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Revo's Property

Page 3

by Angelique Voisen

  Ezra swallowed. The last thing he wanted was to spoil the mood.

  “Fuck. You want to have a bloody heart-to-heart talk? Spare me.” Revo growled.

  His words prickled at Ezra. “If this is how you treat all your boyfriends and lovers, I’m not surprised you’re still single, wolf.”

  Ezra cringed the moment his words spilled out without thinking. Revo’s grip on his arms loosened. Revo disarmed him with a toothy grin. “Boyfriends? Don’t know the word. I don’t do shit like relationships. I see what I want. Take what I want.”

  The hiss of his leather belt slid from his belt loops. Ezra squirmed. “Then why did you kiss me?”

  “I want to taste all of you, the whole package.”

  “I thought all you did was casual fucking.”

  Revo practically ripped his favorite shirt off his chest. Ezra’s pulse leaped to the surface of his skin at the contact of leather on flesh. Alarm bells should have rung the moment Revo began to loop the belt around his wrists, but they didn’t.

  Besides, Ezra needed this. To let go. His instincts never failed him before, and it told him a man whose first move was to kiss didn’t intend him harm, for the moment at least. The present was all that mattered, not the past, or the consequences of “after.”

  The smug look Revo gave him made his cheeks flush. “Like being tied up, don’t you?”

  “Yeah a little, but being tied and fucked in the middle of the road by a naked biker for anyone to see? That’s my ultimate fantasy,” Ezra said sarcastically, wondering how far he could push Revo. “Have you always been an exhibitionist?”

  “Do us both a favor and shut the hell up, or I’ll gag you.” At the threat in his tone, Ezra bit back another smart retort. With both hands free, Revo quickly unbuttoned his jeans, unzipped his fly, and practically tore the denim when he yanked them off together with his boxers.

  “Revo.” Annoyance flashed in Revo’s eyes. “Um. I have lube and a packet of condoms in my back pocket.”

  This time, one eyebrow rose, but Revo didn’t demand an explanation.

  Ezra sighed. “I’m clean. Incubi can’t catch anything, but just in case, you know.”

  “Good to know. Shifters too.” Ezra had been with a couple of shifters before, so he knew Revo hadn’t been lying.

  Revo didn’t bother fishing for the lube and condom. He drew out his cock, which already stood at half-mast. Revo curled large callused fingers at his base, before his tongue flicked at the pre-cum gathered at his tip.

  First Revo kissed him on the mouth, and now a blowjob? Stunned, Ezra pressed his lips uncertainly, not wanting to interrupt. Gods. Ezra couldn’t remember the last time anyone focused on his pleasure. He usually got himself off, and Ezra never expected a man like Revo, a man who could have anyone he wanted, to be this good at giving head.

  Ezra writhed each time Revo’s wet tongue touched him, but Revo easily kept his legs still. Revo took his time, exploring the length of him, licking and nibbling, and Ezra nearly came even before Revo took him in his mouth.

  Revo paused from his task to say, “Your orgasm belongs to me. Don’t try me.”

  Ezra managed a ragged answer, “I understand.”

  Revo finally took his length between his lips, applying suction with every torturous inch he covered. Ezra’s body buckled against the hard surface. His bound hands strained to be free, to sink themselves into Revo’s hair.

  Distinctively, he heard wheels crunching on gravel. They must have given the beat-up mustang an eyeful, but the car didn’t stop. Maybe it was Revo and his bike. Maybe the folks here were used to the sight of the Hellhounds MC doing whatever they wanted. Ezra couldn’t care less.

  “Please,” Ezra murmured when the pressure became too much. “Revo, please.”

  Revo drew out of him, his eyes the color of molten gold. Ezra gasped when he slid his hand up his length, and began pumping him. Up and down, slow and steady. It drove him insane and made him spill more pleas and make more promises.

  “Come all over my fingers,” Revo commanded. “Do it. Now.”

  Ezra did with a long sigh. His entire body shuddered as strings of his cum spilled into Revo’s hand and his chest. Waves of pleasure drowned his body. His breath rattled, his heart couldn’t keep still.

  “Holy fuck,” he said hoarsely after.

  Revo grinned at him, ran a possessive hand down his inner thigh. “I want to fuck your face,” he said bluntly.

  Ezra eyed his steel-hard member, imagined how he would taste, and licked his lips. “I’ll be happy to return the favor.”

  Revo straddled his face, but despite his bulk, Ezra saw the careful way he positioned himself. He eagerly opened his mouth when Revo pressed his tip to his lips. Ezra tasted salt, wolf musk and the desert on him. He smelled so fucking male.

  Remembering the delicious torment Revo put him through, Ezra put all his experience into practice, not surprised Revo took over. Ezra opened his jaws wider, gagged at first then relaxed his throat to accommodate Revo’s thick and long cock. After Ezra was used to his size, Revo began thrusting into him, slow at first, before building momentum.

  “Fuck, Ezra. Your mouth feels so good,” Revo said with panting breaths. He thrust into his mouth several times, before pulling away and loosening his load over his chest. Revo got off him and used his shirt to clean both of them up.

  “What now?” Ezra asked uncertainly.

  Revo frowned. “Don’t know yet.”

  “Jesus, man. You don’t know?”

  Revo freed his wrists from his restraints. Ezra bit his bottom lip. He didn’t like unwritten scripts, or being uncertain of the role he played. Echo had been the reckless one and Revo was clearly a guy who didn’t give a shit about tomorrows. Revo’s grip on his wrists tightened. He frowned down at Ezra, then stroked thoughtfully at the marks left by the belt on his left wrist, then licked at his pulse.

  It’s moments like these that confused Ezra. How Revo could switch from crude, rude and rough, to unexpectedly tender. His unpredictability pushed at all of Ezra’s wrong buttons. Sex was one thing, but whatever this was, it felt like a dangerous prelude to something Ezra couldn’t yet name.

  “I’m not just going to leave you hanging, Ezra. We’re in this shit together, whether you like it or not. My alpha and club president want you dead, but if you’re my property no one’s going to harm you. ”

  “Why would you do something like that? Go against your brothers and your club?”

  Ezra let out a sound when Revo growled down his face, until their noses touched. “I’m not going against my club. I’m a Hellhound. This is my life. The only kind of life I love. I’m only asserting my rights. If you become my bitch no one’s going to touch you but me.”

  Vaguely, Ezra heard more noise in the background.

  “Do you have to be so crude?” Ezra demanded, although from Revo’s dirty mouth, “bitch” passably sounded like a term of endearment.

  Revo grinned, the movement stretching the slight scar on the left side of his jaw. Ezra didn’t know why he opened his mouth, tongued the little imperfection from tip to end. His lips brushed against harsh stubble, and tasted motor oil, wolf musk and leather. Hell, did he just rub his scent all over Revo like a territorial cat, the way Revo marked him? Worse, just rubbing skin had been enough to create sparks, to make his cock twitch and come to life.

  “So hard for me so soon, baby?”

  “I thought I was your bitch?” Holy shit, was Ezra seriously flirting with Revo when he should be looking for Echo?

  Ezra might be an incubus, but all he’d ever really been was a shade of his twin. Echo shone. Turned heads, in a roomful of people and had no trouble reducing them to animals fueled by lust. Terrified of his own abilities, all dependable and responsible Ezra could do was cast a shadow. Ezra was sick of being the good boy, of cleaning up Echo’s messes. Besides, in a way, by winning Revo over, Ezra somehow turned the gaze of the Hellhounds from Echo, but could he handle the attention from Revo?
r />   “Oh, you’re both.”

  Engines and voices crackled in the background like radio static. Revo started stroking his needy member, whittling down Ezra’s interest in his surroundings.

  Someone let out a low whistle. Bike engines continued to rumble. Boots crunched on gravel. Ezra’s skin crawled, his inner demon shrieked inside him, sounding a warning bell in his head.

  “Nice, Revo. Are you going to share your prize with your brothers, or keep that sweet ass to yourself?”

  Chapter Five

  Ezra began to squirm, kick Revo off him, the in-built urge for flight triggered.

  “Do as I say, or this shit will go south fast,” Revo hissed in his ear.

  Revo got off him and it took all of Ezra not to break into a run after Revo helped him up. Besides, if he ran, what would that say? He was guilty as charged, and had something to hide? Besides, where would he run? The little hide-and-seek game he played with Revo moments ago taught Ezra he had practically zero chances of outrunning a Hellhound, let alone four.

  Three enormous men in ink and leather, all wearing the Hellhounds patch, formed a loose semi-circle around them. The first man, copper-skinned, head shaved, and sporting multiple piercings, had an enormous spiderweb tattoo that stretched from neck to collarbone. The other two men, tall, tanned with dirty blond hair and faded blue eyes, looked like brothers, the only thing differentiating them were their ink and the large scar cutting across the nose of one brother.

  “What the hell, Spider, Reaper, and Sweet? Mace thought I couldn’t handle this situation myself?”

  He assumed Spider was the one with the web tattoo, Reaper and Sweet the brothers. Nicknames were earned and had meaning, Ezra didn’t doubt. Revo wasn’t his werewolf protector’s real name either. Ezra’s stomach lurched, all his mustered confidence ebbing away.

  What the hell made him think he could play ball in Revo’s world? Just because Revo proved to be decent man, the compliment didn’t, and couldn’t extend to his brothers.

  The three bikers all carried the same scent as Revo. Each screamed of the promise of violence and danger, wolf musk and pack, bloodlust and a dark need of a different sort. Ezra didn’t need to extend his senses and feel for their aura. The color was jet black, like the look in their eyes. These were the kind of men Echo always warned him to stay away from. The kind you couldn’t simply say no to, because they’d take without asking anyway.

  Ezra hastily pulled up his jeans, instinctively hid behind Revo like a frightened child, but Ezra didn’t care how cowardly the action appeared. His sense of self-preservation, choosing the battles he could win, allowed him to live this long in Post-Fall times. Ezra buried his nose into the curve of Revo’s spine, felt Revo tense, but he didn’t shove Ezra away. Unlike these men, Revo smelled of confidence, power, and safety—absurd as that sounded. Revo didn’t seem bothered he was the only one there without clothes.

  “You know it isn’t like that, brother.” Spider scratched at his head. “Mace is just concerned, you know. Everyone knows you have a healthy appetite for cock and pussy, so you’re not the ideal guy to go up against an incubus.”

  “We should have known you didn’t need us though.” One of the brothers, the one with the scar, the same guy who asked if Revo intended to share, chuckled. “Don’t know how the fuck you did it, but you managed to tame the sweet-looking boy. You sure this is the incubus, Reaper?”

  Reaper nodded. “Smell’s the same one we found in all the orgy sites, although his scent is a little strange. A bit off and weak.”

  “I expected, I don’t know, something more. Not some twink who looks no different from the rent boys who hang out at the club.”

  Revo growled in his throat. Ezra practically felt the rumble vibrate against him, the ink of Revo’s back muscles rippling with protective rage. He didn’t see Sweet move, but he felt a large hand clamped on his wrist, tugging him, separating him from Revo.

  “You must be a dirty little pervert, letting Revo fuck you in the open,” Sweet said, his breath warm against Ezra’s neck.

  Ezra twisted away, repulsed by Sweet’s touch. Goose bumps broke across the skin of his wrist as Sweet’s eyes narrowed, human-blue irises turning beast-amber. Sweet yanked him closer, pushed a hand down his unbuttoned jeans and reached for his cock. The next moment, Ezra’s skin tasted the dry desert air of Wolf County.

  Revo came between Ezra and Sweet. He shoved Sweet away, fingers digging into Sweet’s wrist so hard Ezra heard something crack. Sweet snarled, but Revo wasn’t done.

  “Look at him that way again and I’ll rip out your cock and balls and shove it down your mouth. Touch him again and I’ll fucking tear out your throat, brother.” Revo’s words hardly sounded more like an animal growl than human. “We fucking clear?”

  “What the hell, Revo? Get the fuck away from my brother.” Reaper snarled, and lunged forward, but Spider grabbed the collar of his jacket.

  “Look what the incubus is fucking doing to you assholes. Stop fighting amongst yourselves,” Spider hissed. “The twink probably messed with Revo’s head, Sweet.”

  “Ezra didn’t mess with my head. You think I’m fucking weak?” Revo thundered, making him seem all the more frightening.

  Ezra cringed away, but when Revo’s gaze shifted to him, it softened slightly, but only for a fraction of a second. Ezra understood. To survive in Revo’s world, to keep Echo and he alive, he needed to play his part. Even though Ezra shook, he pressed himself to Revo’s side, and curled his arms his thick bicep.

  “Ezra? Your pretty toy has a name? Look at you, Revo. Pussy whipped by a faggot.” Sweet spat out a wad of blood. “You think you can take us, beta? Both my brother and I?”

  “It won’t come to that. Look at the boy. He’s practically shivering. Spider’s right. We don’t need to fight,” Reaper said. He looked hard at Revo, clearly still pissed Revo hurt his brother and Ezra had a feeling he wouldn’t be letting this one go. Rumors said the Hellhounds never left a score unsettled. “You sure you’re in control of this situation, Revo? You’re the club VP and pack beta, and you’ve never led us astray. Say the fucking word, and I’ll believe you.”

  “I’m in control. Ezra is mine. No one can touch him without my permission, is that understood?”

  “You’re staking your claim on him? You’ve never done that with any of the club whores,” Sweet said with narrowed eyes. “What makes this boy so special?”

  Revo shrugged. “What can I say? Do I need a fucking reason? He’s my bitch now.”

  “Fine, if things were that simple, but you explain to Mace why you’re bringing home the incubus you’re supposed to kill,” Spider told him, then eyed his naked form up and down. “You bringing him to the club house, or were you planning something else?”

  “Club house is exactly where we’re going,” Revo said.

  Sweet snorted. Reaper continued staring down at Ezra with silent, cold eyes. Ezra shivered and decided looking at Revo was his safest option. All predators in his opinion were alike. Show them you were harmless and most of the time, they no longer saw you as a threat, or least Ezra hoped so.

  “Fine. We found your crumpled clothes at the Dancing Bitch.” Spider tossed the bundle at Revo, the implication clear. Everyone here knows you’re lying.

  Revo showed him teeth. “We were playing a game. Guess who won?”

  “Remains to be seen,” Sweet muttered under his breath.

  “What the fuck did you say?” Revo demanded. He paused when Ezra squeezed at his left biceps, and then decided to don his clothes instead.

  “Let’s ride,” Revo said, mounting his bike.

  Ezra rode behind him, wrapped his arms tightly around Revo’s waist Ezra was sure it hurt, but Revo didn’t complain. Out of the frying pan and into the freezer, and Ezra had a feeling things could only go downhill from here.

  Mace. Everything he had heard about the alpha and president of the Hellhounds raged from the horrifying to the ridiculous, but beneath it all gleamed the unde
rlying truth. Territorial and brutal, Mace was reputedly an unforgiving tyrant when it came to outsiders who broke the law in Wolf County.

  While Ezra knew Revo held some clout as beta and club VP, the last thing he wanted was for Revo to get hurt on his account. As strong and powerful as Revo appeared, he couldn’t possibly take on all his brothers. It didn’t help Ezra begun to suspect Revo had lied about not going against his club and its members on his account.

  Why would Revo go to that extent? Ezra shivered. Revo must have sensed something because he said, “It’s going to be fine. Stop worrying your head over every fucking little thing.”

  Ezra wished he had Revo’s confidence.

  Chapter Six

  Revo joined his bike with the line of bikes outside the clubhouse. He estimated about half of his brothers remained in residence—an unexpected relief. The other half, led by Viper, the club Road Captain, hadn’t returned from their usual weapons run.

  “Um. Nice place,” Ezra murmured uneasily, glancing at the bare dirt road and the converted warehouse.

  Revo had to grin at his attempt at trying to pretend to be normal for his sake, although Ezra gripped his arm like a vise and clung close to him.

  During Pre-Fall times, Mace kept the club afloat by buying up military-grade weapons from mercenary corps who operated production sites in former China and buying designer drugs en masse from South American cartels, then distributing both guns and drugs to buyers. Barely able to keep themselves afloat with the combined forces of the local government and legally approved supernatural council bearing down on them, they could afford to be picky. They sold to clients who had cash and wouldn’t interfere in affairs in Wolf County.

  In Post-Fall times though, when civilization collapsed and no law but theirs existed, they could afford to choose. Self-governed towns never lacked for weapons, and users were always desperate for a whiff of relief only drugs could buy. It showed in the electric barb fences ringing the property, the still working security system when most places in the country no longer had any electricity. Aside from the large converted warehouse serving as their clubhouse, two other smaller warehouses served as storage facility for goods.


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