Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 11

by Sheri L. Swift

  “I’m gonna go ahead and take Jireh and Seturus home.” Jedediah gave his dad and mom a hug goodnight.

  “You sure you don’t want us to keep Jireh?” Cole asked jokingly as he knew Jedediah wouldn’t.

  “No, he’s going home with us.” Jedediah winked with a grin and then got Jireh from Will’s cabin.

  Rose had double bagged and zipped his baggies so he could take his candy and popcorn home. She kissed him goodnight on his cheek.

  Jireh and Jedediah hopped overboard and swam away with Seturus.

  All of the Mer did likewise, except for a troupe of the guards who were assigned to escort their Queen home when she was ready to leave.

  The Fijians, Maiele, Kawikani, Talei, Anue and Faith rode home in the yacht.

  Ulysses followed beneath them.

  Will came out of his cabin and grabbed up some candy, “I think this was the best Halloween I’ve ever had; totally awesome!”

  “Totally awesome,” giggled Lizzy.

  “Totally,” said Lana with a grin while finishing the last bite of her second piece of pumpkin pie.

  Will grinned, shook his head at them and headed back to his cabin.

  Then Lana and Lizzy helped Rose clean up most of the mess.

  Lana hugged her parents and Lizzy and dove into the water swimming towards the city with the guardsmen.

  “Goodnight all.” Lizzy headed to bed.

  “I guess it was a hit honey.” Cole kissed Rose on her cheek and began helping to clean up.

  “I guess it was, wasn’t it.” She smiled and blew out the Jack-o-lantern and candles.


  When Titus had returned to the city he took Titan to his home and then he swam to the jail.

  Prince Tristan had been questioning the prisoner, but could not get him to speak.

  Makoa gave him threatening looks.

  King Titus approached the iron barred jail they held the merman in, “Why were you near the schooner?”

  The merman gave a look of pure evil to Titus.

  Titus could feel his hatred, “What does your Queen want? Does she not know we will guard those we care for?”

  He only continued to leer at Titus.

  “You fell right into our trap. We will find where you have been hiding; your Queen will not succeed,” Titus taunted him.

  “You are not worthy to wear a crown. You will never find her; we are skilled in guarding our thoughts like none other and she will have her way,” he said arrogantly with a grin.

  “We shall see.” Titus looked at him with disdain and turned and swam from the jail.

  “You will never find her! No matter how hard you try! You and your guardsmen are like the spineless Jellyfish!” he yelled to Titus as he gripped the bars.

  Titus did not acknowledge him and continued to swim away to his home.

  Prince Makoa jabbed him with the blunt end of his spear knocking him backwards.




  It had been two weeks since Halloween and there was still no sign of Queen Poneros or any other from her pod.

  King Titus and his guardsmen were diligent in their patrols, but realized the dark ones must have an exceptional ability for guarding their thoughts as the prisoner had told them.

  The prisoner refused to speak any further to the guards; no one else was permitted to see him.

  Titus had purposefully not visited him again.

  No one was more concerned than Cole, he and Jedediah kept diligent watches of their own.

  He was at least thankful Will’s dreams had been more pleasant of late, but he feared it wouldn’t last.


  Lizzy was becoming more confused than ever; some days Midori would take her out alone and others he would bring Asuka to join them.

  She had gotten out her phone a half-dozen times to see if Robbie had left her any messages, but he hadn’t.

  This morning she once again wrote in her journal,

  Why are men and mermen so hard to figure out? I keep checking my phone for any messages from Robbie, but none.

  Midori at times seems to be getting closer to me, but at others he seems to be getting closer to Asuka.

  Lord, help me to figure out my future, I don’t want to mess this up.

  If it is Robbie, please let me hear from him soon. If he’s back at college and not interested in making things work, then let me know.

  If it’s Midori, then please stop Asuka from coming along with him and give me a fair chance.

  Lizzy closed her journal and headed out her cabin to eat the breakfast she already smelled cooking from the galley.

  “Good morning, how did you sleep?” asked Rose as she turned the bacon in the cast iron skillet.

  “Morning, okay I guess.” She snuck a piece of bacon already sitting in the bowl atop a paper towel and took it to the table with a hot cup of coffee.

  Rose smiled, “What’s up?”

  “I don’t know; I can’t figure out if Midori is interested in Asuka as a friend or something more.”

  “It takes time to figure out such things; here have another.” Rose offered the bacon bowl to her again.

  “Thanks Mom, you know how much I love bacon.” Lizzy grinned.

  “Yeah, you and Lana,” said Cole as he came upon the conversation.

  “Is Will still asleep?” asked Rose.

  “Yep, he’ll be up in an hour or two,” Cole chuckled.

  “At least he’s getting better sleep.” Rose smiled.

  “I’m thankful for that.” Cole sat down at the table.

  “Me too,” said Lizzy.

  “What’s on the agenda today?” Cole asked her.

  “Don’t know?”

  “She’s wondering if Midori is interested in Asuka or not.” Rose grinned from the stove.

  “Mom.” Lizzy smiled and raised her brows.

  “Honey, it’s not like we can’t read your thoughts,” Cole smiled.

  “I never thought I would ever consider living the life of a Mer like Lana and Jed.”

  “It’s not as hard as you think if the merman is willing to live in a grotto like the Fijians and Jed,” answered Cole.

  “Wouldn’t it be especially hard for a merman to do?”

  “It wouldn’t be easy, but I suspect if he loved the human it would work itself out.”

  Lizzy smiled, “I don’t even know if he likes me, let alone loves me.”

  “Like I said, time reveals a lot of things. Breakfast is ready.” Rose set the bacon bowl on the table with a platter of fried eggs and whole wheat toast.

  Cole, Rose and Lizzy joined hands and bowed their heads.

  Cole closed his eyes and prayed, “Father we thank you for this food and we ask a special blessing for Lizzy to be patient for the future and please guide her in the choices she makes, that they would lead her to a joyful life.”

  They all said, “Amen.”

  Lizzy smiled at her parents, “I’ve got the best parents in the whole world.”

  Cole and Rose smiled, looked to each other and nodded their heads to Lizzy.

  They three enjoyed talking together while they ate their breakfast.


  Late in the evening before King Titus had retired to his home, Prince Ulysses swam into the Hall and knelt on the mid-joint of his tail bowing his head before his King.

  “What is it my nephew?” Titus asked, but knew why he had come.

  Prince Ulysses lifted up his head, “My King and my uncle, you know why I have come; please grant me the request my heart yearns for.”

  “Even if what you ask would cost Faith her life?”

  “My King, she and I believe it is Arius who has brought us together and it is He who will make a way for us.”

  “It is easily said, but what if it ends differently?”

  “She and I are willing to love each other even if it is only for a short amount of days.”

  “What do you know of days? E
ven if she were to live beyond her child bearing years, she will die much sooner than you.”

  “How can you say such to me? I lost my father when barely out of my mother’s womb. Do you not think I know how fleeting life can be?”

  “Prince Ulysses, I am trying to spare you and her from a life of pain.”

  “No, you are condemning us to one.” Prince Ulysses angrily swam up and sped from the Hall.

  Titus hung his head, how hard it is to be a King, Grandfather, he thought.

  He swam to his home behind the thrones.

  Lana gave a slight smile as he swam inside.

  “You heard; I had hoped you were sleeping.” He frowned.

  “Yes my love, I know you think you’re doing what’s right, but I have to wonder.”

  “You think I should allow it no matter the consequences.”

  “I just think love is such a powerful thing and if it’s meant to be, God can make a way where there seems to be no way.”

  “What will I say to her father if she dies within the first year of their Union?”

  “Only Faith can tell her father what’s in her heart. Then he’d understand it was her wish if only for a short time.”

  “I do not know Lana; it could harm our relations with the Fijians, not to mention grieve Ulysses beyond repair.”

  “They’d each understand it was their choice against everyone’s counsel. If you don’t allow it, it may do the very thing you worry about with Ulysses. Or worse, they may defy you all and leave the pod.”

  “I cannot imagine he would do such a thing without my or her father’s permission.”

  “Titus our human history is filled with such people who chose love above all else.

  “The human women who bore the half-Mer were captives under such hardships which may have helped cause their deaths. Also humans have developed ways of birthing a child in emergencies; maybe dad could assist in some way if needed.”

  “You have given me much to think upon.” He took her into his arms and kissed her on top of her head and held her close against his chest.

  She loved the sound of his beating heart, “I’m not even sure what I’d have done if my dad didn’t give us his blessing.”

  He grinned, lifted her chin staring into her eyes, “Nor I.”

  Lana kissed him and nestled into his shoulder for the night.

  Prince Titan slept peacefully next to them with Tempest.


  Will woke from another nightmare around midnight; only this time he sensed Queen Poneros was near. He put on his shorts and threw on a shirt. He ran out of his cabin and onto the deck.

  He saw his dad sitting in one of the deck chairs in the moonlight.

  “I know I’ve sensed her for about an hour now.”

  “What’s she doing?” Will couldn’t keep from shivering in the cool night air and also from fear.

  “Not anything good I imagine. She might just want us to know she’s there.”

  “Why? Why can’t Titus or his guard sense her?”

  “Maybe they have.”

  “She’s leaving.”

  “Yep; my guess is she’s been testing us.”

  Prince Makoa surfaced, “Are you well?”

  Cole walked to the railing, “Yeah, I think she’s testing you guys.”

  “We are following her to see where her pod is.”

  “Good,” said Will.

  Cole gripped the railing tightly with both his hands, “Why would she lead you to ‘em? She knows you’re following her?”

  “We will be careful and we love you too,” Makoa chuckled.

  Cole grinned and gave a nod of his head.

  Makoa dove below.

  Cole looked at Will, “Want some hot chocolate?”

  “Only if you top it with mini marshmallows.” He grinned.

  Both of them walked to the galley since neither would be sleeping any time soon.


  It was 1:00am; a private yacht was anchored in the Koro Sea amongst the Fijian Islands.

  Only the seasoned Captain was awake looking over some satellite data in the wheel house.

  The charters were a couple in their golden years having the vacation of their dreams, along with their personal Chef; they were each sleeping soundly.

  The Captain thought he heard a strange sound; almost like music through the open door of the cockpit. He didn’t believe any other ships had anchored so near to them.

  He put down his charts and took off his glasses and began to listen more intently, “That is an odd sound.”

  He turned on the deck lights and walked out of the cockpit and over to the railing. He no longer heard the sound. He looked out at the water; everything seemed peaceful and he began walking away.

  He stopped in his tracks and looked back when he heard a mermaid singing as she rose up out of the water.

  She smiled to him as she sang and played a golden harp.

  “Bless my eyes.” In all his many years at Sea he had never seen such a sight. He walked back towards the railing where she was.

  She continued to play her golden harp. She was young and very beautiful with grey pearls around her head of long black hair. She wore a shell top and had eyes as black as night. There were no words to her song, but it resonated of love.

  “You are quite the beauty to be sure, but what have you to do with an old Sea dog like me?”

  She giggled and continued to sing her song.

  Something stirred in him and he walked even closer to the railing.

  She stopped her playing and let go of her harp and smiled to him as she swam even closer to the yacht.

  The Captain had an overwhelming desire to kiss her, “May an old man kiss such a maiden like you?” He leaned hopeful over the railing.

  She swam closer reaching up with her arms as though to kiss him, but instead she quickly opened up her mouth wide revealing her back razor-sharp teeth and bit down on his neck pulling him into the Koro Sea.

  The yacht began to shake as though someone or something were ramming into her haul.

  Just as the charters and their Chef woke, the entire yacht broke apart and they like their Captain were torn to pieces.


  At the same time, this scenario was being played out in five other locations near the Fijian Islands.

  By the time King Titus and his guardsmen realized what was happening, it was too late to help the humans.

  A few of Titus’ scouts were also killed by Queen Poneros’ Mer.

  Once again among the confusion Queen Poneros seemed to disappear.

  King Titus knew this was her plan all along and it grieved him he had fallen for her trap and lives were lost because of it.

  Cole knew this was beyond even his repair; all they could do now was lay low and pray no one reported or took a photo of the Mer.

  The dead Mer were quickly buried beneath the Sea in an underwater cave and covered up with large boulders.

  All grieved for their loss and also prayed for all of the victims’ families.




  Titus had insisted Cole anchor the Bonnie Rose near Kaloki Island with the Island Traveler the day after the incidents.

  Cole wasn’t too pleased, but with all the investigations going on, he relented.

  The Prentis Family had also enjoyed celebrating Thanksgiving with the Fijians; it was good to remember to be thankful, especially in times of trials.

  It seemed Queen Poneros’ and her pod were also laying low and King Titus was at least thankful for that.


  The first week of December Lizzy was once again writing in her journal when a knock came on her cabin door.

  “Come in Dad,” she called.

  “Hey, I just got this from Micah. I guess Robbie mailed it two weeks early, but didn’t allow for island travel,” he chuckled and handed her a postcard.

  “Oh, thanks.” Lizzy was surprised to see a postcard fro
m Robbie. It had a photo of Safe Harbor Island on the front.

  “Kind of strange seeing your hometown in a postcard, huh?”

  “Yeah it is.” She gave a half grin, but was waiting till her father left her cabin before reading it.

  “I’m going.” He smiled and left the room.

  She turned over the postcard and read the inscription imagining how his Southern drawl would sound:

  Hey Liz,

  I know you’re probably surprised to hear from me. I’ve tried phoning a few times but it went straight to voice mail and I didn’t want to leave a message.

  I really miss you and am trying to give you the space you said you needed.

  I just wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

  Love, Robbie

  Lizzy began to cry as she realized she missed him too. It had been good for her to have the space separate from the pain and anger.

  Now she could see things a little clearer and wondered if Robbie had been telling the truth all along and if she’d been unfair to him.

  Either way it was good for them to be separate and figure things out.

  She opened back up her journal and wrote:

  I guess maybe I’ve been a little unfair with Robbie, but I’m still not sure if he’s back at college or not.

  He sent me a postcard for Thanksgiving; it was good to hear from him.

  Once again, this only confuses me more.

  Lord help me to see Your plan and not my own.

  She closed her journal and looked at the postcard again and cried some more.


  It was now mid December and the authorities concluded their investigations of the South Pacific incidents as a possible attack by a crazed Whale or Sharks; they were baffled by it and prayed it never happened again.

  Cole breathed a sigh of relief when he heard as he’d been keeping up with the investigations.

  He sat in his deck chair with his fishing rod as he kept a close watch over Kaloki Island and all those he loved.


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