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The Dark Prince (The Dark Light Series)

Page 6

by Jennings, S. L.

  “Hey Gabs! I’m so glad you finally made it!” Morgan beams. She’s got a frozen daiquiri in her hand and is feeling tropical in a colorful maxi dress complete with an oversized flower in her hair. “Where’s Dorian?” she whispers, eyeing my parents just a few yards away.

  “He couldn’t make it,” I smile weakly.

  “That’s too bad. Oh well, Jared and James are here with their mom. And Miguel and his family came too. Oh! Remember those fabulous guys we met at the Luxe grand opening?” She sips her fruity cocktail through a straw.

  “Yeah, Carlos, Jackson, and X, right? They came?” Looks like Dorian was right. Carlos and Jackson are both stylists at his salon.

  “X didn’t. But the other guys came, and girl, they had me dying! I love them; they are freakin’ hilarious! We are so going out tonight!”

  “I don’t know, Morgan. It’s supposed to rain later.” If there’s one thing that can put a damper on a night of club-hopping, it’s rain. Morgan’s weave would resemble that of a wet dog, and mine would frizz up to Diana Ross status.

  Morgan looks at me disbelievingly. “What makes you say that? It’s not in the forecast; I checked.”

  I smile and shrug at my little secret. “Hey, I’m gonna go find Jared. I’ll let you get back to your guests.”

  I scout out the crowd of people gathered around tables of food and drinks. The roar of laughter, conversation and music echoes through the crisp mountain air. I spot Jared positioned near the pool by himself, constructing a text message on his cell phone.

  “Hey you,” I smile as I approach.

  Jared’s head snaps up as if he’s been caught red handed. “Hey Gabs!” He pulls me into his arms for one of his famous bear hugs. Wow, that was unexpected, especially since things have been pretty hot and cold with us. “You look nice,” he says, taking in my knee-length floral sundress.

  “Thanks, you too.”

  Jared always looks nice, even in jeans and a t-shirt. Today he sports a fitted polo shirt, designer wash jeans and his favorite baseball cap. Almost something the old Jared would wear. My Jared.

  “Aurora didn’t come?”

  “Nah, something came up. But I’m supposed to go over to her place after I leave here.”

  “So you guys are still going strong, huh?” I would normally know the answer to this question but it seems as if Jared and I hardly speak outside of classes.

  Jared nods nonchalantly. “Yeah, we are. I really like her. Like, really like her. I never thought I’d feel that way about someone…other than you of course. But hey, I guess everything happens for a reason, right?”

  I smile at my old friend and former object of my desire. “Right.”

  Part of me wants to warn Jared, tell him that his entire relationship was orchestrated so Aurora could infiltrate our group. But the other part of me, the rational part of me, knows that I have to let this play out for all our sakes. Because no matter what I feel for Aurora, her secrets are my secrets. We are in this together. Though we feel nothing but disdain for each other, we both have a common goal, a common love: Dorian. And if tolerating her is what I have to do to keep him alive and make it to my ascension, then I’ll do just that.

  “Hey, I was thinking, Gabs. I really want you and Aurora to get along. Not just that, but actually be friends. I know she irks you; I can tell. But outside of my mom, you two are the most important women in my life. I want to be able to hang out with both of you without feeling like I’m cheating. So maybe you guys could get together and just talk?”

  I scrunch up my nose as if the thought of having a conversation with Aurora pains me. In all honesty, it very well could. “Geez, Jared, I don’t know. Things are fine how they are now.”

  “Just think about it, Gabs. It’d mean a lot to me.” Again, he gives me a hearty embrace. “Hey, I’m about to get outta here. If you see Morgan, tell her I said bye and congrats, ok?”

  “Sure,” I reply, a little disappointed, though I have no right to be. I haven’t actually been Friend of the Year.

  Hours later, after copious amounts of food and drink have been consumed by all, a frightening clap of thunder rips through the sky, signaling the end of the party and the beginning of a violent storm. As the first drops of rain kiss my face, I look up at the sky and smile. My Dorian is at work. I feel close to him in this moment, knowing that he too is standing out in the rain, replenishing his strength. I want to be where he is; I want the rain to wash away my fear and restore my confidence that everything will be alright.

  “What the hell are you doing, Gabs?” Morgan yells scampering to shelter.

  I look around at all the scurrying partygoers, completely oblivious to their aversions. A day ago, I would have been one of them. I would have run straight for cover as soon as I felt the first drop. But now as I stand in the rain, sopping wet, I realize that I am growing closer to the paranormal side of me. I am becoming what I was intended to be. Even as lightning flashes across the deathly dark skies, I feel contented. Dorian’s magic courses through my body. I have nothing to fear.

  “So I see Dorian didn’t bother to show up,” Chris sneers as we make our way back home.

  I wring my wet hair back into a ponytail and roll my eyes from the back seat. “He didn’t think it would be a good idea just yet.”

  “Humph,” he scoffs, earning a stern sideways glance from Donna. “Don’t tell me he’s afraid.”

  “He was actually,” I say flatly, meeting his gaze in the rearview mirror. “For you two. At what I would do if things became heated. See, he actually cares enough about you guys to want to keep you safe. From me.”

  My parents exchange worried glances and we ride the rest of the way in silence. I am what I am; there’s no denying the inevitable anymore. I’m not like them. I was not made for this world. The closer I am to Dorian, the closer I am to ascension, the more powerful I feel. There’s no bridging the gap now. As much as I love them, I now realize that they are only my mortal family- a temporary fixture to create the façade of a normal girl. But I am anything but normal. I am the epitome of all that is taboo in their world.


  Though I have finals, studying and my last week of work to keep me busy, it seems as if I can’t focus on anything other than missing Dorian. Phone calls, text messages and quick kisses during my break at work do nothing to satisfy my craving for him. I need to hold him, smell him. Feel him.

  By Wednesday, I am nearly writhing with my overwhelming need for him. It’s near midnight, I’ve stashed my textbooks for the evening, and I’m trying desperately to get some sleep. Every time I begin to doze off, I slip into a vivid dream that results in me jolting awake, leaving the space between my legs throbbing and wet.

  Finally I flick on my bedside lamp and reach for my phone. Could Dorian still be awake? Of course he is. Just hearing his voice would soothe me; it always does. Yet I don’t want him to think I’m totally desperate and helpless. I sigh and toss my cell back on my dresser. No. I have to get through this; I have to get used to not having him around all the time. He’s trying to practice restraint. Having me around, breathing me in so often will kill me. I need to stop playing Russian Roulette with my life.

  I reach for the remote to my television and turn it on, flicking mindlessly through the channels. Seems like everything either reminds me of him or makes my mind wander into dark territory. Every song on the radio does the same. Dorian completely fills every corner of my mind.

  “Ugh! Dorian, why can’t you just be here?” I whine into my pillow, giving it a frustrated punch.

  “Be careful what you wish for, little girl,” a silky baritone mutters.

  Startled, I look up instantly, my eyes searching for the source of the phantom voice. There, in the corner of my bedroom, shrouded in the shadows, stands my love. Dorian. Dissipating wisps of dark vapors surround him, and I can see his azure eyes gleaming brightly in the midst of the darkness. He is here. He has heard my cry. Has felt my yearn for him.

  “Dorian,” I
breathe. My eyes are wide with excitement and my heart beats furiously in anticipation.

  In the next instant, he’s beside me, sitting on my childhood bed. Having him here arouses me. I’ve never had a guy in my room, supernatural or not. I can’t resist; I crush my body against his, practically straddling his lap in my oversized t-shirt and pink panties. Dorian instantly reciprocates, palming my behind as our mouths and tongues unite. God, I’ve missed him. It’s more than that; I’ve ached for him.

  “How did you get here? What about the wards?” I ask suddenly.

  “Yes, those,” he smirks. “They only ward off those who wish to hurt you. I must admit, I could not penetrate them at first, not until I was certain that I would not kill you.”

  I stare at him questioningly, the hint of a frown on my face. “So when did you decide that?”

  “I think a part of me always knew I couldn’t. But I wouldn’t admit it to myself. I still fought against the unknown emotions because I didn’t understand them. But now…I can’t fight anymore. I want you- all of you. I want to own every part of you.”

  I look up at the man I love, the Warlock who has risked everything for me. I just want to give him all of me. I want him to know just how deep my love flows. I rejoin our mouths, pressing my aching breasts against his chest and grind my sex into his lap. In turn, Dorian grips handfuls of my backside, pulling me deeper into his erection restricted only by his dark grey slacks. I grip the hard mounds of muscle of his shoulders as I begin a slow, erotic dance, the lace of my panties causing delicious friction.

  “Do you think you can be quiet?” he asks breathlessly, pulling his head up from mine momentarily. I give him a doubtful expression. I lose all control when I am with him. That kind of pleasure cannot be muted. “I can fix that,” he says raising his index finger.

  “No!” I whisper loudly. “No, I don’t want you to. I want the thrill of feeling you with the chance of getting caught,” I say slyly.

  Dorian chuckles and shakes his head. “You naughty little girl. I believe I’ve created a monster.”

  “Or just unleashed the one that’s always been there.”

  And with that, I push him back onto my bed and show him just how incredibly much I’ve craved him until the wee hours of the morning.

  Chapter Five


  Three months ago, it was the only thing I had to look forward to. It would be considered the most monumental event of my life thus far. But now as I walk across the makeshift stage to collect my degree, it all seems so miniscule. To some, an Associate’s degree would be viewed as a stepping stone to higher education. A great accomplishment in which I should be proud. To me, it’s just a piece of paper; something Chris and Donna can hang up amongst the countless class photos displayed throughout the house. I will never use it. It will not define me.

  Despite the turmoil brewing in my parents’ home at my moving out, and the fact that no one has been able to track the Warlock that has claimed several lives of innocent girls in search of me, I am happy. Incredibly happy. I have more than just some measly degree; I have love. I have Dorian. That in itself is a reason to live.

  As I look out into the crowd, towards the very last row, I see him grinning back at me proudly. He’s come here to support me, despite my parents’ reservations. And even though Aurora sits beside him, scowling with contempt, I don’t care. He’s here for me.

  After the commencement speeches and ceremonial fanfare, I weave through the crowd in search of my love, my Dorian. Still, he stands towards the back, concentrating furiously as he scans the room. He’s watching for any sign of trouble. I notice the rapid changes in his expressions, as if he’s in deep conversation. He’s communicating with Aurora, who has probably gone off to find Jared. They are here to protect us, suspecting my would-be killer would try to strike and slip into the crowd undetected.

  “Everything ok?” I mutter when I approach him.

  Dorian looks down and smiles at me warmly. “It is now,” he breathes. “There’s been movement. Someone has been here but we don’t know who.”

  “You can’t sense them?”

  “Not if they don’t want me to. But I know something was here. I just can’t tell who.” He takes a moment of thoughtful silence and I know he’s speaking to Aurora. “Aurora can’t pick up the trail. Shit. I should have been more careful with you.”

  I pull Dorian’s face down to mine and look him in his crystal blue eyes. “You did nothing wrong. It’s because you are here that I’ve even made it this far. Whoever it is probably sensed your presence and got scared. Just you being here protects me enough.”

  Inching closer, Dorian joins his mouth with mine. When he pulls away a bit, I notice that his expression has transformed into something I can’t quite comprehend.

  “I can’t wait until you ascend. Then I can have you all the time without fear of hurting you. And whoever this is, we could hunt them together,” he seethes. “And you would like it. You would love tearing him apart. It would make you feel so good. We would slaughter him together and then fuck like animals.”

  Startled, and maybe even a bit repulsed, I study Dorian’s intimidating leer. His eyes have darkened and his mouth is twisted into a menacing grin. This is the hunter in him- the assassin that sought out to slay my mother. The killer that grew angry with my father, his best friend, for sparing her life. He wants to kill. It’s been so long since he has. But the Dark in him craves it. He needs it to feed the beast.

  “Uh, Gabriella?” my mom says from behind us. Dorian instantly stiffens, recovering his cool demeanor as I turn around to face them.

  “Hey, Mom. Dad.” I give them each a warm embrace.

  “Congratulations, Kiddo,” Chris mutters. I can see his tense jaw flexing as he glares at Dorian. “Dorian. It’s been a while.”

  “Twenty years,” Dorian notes in a level voice. He turns to Donna and gently bows his head. “Donna, you’re looking well. You haven’t aged a day.”

  “And neither have you,” she replies tersely. “It’s good to see you, Dorian.”

  “Why the hell are you here?” Chris snaps, clearly over the pleasantries.

  “Dad!” I screech.

  Dorian looks to me and gives me a reassuring half-smile. He’s in control. “For her. For Gabriella.”

  “I know that. But we both know what that entails. We know why you were sent.” I can see Chris’s hands form giant fists at his sides. Don’t do it, Dad.

  “I’m here to protect her. I love Gabriella. I would never hurt her.” I reflexively smile at his admission, despite the tense moment, because I know he’s being honest.

  “So the rumors, they are true?” Donna asks quietly.

  Dorian shakes his head. “I am not sure. But I know what I feel.” He looks down at me lovingly. “I’ve given her me. I’ve bonded with her. We made the link.”

  “What?!” Donna shrieks. I look at my mother’s bewildered expression. Even Chris looks confused at her outburst. “Dorian, you know what that means, don’t you? Why would you do that?”

  “To show her how much I love her. No matter the circumstances. She has my heart.”

  “But if it is true, then what? What will you do then?” Ok, now I’m confused.

  Dorian furrows his brow, mulling over her question. “That is for Gabriella to decide. My life is in her hands.”

  We stand in silence, glaring at each other with apprehensive eyes. “We’ll meet you at the car, Kiddo. Don’t take too long,” Chris finally says to break the tension.

  “What was that about?” I ask Dorian once my parents are out of earshot.

  “What have you done to him?” Aurora interjects before I get my answer. I roll my eyes at her rude interruption.

  “Stay out of it, Aurora,” Dorian says between gritted teeth.

  “No, I won’t stay out of it. She’s draining you. You look like you’re going to drop at any moment!” Aurora puts her hands on her hips and glares at me fiercely. “Gabriella, you have t
o see what you’re doing to him. Someone is going to end up dead.”

  I look between my visibly annoyed lover and his painfully gorgeous ex as they exchange menacing stares. “What is she talking about, Dorian? Have I hurt you in some way?”

  Dorian sighs and shakes his head, turning his gaze to me. “No, you haven’t. We have just been spending too much time together. I’ve been giving you so much of me just to ensure I don’t weaken you. It isn’t your fault.”

  I digest what he’s telling me. Dorian has given me too much of himself and now he is suffering. Aurora is obviously seeing his true self, the part of him that he’s keeping from me. My poor Dorian is deteriorating right before my eyes, all because we can’t stay away from each other, and I can’t even see the damage I’ve caused. Ever since we discovered that he could penetrate the wards around my house, I’ve demanded to see him every night. That was only a little over a week ago yet he is already perishing.

  “Oh my God, Dorian! Why didn’t you tell me?” My hands fly up to his beautiful face, searching for any sign of pain. He doesn’t look like he’s hurting. He looks a little bit older but not much. I just wish I could see him.

  “I’ll be fine,” he responds. He nods towards a large window. “It will rain soon.”

  “Yeah, but that won’t be enough. And you know it. You need help, Dorian,” Aurora chimes in.

  I look to her, suddenly terrified and desperate. “Tell me what to do. How can I fix him?”

  Aurora smirks coldly and leans forward. “You could let him breathe you. But for what he needs, it would surely kill you. You are still pathetically powerless.”

  “No!” Dorian growls. He takes a step forward, his eyes flickering with disgust and hatred.

  “Well then, he’ll have to drain someone,” she remarks simply. She looks at her meticulous manicured nails as if the whole conversation of saving Dorian’s life bores her. “A power source. Someone like your adopted mother, perhaps?” Aurora smiles as if the notion is humorous.

  “Watch it, bitch!” I spew angrily. A few nearby people look in our direction but the roar of congratulatory cheers has masked our conversation.


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