked Jedediah.

  “Yes I shall.” He gave a bow of his head.

  Makoa quickly swam Jedediah towards the coral outcropping where they had been before.

  “We have to be careful not to get too close Makoa; most likely there’s debris and still hydraulic fuel in the area.”

  “I will only get close enough to see what has happened.”

  They swam to the outcropping and were now joined with King Titus and several of his guardsmen.

  The submersible was nothing but twisted metal and glass shards covering the Ocean floor.

  “The occupant is surely dead, get me closer to those lines,” said Jedediah to Makoa.

  They cautiously swam some distance around the wreck and confirmed Jedediah’s fears, “Someone cut all the lines and cables. He didn’t have a chance.”

  “Then Queen Poneros and her pod must have had something to do with this,” said King Titus angrily.

  “Yep, that’d be my guess.”

  “Look Jedediah, is this a human’s camera?” Makoa picked up the camera which had a shock-proof case, but it had a crack to the screen.

  “Yeah, maybe I can get something off of it to let us know just what happened. Take me to dad.”

  Makoa swam Jedediah to the Bonnie Rose.


  “Is it what I think?” Cole asked as they surfaced and he began helping Jedediah out of the water.

  “Yeah, but it had a little help from our not so friends. Where’s the ship?” asked Jedediah.

  “They pulled anchor and left as quick as they could.”

  “I know their cameras probably weren’t working, but Makoa found a personal one which must have gotten blown out the window. It had a shock-proof case, but the screen is cracked and there’s a little moisture in the case.

  “I think if I can borrow Lizzy’s blow dryer just to make sure it’s completely dry, I might be able to get something off of it.”

  “Let me get the generator going, that thing drains my power.” Cole headed below deck.

  “Let us know what you find, we will patrol the area for any sign of Queen Poneros,” said Titus coldly.

  “Okay, you guys please be careful,” said Rose as she had come upon the conversation.

  “We shall,” said Titus and then he and Makoa dove below.


  It wasn’t long and Jedediah put back the parts of the camera he had carefully removed and dried, “Well, here goes.” He turned it on and was pleased it was working. He found the menu and selected video.

  Sure enough, the screen showed Queen Poneros playing her harp and singing for the occupant and his eventual hysteria.

  “Now why does she give me the creeps?” asked Will as he was one of the onlookers.

  “Yep, no doubt about this one,” said Cole.

  “We all just let her waltz right in and kill him,” said Jedediah through clinched teeth.

  “Son, it’s not your fault, you only did what was best for the Mer.”

  “Yeah and let these guys have their way.”

  “Jed, no one knew she was in the area; even Titus thought she wasn’t,” said Lizzy.

  “I’m worried about you and Seturus staying in the grotto,” said Rose.

  “Mom, we’ll be fine.”

  “She’s right Jed, this Queen and her pod must have been right under our noses all along,” Cole said angrily.

  “Yeah, but I don’t think she’d take on Titus and his guardsmen and she knows it would come to that.”

  “I guess you’re right Son; but you might want to have a few of Titus’ guardsmen protect you guys for awhile.”

  “I can do that.”

  Cole breathed in a deep sigh, “The next thing we have to do is get the wreck moved somewhere closer to one of the big islands; the people who dropped him down there can’t just leave without any consequences.

  “The islanders will think the wreck happened closer to them and got washed in, but most importantly, they’ll investigate and find out who these illegal divers were.

  “Let me study charts and currents to pick the best spot and we’ll wait at least a day or two for some of the fuel to thin out for safety.”

  “Sounds like a plan, I want to show this video to Titus before I destroy the evidence,” said Jedediah turning off the camera.

  “Do it quickly, the sooner that footage is gone the better,” said Cole.


  Jedediah did show Titus the film on the camera.

  Titus could not believe how cold hearted Queen Poneros was to kill in such a way. He knew her sister Scelestus must have been the same when she killed his grandfather King Titan.

  He realized more how fortunate Will had been to survive his encounter with her. Unfortunately he also knew how a Siren could maintain some sort of connection with their victims and haunt their thoughts.

  He and Lana prayed for Will.

  Titus took the camera to Tullius inside the weapons room and crushed it himself with a large boulder and then ground it into powder with a smaller stone. At least this was a small thing he could do since his frustration was growing at not catching them.


  After studying satellite imagery, wind and wave charts since the morning of the wreck, Cole decided to have the Mer slowly
swim the wreckage closer to Suva on the island of Viti Levu, but still far enough out from land to not harm anyone.

  He gave Titus three large nets he had made of stainless steel wire to gather the glass shards in.

  King Titus and several of his guardsmen did so during the early morning hours of the second day.

  They even brought surface debris from the first location and released it in the new location to make the wreck easier for the islanders to discover.

  No matter how hard the Mer tried, they could not locate Queen Poneros or any from her pod which was making King Titus even more unsettled as to how they could not be detected.

  He sent out larger groups of scouts in all directions as well as tripled the guard in a larger perimeter around those they loved and had sworn to protect. He now knew more than ever how hard it was to be a King and how much his grandfather had done to protect the pod and those they cared for.

  He was determined to follow his example.




  In the early morning hours before dawn, Prince Makoa swam to the Hall of King Titus to give him the nightly report.

  The King was already awake and sitting upon his throne holding his golden forked staff.

  “Hello my King.” Makoa gave a lowly bow.

  “What news?” Titus asked.

  “There has been no sign of Queen Poneros or any from her pod.”

  “I do not like this Makoa; I do not trust them. My sleep has been disturbed each night. I believe she is somewhere near, but being very patient.”

  “If she or any from her pod appear we shall surely find them. We’ve tripled the patrols one ring around the city, a wider around it and another around Kaloki Island, besides the wider perimeter around all.”

  “Thank you, I know there is little we can do, but we must be ready at a given notice; I will not allow her to harm our family below the water as well as above.”

  “I understand my King; we shall be diligent.” Makoa gave a bow of his head and swam to his home to rest from the night patrol.


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