Ieloharis Island: The Curse

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Ieloharis Island: The Curse Page 13

by CB Colin


  “WHAT?!” Amira shouted in the car, when Angell just told her and Marvell, the father-daughter discussion she had, going back to Moonlight.

  “Angell, are you out of your mind? How could you invite him to us without asking me?”

  “Mother, for the last time…” Her daughter said already exasperated. “He is my father! I called him from my part. So please stop comment. After you hide him from me 20 years, now you do not wish for me to catch up with him?”

  “It’s not fair Angell. You cannot accuse me like that, I had my reasons.”

  “Yes, good, agreed, therefore please shut up.”

  Marvell looked worried at Angell, who was paying attention at the road. He never heard talking to her mother like that. Amira bitted her lips, fearing that her daughter was pulling the past in the picture with a stainless chain.

  “Mother, calm down, ok? Everything will be alright, you’ll see.” The girl said, smiling to her from the review mirror.

  “Yes.” The woman said reluctantly.

  Angell didn’t say a word for the rest of the road, being too much happy, thinking at Lovin when he will come. Arrived in Moonlight, Angell stopped suddenly the car in front of the fence. Amira got out with undesirable speed, like in the car was a time bomb ready to explode.

  “Marvell, can you get out for a minute? I have to call someone.”

  “Should I be jealous?” Marvell joked with a bit of seriously in his voice.

  “You really have nothing to fear, this is a thing with the Ravings.”

  “Ah, ok.”

  So Marvell smiled to her, kissing her cheek, then took off his seat belt and got off, walking slowly towards the house, and Dingo wasn’t late to appear, waving his tail with energy.

  “Hello?” A known voice answered.

  “Hey Serena, it’s me Angell.”

  “Angell! I cannot believe that you called. God girl, are you alright?” What happened to you?”

  “I do not have time to tell you know, but I invite you and Lania tonight at my place. We will watch a movie, eating, talking.”

  “Yeah why not, would be great. You own me an explanation.” Serena said.

  “Of course. Come by at 8 o’clock, both of you. Bring your pajamas.”

  “Ok girl, kiss you and see you.”

  “Me too. Bye.”

  Angell smiled, getting off the car, watching at her cellphone. Marvell was still playing with Dingo in the courtyard, getting tired, laughing.

  “Marvell, let’s go inside. At 8 my girls will come by to sleep at my place.”

  “What girls?”

  “What do you mean what girls? Mariuss and Emell of course.”

  Both of them started to laugh, and Angell didn’t paid attention when Dingo ran unto her with his head straight, hitting her legs, making her to fall down.


  “Good boy Dingo, my soul friend.” Marvell said, sitting over Angell, lying in the grass.

  The two of them started to kiss, then Marvell watch her with love, petting her.

  “God Angell, I love you so much. I was so lucky with… you.”

  “I love you too Marvell, honestly. But you can get off from me now, until my mother will not see us, otherwise we will be both in trouble.”

  Too late for that, the woman was smiling behind the curtains.

  The sun was setting bored, throwing its last orange rays before it would enter the sea.

  Angell arranged everything, by the book, typical for her and was waiting for her friends to arrive.

  “So many foods in your room, is like you girls are preparing for the World War Three.” Amira said, seeing the girl’s room.

  “Mom, don’t stress me.”

  At eight and so, the door ring and Serena with Lania came inside the house. When the three of them saw each other, started happily to scream and the regrets wave came by.

  “I am so sorry…”

  “Me too.”

  “Really, I am sorry.”

  Therefore they climbed the stairs to Angell room in Amira’s amusement moment, who was laughing in shadows.

  “The teenage drama queens.” She said, going to the living room.

  “So, let me tell you the fresh gossips.” Serena started, taking a seat on the bed, while Angell closed the door. “Lania has a boyfriend. Can you believe it? I mean… Lania?”

  “Hey, I am still here.” The girl said, changing her cloths to the pajamas, a thing which the other two started to do.

  “Really Lania? Who?” Angell said, like she would never believe it.

  “I will let you guess.”

  “Covel, Derek?”

  “Girl, let Derek alone. He is mine.” Serena said, already changed.

  “What?” Angell got amazed. “For real? But I thought you guys didn’t get along, being one of Marvell’s idiotic friends.”

  “You know, he is not that idiot how he looks.”

  “Lania, do not touch them!” Angell said, seeing that the girl was already serving from the food.

  “Why not? You didn’t put them here only to admire them, right?”

  “Yeah. But do not touch the cakes, yet.”

  Lania got surprised, and grabbed some candies from a bowl.

  “And by the way, you? Who is the mysterious boyfriend?” Angell asked, seating next to Serena on the bed.

  “Let’s say that he hangs out with us very often, and we know him very well.”

  “Don’t tell me that is Emell.” Angell said.

  “Of course he is.”

  Angell remained a little shocked.

  “Lania, you know what the rule is, right?”

  “But what about the thing that we like each other? Now I have to ignore my feelings because of the stupid rule?”

  “I have to agree with her, Angell.” Serena said as well.

  “Yeah but… if they will split out, our gang will split as well. This was the rule, and you both accept it.”

  “Come on Angell! They will not break up.”

  Angell looked at Serena then Lania, easily getting angry that they didn’t respect the golden rule of their friendship, it was that none of them will not fall in love with Mariuss or Emell. Angell knew that Emell and Lania were in the past a couple and Emell liked Lania since then, not otherwise.

  “Whatever. Seems to be that what I have to say doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “Let’s not make a drama out of this.” Serena said, taking a pillow and throwing it in her head.

  “Oh yeah? You will see it coming!” Angell said, taking the pillow, and thrown in Serena’s head.

  After a couple of minutes of pillow fight, in which Angell came out very creased, the three girls were sitting nicely on the bed, eating chips and the green eyes girl told them about the meeting with Lovin.

  “And… you forgive him?” Serena said, like she couldn’t believe it.

  “Yes, anyway it wasn’t his fault. Even he told me that he proposed to my mother to raise together a family, but my mom refused him. Lovin moved in Sareville, where he started the college then him and his best friend, Sabrina’s husband, opened together a company. The name is Oriental Orange.”

  “I heard about that company.” Serena said thinking. “My house has the Oriental Orange signature; it’s a building company, right?”

  “Yes. And interior design.”

  “Hey!” Lania suddenly shouted, making the other two to flinch. “I have a brilliant idea. Let’s play a cool game.”

  “What game? Hopscotch?” Serena was laughing, making Angell to drown in her soda.

  “Ha, ha, no. You and Derek can play Hopscotch.”

  “Touché!” Angell said.

  “But what kind of game, my beauty one.” Serena asked Lania in an ironic way.

  “It is a kind of test. I have it in my laptop. In a test which you create you dream boy. It shows you pictures and all. It creates him after this test”

  Angell looked at Serena, both of them smiling. Angell wasn�
�t aware what to say, considering that her dream boy was Marvell and probably the test will show him.

  “Ok, let’s do it. You will see that our boyfriends will come out.”

  Therefore Lania jumped happily from the bed, gladly that she made her friends listening. While Lania was taking her laptop from a backpack, a white cat, Snowy, came softly, climbing the bed in Serena’s lap, and started to purr like a little white furry car engine.

  “Good. Who is first?”

  “Clearly Serena.” Angell said.

  “And why me, may I ask?”

  “Because I want to see how it is.”


  They spend 20 minute, amusing actually, moment when Serena was answering at Lania’s questions, and she was checking in the game. The result of the test made Angell to drown because of laughter, Serena to fall down on her back, and Snowy to get upset, running from her lap, and Lania to put her head on the keyboard, laughing. Serena’s imaginary boyfriend was called Seren Shitess, having red skin, full of acne. Describing like describing, but the picture which the game displayed, made the three friends to not stop laughing. Next was Angell, and after a while of laughing, Lania started to put her questions, and Angell, which didn’t wish to mock the test like Serena did, was answering honestly, sometimes bursting into laughing when she was seeing Serena’s face.

  “Ok Angell done, the guy looks very good.” Lania said after some minutes.

  She turned the laptop to Angell, which had some shortly rounds of laughing, suddenly stopping, her smile vanishing from her angelic face. Serena was looking frowned at the picture.

  “Girl, he looks so hot.” She said.

  Angell remained mute. She never imagined such a perfect boy, so beautiful. She felt her blood running into her veins, directed by the quickly pumping heart from her chest.

  “Angell? Are you alright?” Lania asked, seeing that she was looking fixed, not blinking, on the screen.

  “Y… yeah.”

  “Give him a name.” Lania said.

  “Kristall, Kristall Carter.” Angell said.

  Lania turned back the laptop, making Angell coming back on earth. Was very odd, she felt it like she just fall in love with a picture, with a virtual imaginary boy. She already hated Lania’s game.

  “Can I save the image?” Angell said agitated.

  “Yes, but…”

  She continues no longer, because Angell jumped from the bed, running towards her small office near her room. Serena and Lania were changing worried looks about her friend. Angell came back into her room with her laptop.

  “Here is my data cable.” Angell said, giving Lania a white cable, and she connected it in her laptop. Angell was shaking when saw that the image was transferring with success on her laptop, and then she saved the picture.

  “Angell, are you feeling ok?” Serena asked.

  “Yes… yes.” She said, not taking her eyes from the screen.

  Serena closed her laptop, putting her hand on the monitor, living it down.

  “I mean that if you really feeling ok.”

  “Yeah man, I am fine. Let’s watch a movie.”

  Even though Serena didn’t believe a damn, Lania was pleased by this idea because she finally can touch the food, especially the cakes. Tempted by the scent, the white cat came back in the room, and Angell took her away in the hall, closing the door after her.

  After midnight, the movie was for a long time done, and Lania was sleeping deep, full of sweets, sleeping without worries. Instead Serena and Angell were seating in the balcony with two cups of hot chocolate, to talk in peace, especially that they weren’t feeling exhausted. That night was very pleasant and beautiful, warm, with the moon almost full on the sky full of stars.

  “Serena, did ever happen to you to have a crush on something that doesn’t exist?” Angell seriously asked her.

  “Not quite. On things or what do you mean?”


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