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Collecting Scars

Page 15

by Tee Smith

  Had he even heard her? Asha rested her head on the side of the bed and sobbed.


  Sometime later, Asha awoke to a commotion. She looked around the room with a start, taking a moment to re-orientate herself with her surroundings. The monster, her captor, who she now knew to be Mr Arnold sat at the foot of the bed, stroking the young girl’s legs. The girl mumbled softly, incoherently. That is all she had heard from her in the time they had been in the room together. Had it been hours? Days? Time was distorted. She no longer knew how much time had passed. It felt like she had been in captivity for months, but her rational mind, what was left of it, told her it was more like weeks. Why had no one come for her? Was anyone even looking?

  A rough voice broke her out of her thoughts. “I brought you towels, some cups, there are some tubs of yoghurt, all the antibiotics I could find and some spare clothes. Clean yourself up for god’s sake you look atrocious.”

  Asha could barely believe what she was hearing. He had brought her what she had asked for and the just the very mention of food made her stomach churn. How long had it been since she had eaten? Yes, he had brought her food, but time was so distorted it was hard to know how often. It had not been much. Sometimes toast or a sandwich. What she wouldn’t give to have a decent meal right now. Something with vegetables and meat. However, yoghurt was good, she would take what she could get.

  As he walked toward her, she recoiled, what was he going to do to her now? She knew what he was capable off. She had been hit, punched, stabbed.

  “Don't try anything, or next time it will be more than a scratch, you hear me?”

  She nodded vehemently as Mr Arnold unshackled her wrist. Once free she rubbed over the raw and bleeding skin.

  “Thank you, Mr Arnold,” she whispered.

  “There is a shower through the door over there,” he pointed to where she had noticed the toilet earlier. “A blanket and pillow under the bed. The lights are on a timer and will go off, automatically at nine. I'll be back in the morning.”

  He leant over the sleeping form on the bed and whispered something to her that Asha could not quite hear, then he turned and walked out of the room. Slamming the heavy door behind him, she could hear the locks clicking in the door and then they were alone again.

  She looked to the girl, was it Maddie? It may not be. Six years Maddie had been missing. Surely he had not kept her here for six long years away from the family who loved her. He was her father, could any father really be this much of a monster?

  What of poor old Mrs Arnold, suffering through her breast cancer and now lung cancer as well, all the time grieving for her precious lost daughter. It would surely kill her to know that all the while the man who she loved, for all his misgivings was keeping her only daughter hidden away.

  Then there was Xavier. Losing Maddie had broken him. When he spoke of her there was so much hurt inside of him. Asha couldn't fathom how she would feel if it were Patrick that had been missing all those years. How could anyone do this to his family?

  Time to spring into action, she had no idea how long it would be until nine o'clock and lights out. The pain in her belly was extreme and she needed to use the metal bed frame to pull herself to a standing position. In the bathroom, she found a toilet, a small shower and a basin.

  Crushing the paracetamol she mixed it with a little water before returning to the room.

  Asha sat on the edge of the bed and slipped her arm under Maddie's shoulders propping her up slightly.

  “Maddie?” she called softly, she received a small groan in response.

  Asha knew Maddie was barely aware of her surroundings or that someone was in the room with her. Even so she gently explained that she was going to give her some medicine to help her feel better. Using the small spoon brought for her to eat yoghurt, Asha gently spooned portions of paracetamol mixed with water into the girl’s mouth. Only tiny amounts at a time, so she would not choke.

  It took some perseverance, when she was done, she opened the yoghurt and slipped a small slither of that into Maddie's mouth as well. Maddie winced when the cold yoghurt hit her tongue.

  “Good girl,” Asha cooed. At least it was a response of sorts. After a few mouthfuls of yoghurt, she closed her lips as if she had enough.

  Asha returned to the bathroom and wet the edge of a towel with warm water, returning to the room to wipe her patient down. When she was satisfied the poor sick girl in her charge was peacefully sleeping she returned to the bathroom and pushed the door so it was only slightly ajar, that way would hear an intruder, or if Maddie called out.

  The shower ran hot, although the flow was weak. Asha removed her bloodied clothes, being careful to remove her blouse as it was stuck to her skin from the dried blood. Stepping under the stream of hot water felt like heaven. She stood still allowing the water to wash over her sore and aching body. Savouring the sting of the heat on her wounds, it reminded her she was alive. While she was alive, there was still hope.

  Stepping out of the shower and wrapping herself in the small threadbare towel she imagined herself back in her own house, in her own shower, wrapping herself in her own decadent fluffy towels. Climbing into bed with Xavier. Him wrapping his big strong arms around her body to keep her warm. Oh, how she missed Xavier. She so hoped he was not angry with her. If she ever saw him again.

  Asha slipped into the clean change of clothes that Mr Arnold had left for her. They consisted of a pair of new black leggings, in her size and a t-shirt. Right at this moment she was grateful to have a clean set of clothes to wear, it would not have mattered what they were. The clothes she had dressed in for work all those weeks ago, had not left her body the entire time she had been imprisoned. Even criminals in real prisons got to wear clean clothes. It was cold, she wished for a coat, she wondered what had happened to the coat she had worn to work on that fateful day. Was that greedy to wish for warmth?

  Making her way back into the room she checked on Maddie, still sleeping peacefully. Still burning up. Hopefully, the paracetamol would help. When she woke she would start her on some antibiotics.

  Asha knew full well that this girl needed more medical help than she could give, but what options did she have? Tomorrow when the monster came back, she would try again to appeal to his soft side. He did have one, she had seen it many times as he sat by his wife's side through her cancer treatments. However he had also shown himself to be a Jekyll and Hyde and she would have to tread carefully if she had any hope of getting out of here alive.

  Chapter 26

  THE LIGHTS CAME ON BLARING in Asha's eyes. It must be morning again, she had sat or laid on the floor next to Maddie's bed all night. Barely sleeping. A moan came from the bed above her.

  “Maddie?” she soothed.

  The girl turned her head fixing her eyes on Asha. Who knew how long it had been since she had seen another living soul, other than her monster of a father.

  “Wh...who,” she struggled to get words out.

  “I'm Asha. I'm a friend of Xavier's.”

  Maddie's eyes widened. Beautiful green eyes, cloudy and obviously unwell, but she could see the family resemblance. There was no denying she was Xavier's sister.

  “You know who Xavier is, don't you?”

  The girl nodded, very slightly.

  “You're Maddie, aren’t you?

  More nodding, it looked painful.

  “Who? Why” Maddie tried but was clearly struggling.

  “I am a nurse. Mr Arnold, your dad,” she swallowed hard, it was hard to admit that the monster could be this poor sick, emaciated girl’s father. “He took me, he brought me here. To take care of you,” she answered giving Maddie a sad smile.

  In an odd, twisted kind of way, it was kind of sweet and loving. He cared about Maddie enough that he went to the effort to stalk and kidnap her, to bring her here to care for his daughter. She could not, however, understand why Maddie was here. Six years, she was sure that is how long ago Xavier had said his sister had 'disappea

  “Xave?” Maddie asked.

  “He doesn't know I'm here,” Asha sighed. “Far as I know, nobody does.” Or cares, she thought to herself bitterly. “He told me you were missing, he thinks you’re dead.”

  Maddie, let out a soft sob. Asha reached out and stroked her forearm.

  “I'm going to help you Maddie okay?”

  Maddie sobbed harder.

  “Maddie, look at me,” Asha demanded. The sobbing subsided and Maddie did as she was told. “I am going to do my best to get us both out of here, okay. You have to trust me. I know you don't know me, but I love your brother and I know how much he loves you and I will do whatever I can to get us both out of this hell. Do you trust me, Maddie?”

  Maddie turned and looked towards the wall.

  “I know it's been a long time Maddie. You have to know if Xavier knew you were here,” she looked around, she had no idea where their physical location was. “I believe he would have moved heaven and earth to get to you--Maddie, look at me”

  Maddie rolled her eyes back to Asha.

  “Please Maddie, do you trust me?”

  Maddie nodded slowly.

  “I will do everything I can okay, but you have to hang in there, we have to get you well before we can try and get you out.”

  “No escape,” Maddie whispered, shaking her head. “Can't escape.”

  That was the last of the conversation. Maddie drifted back into unconsciousness after that. Not even waking when Asha spooned the crushed medication into her mouth.


  “Well, well, looks like your famous Asha,” Mr Arnold announced when he came in later that morning.

  He threw a newspaper in Asha's direction. She snatched it up and spread it out in front of her on the floor. There looking back at her was a large black and white photo of herself. It was the one Patrick had taken the night they had gone out. The night they had a huge fight at the club. Her eye's quickly scanned the headlines.


  Local cancer nurse, Asha Harper, has not been seen since she left work on Friday the twentieth of June. Asha's brother, Patrick Harper reported her missing several days later, according to police reports.

  Ms Harper's boyfriend, local club owner Xavier Arnold has been arrested and charged with her disappearance and possible murder. He has applied for bail but is yet to be released.

  In an interesting twist, Mr Arnold's sister, Maddison Arnold, went missing, assumed murdered six years ago. Police have not said whether the two incidents are related.

  Police are asking anyone with information to come forward, as they try to piece together Ms Harper's movements from five pm on the day of her disappearance.

  Investigations are continuing.

  “No, I'm here,” Asha cried out angrily. “They've got the wrong man. We're both here.”

  How could they think Xavier had anything to do with her disappearance? The one man that might have a hope of finding her was locked up.

  “How can you stand by and let them do this to Xavier?”

  The monster shrugged at her, “What would you have me do? Turn myself in?” he laughed.

  “He is your son,” she screamed.

  “Yeah, he is, and she,” he pointed to Maddie, “is my daughter.”

  Asha was confused. How was this happening?

  “Well, I'll leave you to it,” Mr Arnold chuckled. “I've got to take my wife to your work today. I'll give them my commiserations over the disappearance of their prized nurse will I?”

  He walked out, slamming the door, making Maddie flinch.

  “Oh Xave', I'm so sorry,” Asha sobbed. She felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest. Poor Xavier, he had been through so much and now he was sitting in jail. He had done nothing wrong. Life can be so unfair at times. Now, what was she going to do? Looking over at Maddie, she knew what she had to do. She knew why she was here, she sucked in a deep breath and steeled her determination. She would save Maddie and save herself.

  Chapter 27

  “PLEASE MR ARNOLD,” ASHA BEGGED. “It's been days, she is not responding to the antibiotics, she needs more than I have here to work with. I'm worried we might lose her. She needs to get to a hospital. She needs oxygen and I.V antibiotics.”

  Mr Arnold ran his hands over his head. His hair was short, slightly darker than Xavier's, greying at the sides around his ears. He was not at tall as Xavier but a similar muscular build. Asha imagined he would have been a lot like Xavier in his younger years, in looks anyway.

  “Please Mr Arnold, look at her. Look at your daughter,” she pleaded.

  “No,” he shook his head violently. “No hospitals, tell me what she needs.”

  “I'm not a doctor Mr Arnold, without blood tests and x-rays, I can only guess at what’s wrong. I think she has pneumonia, possibly a systemic infection and other things going on as well. She is clearly malnourished, and she has not seen the sun for God only knows how long. I imagine she has a vitamin D deficiency. She's hardly taken in any fluids for days, so I'm concerned about her kidneys. Shall I go on?”

  He shook his head, pacing back and forth in the tiny room, rubbing his hands over his head clearly distressed.

  “I know you love your daughter Mr Arnold...I can tell, you love her. That’s why you took me isn't it? To care for her?”

  “What can I do?” he pleaded.

  “She really needs a doctor and a hospital.”

  A shadow passed across his eyes, she had pushed him too far, and he charged at her, she braced herself, waiting for the blow. It never came, instead, he stood over her, fist raised as if he was about to strike. He looked menacing.

  “I told you already, no fucking hospital.”

  “But what if she dies?” Asha stared him in the eyes, defiantly.

  Mr Arnold sneered. “She dies,” he looked to his daughter lying limp on the bed. “You die, and maybe I will bury your body somewhere Xavier would. How would you like that huh?”

  Asha squinted at him. “You really are a bastard aren’t you?”

  “Fix my fucking daughter,” came his reply in a dark voice, before stepping back and giving her space again.

  “Well, I’m going to need some better drugs, for a start I need some azithromycin IV, some corticosteroid and a couple bags of sodium chloride solution. I’ll also need a cannula and tubing to get it into her, assuming I can even find a vein in her state.” She shook her head sadly.

  “And where exactly do you think I am going to be able to get access to these things?” he scoffed.

  “You want her live don't you? I’m sure you will find them.” Then she turned and mumbled to herself, “it's not like, you’re not a criminal or anything.”

  “You might want to watch you smart mouth little girl,” Mr Arnold seethed. “Just you remember who's running this show.”

  With that parting shot, he left her and Maddie alone. Asha sat on the floor beside her patient and read the articles of the newspaper aloud. She had read and re-read the paper to Maddie. As much for Maddie's sake as her own. It was the only link she had to the outside world and whilst she had read the articles more than once. It was at least keeping her a little bit sane.

  When she was not reading, she would talk to Maddie. Maddie never responded, occasionally she would open an eye, but mostly nothing. Asha persisted anyway. She told Maddie about the latest movies she had seen and books she had read. Told her about Xavier and how he owned Ex's and Oh's and he was doing really well for himself. She hoped it would give Maddie a reason to hold on. She wasn't sure it would be enough.


  Hours later, Mr Arnold returned with the requested items. Asha had to wonder where they had come from, but she dared not ask. She instead offered him a thank you and got to work with administering the new medication. Praying all the while, that it would actually work. It had to work, hers and Maddie's lives both depended on it.

  Maddie was very dehydrated. Try as Asha might, the past few days she had
not had much success at getting fluid into her. There had been very little urine output, giving Asha reason to be concerned about Maddie's kidney function as well. It took Asha three attempts to insert the cannula into Maddie's vein. She eventually managed to insert it into the back of her right hand and attached the bag of antibiotics. Asha was used to working in a hospital or clinic, never in a situation such as this. Looking around, she wondered how she was going to suspend the fluids. Usually, she would have a stand to hook the bag onto. Spotting the first aid kit she had an idea.

  Reaching into the box, she snagged a crepe bandage. Opening the packaging, she threaded one end of the bandage through the hanging hole and then she unravelled the bandage and strung it up over the top of the bathroom door and tied it to the door handle on the opposite side.

  “Yep, that ought to work,” she said to herself, feeling pretty pleased.

  Within a half an hour the antibiotics had been administered, and she had replaced the bag with the bag of fluids. Sitting back on the floor beside the bed, she picked up the newspaper and continued reading the articles aloud to Maddie, again. There was nothing more she could do right now but sit, watch, wait and hope for the best.

  Chapter 28


  “LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE OUT BUDDY,” a gruff voice called from the cell door.

  He had sat there for days, leaving only when someone else wanted to ask him, even more, questions, usually the same ones that he still had no answer for.

  “Where is Asha Harper?”

  “What is the nature of your relationship with Miss Harper?”

  “When was the last time you saw Miss Harper alive?”

  “Did you fight?”

  “Did you hit her?”

  “Did you kill her?”

  “Where is she?”

  “What have you done with her body?”


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