Endgame (Book 2): Alekhine's Gun

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Endgame (Book 2): Alekhine's Gun Page 54

by W. A. R.

  “Miss Amber…” the man began, shaking her hand firmly. She smiled, and though George knew it was forced, it appeared genuine.

  “Amber, please. It is nice to see you again Lawrence.” She pulled her hand back and placed a hand on Miles’s shoulder tentatively. “Lawrence, I would like you to meet my people. This is Miles.” she told him and the gruff looking man quickly took Miles’s proffered hand, shaking it with both hands.

  “Michael’s dad? Oh, it is such a pleasure to meet you. We have heard so much about the both of you.” The man said and though Miles smiled warmly at the man, George could see that he didn’t understand why the man was so excited to meet him. Then again, George realized as his eyes scanned over the people from the community, all their eyes were lit up with excitement, so much so that they may as well have been bouncing on their feet where they stood. He could see the questions in their eyes, the nervousness, as if they were meeting someone very important.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Lawrence.” Miles replied thickly and George watched with a tender smile as Amber smiled genuinely at him, though Miles didn’t see it. Miles didn’t see how she watched the two men, the pride that was in her eyes, the clear devotion that she seemed to exude for him and the scene made him smile.

  Amber cleared her throat and removed her hand from Miles’s arm, turning to Cassie, Jacob, Elliot, and Shelly. She began pointing out everyone. “This is my daughter Cassie, Elliot, Jacob, and Shelly. Beside her is my mother Bobby-Jean.” They all smiled and waved aside from Elliot, who tucked himself further into Shelly. “Behind them is George,” George nodded at the man who smiled back at him. “Buddy,” Buddy waved. “Derek, my cousin Rick, and some newcomers: Lacy and her little sister Chloe. Everyone, please meet Lawrence, the man you go to for all of your wood needs, and his wife Michelle.” Lawrence and the plump woman beside him waved and offered them all genuine smiles. George briefly wondered how Amber knew them.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” George offered, feeling the dull throbbing in his head only grow. The excitement in the man’s eyes was palpable. George shifted on his feet as their eyes skimmed over them all. He grinned even wider.

  “All of you, welcome to our community. We are honored to have you all here, sincerely.” He said and Michael chuckled. Another man, his hair white and glasses on the bridge of his nose approached them. Miles shook the man’s hand first, rubbing a hand absently on the back of his neck. The two, along with Amber spoke in muted tones for only a second before the man turned to the rest of them. Buddy crossed his arms then, watching everyone before him.

  Michael looked up at the sky then, squinting at the slowly diminishing sunlight. And then he clapped his hands before anyone else could get a word in edgewise. The white-haired man had opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it. Everyone quieted and turned their attention to Michael. George had to admit that he respected both the laid-back personality he had as well as the authority he seemed to have. The townspeople respected him, and even George’s own people respected him. Hell, thanks to his people and Amber, they were all alive. His brown eyes skimmed over them all. “I hate to cut introductions short and rush things, but we need to discuss who will be going where, with whom, and the tasks they will be doing before sundown. Let’s see what you all would like to do. Lawrence?”

  Lawrence stepped forward as Amber’s eyes skimmed over the crowd of strangers. She shifted nervously on her feet just the slightest bit, but she turned her attention to the man as he cleared his throat. “I need some people to help me go out and gather wood, tools, and such whenever necessary, among other chores like rotating on killing Biters around the wall. Any takers?”

  Derek shifted on his feet and sighed before nodding at the man. “I’ll go.” He said and everyone cast their eyes to him as he shifted, shoving his dark hands into his pants pockets.

  “Me too.” Rick supplied after a long moment, his eyes resting on Derek for a long moment before turning to Lawrence. “I will go too.”

  “And me.” Jacob lifted his hand from his place behind Cassie, his other hand on her shoulder.

  Lawrence smiled warmly at the three of them. “Well, that is just wonderful.” He chuckled before Michael stepped forward.

  “This appears to be going smoother than we thought. Doc?” Michael asked and the white-haired man stepped forward. Michael nodded at him, giving him permission to speak.

  He cleared his throat. “I am Gary Bevill, the resident doctor and this is my daughter Christina, and my grandson Toby.” He gestured to an attractive woman near to George’s and Amber’s age and a small boy around ten. The woman’s eyes skimmed over them all, meeting George’s for a moment. She smiled warmly at him and for a few seconds he had forgotten his headache. He swallowed thickly as a range of emotions cascaded over him. “I am actually going to request young Shelly to join me and learn the trade…and young lady…Cassie, am I right?”

  Cassie shifted nervously, glancing at Amber before nodding. “Yes sir.”

  The man chuckled. “I heard you had a way with small children and with helping others. I would like to request your help as well. I believe learning the trade would benefit you as well.” He told her on a smile and George felt something inside of him warm as Cassie nodded, followed by a soft smile and agreeable nod from Shelly as well. “Well then, Michael, I am set.”

  Michael laughed and George let his eyes skim over the rest of his group. The only ones left were him, Buddy, Miles, Lacy, Bobby-Jean and Chloe, Amber exempted due to her future role in the war against Adrian. Amber and Miles had stepped to the side at this point, Lacy stationing herself beside him and whispering something to him. Amber’s hurt glance did not escape George’s notice as she quickly sobered. If one hadn’t been watching closely, one would have missed it. “Jody?”

  A middle-aged man stepped forward then, clapping his hands loudly together. “George and Chloe, you are with me.” He laughed. Chloe’s eyes widened in disbelief and George couldn’t help but chuckle at this reaction.

  “We don’t get a say in this?” she asked and the man placed his hands firmly on his hips.

  “Nope, you sure don’t. I handle the livestock around here and I hunt when able. That is what you will be helping me maintain.” George smiled and nodded, his head swimming. That didn’t sound too bad…it actually sounded enjoyable. Chloe narrowed her eyes at the man and he met her gaze straight on. “I have a cow ready to give me a calf before long. Maybe you can help me with that.” he told her and there was a sudden light in her eyes that made them twinkle with excitement.

  “Right on.” She replied nodding and George sighed. Bobby-Jean was last. He hated that, seeing how depressed and hardened she had become. She never faltered, her shoulders squared and her face set in stone and that was when George realized just where Amber and Brian got their strength and their determination from. An older woman stepped forward, her eyes on Bobby-Jean.

  “Bobby-Jean?” She asked, offering a hand to her. Bobby-Jean easily took it and shook it. “I am Emily, and it is a pleasure to meet you. We have heard so much of you and your people.” She paused, registering the slight shock and gasp that befall Bobby-Jean before continuing. “A few of us work in the gardens and I was told that you were good with canning. Would you and little Elliot like to help us?” she asked George realized the magnitude of their knowledge. These people knew damn near everything about them, their likes and dislikes, their talents and skills, hobbies if you will, other than those of surviving. He swallowed thickly, because they knew next to nothing about these people they would be helping; but then again how else would they know without taking the initiative to learn?

  “That…” She paused, unsure of what to say and there was no missing the pain on her face before she cast a furtive glance at Elliot who had left Shelly and was now clinging to a worried looking Amber, Miles’s hand on his shoulder. Bobby-Jean gulped, biting back her emotion. “That would be lovely…thank you.”

  The woman smiled then and stepped back
. “No, thank you.”

  Michael cleared his throat and ran a hand across his face. He was clearly tired, George realized as the young man shoved his free hand into the pocket of his jeans. “Alright. Cassie, Chloe, Bobby-Jean, Elliot, and Jacob…if you will follow the people you have chosen to help, they will show you a little of what you need to do and time willing, show you where things are. For the rest of dad’s group, please stay behind because I need to speak with you all. In case I don’t see all of you before tomorrow, you will all be meeting in front of the warehouse at sunrise to start going over everything in more depth. Good luck and goodnight.” He called out to everyone and slowly, with furtive glances skirting one another they all began to disperse. The community people, leaders, were taking the initiative to involve those that were going with them, talking to them and making them laugh, their interest. They were accepted and not alone in the world and that in itself…judging by the look on everyone’s face, including his own…made a large difference and brought them comfort. Once they were all gone, having disappeared, the silence seemed to loom around them until Amber suddenly launched out at Michael, surprising everyone.

  “First of all, what in the hell is wrong with you?!” she asked loudly, stepping toward him threateningly. Michael immediately held up his hands in protest, his eyes widened with surprise.

  “Amber, please understand…” he began as she advanced toward him. He took a step back.

  “You drugged me!” she exclaimed and George felt his eyebrows shoot up in shock to her statement. Drugged her? Oh damn…that would explain how she had slept for the better part of the day. He had honestly not seen her sleep so much aside from the day after the others were taken and Lance slammed her head against the wall. Other than that, she was damn near constantly awake, and had been since they had found one another at the feed store all those months ago. All eyes were on Michael now.

  “You needed your rest. You hadn’t slept in days, you were wounded, not to mention the lack of sleep you had gotten for the past three weeks…it was in your best interest.” He told her, his voice trembling. He wasn’t scared, really, but more ashamed. Everyone other than the two engaged remained silent.

  “My best interest or yours?” she spat out vehemently and George crossed his arms, watching as the words slapped across Michael’s face. “You don’t get to force me to sleep. You don’t reserve that right!” Michael grimaced and swallowed thickly.

  “Oh, get off your high horse. He already told you why he did it; accept it and move on. You needed to be checked out by Doc anyways.” Rusty said casually from beside George. George and Buddy both tossed heated glances at the young man before sidestepping him and getting themselves out of harm’s way. The reaction was immediate and Amber turned on her heel, her eyes flashing with hurt and fury.

  “You…you are the one that suggested it. How dare you think that it is alright to drug a person!” she snapped, leaving Michael behind and walking stealthily over to him. Her footsteps were calm and calculated, though Rusty didn’t seem to notice. And then for a moment she stilled, her eyes widened in hurt surprise. “And why did you bring Gary into this? I can take care of myself!”

  He glared at her, shrugging his shoulders. “He’s a doctor genius. So yeah. And about drugging you? You think I feel guilty? Well, I don’t. I’d do it again if given the option. Hell, I want to do it now to make you shut the hell up about it.” He tried joking, chuckling to himself.

  “Rusty!” Riley shouted in reprimand from the side but it was too late as Amber’s fist swung around and connected with his jaw. Rusty stumbled to the side, moaning in pain and Miles rushed forward, pulling Amber back against him, restraining her as casually as he could without using force. She winced, favoring her right arm, her right shoulder and George knew that she was in pain.

  “What the fuck?!” Ryder shouted before turning back to her, his eyes pained and angry, completely misunderstanding the seriousness of the conversation. He cupped his chin as he turned his eyes to a heated Amber. Miles had both hands on her shoulders, firmly yet gently. She breathed heavily, her chest heaving and George shifted on his feet, trying to remain still and not get involved. Rusty spit out blood before looking at her. She had busted his lip. “What is wrong with forcing you to sleep? It’s just sleep! It isn’t like we took advantage of you!” he asked loudly, sending Amber’s eyes flashing again.

  Amber struggled a little against Miles’s grip. “Because you don’t have my fucking nightmares or my responsibilities! That’s why! I have a family to consider!” Amber stared at him for a long moment, having made the man speechless. Everyone watched as Rusty took in the depth of emotion with which Amber had spoken. No one wanted to voice the obvious, that it was wrong to do regardless and that it should have never been thought of, and so they all remained silent. Finally calm, she shrugged out of Miles’s grip.

  “It…uh…it will never happen again…” he finally said to her, keeping his eyes downcast.

  “To anyone.” She demanded and he swallowed, guilt radiating in his depths.

  “To anyone.” He repeated. She turned to Michael then, who stood watching the scene before him with extreme distaste. George lifted a brow at him.

  “Oh, yeah…never again. You don’t have to worry about that from me. I learned my lesson.”

  Amber shifted, pulling at her shirt and adjusting it before adjusting her guns and the swords on her back. Miles stood behind her, unsure of his next move. “I certainly feel better now.” She stated, shaking her pained hand.

  “Me too, considering the fact that I now know I won’t be drugged anytime soon.” Buddy quipped and Amber tossed him a knowing smirk.

  “Alright…now that that’s over with…” Amber began, placing her hands on her hips and turning to look around at everyone. “On to more important matters.”

  George looked around then realizing belatedly that someone was missing and that three of their people weren’t given jobs. He furrowed his brows in confusion and asked the obvious. “Where’s Ryder?” His question hung in the air as everyone began looking around them, searching for the missing face that he knew they wouldn’t find. Everyone did this with the exception of Riley, Rusty, Amber, and Michael.

  Michael placed his hands on his hips and looked at the ground under his face. “He went to be with Brian and the rest of Adrian’s crew as they make their way to the compound.”

  Shelly gasped then, her face paling. “Why? Is he alright?”

  Amber answered then. “Remember how Michael said he was sending Ryder out to ensure Brian’s safety until the two of us are able to get there? Ryder is simply making sure he remains alive and well; that they won’t mess with him until we get there.” As she spoke, she did so with practiced ease that came from accepting this fate. She was relieved, it appeared, for Brian’s safety and the relative assurance that someone she trusted was going to be there for him. But that provoked more worry as well, and he picked up on that.

  “So, this infiltration, whatever plan you all have, has started?” George asked nervously and Amber glanced up at him, her eyes saddened. Riley stepped around to Michael’s right.

  “George, this started when we came across that first mutated Biter.” Amber supplied sadly and Buddy scoffed.

  “So is this the big conversation you were all planning on having?” he asked before leaning against a tree. Amber looked over at him and he rolled his eyes. “Sweetness, you’ve got to admit that it is getting late and we are all still tired and adjusting.”

  Amber met his eyes with resolve and understanding. “I know this…but we don’t necessarily have time to wait and have this conversation later. We all need to be on the same page tonight.”

  His eyes dug into her almost mockingly. “Why not? We are safe here right?” he asked and Amber seemed weary.

  “Yes, but Michael and I need time to prepare for whatever happens next.”

  Buddy conceded her point and sighed, turning to Michael. Miles glanced between the two and then to
ssed a glance at Michael as well. George suddenly felt as if they knew something that he didn’t. “Alright, so Ryder is gone. Now what?”

  Michael cleared his throat. “Starting tomorrow morning we begin going over how to break Adrian down little by little. Those of us going will sit down and go over every piece of information that we have and decide how to efficiently use it against him. Amber needs to heal and we all need to learn hand to hand combat better should we encounter a problem…it could only help…so we will also be preparing physically, not just mentally or emotionally.”

  “And then? What plan do you have figured out at this point?” Derek asked and George smirked. It was a good question, one he had just found himself asking.

  Amber glanced up at the sunset and sighed before answering. “As of right now, all we have is what Michael just told you. We will be leaving within a few weeks to a month. We will be gathering surveillance as well, we will go over everything we all need to know, and when we do leave and enter the compound, I will be going willingly. I will not act as a prisoner but as an equal.” She paused for a moment, inhaling deeply before continuing. “Odds are he will see that as strength and will keep me around instead of sending me off to get tested on. From there I get inside his head and gain favor from both him and his people. We have to figure out before we leave how to get the innocent people out, Brian included, destroy whatever the scientists have been cooking up, and change the minds of his people.” She held back from saying anymore and George knew then that there was one more task that would need to be done. She would have to kill Adrian like she had killed his son.


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