Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 12

by Sheri L. Swift

  Rose brought him a cold glass of sweet tea with lemon.

  He leaned up to kiss her as she handed it to him, “Thanks honey, just what I needed.”

  “You’re welcome.” She smiled and eagerly met his kiss.

  Cole felt a tug on his line and reeled in two large Red Snappers on the one hook.

  King Titus surfaced with a grin.

  “Thanks, just what I was craving,” he chuckled.

  “You are welcome.”

  “What’s up?” Cole asked knowing he wouldn’t surface for just anything.

  “I need to speak to you on a matter I am struggling with.”

  “Sure, what is it?” Cole was concerned.

  “It is my nephew Prince Ulysses and his request to join in Union with the human Fijian Faith.”

  “I see, yeah that is a tough one.”

  “I have refused him three times and Lana is afraid he may defy me and her father and leave the pod taking her with him.”

  “Yeah, I can definitely see it happening. I know why you’ve refused them, but you have to know Titus there’s no guarantee she’d die in childbirth.”

  “There is no guarantee she would not.”

  “Humans have developed ways of birthing children in case of emergencies; in fact Kaloki Island has a real Doctor now that Levu has graduated from medical school.”

  “Do you think Levu could help her deliver a Mer-child if she was in need?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure he could and if it’d make you feel any better I could do some research into these types of births in case it’s ever needed in the North Atlantic.”

  “Perhaps Arius has made a way.” Titus grinned.

  “Yeah, perhaps He has.” Cole gave a wink.

  Titus dove into the water.

  Cole soon felt another tug on his fishing rod and smiled as he reeled in two more Red Snappers, he had to chuckle.

  He was thankful he was blessed with such a great son-in-Mer law. Now he knew Princess Leona and him made the right choice when they agreed with King Titan to name Titus as Lana’s intended the day she was born.


  After King Titus had returned to Tullius, he told Prince Tristan to bring Prince Ulysses before him.

  Prince Ulysses was unsure what his King would want and swam wearily before him and gave a bow of his head, still angered from their last conversation.

  King Titus looked upon him with love, “Ulysses you have caused me to think hard on the matter of your request.”

  “Yes my King,” he said still unsure what more his uncle could say.

  “If Faith has her father’s permission for your Union, then I shall perform it.” Titus grinned.

  Ulysses was amazed, “My King; my uncle, thank you and I know Faith will also thank you. I shall let you know the moment we have his consent.” Ulysses did a back flip and quickly swam out the city and towards Kaloki Island.


  Faith was swimming in the lagoon with Talei and Anue when Prince Ulysses arrived at Kaloki Island. She was unsure why he was there; he was usually on guard duty in the day and came to the lagoon in the evening to swim with her.

  Talei couldn’t help but hear his thoughts of joy and she grabbed up Anue and headed for the beach to give them some privacy. She had to hide a smile.

  Prince Ulysses gave a wide grin as he took her into his arms.

  “What is it?” She smiled.

  “Today I have been given the greatest of news.” He kissed her tenderly for the very first time.

  “What?” she couldn’t help but giggle at what it might mean; knowing he refused to kiss her until she was allowed to be his intended.

  “Today my King has given me his permission to join in Union with you.” He kissed her again as tenderly as the first.

  “Ulysses!” She kissed him passionately.

  He pulled her back, though he did not wish to, “There is but one condition; you must get your father’s permission also before he will perform the ceremony.” He looked seriously into her eyes.

  “I will try; but I don’t see how he could refuse now that King Titus has agreed.” She smiled brightly and kissed him again.


  It wasn’t as easy for Faith; her father Eli hoped King Titus would never allow the marriage, but he too was worried they might elope without either of their permission.

  He still would not give his consent until he spoke the matter with her grandfather Ratu Daniel and her uncles Micah and Andrew; then he would think on his decision.

  He told her to give him three days before he would give her an answer.

  She saw her father, grandfather and uncles discussing the matter each day in the grass-roofed meeting house, but she didn’t ask them anything while the entire family took their evening meals together.

  It was hardest of all for Prince Ulysses who came each evening to swim with her in the lagoon.

  Micah and Andrew understood their situation; how could they not when each of them had married a mermaid.

  Her father Eli and grandfather Ratu Daniel watched them closely.

  Not even their glares could keep Faith and Ulysses from now kissing each other in their presence.


  On the third evening, Faith’s father called to Faith and Ulysses in the lagoon.

  They both swam to him respectfully and each prayed they would receive the answer they were hoping for.

  Eli did not smile and looked sternly to Prince Ulysses, “My brothers have told me of the many good deeds you have done for your people. Do you love my daughter?”

  Prince Ulysses smiled, “With all of my heart.”

  “You will protect her from all harm?”

  “Yes, with my very life.”

  “You will live with her in a grotto like her uncles do?”

  “Yes, I have already found such a grotto between Kaloki Island and Tullius which is near Jedediah and Seturus.” He smiled and gave a nod of his head.

  Eli looked seriously to Faith, “You love him?”

  She beamed a smile, “With all of my heart.”

  “You will not forget your family and will return each winter to the South Pacific and spend many days with us?” He could no longer hide the smile which was forming on his mouth.

  “I will Tamaqu, I will always return to you and Tinaqu; also Tutu and Bubu.” She walked out of the water and hugged him.

  Prince Ulysses knew the Fijian words meant father, mother, grandfather and grandmother and he made a silent vow to always include them in their lives.

  Eli looked to Prince Ulysses and smiled, “I give my permission for your marriage, provided you hold true to the ways of God and you will allow Ratu Daniel to help perform the ceremony with King Titus in the lagoon.”

  Prince Ulysses was honored he would allow the Union and give him his most precious gift; his daughter, “I will hold true to the ways of Arius and am most honored to have Ratu Daniel perform the Union along with my King.”

  Eli stepped into the water and grasped the forearm of Ulysses.

  Ulysses welcomed him with his own grasp and knew he would soon be his son.


  Because Ulysses knew it was the custom of the Fijians, the next morning he, his mother Princess Rema and King Titus swam to the lagoon. They brought Eli and his wife Levani a gift of Tabua (Whale’s teeth) to formally ask permission for Faith to marry Prince Ulysses.

  Both of her parents agreed and spoke of the arrangements of the marriage.

  Since Ulysses had already prepared a grotto for him and Faith, it was agreed they may join in Union on the following day after sunset in the lagoon.

  The Fijians worked tirelessly to prepare the meal of celebration, not only for the islanders, but also for the Mer wishing to join in their great joy.


  Prince Ulysses had not been allowed to see Faith since he brought the gift of Tabua to her parents.

  He was nervous when he swam before the throne of his King and Queen. He wore a crown of white shell
s upon his head which was the Mer custom when they joined in Union.

  King Titus and Queen Lana were ready and waiting for him and the others wishing to join in the celebration.

  He bowed before his King and Queen with love in his heart.

  “Are you ready?” Titus grinned.

  Ulysses smiled, “Yes my King.”

  “We can’t wait to celebrate your Union with you.” Lana smiled thinking it seemed like only yesterday when she met him and he was a boy of a Mer.

  “Thank you my Queen.” He smiled even brighter.

  They and the rest of the wedding party began to swim to the lagoon.

  They were met by Seturus, Jedediah and Jireh on the way.


  Faith was already waiting for Ulysses in the lagoon. She wore a ring of white flowers around her head as well as white flower lei around her neck and also wore white pearls around her neck.

  She even wore white pearls around her wrists and ankles and a white shell top which were given to her by Ulysses’ mother Rema.

  She wore a traditional long colorful dress which was also the Fijian custom.

  Talei had helped her to get ready along with her mother Levani.

  When Ulysses surfaced in the lagoon he was met by Eli and was offered a white cloth which was draped across his shoulder; this was also a Fijian custom for the groom to wear for the ceremony.

  Ulysses wore it proudly and swam next to Faith in the shallows resting on the joint of his tail fin. He smiled down to her; he thought she was the most beautiful maiden of all.

  She smiled up to him and then they both looked to her grandfather Ratu Daniel.

  “Bula we welcome all here today to celebrate the Vakamau (Marriage Ceremony) of my granddaughter Faith to Prince Ulysses nephew of King Titus!” He smiled to him.

  Titus smiled and gave a nod of his head.

  They were all offered Kava to drink in a half-coconut cup, but everyone knew to wait for Ratu Daniel and King Titus to drink first.

  Ratu Daniel lifted up the cup, “May your days be filled with joy,” he said looking to Faith and then Prince Ulysses and then drank from the cup.

  Titus gave a nod of his head and did the same.

  Faith, Ulysses and everyone else drank from their cups.

  The Mer began to blow on their conch shells signaling it was time for the sacred assembly of the Union as was their custom.

  King Titus smiled looking to Ulysses and Faith, “May the great and mighty Arius bless you with a long and happy life of peace. May you never know hunger and may you be blessed with many offspring.” He smiled even wider to Ulysses.

  “Ulysses, do you wish to make a vow to Faith?”

  He smiled down to her, “Yes I do. Faith I will do all I can to protect and provide for you. I will try and always live the sacred ways of our people and teach them to our children. I vow to love your parents as my own. I will love you for as long as there is a beat of my heart.”

  Titus looked to her, “Faith, do you wish to speak a vow to Prince Ulysses?”

  She smiled up to him, “Yes I do. Ulysses I will do all I can to give you comfort when you’re tired. I will try and live the sacred ways of our people and teach them to our children. I promise to love your mother as my own. I will also love you for as long as I have a beat in my heart.” Faith couldn’t keep the tears from flowing down her cheeks.

  Neither could Ulysses as he stared down at her with such love.

  King Titus proclaimed aloud, “I say to all, Prince Ulysses and Faith have been joined this day!”

  Shouts rang out from everyone.

  The islander’s drums began to beat as their warriors came and danced while twirling lit torches. They wore grass skirts and grass leggings.

  “Congratulations.” Jedediah grasped Prince Ulysses’ forearm.

  “Thank you, we do not wish to offend any of you, but we are leaving.” He grinned.

  Jedediah also grinned, “Hey, believe me I understand,” he chuckled.

  Prince Ulysses said aloud, “Faith and I thank you all for coming and we hope you will stay and enjoy the fine feast. We are now leaving.” He smiled down to Faith.

  Ulysses had shown the grotto where he and Faith would live to Titus and Lana the day before and they provided food, spices, water, soft bedding and a stone fire pit for Faith on the section of floor in the grotto much like Jedediah and Seturus had.

  The Fijians had provided several furnishings and cookware from their island.

  Prince Ulysses swam Faith to King Titus and Queen Lana and said their goodnight. He then swam her to his mother who kissed her and also Ulysses.

  Faith walked out of the water and said goodnight to Eli, Levani, Ratu Daniel and her grandmother Kalea and kissed them.

  They came into the lagoon and hugged and kissed Ulysses.

  Prince Ulysses took Faith into both of his arms and held her as he slowly swam from Kaloki Island while she continually kissed him.

  The Fijians and their guests began to dine on a long woven mat which was placed on the beach and had all the fine delicacies their island provided.

  The Mer were offered coconuts, since it was the delicacy they preferred.

  When they reached the grotto he helped her onto his back and swam her down through the entrance.

  When Ulysses and Faith finally surfaced she smiled as she looked around at one of the largest grottoes she had ever seen.

  There were at least eight white pillar candles which were lit sitting around the rock ledge.

  There was a small mahogany table in the center with a clear glass kerosene lamp which was also lit.

  She saw a mahogany bookshelf along the wall with several spices, mahogany carved bowls and cups, and eating utensils she knew her father and uncles must have made.

  There was a ring of stones for a fire which was already burning against one wall where there was a vented shaft pulling out the smoke.

  There was a mahogany cabinet with some cast iron pots and skillets. A large mahogany bowl was filled with bananas, mangoes and pineapples sitting on the top. Six coconuts were set next to it.

  Five large clay jars were filled with fresh water and sat on the floor next to the cabinet.

  She saw a cot on the other side of the grotto with a sleeping bag.

  A small mahogany dresser with a mirror attached was set along one wall with a small stool nearby which matched the dresser.

  Upon the dresser sat a white carved hand mirror with ornate detail of a mermaid and also a comb carved of Whale bone. Faith knew Ulysses must have made them, for he was gifted in carving like his father had been.

  “I can’t believe this is all real.” She smiled even brighter as she looked into his beautiful silver eyes.

  Prince Ulysses also smiled and said, “We will have a blessed life, welcome home my beautiful mate.”

  “Yes we will, welcome home my handsome husband. This seems like a dream.”

  He stroked her cheek with his fingertips and then lifted her chin to him, “I have loved you since you were sixteen winters.”

  “I have loved you since that same year.”

  Ulysses finally kissed her with all the passion he had held back for this day.

  Faith giggled, but out of great joy to finally be his wife. She wanted to enjoy every moment and never forget anything about this special night.

  They loved each other and knew Arius had truly blessed them with the gift of each other and were so thankful they had been patient.




  Four days before Christmas, a tropical depression moved in and it poured rain all that day and night and was even expected to continue through the next day.

  Cole and Micah had anchored further out from the island and closer to Jedediah’s grotto while the storm churned the South Pacific.

  Lizzy spent a good part of the night before making a towel blanket from an idea on her Pin board. Rose had given her permission to sew four beach tow
els together; two were dark blue and the other two were teal.

  Now in the early morning, Lizzy heard Jed at her door.

  “Hey Liz, Seturus is hoping you and mom might come for a visit.”

  “Sure, sounds great, give me a minute to get dressed.”

  She quickly changed into her shell top and swimsuit bottom and strapped on her belt with her knife. She headed to the galley where she knew Jed must be getting a quick breakfast from mom.

  Cole was talking to him, “So there’s no more news on the Poneros pod?”

  “Nope, it’s like they just vanished.” Jedediah shoveled in another large bite of his mom’s egg frittata.

  Jireh was also enjoying his grandmother’s cooking.

  Lizzy kissed his cheek as she sat next to him on the bench seat at the table.

  Jireh smiled with a mouthful of frittata and a milk mustache.

  “I just don’t see how it could happen. I guess I’m as glad as anyone they’re not causing any more harm; not as far as we know.” Cole shook his head.

  “Here Lizzy.” Rose handed her a plate with some frittata and mango salsa then poured her a cup of coffee.

  “Thanks Mom.” She began eating.

  “Is Will still sleeping?” asked Jedediah between bites.

  “Yeah, he’s been sleeping better these days since we’ve anchored here, but he’ll most likely sleep even later with this storm overhead and the waves rocking the yacht.” Cole took a sip of his coffee.

  “I’m glad Seturus asked us to come for a visit; is it a girls’ day in?” Rose smiled.

  “Yeah, most the Mer are keeping inside except for the guards. I thought I’d bring Jireh so she could have a break from us guys.” He smiled as he patted his son’s head.

  Jireh said, “Yep!”

  “I’m glad for the invite. I’ve felt a little cooped up too; it’ll be nice for a change.” Lizzy grinned.

  “The storms supposed to blow out of here tonight.” Cole drained his cup of coffee.

  Rose refilled his cup.

  She also filled Jedediah’s, “How are we traveling?”


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