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Endgame (Book 2): Alekhine's Gun

Page 34

by W. A. R.

  “What?” Cassie then asked in shock and hurt, stepping up to George as he sucked in what little air he could as Miles held the chains tight, keeping him hostage. “You knew? You knew and you just let it happen? You let her die?” George looked at her with wild desperate eyes and though he could form no words, he nodded. What happened next surprised Miles. She launched onto George, tears springing to her eyes and quickly coating her face. Miles loosened the pull of the chains a little more to allow for George to talk. Cassie was angry and hurt, and whenever she slapped George across the cheek Miles merely watched. He didn’t feel any sympathy for the man. Cassie stared down at him and George flinched under her gaze. “Why? Why are you working with them? How…” she choked. “How could you?” her last words were more of a whimper and Miles finally let his eyes trail to her. The tenderness in Amber’s blue eyes were passed down to Cassie’s hazel ones, and all Miles could see was her mother. He could only see Amber’s pain. She had been all alone whenever she died…completely alone.

  “She…” Cough. “She did it to save all of our lives.” More coughing. George’s voice was rusty and rough, strangled. Miles and Cassie both stared at him. “I didn’t fucking betray you!” George shouted then, or at least tried to. Cassie allowed her eyes to trail up to Miles. Amber set all of this up to save their lives, which meant…and then Miles and Cassie asked the most important question that they hadn’t even thought to ask. If they were going to the compound, why hadn’t they gone with the others? Were these people truly allies? But…why keep them as prisoners? Why would Amber sacrifice herself for this?

  “Oh my God…” Cassie whispered then, her voice trembling, when all too suddenly one of the men, blood pouring down his face, stepped up behind her and grabbed her, one hand across her chest and the other pressing her head back. She screamed and began kicking, struggling to get out of his grasp and Miles went on high alert. He immediately released George completely, jumping to his feet. George fell with a loud thud, coughing and choking while Miles rushed forward at the man that was struggling with Cassie, trying to subdue her. The man held her tight around the throat, making it hard for her to breath. Miles growled before something grabbed at his ankles, jerking his feet from under him. He fell with a loud and painful thud on his chest and he watched the man squeeze his arms tighter around Cassie. He knew what the man was doing… he was trying to put her to sleep. “Miles!” she screamed.

  “Let her go!” Miles yelled as he jerked his feet from the grasp of whomever knocked him down and he surged forward, readying himself for the fight he was about to endure. The man holding her didn’t look angry, only irritated at their noncompliance.

  “Both of them! They know too much and they won’t cooperate!” he shouted and before Miles could reach Cassie he felt yet another sharp pain hit his skull. He groaned and stumbled on his feet, falling to the floor painfully and sliding to a stop at the man’s feet, watching in waning vision as Cassie quit her struggle. His eyes began darkening at the edges and he felt the darkness calling him. He was getting really tired of the depths of unconsciousness, he thought briefly as the blankness enveloped him.

  It was evening by the time Amber finally saw the place where what remained of her family and herself would call home. Amber had to admit that even with everything that had occurred, it was impressive. It was a gated community with high stone walls, various pieces of steel stationed around the outer edge of this wall as reinforcement. There was no getting through that and for a moment Amber felt as if she had made the right decision in getting her family to go there. They would be safe whether or not she was around. They would survive and honestly, that was all that she wanted anymore. She sighed, forcing these morbid thoughts from her mind because as truth would have it, Miles and Shelly seemed to haunt her and she had to constantly force their memories away. Riley was driving, slowing down before finally coming to a stop, and Amber tilted her head out of the open window, her eyes widening in appreciation of the tower that stood high on the side of the road. It appeared to be an old fire watch tower, and there were a few people up at the top, peering over the edge at the vehicle that Amber and Riley were in.

  “Riley Kingston here with company; Amber McDermott of Thurston City.” She heard Riley state firmly from beside her and she jerked her attention to him, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and caution. She would be a liar is she said she wasn’t the slightest bit nervous. In fact, she was questioning what she was getting herself into and yet at the same time, she knew what she really wanted…it just wasn’t there anymore and it never would be again. Riley turned to her and gave her a gentle look, reminding her of her own brother. He offered her a lopsided grin, trying to ease her mind, but she only sighed and turned back to the windshield.

  “10-4. Gate is being lowered.” A voice sounded from the microphone in Riley’s hand and Amber knew that the voice had to belong to someone in that tower. Riley seemed to read her thoughts.

  “There are only three ways in or out of this place.” He shared with her, the two of them watching as a large, heavy wooden gate on chains was lowered. It reminded Amber of a castle and mote in medieval times. “Each entrance has a tower that is manned by multiple people on guard.” He pointed out her window to the tower. “These towers were fire watch towers long before the outbreak. In each direction of each exit there is nothing but forestry for miles. Woods as far as the eye can see. Coincidentally, the people that once called this home only served in helping us with their seclusion.” He sat back in his seat as the gate reached the ground. “Basically, you can’t happenstance by this place; if you arrive here, you were meaning to.”

  Amber nodded then, understanding his enthusiasm. It was nice, she thought, to have such security, to have a home with hardly any fear. “And the Biters?” she asked then, surprising him by speaking. The young man’s eyes glittered with excitement and he pressed on the gas pedal, moving them forward. He didn’t speak again until they were on the gate door. There, he stopped.

  “Look down, over the edge.” He told her and Amber suddenly knew why they had the gate door to begin with. What she assumed to be around the entire community, was a giant dug hole. It was at least six feet wide and six feet deep. Within the confines of dirt walls were Biters, anxious and hungry. Amber’s eyes widened and allowed her eyes to trial up. There, on the tower side of the cavernous hole were men and women, shooting these Biters. “They kill them and eventually go through and burn them all. For extra security, just so the hole doesn’t get too full, there is razor wire laced around the wood line, blocking off entrance aside from the three roads. On the bright side, you can hardly make it out. It is almost too difficult to see.” With that, the truck lurched forward.

  “Impressive.” And it was. “Who thought of all of this?” she asked and he tossed her a curious glance as they drove past the high stone walls. There, within the walls were children running and laughing. There were some people who were cooking, others sparring, and even more…well, Amber wasn’t entirely sure. There was so much going on that it was overwhelming. She shifted in her seat as the children slowly stopped playing and every eye fell on the vehicle she was in. She swallowed. “How did you all accomplish all of this?”

  Riley waved at someone that stood on the side of the road as he drove past all of them. “Well,” he began. “It started with me, Rusty, Ryder and Michael. We were searching for people, trying to help anyone we could. When we came here, the place was empty. So we started reinforcing the walls, made a home and went out searching for people. Over time, we ended up being part of Adrian’s community.” He paused, giving her a pointed look. “That is a long story in itself. Anyways, we saved whoever we could. With more people, we were able to accomplish more work; hence, the mote-like theme.” He pulled the truck to a stop in front of a beautiful two story home before killing the engine and climbing out. “We applied security to the towers, gathered whatever we could use while out.”

  Amber slowly climbed out behind him. “How many people ar
e here?”

  Riley shrugged and looked around. Amber followed his gaze, her eyes widening as she took in the sheer amount of people that were watching them. Riley grinned at her. “At least a hundred.”

  “Riley…” she began, astonished as he stepped beside her. “This is…this is amazing.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” he asked her teasingly before slapping her on the shoulder. She hissed in pain and glared at him, her bullet wound stinging from the impact. He winced. “Sorry. Come on, there are some things I want to show you before you settle in.” And with that, he turned from her, leading the way towards the center of the community where most people seem to have gathered. Amber followed dutifully, glancing at the solar panels.

  “Solar energy?” she asked, once again in awe at what these people had to offer her family. She was beginning to think that she had indeed made the right choice.

  “Yeah.” He told her, turning to look at her before slowing down to walk by her side. He shoved his hands into his pockets. “We made it a point to go find them from somewhere, anywhere.” He then grinned at her before taking in her filth and blood covered body. “Just wait until you take a hot shower. You will think you are in heaven.” And he laughed. She thought of Cassie and Elliot, of Bobby-Jean, George, and Buddy, of Derek and Rick, and she sighed in relief. Yes, they would be alright. They would be comfortable and safe here. The thought brought her a sense of comfort that she never thought she would feel again. But as soon as she opened her mind and her heart to feel this there was also the torrential pain that accompanied it. The absence of so many and the fate of what was to be…she shook her head, tears in her eyes and quickly she wiped them away, looking up as they neared a large warehouse. She needed to focus on something else, anything else. People surrounded them, watching as Riley and Amber moved. It had grown eerily quiet.

  She cleared her throat. “Why is everyone staring?” she asked, a little uncomfortable with their assessing gazes. Riley looked around them with interest and amusement.

  “Let’s just say that you and your people are…legends…around here.” He told her and Amber looked up at him in shock.

  “Excuse me?” she asked and he shrugged.

  Amber watched as Rusty strode forward from the warehouse, his eyes intent on them. Riley stopped and Amber followed suit, watching as the brother approached them. “You remember Rusty?” Riley asked, seemingly irritated at the younger brother’s appearance. Rusty held a playful gleam in his eyes as he walked to a stop before them. He grinned at Amber.

  She nodded in acknowledgement at him. “I remember. How are you?”

  “Better now that you’re here.” He winked and Riley rolled his eyes.

  “Ugh. Not now, Rusty. Where’s Bethany?” Riley asked and Rusty scoffed before looking around at the surrounding people. He shrugged. She didn’t care who this Bethany was and if she were honest, she didn’t care to know at all. The more people she cared about, the more people she lost.

  “Around here somewhere. Probably in the crowd idolizing Amber from afar.” He turned his eyes back to Amber and she immediately knew he was a jokester, that his playful air about him was a significant part of who he was, just as the seriousness was a part of Riley.

  Amber felt uncomfortable. “What is that supposed to mean?” Amber asked and Rusty smiled, moving to wipe some sweat from his brow and for the first time Amber wondered where he had been. He looked worn out, his breathing heavy and his chest heaving. His eyes twinkled at her before turning to Riley.

  “May I?” he asked and Riley sighed, shrugging and crossing his arms. Amber looked between the two in confusion.

  “Sure. Go ahead, I’ll go run interference with the rest of the community.” Riley told her and she shifted on her feet. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Rusty, it was just that Riley had been the one to save her from the river, he had been the one that had been waiting on her to fall just so he could bring her to safety. Then again, she knew what they were doing. They were watching her. They were amazed and they didn’t want to risk anything going wrong. He leveled his eyes at her before placing a gentle hand on her good shoulder. “I’ll be right out here waiting.” He told her before Rusty threw an arm across her shoulders and led her towards the doors of the warehouse. She winced against the pain but the man didn’t notice; instead, he continued leading the way.

  They walked in silence and Amber’s mind raced. Where were her people? Were they safe? Shelly…Brian…Miles…three more people…three of the most important people in her life were now gone and would never experience this paradise they had created in the middle of hell. No, that is wrong, Brian would. She would make sure of it. She forced the tears away and stepped slowly through the door that Rusty had held open for her. She stopped once they were inside, Rusty coming to standing beside her. There were punching bags, weight equipment, and multiple other forms of exercise equipment scattered across the floor of what once was a basketball gymnasium.

  She looked to Rusty as he spoke. “Most of the people we are able to save and bring here come from Adrian’s grasp. Either they were prisoners in the community awaiting their death or they were prisoners on their way to the community…like your own brother.” It was like a slap in the face, his words, and even though they stung, she understood. Long gone was his playful demeanor, his lighthearted expressions, and instead a weighted seriousness painted his features. “Usually, they are starved to the brink of death, dehydrated, beaten, and very, very weak. They are bound for weeks, months, with absolutely no movement.” He looked at her then, asking her if she understood.

  Like Brian. She got it. “So, this is where they can come to build back their strength.” She stated, not asking a question but more or less assuring what she already knew.

  Rusty looked at her then and she felt uneasy. “You and your people were the first group, the only group, that have ever been able to escape capture or death. No one else has ever stood a chance and not only that…you captured Damien.” Sheer luck, really, was all it was but she couldn’t find the words. Instead, she could only stare at him in confusion. “Ryder relayed the message of what you had done back here. There were many people here that lost their loved ones lives at either Lance’s hand or one of his men, and even Damien. You became a hero to them, you and your people…and after what happened with…”

  Amber shook her head. She was definitely unsure of what was happening but she had known what he was going to say. She quickly cut him off before he could finish. “No. That isn’t true.”

  Rusty disagreed with her. “But it is. After that, they began asking Michael questions and he shared what he knew of your past, of his own, and of his father’s.” Ouch…. the stabbing pain in her heart sliced her and she was bleeding. “It was incredible…all of it, and now…now you killed Damien and you are going to kill Adrian. You are going to take down a tyranny. You are going to make a change.” He paused, glancing down at her shirt. She knew what he was looking at, even if he couldn’t see it. “You are a miracle.”

  “No.” Amber ground out to clenched teeth. It hurt. “I am not a…if I were so great I would have been able to save my people.”

  Rusty looked at her sadly. “I am sorry. I heard about Brian, Miles, and Shelly.”

  “I am going to save Brian.” She said, more to herself than to him. She was bitter and she didn’t want to think about it at all.

  “I don’t doubt that.” Rusty told her. “And regardless of what you think or feel right now, you should know how great you are to these people. You are hope to them.” She whipped her head to him, irritated and hurting, and she opened her mouth to speak whenever the door behind them swung open. She and Rusty both turned, seeing Riley stand there staring at the two of them before speaking.

  “Would you like to see your new home?” he asked and quickly Amber nodded, anxious to get away from this unwelcome hero worship that she didn’t want. In truth, all she wanted to do was cry and be alone, to accept what life had to offer her and deal with it.

  “Yes.” She quickly replied, turning to walk through the door he held open for her. She left the company of Rusty, only to replace it with Riley’s company. She was so tired and was slowly winding down. It was coming to an end, and she knew that before long she was going to be ready to burst. Riley fell into step beside her, leading her back to where he had parked the truck. “When will Michael be here?” she asked as he stepped forward, his eyes searching between the three houses before them. One was where his truck was parked, with one on either side. They were a good distance apart, allowing for privacy and Amber appreciated that…not that she would have any.

  “Later tonight. He is just coming to see that you settled in alright and then he be leaving to get the others and bring them here.” Riley told her, aiming for a house on the left. He motioned to the house where his truck was parked. “That is our…I mean, my brother, Michael, and I all live there. You and your family will be staying in the two beside it.” He ambled up the porch and turned the knob, opening the door and allowing her to enter. Slowly, she stepped inside, amazed at the cleanliness that coated the house. He followed in behind her, watching as she slowly took it all in before speaking. She motioned to the bags that were on the kitchen counter and he sighed. “We found you some clean clothes; there will be more for your people later when they get here. Right now, we need to focus on you.”


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