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Personal Training

Page 7

by M. L. Sapphire

  “Good,” Chad says as I complete my first rep. “Again. Slowly.”

  I squat again, going as far down as possible. Ass-to-grass as Chad called it. He braces my body with his and even though I have a forty-five pound bar on the back of my neck, I've never felt safer. Chad's got me and I never want him to let me go. I feel safe and secure. Not just that, though. I feel aroused. The smell of his cologne fills my lungs and I never wanna exhale. With every passing second, I melt a little bit more.

  We come back up and I put the bar back on the rack. Turning around to look at Chad, he doesn't say a word for several seconds. His eyes, once again, travel up and down my body.

  “Well?” I ask. “How was that?”

  “Excellent. Good form. How'd it feel?”

  “I could really feel it right here,” I say, pointing to my thigh, then to my butt. “And here.”

  “That's good. You wanna feel it here in your quads,” Chad says and firmly squeezes my thigh. Then, he pats my butt and continues, “and in your glutes.”

  He gives my butt a quick little pinch, making me jump. I wasn't expecting it but I guess I probably should've. Whenever I see Chad touching his female clients, it always makes cringe. Now that he's doing it to me, though, I like it. I hate myself for liking it, but I do. I can't help it. His hands are big and strong. When he touches my leg and my butt, I can't help but wonder what they'd feel like all over my naked body.

  Chad shows me a few more exercises. He gets more and more touchy and flirty with each one and I'm loving it. I keep catching him checking me out and it's driving me wild. Knowing that the guy who can have anyone wants you - well, it's really flattering, to say the least.

  “You've showed me so much, Chad,” I say. “I can't thank you enough. I'm starting to get a bit worn out, though. My ass is really burning.”

  “Wait until tomorrow. It's gonna be on fire. But that's a good thing. It's called DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Basically, it means your workout worked. There is one more exercise I'd like to show you before we leave. This one won't make you sore but, when done right, you may feel a slight tingling sensation run down your spine.”

  “Um... Okay, sure. I guess I'm up for one more.”

  Chad glides up to me, effortlessly closing the gap between us. He runs his fingers gently down my sweaty arms and takes my hands into his. Suddenly, it dawns on me what this final spine-tingling exercise is. Chad pulls our sweaty bodies together and wraps his arms around me. Reflexively, I throw mine around him. Our eyes meet and for a moment, time stands still. Not only does it feel like we're alone in the gym, in this moment it feels like we're alone in the world.

  Lost in Chad's eyes, I'm paralyzed. I can't speak and I can't move. All I can do is feel my heart beating faster and faster with each passing second. I see his handsome face coming toward mine and our lips meet for the first time. There's that tingle Chad was talking about! The second I feel his soft lips upon mine, my whole body starts vibrating. I can't think. I can't breathe. All I can do is feel and I feel on top of the world!

  “Your lips are as soft and wonderful as you are, Emma,” Chad whispers in my ear.

  Before I can respond, our lips meet once again. Chad pulls me in tightly. He playfully tickles my tongue with his. They dance together for what feels like an eternity, right here in the middle of the gym. I'm sure people are looking at us but I don't care and I know Chad doesn't either. For the first time in a long time, I don't care about anything except this moment right now. All my anxieties about the future and regrets about the past disappear. Chad has me under his spell and it scares the shit out of me – but I never want it to end.



  I got it bad for this girl. What the fuck is going on? Did she cast some kind of voodoo spell on me? I've never felt this way about anyone before. Well, besides myself, of course. But this is different - very different. Yeah, I still wanna get mine. My goal is still to fuck Emma. But I don't only care about fucking her. I'm having a lot of fun just spending time with her. And another thing that separates her from all the other chicks I've gone out with is that I actually wanna make sure she's having a good time, too. Usually, I don't give one fat, flying fuck about any of the bitches I date. Tonight with Emma, though, I've been constantly asking myself if she's having a good time, too.

  We're standing right in the middle of the gym making out. I've got my arms wrapped around her sexy body and she's got hers around mine. I hope Emma's not feeling anxious right now. See, there I go again! I really gotta be careful with this one. What the fuck do I care what she's feeling? I know that I'm not anxious. In fact, I feel fucking great right now. But I want more. I wanna get Emma back to my place.

  She's much harder to read than the women I usually date. Normally, I can look a woman in the eyes and tell right away if she's ready to fuck. Emma, though, I can't tell shit. I think she's into me. She's certainly been sending me a lot of nonverbal signals all night. I know these things. Seduction is my specialty. So why do I keep questioning myself? I need to stop overthinking this shit and just focus on the moment.

  With one hand, I grab Emma's ass and pull her hips into mine. With the other, I playfully pull her hair back and shower her neck with wild, passionate kisses. Emma's fingers claw into the muscles on my back and she lets out a soft moan – one of the sexiest little moans I've ever heard in my entire fucking life. I want her now more than ever.

  “You wanna get out of here?” I ask between kisses.

  “Uh huh,” she whispers.

  “Let's go back to my place.”

  “I... Maybe we should... I don't know if...”

  I pull Emma's body even tighter against mine. Dragging my tongue slowly up her neck, I tickle her ear lobe with it. I inhale deeply and grab Emma's face with both hands. After gazing into her eyes for just a split second longer than I can tell she's comfortable with, I lean in and kiss Emma's lips with ferocious passion. I can feel her knees weaken and I know now for sure that I've got her right where I want her.

  “Don't overthink it, Emma,” I say in a deep, seductive tone. “Just go with it. Go with how you're feeling. Do you want to go back to my place?”

  Without hesitation, she answers, “Yes.”

  “Then let's go.”

  After one last middle-of-the-gym kiss, I take Emma by the hand and we head toward the locker rooms. She looks so fucking sexy, all sweaty from the workout I put her though. That was nothing compared to the workout I'm planning on putting her through back at my place, though. I can't wait to get Emma naked. The last time I was this excited about getting a woman back to my place was... well, never.

  “Should we get changed?” she asks.

  “Nah. We can do that at my place,” I say and smile.

  Emma smiles back. She disappears into the women's locker room and I go into the men's. While I'm grabbing my stuff, I order us an Uber back to my condo. It's only a couple minutes away and by the time we get outside, the Uber is waiting for us. I open the door for Emma and hop in after her.

  The whole ride, we can't keep our hands off each other. I'm starting to bring out a side of Emma that I bet few people – if any – have ever seen. Women like her all have a wild side. They just need a man like me to bring it out of them. Most women are never lucky enough to be with a guy like me. But then again, most guys like me aren't lucky enough to meet a woman like Emma.

  “Here go. You are stop. Have nice night.”

  Fucking Uber drivers. Half the time, I can't understand what they're saying. The other half, I wish I couldn't understand them. It doesn't matter, though. As long as Emma understands that I'm gonna fuck her silly, everything's all good.

  “Wow, Chad,” Emma says. “You live here? It must be super expensive.”

  “It is. Come on, gorgeous. Wait till you see the view of the city from my condo.”

  We take the elevator up to my floor. Just like in the Uber, the second the elevator doors close, o
ur lips meet and we start groping each other relentlessly. I can't keep my hands off Emma and I don't want to. Everything about her - the way she looks, sounds, feels, smells, tastes, and just the way she is - drives me fucking wild. It hasn't been easy getting Emma from her little Fit World office to my condo, but I managed to do it. When Chad Taylor wants something, one way or another, he fucking gets it!

  The elevator door opens and I take Emma by the hand once again. My condo's only a few short steps away. I whirl Emma in front of me, spinning her around and catching her right in front of my door. With my keys in one hand, I push Emma up against the door with the other. Not too hard, but hard enough that she can sense how powerful I am when I wanna be. My lips attack Emma's as she's pressed against the door. While we kiss, I fumble around with my keys until I finally find the hole. It's not a problem I usually have but tonight's been anything but ordinary. I turn the key and my door swings open.

  Emma and I take a few steps into my condo, our lips locked the entire time. I kick the door shut and wantonly toss the keys onto my coffee table. It's driving me wild, knowing how into me Emma seems to be. I can feel her heart beating a hundred miles an hour against my chest. Her breathing is heavy. All signs point to me getting my dick inside her any minute now. I've played this just right. I don't know why I was doubting myself. This girl's mine.

  “I want you so fucking badly,” I whisper in Emma's ear.

  “Uh huh,” she replies between heavy breaths.

  “Is that all you can say? Uh huh? I plan on leaving you speechless, but we're not there yet.”

  “Shut up and touch me, Chad. I want you to touch me and kiss me... everywhere.”

  Emma's words have the hair on the back of my neck standing straight up. If that isn't an invitation to go in for the kill, I don't know what is. I run my hand under Emma's shirt behind her back and with one quick twist, smoothly unhook her bra. She's unbuttoning my shirt at the same time and it's a huge turn on. I thought for sure that I would be the one doing ninety-nine percent of the work. This one’s just full of surprises.

  We each take a step back at the same time and start undressing ourselves. As much fun as it would be to keep taking off each others' clothes, there's a sense of urgency. It's not that we're in a hurry to get this over with. It's the exact opposite, actually. We can't wait to get things started. Really started. I'm just about as turned on as I've ever been and I'm almost positive that Emma's right there with me.

  It's a bit dark in my condo but not pitch black - we can see each other just fine. When I'm home in the evening with a girl or just relaxing by myself, I like my condo to be dimly lit. I've got a few really soft lights that I keep on twenty-four seven. They provide just enough light to enjoy the visual aspects of getting down and dirty with a sexy piece of ass. Speaking of which, Emma and I are both almost completely naked now.

  “You look so fucking hot,” I say as Emma bends down and takes off her socks, the only thing she still has on. “Holy shit. Look at you!”

  She stands up and looks at me. I can tell that Emma's a little bit nervous. I've done this so many times that I understand the psychology behind it. Here she is standing in the condo of some dude she barely knows, totally naked and exposed. Right now, a million emotions are traveling through Emma's head. She's excited but nervous. Aroused but on guard. Willing but afraid. Lucky for Emma, she's in really good hands – the hands of a man who's about to make her feel things she never even knew were possible.

  I take a step toward Emma so I'm close enough to touch her. Leaning forward, I grab her hands and pull her naked body up against mine. I can feel my cock pressed against Emma's skin and it sends a bolt of electricity radiating throughout my body. Her skin is soft and it feels awesome pressed against mine. I can't wait to see what it feels like to press my cock inside her.

  “You have such an amazing body,” Emma says.

  “Touch it,” I reply. “I want your hands all over my body. All over my body.”

  We each take a half step backward so our bodies are no longer touching. I pull her face in for a quick kiss, then run my hands down Emma's neck to her tits. They're so fucking nice. More often than not, when a fat chick loses a lot of weight, they lose their tits, too. Not Emma, though. She somehow manged to hold onto her big, luscious breasts. I'm sure they were probably a little bigger when she was fat but now, they're fucking perfect. As I'm groping her tits, all I can think about is getting them wet and sliding my dick between them.

  While my hands explore Emma's body, hers do the same to me. She runs her soft little fingers over my massive pecs. The look in Emma's eyes tell me everything I need to know: she's in awe of my awesome physique. Her fingers travel down my washboard abs, slowly. My cock is getting harder by the second, begging for attention. I can't wait to feel her fingers on it. The anticipation is killing. But two can play this game.

  My hands travel south from Emma's tits. I run my fingers lightly over her belly. She doesn't have the same level of definition in her abs that I do, which is a good thing. I wouldn't want her to. If Emma had abs like mine, I'd feel like I was about to fuck Ryan Reynolds. I need my women to have a little bit of padding - but just a little. Enough to be feminine. No more, no less. Emma's body is flawless. I wouldn't change a fucking thing.

  Letting my hands descend further down, I lightly brush the tips of my fingers right above the top of Emma's pussy. She moans and I know that Emma wants me to touch her pussy just as badly as I want her to grab my cock. I've been down this road plenty of times before. I always get the girl to touch me first. Let's see who wins this little game.

  “I want you to grab my dick with those cute little hands of yours,” I say.

  “I want you to touch my pussy with those big strong hands of yours,” she replies, smiling.

  With both hands, I delicately dance my fingers around Emma's pussy, touching her everywhere but where she wants me to. I drag my fingertips up the insides of her thighs, along the outside of her pussy lips, and around her sexy hips.

  “I'll touch yours after you touch mine,” I say with a wink.

  Emma's fingers circle my cock but don't touch it. This girl's got every cell in my body screaming at me to do whatever I have to do to get her to touch my dick. I've never had a woman tease me like this before and I'm loving it. Most women can't wait to get their slutty little hands all over me. They just want to please me however they can. Emma's being playful and I can't get enough of it. Her fingers trace the outline of my dick, never touching it.

  “You first,” Emma says with a smile as her fingers tickle my balls.

  I don't think I've been this aroused since I got my first taste of internet porn when I was a horny little middle schooler. My dick is now as hard as a rock. I can't give in. I can't cave. I've got to get her to touch me before I touch her.

  “I can do this all day, muscle man,” Emma says, tickling my balls with both hands.

  I can't. I've held out as long as I'm gonna be able to. If Emma - if someone - doesn't touch my dick in the next five seconds, I feel like I'm gonna explode. I grab Emma's ass and pull her hip against mine. With my other hand, I run a single digit down the middle of her pussy lips and slide it right inside her. Emma's so wet that it slides in - all the way in - with no resistance.

  “Ahhhhhh,” she moans.

  I'm about to tell her to grab my dick but, before I get the chance, I feel Emma wrap her soft fingers around it.

  “Fuuuck!” I yell. “Oh my fucking god, Emma. Yes! Stroke that cock!”

  Emma starts jerking my cock and I let out another loud moan. It feels so fucking good after all the teasing. I've never had a woman tease me like that. When I tell a woman to do something, they do it. Most women are too afraid of angering me to say no. Not Emma. This girl's got me all kinds of turned on. She doesn't treat me like all the other women out there do. And I'm not gonna treat her the way I treat most women. I'm gonna blow Emma's fucking mind.

/>   Emma

  My mind has been a non-stop tsunami of emotions all night long. What am I doing? It almost makes me wanna laugh when I stop to think about it. If someone told me a week ago that I'd be in Chad Taylor's condo, butt naked with my hand wrapped around his cock, I would've told them they were crazy. But here I am, doing just that and I honestly couldn't be happier or more turned on. This whole night has been magical. Chad's impressed me in every possible way. Well, every way but one. I don't know how good he is in bed yet but I'm about to find out.

  That's all this is and I know it. I'd be foolish to think otherwise. Chad runs through women like nothing. To him, I'm probably just another notch on his belt. And that's fine. We're just two adults having fun. A night of dinner, some flirting at the gym, and a little adult time here at Chad's condo. I've really had a wonderful time, though, all night long.


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