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Personal Training

Page 2

by M. L. Sapphire

  “Excuse me,” I say, asking the girl at the front desk, pointing at Chad. “Do you know that guy? Does he come here a lot?”

  She gives me strange look and answers, “You're serious? That's Chad Taylor. Everyone knows Chad. He's got like a million Instagram followers. People come from hundreds of miles away to train with him.”

  “He's a trainer here?” I ask.

  “He sure is,” the young woman says, a look of desire in her eyes as she looks at him across the gym. “Chad's by far our most popular trainer. I can't believe you don't know him!”

  Oh, I know him alright. He was a real jerk in high school. Chad used to make fun of everyone that wasn't as fit as him. He was never mean to me, though. No, he just ignored me. Chad never talked to or even looked at me. I sat right next to him in several classes and he acted as if I didn't even exist. Hopefully, he won't notice that I exist here, either.



  “You want me to grab you a protein shake, too, bro?” Jake asks me.

  “Fuck yeah!” I reply. “You know I do. Gotta feed these guns!”

  He walks off and I log into my computer to look at my schedule for the day. All right! My first client is a new girl. It says here she's in her early twenties and only slightly overweight. I can work with that. Hopefully she's not a butter face like the new girl I trained yesterday.

  Looking in the mirror on my office wall, I inspect every inch of this temple I call a body. I've been working my ass off in the gym for the past ten years. Everything I do, everything I eat and drink is designed to make this body look like a Greek statue. Some people call me vain, but I don't give a fuck. They're just jealous because they don't look like me. The phone in my office rings and I pick it up.

  “Mr. Taylor, your one o'clock is here.”

  “Send her back to my office.”

  “It's her first training session, sir. She doesn't know where your office is.”

  “She'll figure it out. Just point her in the general direction and tell her to start walking.”

  “As you wish.”

  Damn, I look good today. My muscles look big and full, my face looks perfect, and my hair – my hair looks mag-fucking-nificent. It's gonna be a good day – I can feel it already! There's a knock at my door and standing there is my somewhat-cute new client.

  “Hi! I'm Clarissa!” she says.

  “Clarissa, come in and shut the door. Have a seat.”

  “It's so nice to finally meet you. I've watched all your YouTube videos and I've been following you on Instagram for over a year.”

  “That's great. So, Clarissa, tell me: Why are you here? What are you trying to accomplish? You could obviously stand to lose a few pounds but what else?”

  “Uh... Well, yes, I could probably stand to lose a few pounds. But I'd also like to make my butt a little bigger and maybe tone up my arms a bit.”

  “Well, you've come to the guy that can help you make that happen. Let's get out there and get started. I hope you're ready to sweat!”

  We go out on the floor and I lead this girl over to the squat rack. Squats will kill two birds with one stone. It'll help make her ass bigger and it'll burn some extra calories. Plus, it'll give me a chance to get up close and personal with this girl. There's no doubt in my mind that she wants to fuck me. Most girls do. But the fact that she's been following me on Instagram and YouTube tells me that she really wants to fuck me.

  “Alright,” I say. “We're gonna start by doing some squats. This is a great exercise for your butt and legs. Take the bar and put it behind your neck. Now, we're gonna go down and come back up, nice and slow, nice and easy.”

  I get behind Clarissa and press my body up against hers. Being a personal trainer has a lot of perks. One of my favorites is that I'm able to get up close and personal with my female clients. Well, the attractive ones, anyway. The uggo's are on their own.

  Wrapping my hands around Clarissa's waist, I press my body against hers. We go down and come back up. Down and up. I know that she's getting turned on right now. I can sense it. When you've been with as many women as I have, you get a sixth sense about these things. I help her put the bar back and she turns around to look at me.

  “How was that?” she asks.

  “Could've been better, but you'll get the hang of it in time.” Pinching some of Clarissa's belly fat, I say, “You should probably do some cardio, too. It'll help you melt away this fat.”

  “Oh,” she replies.

  “Okay, let's do another set of squats.”

  We continue through the workout. With each passing minute, I become less and less interested in this chick. She keeps throwing compliment after compliment at me as if it means something. I get thousands of compliments every day from my social media followers. Finally, our session comes to an end.

  “Alright. We're all done for today.”

  “Thank you so much, Chad. It's been a real pleasure training with you. I can't wait until our next session!”

  “Yeah. Sure. Go do some cardio before you leave. See you next time.”


  I slap Clarissa's ass as she turns to walk away. She moans and prances off with a big smile on her face. I hope she never comes back, but I know she will. I'm getting sick of dealing with chicks like her. They're no challenge at all. If I told her to get on her hands and knees and suck my cock right in the middle of Fit World, not only would she do it, she'd probably thank me for the opportunity.

  I miss the chase. Now that I'm a famous fitness model, women throw themselves at me every day. And the funny thing? The more of an asshole I am, the more they want me! Even funnier, though: The more they want me and the more these bitches throw themselves at me, the less I want them.

  “How was that new girl?” Jake asks. “You gonna fuck her?”

  I don't answer. He should know better. Jake's another trainer here. He and I have been friends for a couple years now. While he might not have as many social media followers as me or as impressive of a physique, Jake's a good dude. He's always had my back.

  “Don't tell me you did fuck her? Already?” he asks.

  “Get the fuck outta here!” I reply, punching Jake in the arm. “Maybe when she loses about twenty pounds. Maybe then I'll hit that.”

  “I don't know. I thought she was kinda cute.”

  “Yeah, you thought that Elizabeth girl from the club the other night was cute, too. That bitch looked like she had a five o'clock shadow and an Adam's apple. Our definitions of attractive are quite different, bro.”

  “Well, sorrrrrry, Mr. Famous. Some of us aren't able to bang nines and tens all the time.”

  “Hey, I can't help it if I'm only attracted to hot chicks. It's how I've always been.”

  “Speaking of hot chicks: Have you seen the new dietitian? I think today is her first day.”

  “Nah. Haven't seen her. She's cute?”

  “She’s probably a bit too plain for you, but I think so. Hell yeah. Don't take my word for it, though. There she is right there,” Jake says, pointing toward the main entrance.

  I laugh and reply, “Uh, yeah. No thanks, bro. I'm not surprised that you think she's hot. But I'll pass.”

  “No, not her!” Jake says, re-aiming his finger. “Her.”

  I follow Jake's finger and realize who he's pointing at. Walking into Fit World is one of the hottest women I've ever seen come through those doors. Each step that she takes brings her closer to us and I'm able to make out more and more details. She's fucking gorgeous, but not in a usual way. There's something about her that I can't quite put my finger on. Whatever it is, I like it. Maybe it's her stride. She walks with both elegance and awkwardness at the same time. I've never seen anything quite like it.

  “Well?” he asks. “What do you think? Do you agree that she's cute?”

  “No, I don't think she's cute.”


  “I think she's fucking flawless. Look at he

  “See! I told you!”

  “Who is she? What do you know about her?”

  “Not much. I know that she's fresh outta college and today is her first day here. Other than that, I don't know shit about her.”

  “Keep it that way. She's mine.”

  “Go get her, bro!”

  “Not right now. My next client's been waiting for like ten minutes. I'm trying to help this fat fuck lose a shit ton of weight before his wedding day. That way, when he and his wife-to-be exchange vows, he won't be fat and ugly – he'll just be fucking ugly.”

  Jake laughs and says, “Cool. Talk to you later, bro.”

  He walks off and I go meet with my next client, a guy who looks like he could be a long lost member of the Fat Boys. The whole time I'm training him, all I can think about is the new dietitian. I honestly can't remember the last time I was this excited about meeting a girl. It’s weird because I never get like this. I don't know what it is about this chick. There's just something about her.

  For the rest of the afternoon, I can't get her off my mind. Every once in a while, I catch a glimpse of her going from her office to the front desk and back again. And every time I see her, my interest grows a little bit. Head to toe, she's fucking gorgeous, but not in an obvious way. It's a hidden kind of hotness. There's a silent sexiness to her that you can't see right away. It's there, though. It might be hard to see at first. But once you do, you can't take your mind off it.

  Between clients, I go on the computer and look up the dietitian's schedule. It would help if I knew her fucking name. I'll find her, though. Let's see... Ahhh, here. This must be her: Emma Robinson, RD. It looks like her day starts at eight thirty in the morning and ends at five thirty in the evening. Perfect. I'll ditch my four thirty client a few minutes early and try to catch Emma on her way out. I'm gonna game the shit out of this girl. I'll have her eating out of the palm of my hand in no time.



  “Thank you so much,” my last client of the day says with a smile. “I'm gonna follow all the excellent nutritional advice you've given me. When should I come see you again?”

  “Why don't you come back in a few weeks – say, four – and we can assess your progress and figure out where to go from there. They'll set it up for you at the front desk.”

  “Great. Thanks again. I'll see you in a month. And hopefully, you'll see a little bit less of me!”

  “I'm sure of it. You're gonna do great. Take care.”

  I walk my last client to the door, shutting it behind her. As soon as it's closed, I take a deep breath and sigh. I did it. I made it through the first day of my new career. Nothing bad happened. Well, nothing too bad. Finding out that Chad Taylor works here - of all the gyms in all the world - doesn't exactly make me happy. But, hopefully I won't have to interact with him very much. If he just ignores me like he did in high school, I'll be fine.

  After finishing up my notes for the day on the computer, I get to ready to leave. There's a part of me that doesn't want to. It took an entire day of seeing clients, but I finally feel comfortable here in my office. My office. I take one last look around my office, making sure I haven't forgotten anything. Hmmm, should I leave the blinds down or open them until I come in tomorrow morning? I'll open them. That way, people can see my degree hanging on the wall. And by people, I mean me when I get to my office in the morning. It'll be cool to see into my office before I even open the door.

  With the blinds up, I lock up my office - I can't get over how cool it is that I have my own office - and head for the main entrance. My day is done and it's time to go home. I can't wait to tell Claire all about my first day at work.

  “Emma Robinson, registered dietitian,” I hear someone yell from behind me.

  I stop and turn around to see who's calling my name. Of course, it's the one person in the whole building that I hope it's not. I can't believe that Chad remembers me from high school. Or does he? Either way, I'm about to find out.

  Chad catches up to me with a few quick steps. As much as I don't like him, I have to admit: he is a good-looking guy. Like, really good looking. This is the first time I've seen him up close in about four years. His body is even more muscular than it was in high school. And Chad's still got the same handsome face that melted the hearts of more than a few girls back then. Too bad he's an asshole that also broke as many hearts as he melted.

  But that was in high school. Maybe Chad's changed over the past four years. I know I have. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt. Clean slate. No preconceived notions. I'll pretend like I'm meeting him for the first time.

  “Chad Taylor. Hi,” I reply.

  “How was your first day at Fit World?” he asks.

  “It was really good, actually.”

  “You sound like you're surprised. Were you expecting it to suck?”

  “No, not exactly. I guess I didn't know what to expect. How do you like working here?”

  “Are you kidding me? I fucking love it! I love this place and this place loves me. I set my own schedule, come and go as I please. I basically do whatever the fuck I want. It's great.”

  Well, that explains why Chad came strolling in at the crack of noon. I get that he's a fit, good-looking guy, but I don't understand why this place would let him get away with so much. Maybe he's a really good trainer or something. He's certainly charismatic. I remember girls in high school saying they could get lost in Chad's sapphire blue eyes forever. Now that they're only a couple feet away from me, looking directly into mine, I can certainly see the appeal. They're the most beautiful shade of blue I've ever seen in someone's eyes before. And Chad's lips, his perfect teeth... Okay, I gotta stop. He's handsome. I know this. I've always known this. But I can't forget what a dick he used to be.

  “How did you know my name?” I ask.

  “We work at the same place. It wasn't exactly hard to find out.”

  “Ahhh,” I reply. Looks like Chad doesn't remember me from high school. “Do you wanna know how I knew your name?”

  “There's no mystery there. With over a million followers on Instagram and a popular YouTube channel, everyone knows my name. Especially around here. I'm like a fucking legend. That's why I can get away with whatever the fuck I want.”

  “Actually, I didn't know about your Instagram and YouTube followers. I knew your name because we went to high school together. We even sat next to each other in a few of our classes.”

  Chad looks me up and down. I can sense the wheels turning in his head. He's trying to remember me, but I don't think he does.

  “Emma Robinson,” he says, looking me up and down again. “Wait a minute...”


  “Weren't you fat as fuck? For some reason, when I think 'Emma Robinson from Massasoit High,' all I can picture is a girl with more rolls than a bakery. Am I thinking of the right person? Did you drop a shitload of weight or am I thinking of someone else?”

  So much for giving Chad the benefit of the doubt. It looks like he's still a raging asshole. I can't believe he just called me “fat as fuck.” What a jerk. I do my best to not get angry and just answer the question.

  “I was overweight in high school, yes. But I started seeing a dietitian the summer after graduation. Two years later, I was over a hundred pounds lighter.”

  “Damn. Good for you. You look... well, let's just say you don't look anything like the whale I remember from high school. You look good. Really good.”

  “Thank you, Chad. If you'd please excuse me, I have to be going now. Have a good night.”

  “I always do. See you around, Emma.”

  So close. I was so close to ending a great first day at my new job in a good mood before Chad Taylor came up to me. I continue walking out of Fit World and get into the Uber that I ordered. My emotions are all over the place right now. More than anything, I'm pissed. How dare he call me “fat as fuck.” You're an asshole as fuck, Chad Taylor. Ug
h, that doesn't have the same ring to it. And what's making me even madder is the fact that I can't get over how damn good looking he is. He's so fucking charming that it kills me. It would be one thing if he was an ugly asshole that didn't know how to talk to women. But Chad looks like a Greek God and speaks with such confidence that his voice is almost hypnotic.

  The who ride home, all I can think about is Chad. Not the amazing first day I had at my new job. Not the wonderful clients that I got to meet for the first time. Chad Fucking Taylor. I never thought I'd see him again. Now he's gonna be a daily part of my life. Ugh. I get home and am immediately assaulted by a barrage of questions.


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