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The Dark Prince (The Dark Light Series)

Page 36

by Jennings, S. L.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about! Did you remember to get smoked salmon cream cheese?” Morgan asks, snatching the bag.

  Jared makes a disgusted face and fishes the individual servings of cream cheese out of his pocket. “Yeah. Gross.” He drops a kiss on my smiling lips, cradling my face in his large hands. “Good morning, beautiful. Sorry I left so early.”

  “It’s ok,” I grin, folding my body into his arms. “You’re here now. And you brought bagels.” We both look over at Morgan who is muttering her thanks between large bites of bread and sesame seeds.

  “So Gabs, I’ll stop by the store later and look for a dress. You wanna meet me there so we can shop together?” she asks after washing down her bite with a gulp of coffee.

  I shrug, not sure what I plan to do for the day. The last thing I planned to do was shop for formal dresses for an event that I don’t want to attend. I’d rather cut off my left foot than go to a party to celebrate Dorian and Aurora’s upcoming nuptials.

  “A dress for what?” Jared asks, grabbing himself a mug. Morgan and I lock gazes. Shit.

  “Oh nothing. Just some bullshit party Morgan and I are being forced to attend on Friday. But I was planning to OD on Thursday so my RSVP is still tentative.”

  “A party? What kind of party?” he asks eyeing me curiously. He knows I’m dancing around the truth, trying to throw him off the scent of my anxiety. I look to Morgan and plead for help with my eyes.

  “A party for Dorian and Aurora,” she answers. “You know how ruthless these socialites are. We are practically being dragged there against our will.”

  I mouth my thanks to her behind Jared’s back before he turns back to search my blank expression. “And you’re ok with that? You’ll be fine to be in the same room with them again?”

  I don’t have the heart to tell him that Dorian and I tried to work things out and that I had seen him on New Year's. But I hadn’t even really considered Aurora. Can I really stand to be anywhere near her without wanting to snatch every single hair from her corrupt little head? Doubtful.

  “I guess we’ll find out,” I shrug.

  “Ok,” he nods. “What time should I pick you up?”

  Huh? “Pick me up for what?”

  “For the party. You really think I am going to send you to deal with those soulless assholes by yourself? If you have to suffer through it, so do I.”

  I cock my head to one side and look up at him questioningly. “You’d really subject yourself to that for me?”

  Jared sets down his coffee mug and takes mine from me as well, placing it on the breakfast bar. Then he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into his body. “When are you going to realize that I would do anything for you? Of course, I’m going.”

  I snuggle into his embrace and forget for one moment what I’ve committed myself to do. In a matter of days, I will be face to face with the Dark King and God knows what else. I could be walking into my own assassination. But I can’t tell Morgan or Jared that without raising suspicion. I just have to see this through and hope like hell that Niko is right about my safety.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  I stand in front of the full length mirror, adjusting the delicate straps of my dress. My hair falls in soft ringlets from an intricate knot atop my head and my eyes are perfectly smoky with a touch of golden shimmer. It all seems oddly formal for just a party but of course I know nothing about black tie formal affairs. Most of the parties I attend are BYOB or include beer funnels.

  “Oh…Em…Geee, Gabs, you look stunning!” Morgan says from behind me after putting the final touches on my hair.

  I run my hands down the front of the cream beaded gown. “You really think so?”

  She beams at me through the mirror and places her hands on my shoulders. “I know so. Do I look like the type of chick that dishes out compliments just to blow your head up? Now tell me how fabulous I look so we can go.”

  I turn around to face my best friend decked out in head to toe emerald green satin. “You look absolutely beautiful, Morg,” I smile. She truly does, and for a moment I feel the threat of tears forming at my perfectly lined eyes. I quickly blink them away. Morgan would kill me if I ruined her hard work. But being here, her arsenal of beauty products splayed all over my room while she treats me like a life-sized Barbie, feels like old times. I almost feel normal.

  A tap at my bedroom door interrupts the sentimental thoughts going through my head. “We better get out there,” I remark. “The guys are getting impatient.”

  “Oh, screw them,” Morgan replies, adding another coat of mascara to her dangerously long false lashes. “Perfection takes time!”

  When we emerge from the bedroom, appreciation is written all over Miguel and Jared’s faces. Miguel quickly wraps his burly arms around Morgan’s tiny waist and kisses her senseless, eliciting quite a few squeals. Jared takes a smoother approach, grasping my hands and pulling me into his body. He rests his forehead against mine and lets out a breath.

  “You look incredible, Gabs. I’m tempted to skip the party and keep you here all to myself.”

  I smile genuinely at him, looking downright scrumptious with a dark suit and tie draped over his sculpted build. “I’m tempted to let you.”

  Coincidentally, the event is at in the grand ballroom of the Broadmoor hotel. As we approach valet, I can’t help but feel a shudder of apprehension. We’re walking into the lion’s den. And even though it will be filled to the brim with high society types, anything could happen. The Dark will certainly be prevalent.

  We enter the extravagant hall cautiously, yet no amount of preparation could prime us for the sight before us. The massive space screams opulence from the soft gold and ivory color scheme to the twinkling crystal chandeliers. The affluent crowd is decked out in tailored suits, lush ball gowns and diamonds. I’m nearly blinded by the flare and even with my beautiful dress, I feel out of place.

  You know that feeling where you think everyone is looking at you? Like you can almost literally hear the screeching of the record and all conversations cease? Well, that’s how I feel at this very moment. I know most of it is in my head, but it’s evident that some people recognize me. Or sense me.

  “You ok, babe?” Jared whispers in my ear, feeling me stiffen next to him. I smile and nod, feeling anything but ok. My eyes scan the room for Dorian and Aurora though I don’t want to see them. I know I can’t avoid running into them. Even if seeing them cuddling and canoodling completely demolishes me from the inside out, I can’t hide from the inevitable.

  A waiter stops at our group, offering glasses of champagne and we gladly accept. I gulp mine down easily and place it back on the tray before he even leaves us. It will most likely be the first of many.

  “Ready for this?” Jared whispers in my ear. He nods his head to the side and I reluctantly follow his line of vision. Dorian and Aurora enter the room with grand flourish, her petite hand secured in the crook of his arm. Her mega-watt smile blinds me as they meet the growing applause of their reception. Dorian’s face is passable. Not quite a scowl yet not a smile either. He almost looks bored. He nods politely and shakes a few hands yet his impassive expression never falters. Something inside me smiles.

  The more they move into the room, the more I see of them, and my face heats with unleashed fury while my chest tightens in agony. Aurora looks spectacular, in a catty, diabolical bitch kind of way in her red floor length gown and sparkling diamond accessories. Dorian is just as flawless in a tailored black suit and tie, his black hair meticulously styled and glossy. They look like the perfect couple. Evenly matched and supremely beautiful.

  “Shame that someone so attractive can be so extremely ugly,” a smooth voice says behind me, drawing my attention from the fanfare. I turn to smile at Niko who looks just as mouth-watering though he’s scrapped his tie, exposing the top of his tan chest. Always the rebel. Jared follows my movement and gazes at the devilishly handsome Warlock with a slight frown.

  Niko extends his h
and to him with a friendly smile. “You must be Jared. I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Nikolai Skotos.”

  Jared accepts it tentatively, confusion in his eyes. “Skotos?”

  Without missing a beat, Niko nods, his smile never faltering. I turn to Jared and lay a hand on his shoulder, feeling the tension in his muscles. “Niko is Dorian’s younger brother. He’s been a good friend to me,” I state with a comforting grin.

  “Has he,” Jared mutters. I can tell he’s annoyed with all things Skotos and I really can’t blame him. Just the name alone works as an instant cock-block. “Good to meet you, Nikolai.”

  “Please, call me Niko.” Dorian’s younger, more playful sibling greets my friends warmly, completely ignoring Jared’s awkward stance. I’ve totally caught him off guard. He wasn’t even aware that Dorian had a brother, let alone one that I consider a good friend.

  Niko makes a small gesture with his finger and right on cue, servers approach us with fresh flutes of champagne and hors d’oeurves. He engages the guys in conversation after complimenting Morgan and I on our ensembles, slipping into the polished aristocrat he was bred to be. This is a side I’ve never seen of him and while I appreciate his hospitable demeanor, I miss his crass sense of humor. And I have to admit, I have missed him.

  Once Jared is engrossed in conversation with Miguel and Morgan about an attending heiress’s latest scandal, Niko comes to stand next me. “If he doesn’t stop staring, Aurora may sink her claws right through his Armani,” he murmurs with a sly smile.

  I turn to my head fractionally to him and smirk before following his gaze. As if we are trapped inside our very own slow motion sequence, my eyes lock with Dorian’s from across the room. He’s surrounded by dignitaries and politicians yet his ocean blue stare doesn’t falter. A momentary flash of painful regret plays on his exotic features before settling back into impassivity. It takes everything in me, every ounce of strength and determination, to close my eyes and turn away from him. The ache in my chest returns.

  “He’s being a rude host,” I whisper to Niko before taking a sip of champagne.

  “He doesn’t care,” he replies as if it’s obvious. “He doesn’t care about any of this. When are you going to see that, Gabs? He only does this to…”

  I whip my head towards him to gauge his expression. “To what? Why is he doing this?”

  Niko shakes his head. “I’ve said too much. It isn’t…wise to speak here. But you have to know…carrying on with another guy is really killing him. It’s crippling him, baby girl.”

  I look down, focusing my glossy eyes on a sparkling bead on the hem of my dress. “Like him marrying her isn’t crippling me?” I say only for his ears.

  “You know he has to do this, right? That he is sacrificing himself to save you. He would never do this if there wasn’t a good reason.”

  I look back up and gaze into his endless blue eyes. Eyes so similar to Dorian’s that it nearly hurts to look at him. “Do I? Can I really trust that?”

  “What are you two whispering about?” Jared interjects with mock easiness. Hopefully I’m the only one who can detect the aggravation in his voice.

  I smile warmly at him, brushing his cheek with the back of my hand to soothe him. “Just catching up. Want to check out the terrace?”

  The four of us excuse ourselves from Niko and head out to the magnificent terrace overlooking the lake on the resort grounds. It’s pretty chilly, even with the outdoor heaters, so we don’t stay long. However, the frigid air seems to have cooled Jared’s suspicions.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” he whispers in my ear, holding me close to his body. He plants a soft kiss along my jaw and I gladly nuzzle into his touch.

  “Hmmm, I can’t remember. So obviously one more time wouldn’t hurt.”

  Jared cups my face between his large hands and pulls my face up to meet his heated gaze. “Gabriella Winters you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. That was my first thought when I met you seven years ago. And it’s still true today.”

  I decide right then and there that tonight will be the night that I give myself to Jared mind, body, and soul. I want to make love to him. I want to let him love the last bits of hurt away. And I want to give him my whole heart, even if that is never possible. I truly want all those things. I want to be able to love Jared the way he deserves to be loved. I want a life with him. One that isn’t filled with corruption, secrets, and deception. One where I am just regular, old Gabs and he is Jared, the boy I’ve always loved.

  Just as I am about to relay my desires, something out the corner of my eye catches my attention and draws my gaze. Over Jared’s shoulder, several feet away, I see Niko, a stern expression on his face. It’s a total contrast from his normally easygoing guise and instantly puts me on guard. He nods his head to the side, and I know that it’s time. Time for me to do what I came here to do.

  I smile up at Jared, sliding my hands up his chest. “I have to go talk some business for a minute. But when I return, I want you to take me home so we can…properly…finish this discussion.” I bite my lip suggestively, letting my words sink in before giving him a kiss. I just hope it’s not a kiss goodbye.

  I make my way to Niko, my legs shaking with every step in my four inch heels. I need to channel every bit of confidence in me when I face Stavros. Showing any signs of weakness will undoubtedly give him the leeway he needs to sift through my head.

  Niko and I approach a large built man dressed in all black and wearing dark shades. His presence is ominous, yet Niko greets him with familiarity. It’s not until I let myself look at him that I realize who it is. Cyrus. The vampire that cleaned up my…mess. My skin goes clammy at the remembrance.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, unable to mask my uneasiness once we are all concealed behind the elevator doors.

  Niko punches in a code into the keypad under the illuminated numbers. “Penthouse.”

  Of course. I wouldn’t expect anything less. I nod then force my eyes to Cyrus, standing a few feet away to my left. “Thank you, Cyrus. For what you did...that night.”

  His head whips to me faster than natural, his expression unreadable. He gives me a stiff nod, also unnaturally fast. “My pleasure, ma’am.”

  My heartbeat stutters and I hear Niko chuckle next to me, causing me to narrow my eyes at him. When the elevator slows to the top floor, he clutches my hand, intertwining our fingers, and leads me out of the car and into the penthouse.

  If concentrated panic didn’t already ooze through my veins, I may have been able to take in the magnificent splendor of the top floor. But knowing that I would be surrounded with Warlocks and vampires, not to mention the most diabolical of them all, the Dark King, I can’t focus on more than putting one foot in front of the other. I work to steady my breathing and let Niko’s soothing touch wash over me. Having my hand locked in his is the only thing keeping me from bolting back to the elevator and getting the hell out of there.

  Niko gives my hand a little squeeze as we step into the vast living area and I stop before crossing the threshold. Sitting in an elaborate high back chair, reminiscent of a modern day throne, sits Stavros, the king of the Dark. To his right stands the man that I couldn’t stop loving even if I tried. His eyes instantly find mine as if he’s been anxiously awaiting my arrival. He makes a slightly pained grimace before his lips curl into a smooth half-smile. That, along with another squeeze from Niko, is enough to make me continue into the room. Niko gives me a swift kiss on the cheek before going to take his spot on his father’s left side. I stifle the whimper at the loss of contact and knot my fingers in front of me.

  “Gabriella,” Stavros coos silkily, his intense blue gaze molesting my body. Of course, he is impeccably dressed and downright edible. I hate my physical attraction to him. It is the most maddening, sickening feeling in the world and I’m tempted to claw my eyes out just to escape his beauty. “I’m so glad you could join us this evening,” he adds with a devilish smile.

bsp; I take in the sight of the three most gorgeous, deadly men alive. It’s hard to accept that such beauty could harness such evil. Between the three of them, they could probably demolish Colorado Springs in the blink of an eye. I swallow back the rising anxiety.

  “Did I have much of a choice?” I ask quietly. Shit. He needs to know I mean business. I clear my throat and flick my cold eyes back to him. There’s no way I’m letting him think I’m intimidated.

  Of course, Stavros isn’t ruffled in the slightest at my icy demeanor. He smiles, his grin sickly sweet and devastatingly handsome, before licking his lips. “Can I get you a drink?” He raises a finger and another dark suited wall of muscle with dark shades appears before I can even answer. Another vampire. I begin to wonder where Cyrus is but the thought leaves me as quickly as it manifests when I catch Dorian’s gaze. His eyes haven’t left me since I arrived.

  I shake my head, my hazel orbs still fixed on Dorian’s stoic expression. God, he’s magnificent. How could anyone get over someone that extraordinary? How could you ever settle for anything less?

  “Very well then,” I hear Stavros say. “I don’t suppose introductions are in order, considering you and Dorian are well acquainted. And you’ve met Nikolai.”

  I tear my eyes away from Dorian and look to Niko at the mention of his name. He gives me the famous Skotos crooked grin and winks, causing me to smile genuinely for the first time since arriving. I look back at Stavros, squaring my shoulders and ready for the onslaught to ensue.

  “Gabriella, first I want to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you have suffered at the hands of my sons.”

  I narrow my eyes viciously. “Bullshit.”

  Stavros looks as if I’ve just slapped him across the face. Niko fails to stifle a chuckle and earns a sharp look from his father. “Excuse me?”

  He wants the truth; I’ll give him every ugly truth he’s conspired to show me for the past year.


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