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Endgame (Book 2): Alekhine's Gun

Page 72

by W. A. R.

  Charles allowed the anger to resonate in his eyes. “I have watched countless people go up against them in the games and no one has made it out. To hear that you have taken down, what? Three? No, four, and two of them with no problem at all? Im-fucking-possible.” He challenged before turning and stomping off angrily a few yards away, back to the bodies of Biters and again, he picked up where he had left off, kicking and stomping on the dead bodies of Biters that he had just taken down.

  Larry sighed, gaining the attention of everyone around him. He looked sadly at Charles before gazing at them apologetically. “As you probably caught on, he came from the compound…very recently I might add. He’s still…adjusting.”

  Miles, after watching Charles as he grunted and kicked, turned to Larry with forlorn eyes. “When did he get here?”

  Larry shrugged and Jacob lowered to pick more berries. Derek turned and picked up the bag and opened it, waiting for Jacob to place more in it as well as listening to their conversation. Rick glanced at them before turning his attention back to Charles. “About a month ago.”

  “Was he tortured there?” Jacob asked then, never turning to face them. Derek looked at the boy, noting how his face was twisted with worry and concern and for a moment Derek was confused. Why would he be so worried about such a thing, showing such concern for someone he barely even knew, but then it hit him. His concern reflected Cassie’s worry for her mother. He wanted to know what Amber and Miles were getting themselves into, what they were leaving them behind to face. Derek knew that Cassie understood it, why Amber and Miles had to do it, but it still helped to know what it was that they were going to be facing.

  “…Yes.” Larry stated and he sighed, realizing that he would have to offer a more elaborate explanation. “He spoke to Doc…Gary…whenever he arrived. He goes to see him every few days or so to talk about it all. I had volunteered to bring him with me on these trips and Doc shared some of his history so I would know what to expect.”

  Derek turned then, as did Rick, and they stared at the man. “So what should we expect?”

  Larry sighed and stared after Charles as he turned to face a tree, gripping it with bloodied hands. “I believe that would be his story to tell. Just…let’s just say that he has went through a hard time. Adrian…I think that’s his name…did a lot of damage to his mind. He’s scared senseless.”

  Miles sighed and turned from the sight of Charles banging his head gently against the bark of the tree, his eyes closed tightly against whatever horrible thoughts floated around inside of his head. “Yes…I suppose we all are to an extent.” He stated before stretching his back. Larry turned and watched him as Jacob lowered his hand into the bag, dropping a handful of berries.

  “How are you handling everything?” the older man asked Miles and Miles turned his eyes to him, offering him a smile that met his eyes before kneeling and gathering the wood they had dropped just minutes prior.

  Miles shrugged. “Alright, I guess. Could be better if none of this ever happened to begin with, but hey…at least I got to meet you, you handsome devil.” He stated playfully, earning chuckles from them all, Larry included. Larry studied him for a long moment, eyes twinkling before attempting to help gather the wood. Rick, however, had made his way to the older man’s side. Derek smiled a little at this, recognizing the unadulterated respect that all of these men, including Charles, had for Larry. Larry was simple, positive, and understanding. It was hard to dislike him.

  “I’ve got this Larry. You take a break.” Rick told him, refusing to accept any other possible answer that the man could give. Larry opened his mouth to protest and whenever Miles lifted a challenging brow at him and Rick began gathering the wood with limited hands, he closed it, nodding.

  “Thank you.” Larry rasped sincerely. He wasn’t much older than them, Derek reasoned. While they were in their early thirties, he was possibly in his late forties, early fifties. Still, they treated him with the respect he silently asked for without realizing it. Larry was a good man. His eyes remained intent on Rick. “And you, Rick? How are you handling everything?”

  Rick shrugged, refusing to meet his gaze. “Alright, I guess.” He shared vaguely and Derek sighed. Larry nodded briefly, acknowledging the fact that he would not be getting any further explanation, and turned to Derek and Jacob.

  “What about you two?” he asked and Derek felt his face heat up at being put on the spot. It was unusual, these questions of assurances, but he figured that it would happen in due time. Yes, they were personal is they allowed them to be. They could go one of two ways: be vague, or explain the hardships they were facing in hopes that the man would understand why it was so hard to adjust to what could be called paradise in a world of chaos.

  Jacob shifted on his feet, sparing a glance at Larry. “I am adjusting just fine, sir. Cassie, Chloe, and Elliot too. Thank you for asking.” He replied and Larry understood that he was also not going to get anymore from Jacob either.

  He lifted a brow at Derek and Derek, despite the possible rebuff from the others, answered honestly. “It was hard at first. I dealt with a lot of guilt…but, I am doing much better now. It just takes time.” He stated and Larry offered him a light smile. Miles and Rick stood, arms full of logs, and they studied Derek. Larry clapped Derek on the shoulder as Jacob stood as well. Derek smiled, closing the bag and turning to face the man.

  “That is always so lovely to hear. I’m glad you are all adjusting so well.” And then he paused, turning to look at Miles and Rick. Charles stepped around and began marching toward the trees, towards the truck, machete in hand and eyes scoping out the area around them. Miles and Rick began following, Larry, Derek, and Jacob behind. “What about the others?” he asked and Miles and Rick both visibly tensed. Larry chuckled. “Easy guys. Don’t get so riled up. You are very protective of them, aren’t you?”

  Miles sighed, though he remained tense. “Yes, very much so.” He paused and then decided to throw Larry a bone. “Everyone is doing fine though. Bobby-Jean, despite what Asshole over there says,” he stated nodding at Charles, “is doing much better. I actually saw hints of a smile yesterday.”

  Larry chuckled again. “And Amber?” he asked and it was no surprise that Larry was met with a tense silence. He cleared his throat. “When I met her, she asked for wood for three crosses, and one of them was for you. I’ve seen her. She seemed to be having a difficult time.” He was met with more silence and so he tried for another tactic. “Doc tried to speak to her. She wouldn’t say anything about what has happened to her, or to the lot of you, or about how she feels…”

  “She spoke to me about it all, but no one else. She will one day; she’ll open up eventually, but right now she just…she needs time. She’s doing much better though…we both are.” Miles explained shortly. Larry stared at his back as they moved through the trees.

  “Time does miraculous things…but it can also cause damage.” Larry stated and Miles glanced over his shoulder at the man.

  “Believe me…I know.”

  A sudden sound wrenched the air and everyone stilled. Derek felt his heart beat pick up and his eyes went wide. Fear latched onto him like the blood-thirsty demon that it was and he felt his bottom lip tremble, felt his hand quiver against his will. He could physically feel, hear, Miles’s own racing heart, Jacob’s escalating fear and uncertainty. It was a shriek…no, more than that, a roar…and it was far too familiar. Nightmares came back, as if he had been in a dream this entire time and now he was being dragged back into reality. It made his stomach twist in anxiety and tears, despite himself, pricked the backs of his eyes.

  “No…no…no, no, no…” Charles repeated, his voice shaking. He knew the sound, recognized it because it haunted his nightmares. Derek understood because the same sound, the monsters that held those sounds haunted his own. Charles was panicking, Derek could see it in his eyes and he paced quickly, searching for something. “I told you what they brought with them…I told you they only brought trouble…”

  “Oh hell no…no.” Jacob stated, his bottom lip quivering. Their eyes, every single pair searching up high, around them, low. It didn’t matter, as long as they found the source of the sound. They had to know…didn’t they?

  Miles shifted on his feet, looking around. His eyes were searching, probing, and he was tense, ready to fight, ready to die regardless of whether he wanted to or not. “Shhh….” He expressed to them all forcefully. Everyone quieted, the sounds of hastened breathing the only sounds to be made.

  Rick looked at them all confused. “What was that? What’s going on?” he asked, completely confused. And Derek remembered…he hadn’t been there. No, he had no idea what it was that they were possibly about to face. Charles had dropped the machete and gripped both sides of his head, shaking his head repeating chants of ‘No, no, no…’

  “Everybody be quiet.” Miles demanded, and Larry shifted, just as confused as Rick was. Derek felt as if he couldn’t breathe and his chest was tight. It ached. Everything ached and he felt frozen. The roar sounded again, closer, so loud that it almost threatened to shatter Derek apart…and another…followed by another. The reaction was immediate. There was no denying what it was, or what had to be done. Miles dropped the logs from his arms and Derek released the bag from his hand. The blood rang in Derek’s ears and he couldn’t hear anything other than his own racing heartbeat. He saw that Charles had disappeared, saw Miles as he jerked the logs from Rick’s hands and grabbed his guns from his hips, knife from its holster. He watched as Miles screamed at them, and briefly, like slow motion, he read Miles’s lips as he told them to run, his face full of fear and ferocity, ready to protect them all. He had grabbed Rick and Larry, shoving them forward, turning and firing his gun at something behind them all. Derek didn’t look no, couldn’t. Derek, though his feet felt heavy, moved, grabbing Jacob and shoving him forward, Larry and Rick following. The screaming didn’t stop, in his head, in his ears, in his heart and deep down, he knew that there was no escaping this time.

  Amber swung her blades, arching and twisting her back as she spun on the toes of her feet. She felt her wrists bend and strain against the sudden impact of the wakizashi sword that he brought down at her. She grunted, feeling the pull of it on her shoulder and she stopped, her arms twisted and pulled to the side, held by his sword. She grunted as she turned and in an inspired move she quickly released her hold against him and thrust forward to her knees, dropping and sliding away from the impact of his sword against the ground. He growled and swiped at her with his foot, hitting her hip and though it smarted, she rolled hurriedly to the side, avoiding yet another hit with his sword. She faintly heard cheers coming from the side, but she had to ignore them. She felt renewed, relieved that she could once again spar without much pain. She quickly stood and readied both of her blades at her sides, her eyes wide, alert, watching as he moved stealthily towards her. Yes, it still hurt, the muscles pulling at her shoulder, but it was better. She had worked with it for the better part of the week since their run in with Jasper and his men, also working on convincing Buddy to fight with her. He had been the only one she knew that would give her his all, helping her to excel which was what she so very desperately needed. He walked towards her menacingly, and he sneered at her. She grinned a little. Yes, his inner demon always came out when they sparred and he never let up. She didn’t mind. She needed this, the challenge, the surprise, the anger. They needed to vent and this was how she needed to do it.

  “Quit running.” He ordered her and she shifted on her feet, digging her heels into the ground and bending her knees just the slightest, standing her ground. His words stung and she was left to wonder if he were indeed referring to the fight or her personally from past events…hell, from current events.

  “I’m not running.” She grit her teeth. She was teetering on the edge of irritation by then, breathless and hot though the cool breeze was hitting her skin like welcome whispers of liberation. They had been going at it for at least fifteen minutes and she was tired by then, her heart racing and her shoulder working its way to a throbbing ache. It reminded her of how she felt after their last battle with the enemy. Though, then, her secret was more overpowering that the ache of her shoulder. It was that quick…her smile leaving and replacing it was a scowl.

  He scoffed at her. “Could have fooled me.” He ground out before faking to the left with his free hand only to swing at her to the right with his sword. She quickly jumped back, reaching forward and hitting his blade with one of her own, grunting with the effort it took to shove his advance away. Her shoulder stung and she hissed. Breathe, just breathe. She had been so relieved, so happy that they were ridding themselves of this energy…and then he had spoken. They hadn’t spoken since he had agreed and followed her out into the yard to begin. They only fought, starting slow at first and now they were built up to a real battle. His hand swung back and he grimaced as Amber took a step forward, aiming at his side. He swiftly turned and thrust his weapon down at her. She quickly blocked it with both of hers at a cross. It was then that she saw an opportunity. She knew that the crazy was back in her eyes but she knew, she could see Buddy, her friend, before her. She would never intentionally hurt him. Though the monster within, the desperate thirst for violence, scratched at her mind’s door, frantically calling to her, she forced herself to ignore it. She controlled it. And so, whenever he tried to jerk his hand and sword back, she tightened the cross her weapons held against him and spun on her toes, twisting her arms over her head in the process. He groaned as the weapon twisted in his hand at an unnatural angle, leaving him no choice but to release it. In an effortlessly quick move she jerked, thrusting his sword behind her to land somewhere among the dirt and the grass. And as he bolted to make a run for it, she cut him off by reaching one of her swords out, stopping him effectively. He swallowed thickly, looking down at the blade against his neck. His chest heaved, his breathing strained and slowly he lifted his hands in surrender.

  “You concede?” she asked breathlessly, her own chest heaving and her own lungs searching for oxygen. She felt a bead of sweat roll down her back and another down her cheek. He cut his blue eyes over to her and narrowed them.

  “For now.” He stated and slowly she lowered her sword, her irritation gone and she could feel laughter bubbling up inside of her. Gone was the wild and frantic screaming of the monster within her mind, scratching at her door, hiding in the haunting shadows of her memories and in its place was Amber…the optimistic and caring person she was, and so…she let it go. She began laughing as her arms and swords hung at her sides and she watched as Buddy studied her closely. She heard voices come closer, and slowly, she sobered before looking at Buddy resolutely.

  “I needed that. Thank you, Patrick.” She said, attempting to keep up with calling him by his alias. They had to practice, she knew, but the names were still unfamiliar and were like turpentine on the tongue.

  “Damn girl! You are skilled!” Rusty exclaimed as he advanced them, Michael at his side. Both men were grinning from ear to ear. Amber inhaled deeply, regaining her breathing as she replaced her weapons to their scabbard on her back. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, taking in the silence of the community. There were hardly any Biters moaning, hardly any sounds at all, and she knew that Derek and Larry, among others, had gone out to take care of them. She grimaced then, reopening her eyes. They had been gone for the better part of the day.

  She pointed toward and advancing Buddy. “Thank him. He is the one who taught me. I just practiced.” She stated and Rusty excitedly rushed up to Buddy, begging him to teach him as well. Amber chuckled and turned to Michael who stood with his hands shoved into his pockets.

  “That was impressive.” Michael told her and she furrowed a brow at him, placing her hands on her hips.

  “Thanks…I could do better, but thanks. Besides…you’ve seen me practice before, right?” she asked him and he shrugged.

  “You would think so, but no. This was the first time I actually stopped to wa
tch it. I honestly didn’t expect you to be so good.”

  Amber shifted on her feet and squinted up at the descending sun. She guessed it was probably three-ish. “Oh hush. It’s nothing.”

  “Adrian won’t think so. He will see you as a tremendous asset.” He told her and for a split second she was uncomfortable. For the briefest of moments she had forgotten about Adrian, about the plan, about her role in it all. No, it wasn’t fun and games, and it never would be again; she knew that, but still, the sharp reminder of it all was like a large needle pinching her skin.

  “I reckon so. Just another point for me, huh? I am beginning to think there isn’t anything about me he won’t find interesting.” She tried to joke. Michael gazed on with saddened eyes and sighed. “Let’s hope he never finds out who I really am. He will torture the life out of me…literally.”

  “Amb…” Michael paused, catching himself. “Amelia…he won’t find out.”

  “You don’t know that.” she countered, turning and stealing one last glance at Buddy who was showing Rusty a move that he had once, not long ago, taught her.

  “You’re scared.” Michael said softly, following her. She turned and looked at him sadly.

  “Nah.” She lied, wincing as she remembered that the only person that she had admitted that to was Miles. She couldn’t appear weak to anyone else…she hadn’t even wanted to be so vulnerable to him but, he had caught her when she had been so emotionally volatile that she almost broke. That, and he was her grounded reality. “I’ll be alright. I’m stronger than you think.” She stated and she could physically feel his hesitation as it drew out, as he studied her, questioning whether or not he should pursue her anymore. When he sighed in what could only be assumed as resignation, she felt the relief weigh down on her. She didn’t want to discuss it, not then, possibly not ever. She couldn’t. It all hurt too bad. She didn’t care if she was on the verge of a mental breakdown…hell, she had just proven to herself that she could control it. She wouldn’t lose herself. Anger and fear had never gotten the best of her before, and regardless of what has happened to her, to those around her that she cared for, she wouldn’t let it get the better of her now. She heard more footsteps behind them and knew that Buddy and Rusty were both following them as well. They were in an empty spot towards one of the side entrances, their houses just a block or two away. She liked it there; the emptiness, the peace. She walked up to a hollow stump and retrieved the crinkled bottle of water that she had placed on it. “Talk to your dad?” she asked, trying to appear nonchalant in asking. Quickly, she tiled the bottle back, waiting for a response, and began taking long drinks. The water was cool and refreshing against her parched throat.


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