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Ieloharis Island: The Curse

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by CB Colin

  Ieloharis Island

  Volume I: The Curse

  By C.B.Colin

  Copyright 2011 C.B.Colin

  Table of Contents


  Chapter I: The Mistake

  Chapter II: A normal life

  Chapter III: The Rain Festival

  Chapter IV: Amira’s Sister

  Chapter V: The Pact

  Chapter VI: Pajamas Girls Night

  Chapter VII: The Wish

  Chapter VIII: The Moonstone

  Chapter IX: The Nightmare

  Chapter X: Blue Flames

  Chapter XI: The Last Wish


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  Like author, I can say that this book saved me in some extend, from a difficult period. I had 16 years old when the idea of an imaginary world came into my mind. In a dream I’ve seen a beautiful far away island, in the middle of a crystal blue sea, a very unique world. In the teenage period, when I was so low with my moral because of the real world which was around me, I’ve decided to escape to my imaginary world. I started to create characters, to give them a purpose, a life, feelings. I started to create traditions, legends and myths, and as well to live a wanted life through my character’s eyes. Over three years of creation, in which I was writing silently on blank piece of papers, I was lost, so many ideas came into my mind, that for me was impossible to write them down in just one book, that is why I created to parts of Ieloharis Island.

  The first volume, The Curse, in some way it is addressed to me, although of course it refers to the main character. At the beginning I named this novel, FORGET-ME-NOT, after the famous flower, which has an evil and important role in the books, my novel The Ieloharis Island, after the imaginary country and thanks to a good friend of mine for suggesting this idea. I just want to thank the persons which criticized my novel, with good intentions, the persons which gave me some other ideas to create this world, and in the wave of ideas, I managed to bring to life a story in which involves comedy, drama, suspense, even a little horror, and of course all of this genders are under the S.F. sign.

  Chapter I

  The Mistake

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  The stars started to shine more and more on the blue royal sky, because of the night that came smooth like a breeze of spring.

  The moon has risen slowly; stabbing some stray and cream clouds, like they wanted to escape from the grip of night, which landed over the region.

  Two teenagers were lying down on the wet grass, caught in dreams and euphoria, listening to the choir of crickets which they were singing in all their glory.

  “Amira,” said the boy with an easy retention, turning his face to her. “Do you love me?”

  She smiled, after that she gave her brown hair a push back, thinking intensely. She didn’t answer directly, still smiling, looking ahead. Then, seeing that the boy was waiting for an answer, she turned to him.

  “Of course Lovin, why do you ask?”

  “Because I want to hear it from you. I know you love me, but… I want to hear how you say it, so melodious.” He said, closing his eyes.

  “I love you.”

  Lovin did not react immediately. Amira thought that they reached a new level of their relationship. After that she leaned over him and kissed his lips very passionately, whispering to him.

  “I love you Lovin.”

  The boy smiled with all his mouth, the happiness started to take control of his body, and with a young impulse he stood up, braving inside.

  The night felt for good, the sky starting to be a dark blue color, but instead the night queen, moon, gain power by the minute she rose in the sky, and with her silvery and cold rays, petted everything around; the land, the hills, the trees and the two young faces who they were running home, holding hands.

  Amira didn’t have much more then 16 years old. Slender and beautiful like a forest doe, with her soft like cashmere skin, having her eyes easily almond and brown. Lovin, instead, was older with 2 years than his girlfriend, sturdy, with beautiful features and with his eyes greenish like emeralds, which melts so many young hearts.

  “Lovin, let’s just stop for a minute. I am tired.” Amira said, gasping.

  “Of course love.”

  The two of them set at an old oak shadow, which it sparkled silver flashes because of the round full moon. The crickets song grow, singing tireless the night’s melody, sometimes accompanied by an owl.

  The two were born and grew up on this island, named Ieloharis, like a forget land, which shelter mythologies and legends, and also colonies of flowers and this was one of the main business of the ieloharian people. Ieloharis was split in three small towns: Sunshine, where the two young live, Moonlight, OldStory, and the cities, Careville and Sareville.

  “Let’s go Lovin. My parents will go crazy if they will see that I am late again.” Amira said with fear, standing in her lover’s arms.

  “Yes… but Amira, if we will talk with them to let us freer, then maybe they will not say no.” the boy said a little frustrated.

  Amira was terrified at these words.

  “It is impossible! You know very well that my parents are very severe. They will not accept more than it is now, barely I convinced them to let me see you.”

  He pets her smoothly, whispering to her ear.

  “Don’t worry.”

  But Amira was more then worried; watching scared at the full and shiny moon, with her beautiful doe eyes. Lovin started to kiss her ear slowly then he grabs her neck with his lips.

  “Lovin… what are you doing? Stop it.” she said with a tiny voice. But somewhere inside of her, she didn’t want for her lover to stop loving her, so she lied down on the grass. The boy smiled and he lean over her softly shaking, while they were kissing.

  Was very late in the night, and the two lovers were running again, entering in the center of Sunshine. A small, but beautiful arranged town, having a center crossed by three main paved streets, and at a meter was a lamp which throws ghostly lights over the old but beautiful houses. A church at the end of one of those three streets could be seen, even in the moon light, and after the street was a green dark forest.

  “Shame on you!” an old lady was shouting to them, because they were making noise.

  “Good night Mrs. Pikes.” Lovin said cheerfully, holding Amira’s hand.

  After the old lady lost their sight, she entered the house, grumbling something that only she knew, with her striped cat in her arms.

  After they almost reached the edge of the forest, Lovin stopped Amira, turning his face to her.

  “Lovin, are you all right? It’s something wrong?” Amira said a little worried.

  “No sweetie, but look around and tell me where we are.” he said, watching her with his greenish burning eyes.

  “The Pepromeno Crossroads.” she said smiling, having a hunch why Lovin stopped her there.

  “Is the crossroads where the three streets, Elpifa, Eftychia and Oneiro, get together. You know the legend right?”

  Amira laughed, and her hunch got true, looking in the boy’s eyes, which they were happily sparkling.

  “Lovin, it’s just a story.”

  “But what if the story is true? What can we lose?”

  “Come on, be serious for a second. Do you really believe in it? When the full moon is on the night sky, the Pepromeno Crossroad will fulfill a desire… for me its sounds… phooey.”

  “Just please. Do this for me.”

  The girl looked around, holding Lovin’s hands.

  “OK, I will do this only for you.”

  “But try to believe in your wish.”

  “I will try.” said the girl, with half opened mouth.

  Both of them closed their eyes, Amira still smiling being very skeptical. Instead Lovin was like floating with his eyes closed. In that moment, Amira was crossed by energy in all her body, like someone was shaking her and a torrent of images starts to flow in her mind. A beautiful girl with green eyes… a huge house… everywhere blood was shed… a serial killer… a cave with a blue flower.

  “Ah!” Amira articulated, taking her hand off like Lovin was electricity. She looked scared to her boyfriend, who was worried about her reaction.

  “Love, what’s happened?”

  “I… I don’t know. I think… I’m going crazy.”

  “I don’t think that. Something was with you.”

  “I don’t know, trust me! Was like… but it’s impossible.”

  “Tell me.” he said very serious, hugging her.

  “Well… was like… I had a vision or something like that.”

  “Really? About what?”

  “This is crazy Lovin, I think I just… imagined a thing, that’s all.”

  “No, really, tell me!”

  The girl bitted her lips, after that she sighed. She turned around, watching the moon.

  “It’s odd. Let’s go home. I will tell you everything on the way.”

  “Ok my sweet.”

  The two of them grab their hands and together they left the Pepromeno Crossroad, entering the forest. The paved road ended at the entrance, followed by a country dusty one. Didn’t last long and the road exited the forest, entering in a huge glade, where were some vast houses. One of them was Amira’s.

  “I’ve seen a girl, but not one that I know. A girl… I don’t know. I saw my aunt’s house in Moonlight… a blue flower… I cannot remember well.” the girl said confused, walking slowly with the boy next to her, on the road which took a left turn, framed by the forest and the houses.

  “Well, I believe you. I believe in our legends.”

  “Lovin. The island’s myths are just simple, not real stories. My grandmother used to tell me the legends, even with that crossroad… I even didn’t have time to make a wish; I was suddenly electrocuted by something.”

  “I really do not know a legend with this thing.”

  “Whatever. I am going crazy.”

  “Hey!” he said stopping and turning her. “You are not going crazy. I believe you. Everything it’s possible here. It’s a place touched by God.”

  Amira wanted to say something about that perspective, but thought that was better to keep silence, and only smiled and to try to let that strange incident back in the past.

  Steps growing and growing in intensity could be heard. Amira turned around and froze when she saw a bony woman with a horse like face, getting closer to them.

  “It’s my mother.” Amira said to Lovin.

  The woman was so close to rage, having a furious expression on her cadaverous face.

  “Amira! What did I told you? At what time to be home? You know how concern I was? To not mention your father!”

  “Good evening Mrs. Veriss.” Lovin said polite, but the woman didn’t trace that thing.

  “Evening was when you had to bring her home. Now it’s night for goodness sake! Come along Amira, until I will not forbid you to see this clown.”

  Amira kissed Lovin for good night, but Doloress Veriss took her away, grabbing her hand to split them.

  “Good night sweetie!” Lovin said.

  “Good night Lovin.”

  “Shut up and walk.” the woman said, walking stiffed and fast back to the house.

  “Mom, listen, I can walk by myself to the house without you pulling me like I am a dog in a chain.” Amira said, wrenched from her mother’s hand, walking faster than her.

  Amira reached the yard, and to not stay and talk with her mother, she entered her house with the purpose to go straight into her room.

  The Veriss family house was ancient but beautiful in its own architectural way. It had a floor with attic, and this one was compose by the easy oblique roof, with clean windows, where the sun’s golden, warm rays went through, and the same with the moon’s silvery and gentle rays.

  The attic was split in two big rooms, and in one of them Amira was already changed for sleep. The girl’s room was large but very messy, her clothes were scattered everywhere, because the girl hurried up to not miss the date with Lovin, and planned to put them back in the dresser when she will return home. But the girl’s eyes couldn’t last longer open. Amira combed her hair softly, watching the moon, which was sitting beautiful above the green dark forest.

  She loved Lovin very much, and probably the boy returns her feeling back with the same intensity. But she was afraid. First of all, she was frighten by her parents which will not accept in neither way that their daughter to unite her destiny with her lover, for the reason that the boy doesn’t come from a wealthy family with tradition like the priest’s boys or the teacher’s. Their inexistent plan was that their smart and beautiful daughter to marry someone rich, for the Veriss family to get higher on the social scale.

  She wanted to run with Lovin far away from the island, where no one and nothing could tear them apart, or to harm them in a possible way. But was late in night, and Amira’s eyes couldn’t resist much longer open, so therefore the girl went to her bed and overthrow the small objects from it, and some cloths, on the cold floor, falling with a soft thud. She climbed in her bed, getting comfortable, prepared to enter the dream land.

  “Lovin.” she whispered and falls asleep.

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