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Cherished: Love in London Series 2

Page 8

by Watts, Demelza

  Around eight o’clock, the light was setting outside, and Amber surveyed her work one last time. She had done it. Incredibly proud of her achievement, she ran her hands along the granite counter and smiled to herself. If she had to design a place for herself, it would pretty much be a copy of this. She loved the colour schemes, the textures on the walls the masculinity of the place, which balanced itself with some softer touches sprinkled throughout the penthouse.

  She picked up her bag and as she stood up, a wave of dizziness crashed over her. Clutching the wall for support, she took deep breaths to calm and steady herself. Suddenly very tired and wanting nothing more than her bed, she closed the door softly, locking up behind her.

  Too weary to take the tube, she flagged down a taxi and collapsed into the back, shutting her eyes.

  “You okay there, love? You’re looking awfully pale.” She snapped open her eyes, seeing a concerned look from the driver in the rear-view mirror.

  “Yeah, fine thanks. Think I must be coming down with a cold or something.”

  He smiled at her and set off towards her flat. Amber closed her eyes and was just finding herself drifting off when she heard a loud beep from her phone, indicating a text message. She pulled open her eyes and swiped her phone to read it:

  Mia: Hey, Amber, I’m back! Are you around tomorrow?

  Amber: Hi Mia! So pleased you’re home. I’m so sorry I didn’t respond to your text yesterday. Not feeling very well so was just in bed for most of the day.

  Mia: Oh no, sorry to hear that :(

  Amber: Come over tomorrow when you can, I’m home all day. Would love to see you.

  Mia: Perfect, can’t wait.

  Amber: Night, see you tomorrow x :)

  Mia: Buonanotte x :)

  They soon arrived at her flat and once inside, Amber managed to take sips from a tall glass of water, a quick shower and then threw herself into bed. She had a feeling she was coming down with some sort of bug because she felt terrible.

  * * *

  The following morning, Amber felt worse. She took her temperature, but surprisingly didn’t find it elevated. Her throat wasn’t sore either. Still, she felt like someone had run over her body and more than anything, her head felt like it was going to explode and her stomach recoiled at any movement. After making a quick call to work, she went back to bed. After seeing her mother die of an overdose, she rarely took painkillers unless she had absolutely zero choice. Deciding to see if she could sleep off her headache, she closed her blinds and slipped back under her covers.

  A few hours later, Amber woke up, startled by the sound of her buzzer. Groggily getting out of bed, she went to see who was at the door.


  “Amber? It’s me, Mia!”

  “Mia? Oh! Please come on up.”

  She opened her door and stood there waiting, whilst trying to smooth out her bed hair. A few moments later, Mia walked up the stairs looking incredibly glamorous and stylish. Amber immediately felt self-conscious standing there in her t-shirt and knotted hair.

  “Amber?” Mia looked at her, concern filling her eyes. “Are you okay? You don’t look so good.”

  Amber attempted to smile, but was hit with such a strong wave of nausea that she held up her hand and ran to the bathroom. Mia followed her, concerned, and got there just in time to hold her hair back as Amber violently emptied the very minimal contents of her stomach.

  After a few more dry retches, she sat back on her heels, taking a few deep breaths.

  “I’m so sorry, Mia. I don’t know what’s wrong. I thought I had food poisoning, but I haven’t really eaten anything.” She closed her eyes as she felt a cool wet cloth pressed against her forehead.

  “Don’t be silly, Amber. You don’t have anything to apologise for.” She continued to gently cool her face and then Amber stood up and reached for her toothbrush. Glancing at herself in the mirror, she balked at her reflection. She looked really pale and quite ill.

  “Is your doctors surgery close by?”

  Amber finished rinsing her mouth. “Yes, not far. Do you think I should call them?”

  “Well, how long have you been feeling like this?”

  “Since Sunday, really. Well mainly the headache, but I’ve been feeling really light-headed and nauseous from yesterday.”

  Mia considered her carefully.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Mia chewed her lip, her green eyes sparkling. “Amber, can I ask you something personal?”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Okay, well, this grosses me out to ask, but aside from last weekend, you said you’d been with Nico once before, right?”

  Amber blushed and looked away, wondering why she wanted to know the details now. She nodded and splashed cool water onto her face.

  “And…can I ask when your last period was?”

  Amber’s eyes widened in surprise. “Mia, why on earth do you want to know that? I mean, I don’t keep track too well, but it’s usually every four weeks. I mean—”

  She stopped dead in her tracks. Her period was due last week, she was sure of it. Running to her bedroom, she grabbed her phone, noticing the missed calls from Mia and Beth. Wow, she must have been in a very deep sleep. Flicking to the calendar, she normally indicated the first day of her period so that she could keep a rough idea of her cycle.

  Her mouth fell open in surprise. She was over a week late. How had she not noticed? Her eyebrows knitted in confusion and concern.

  She felt Mia sit down next to her on the bed.

  “I’m late, Mia.”

  Mia nodded. “Don’t freak out, okay, but I’m just going to run to the nearest pharmacy and buy you a pregnancy test. Si? Is that okay with you?”

  Amber snapped her eyes to Mia. “Pregnancy? I’m not pregnant, Mia! I’m sure of it. I’m probably just late because of all the stress I’ve been under. There’s no way I could be pregnant.” She shook her head in confusion. “I mean, we used protection. We were careful, Mia.”

  “I know, bella. I’m sure you were. Just that these damn condoms have a way of not always functioning one hundred percent.” She smiled as she stroked Amber’s hair. “It’s up to you, Amber. I’ll do what you want.”

  Amber chewed her nails, considering what Mia was telling her. There was no way she could be pregnant. She refused to entertain the thought, instead believing that her body was just under stress. Still, the nagging doubt in the back of her head was telling her to check, just to be sure.

  “Okay. I really don’t think I am, but you’re right. Best to rule it out. There is a pharmacy about five minutes from here.”

  Mia jumped off the bed and after she got directions, rushed off to buy a test.

  She was gone for the longest fifteen minutes of Amber’s life. “Sorry, Amber. There was a really long queue.”

  Amber shut herself in the bathroom and quickly ripped open the packet, scanned the instructions and then sat down on the toilet to pee on the stick. Her heart was beating out of control as she waited for the test to develop. Mia was patiently waiting in the front room, giving her some privacy.

  Not even one minute into the test, a strong second line appeared in the window of the test stick. Amber felt her stomach drop. It was positive. She was pregnant with Nico’s baby.


  A loud sob escaped her throat as she willed the second line to disappear. She covered her mouth as she felt her body crumple to the floor as she convulsed into sobs.

  Mia came rushing into the bathroom, a stricken look on her face. She dropped to her knees, grabbing Amber’s hand.

  “Amber! What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  Amber pulled her hand away and buried her face against her knees. She shook her head as her sobbing continued. Mia ran to the kitchen to get her a glass of water, returning within seconds. Amber was hyperventilating at this stage, panic stricken.

  “Amber! Stop, take a deep breath. Please, drink some water.
” She brushed Amber’s hair out of her face and put the glass to her lips. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself and then sipped the water.

  “Amber, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong? Talk to me.” Mia’s concern was written all over her pretty face. She looked around her and spotted the pregnancy test on the sink.

  Indicating towards it, she looked at Amber. “May I take a look?”

  Amber miserably nodded her head as Mia tentatively stood up, reaching for it. She gasped when she saw the result. Her eyes misted over as she sat down with Amber.

  “Amber, you’re pregnant, bella. Is that why you’re so upset?”

  Amber sniffed loudly. “Yes, Mia.” Fresh tears filled her eyes. “What a mess I’ve gotten myself into.” She began crying again and Mia took her in her arms, comforting her and lightly stroking her hair.

  “I know this has come as a shock, Amber, but I can promise you, Nico will be thrilled. You saw him at the party with the twins – he couldn’t get enough.”

  Amber pulled back and looked at her in confusion. “Why would he be happy, Mia? I mean, look at us, we’re so different.”

  “That doesn’t matter, Amber.” She spoke in a soft and soothing voice. “I see the way he looks at you and how you look at him too. You’re both denying your feelings for each other.”

  Amber sniffed and looked away in disgust. “Feelings for each other? It didn’t take him long to move on, did it?”

  Mia drew her eyebrows into a frown. “What do you mean, move on? I don’t understand? Amber, I’ve never seen my brother so miserable in all my life, since you left last Sunday.” She threw her hands up in the air in confusion. “I don’t exactly know the details or what went down with you two, but he is literally ripping everyone’s head off at present. There seems to be a pattern forming.”

  “Didn’t seem that way to me. It’s clear he has already moved on and found my replacement.”

  “Replacement?” Mia shook her head. “What replacement?”

  Amber stood up and walked into the kitchen, replenishing her glass of water. “It doesn’t matter, Mia. I just need to move on too….and figure out what I’m going to do with my life now.”

  “Amber, why do you keep talking about moving on and replacements?” Mia followed her into the kitchen.

  Amber set her glass down harder than expected. “I saw him, Mia,” she cried out. “At the party last Friday? With that beautiful Italian girl he was with. They certainly looked very cozy together!” Angrily, she picked up her glass and took a big swig of water.

  Mia thought for a moment. “I think you mean Angelina.” A small smile crept over her face and Amber glared at her.

  “If you’re referring to the stunning brunette, then yes, I guess it was Angelina.” She made a face as she said her name out loud.

  Mia’s smile broadened.

  “What? Why are you smiling at my misery?”

  “Amber, bella. Angelina is our cousin.”

  Amber’s face paled. She slowly set down her glass. “What? Your cousin?”

  “Si. Our very happily, married cousin. She was instrumental to a deal, I don’t know the details, but she pulled off something big for Moretti Investment Banking. That’s why they were celebrating.”

  “ But I thought—” She broke off, blushing deeply and feeling stupid at jumping to conclusions.

  Mia came around to where she was standing. “I understand, Amber. I would also be wondering who that bitch was too if I was in your place.”

  A smile spread across Amber’s face. She covered her face. “I feel so stupid.”

  Mia hugged Amber. “It’s okay, Amber, your hormones and emotions are all over the place right now. Why don’t you take a hot shower and I’ll make us a light lunch – you need to eat. And if you want, I’m happy to come with you to the doctor if you’d like some support.”

  Amber nodded as she felt her eyes well up with fresh tears. She felt so relieved to hear that Nico hadn’t moved on and that her fears were unrealised. Still, she was scared as hell for the conversation she would no doubt soon be having with him.

  “Oh Mia, I’m so glad you’re here. I’m so scared.”

  “I promise you, Amber. It will be okay.” Mia smiled at her with nothing but concern and kindness. “But you do need to talk to him soon. I’m afraid our Italian men have a lot of pride, Amber, and at the moment, his has been bruised and damaged.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Amber whispered.

  Mia rubbed her shoulders. “You have your reasons, Amber. Trust me, my brother is not perfect, but he deserves a chance. You both do.”

  Amber nodded, swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat. “Do you know when he’s back?”

  “Yes, he was meant to be back this weekend, but the deal wrapped up early so he was talking about flying in on Thursday morning.”

  “Okay, I’ll call him then.”

  Mia stayed with Amber for the remainder of the afternoon. It was good to have some company and Mia was a breath of fresh air, full of life and enthusiasm. She made it a point to make Amber laugh and cheer her up and sensitively, she didn’t discuss the pregnancy any further.

  * * *

  Amber took the rest of the week off from work. On Wednesday, she went to the doctor and after doing a repeat test in the surgery, her pregnancy was confirmed. She was just over five weeks along and the kind nurse had advised her about the prenatal supplements to start taking. Amber took it all in mechanically, but at the same time she felt disconnected from herself. She still couldn’t believe this was happening to her and it felt like a dream. Aching to call Beth, she decided to hold off for a couple of days until she figured out what she was going to do. She needed time to work through everything that had happened to her over the past few weeks, which had now irrevocably turned her life upside down.

  Touching her stomach as she walked home, she was unable to fathom that a tiny ball of cells was developing into a new life that she and Nico had created. Feeling emotional, tears welled up in her eyes at the prospect of being a single parent. How on earth would she cope, she wondered.

  She had convinced herself overnight that Nico would be furious at the news and wouldn’t want any part of it. It would mean an end to his famous bachelor status and she wasn’t sure he would be ready to give it all up and settle down with her. A small part of her wondered if she could move back to Taunton and get her old job back – perhaps she could hide from Nico forever. Soon realising that this would lead into an even bigger mess, she went to bed early, deciding that she would call him first thing in the morning and face her fears.

  * * *

  She woke up early on Thursday morning. After a restless night, she frowned at her reflection in the mirror, noting her pale skin and the dark shadows that were still present beneath her eyes. Groaning at her appearance, she got ready and went to make herself a cup of herbal tea for she had cut out the caffeine from her diet. Besides, the smell of coffee wasn’t doing her any favours at present anyway.

  After breakfast and a bit of lounging around trying to read, she saw that it was almost eleven o’clock. It was now or never. Her hands shook as she reached for her phone to locate Nico’s number in her contacts. Taking a deep breath, she hit the call button.

  It took a moment for the call to connect, but then it started ringing normally which told her he was on British soil, rather than listening to a foreign ring tone. She held her breath, waiting for him to pick up as her heart pounded away. It rang several times and Amber was certain it would go to his voice mail. As she was about to give up and end the call, he picked up.

  “Moretti.” His tone was cool and efficient. After not hearing his voice for days, she suddenly realised how much she missed him.

  “Nico? It’s me, Amber.” Her voice was soft and unsure. For a moment, he didn’t say anything and Amber began to wonder if he heard her.

  “Amber. How are you?” If he was pleased to hear from her, she couldn’t tell. His tone was detached and busines
s-like. Amber felt her heart constrict.

  “Nico. I need to see you. Can we meet?”

  “Now isn’t a good time, Amber. I’m just on my way to a meeting. Can it wait until later this afternoon?”

  “Yes, sure. Just text me when you’re free. I can meet you in town or, if you want, you’re welcome to come over to my flat. But only if that’s not out of your way.” She closed her mouth and clenched her jaw, aware that her nerves had caused her mouth to ramble.

  “Fine. I’ll see you later at your flat. I’ll try to be there by five o’clock if that works.”

  “It works. Thanks, Nico. See you later.”

  “Ciao.” He ended the call and Amber sat back on the sofa, taking a deep breath. She was sad at his efficient tone, but consoled herself that she couldn’t warrant any warmth from him after their last goodbye.

  The day dragged by slowly. She made an effort with her appearance, washed her hair and put on some light make-up. She wasn’t sure why she was doing it, but if he was going to tell her that he wasn’t interested any longer, she at least wanted to feel good about herself.

  * * *

  At five o’clock sharp, the buzzer went. Butterflies set off in her stomach and she felt a lurch of excitement and dread within her. She buzzed him entry and stood waiting at the door. After a few moments, he came into view. He looked even more handsome than the last time she saw him. His hair was as messy as usual, but she guessed by now that he probably styled it that way. Her eyes flicked over his strong tanned body, which was concealed under a tailored navy suit with a sharp white shirt. Looking up, his green eyes sought hers, riveting her to the spot. She froze as her senses leapt to life.

  “Amber.” He stood there with a small smile, waiting for an invitation into the flat. She tingled as he said her name, his nearness kindling feelings of fire within her. She felt heat spread through her body and face. Coughing, she tried to regain some composure.


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