Ieloharis Island: The Curse

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Ieloharis Island: The Curse Page 14

by CB Colin

  Chapter VII

  The wish

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  “I mean on persons, maybe imaginary ones.”

  “Angell, don’t tell me that you fall in love with Kristall Carter!”

  “I think so Serena… I am so confused.”

  “It’s not good! It’s not good at all. It’s never OK to fall in love with something that doesn’t exist, otherwise you could get mad. You will start to see him everywhere, talking to him anywhere, when actually you are talking alone. I personal advice you to erase that picture from your laptop and to concentrate on your relationship that you have. Marvell is real, and he loves you, Angell.”

  “Yes, you are right.” Angell said, not convinced by her own words.

  “By the way, I forgot to tell you. Did you hear that Vanilla committed suicide?”

  “What? How? Why?”

  “Well she killed herself with a sheet from her cell.”

  “It doesn’t surprise me.”

  “And are you glad of this?” Serena asked, taking a drink from her warm chocolate.

  “No. Why to be glad? That she tried to murder me?”

  Serena nodded her head, holding her cup tight. The truth was that Angell didn’t hat her.

  “She was simply blinded of envy that I was in the middle of attention. I feel sorry for her. You know, once we were really friends. When we first met, but she saw that I was ending up in the spotlight and… she transformed herself that way.”

  “What can I say, God forgive her.” Serena said, and Angell could distinguish the carelessness in her voice.

  In the next morning, Angell was feeling much better than the night before and she meets Marvell, and together they took a walk in Careville city. He was making the girl effectively to forget everything bad, especially to take her mind of Kristall. She really cared about their relationship, but something was like holding her from stepping ahead, something not erased from her laptop.

  October came and the heat was no longer ruling the island, it evaporated once with the passing month.

  In a Wednesday morning, when the girl with emerald eyes was watering the blue flowers, the queen addressed to the girl. In that moment she was watching the grey sky and flinched when she heard the queen speaking, like she wasn’t yet used with that.

  “Angell, in this night the moon will be full for the third time. I hope you are prepared.”

  “Yes.” The girl lied.

  “In this night, at three in the morning, you have to lit 14 candles, and putt them around me, and then you have to step barefoot on the flowers. You will burn an object of your desire and you will cast the ash over us.”

  “Cool. I have a question though. Where is Lovin?” Angell asked, sort of worrying, because Lovin didn’t appear for two nights before, even if he had to come when the girls made their small gather.”

  “Lovin Rivertmen it is on his way, he just enters the Moonlight land.” The flower replied.

  Angell made eyes wide at the flower’s affirmation, and jumped literally in the air being happy, throwing the sprinkler in a part. She was heading towards the yard; with her white with black spots dog, Dingo, who was barking crazy.

  A car could be heard how it was approaching the house, and Angell exit the yard to welcome the guest, but suddenly an idea came in her mind. She hided herself after a thick tree, which was linking the house yard to the road, seeing a spacious automobile, black colored, and a man, pretty handsome, got out from it.

  Angell jumped over him, trying to scare him, but he was pretending that her plan was fulfilled.

  “Angell, I could get a heart attack.” He said smiling, hugging her.

  “I should slap you once more. You didn’t come on time, meaning now two nights ago. We are already in 1 October.” The girl said, not upset.

  “I know, and I am very sorry, really. I was caught at work.”

  “I believe you, scouts honor.”

  Lovin laughed, looking around pretty amazed. He woke up with Dingo behind him, who smelled him very curiously, not knowing who he was.

  “Dingo, this is my father, Lovin. Lovin, this is my sweet puppy, Dingo.”

  “Hey Dingo.” Lovin said, getting down on his knee, and shaking the dog’s paw. He automatically started to play.

  Suddenly Amira appeared at the fence, being curious. Lovin was playing with Dingo, but then he rose up, and in the moment when he saw Amira, his teenage smile disappeared from his face, with a blink of an eye. Angell was looking at both, seeing their expression on their faces, and then she sarcastic smiled.

  “I will leave you alone. Lovin, I will take your luggage in the guest’s room.” Angell said, going to the trunk. Lovin ignored her, paying attention to Amira.

  Angell took his trolley and a backpack, closing the trunk, making Amira to come back from the clouds.

  “Angell, let me help you with that.” She said, but the girl protested.

  “No thanks, I can handle them.” She said, making a sign with her head to Lovin, who remained like hypnotized.

  Angell went into the house, opening the door. She looked behind and saw that her parents started to talk, a thing which was a good start. Arrived at the guest’s room, next to her own one, Angell throw the luggage, grabbing her hip, and looking on the window being curious, having her heart small like a flea. A large smile appeared on her face when she saw her parents kissing with passion. She started to shout out of happiness and to dance, manifesting her joyful. She was happy even for the fact the she was having finally the both parents, and their teenage feeling seemed to be that didn’t disappeared.

  If she wouldn’t find the flower of Forget-Me-Not, probably none of this would happen. After Lovin came inside and all three of them spent the most wonderful dinner, Angell could ever dream off, in laughing and telling stories. Angell went later to her room, full, thinking that in that night was her last chance for the wish with full moon. Her desires stuff was flowing like a torrent in the girl’s mind, but they started to lose their contour. To have a family, she already has one. A lover, she already has. Success? Let’s say that she has it, but then what was it. In the moment when she made the pact with the flower she was wishing so bad to not exist any longer on Earth, but things have changes since then and of course that wish was invalid now. She got up from the bed, drained of ideas, while Snowy was sleeping in silence on one of the chairs; Angell opened her laptop to get some ideas. She went with her cursor to the pictures folder and then her heart stopped, and her eyes got bigger. She was looking at the recent saved picture, namely at the virtual boy named by her, Kristall Carter.

  “Too bad that he doesn’t exist.” She said, but her heart started to pump the blood very fast in all her body. She can have him! This was the wish. Kristall Carter. But with Marvell, what she will do about him? He was her real boyfriend, cannot just bring Kristall in her life. But maybe Marvell shouldn’t supposed to find out about that.

  Angell nervously smiled at that suddenly idea, but she outstare again when she thought that for the wish she need a certain object for it. She cannot burn the laptop. She got up, walking throw the room, with her brain damaged. What she could do about that? She knew already what the wish was.

  She gave up with that wish, going to the kitchen. The clock was 12 in the night, and she couldn’t sleep a second thinking intensely at what will be next. She opened the fridge, and took the orange juice bottle, pouring in a glass. She was so lost in space that she even didn’t see that the juice was already slopping, going softly on the table, and then flowing down on the floor.

  “I am such an idiot.” She said, running into her mother’s bathroom, taking a mop and a rag. While she was cleaning the disaster made, was inside laughing as well.

  “Maybe I will wish for a little brother.”

  She watched outside from the hall window, when she took the mop back, seeing that Lovin’s car was still there. So he didn’t left.

  Then she took her glass with juice, and went slowly to her room, cl
imbing the stairs. What can she wish for? What? But she already knew the answer to that question. She wanted Kristall. But how can she have him from the moment that he wasn’t real, and the girl didn’t have a single object from him to burn, beside his picture from the laptop. She took a seat in the chair where Snowy was sleeping, taking the cat in her lap, slowly petting her. What if the picture from the laptop could be taking out?

  “Wait a minute!” Angell said loudly, getting up fast, making the cat spit unhappy.

  Even if she didn’t know that will work or not, Angell hurried up to her desk taking her laptop in arms, putting the empty glass on the table. She ran fast from her room, to her office. She entered directly in it, not realizing at the moment that Lovin was sleeping right next to her room, but something told her that he was resting somewhere down, in one particular room. She opened the light, and looked around very excited after the print. Saw it and thrilled, took it and with his cable, connected on her laptop.

  Her hands were shaking strongly, trying to print the picture and finally she managed to do that. Nervous, she watched the paper printed, displaying Kristall on it.

  “Yes! He will be mine!” She said, running into her room.

  She went straight to the balcony, watching the east. Above the forest, she could see the pale full moon, round, which was casting translucent lights. She was so thrilled that she couldn’t control her shaking.

  Three o’clock came by very hard, that Angell was making tours in the house. She ran quickly in her room (when she saw 2:55 on the clock from the living room), took 14 prepared candles from her desk. Of course that she didn’t forget about the Kristall picture, and therefore she ran in her little garden from the backyard, where the blue flowers were waiting.

  “Angell, are you ready?” The queen flower said.

  Angell started to stick the candles into the earth, kindling them, seeing that the flowers around were literately glowing, like the fireflies, spreading ghostly and blue lights around. She didn’t say a thing. She wasn’t amazed about that flower aspect, maybe just because the main flower could speak with her.

  After that Angell took a place with the barefoot in the middle of the flowers, turning her face to the moon. She took a lighter from the pocket and fired the picture where Kristall could be seen clearly. Angell closed her eyes, putting the flame picture in a sieve and started to dispel the ash over the flowers. In the moment when the ash touched the flowers like a black snow, the candles flame became blue and started to extinguish one by one, like someone invisible was blowing them. Angell suddenly woke up in a middle of a storm. Even though the sky was clear, the wind started to blow, making the girl’s hair to get crazy. The girl got scared observing how the full moon was covered by black clouds of storm, and the lightings started to cross the night sky. Angell looked desperately around, seeing the ash which she spread it, to powerfully twist making a small tornado, higher then Angell herself. The girl didn’t see further what was going on, because she stared to get dizzy, feeling ill. And she felt down on the ground, like she was stricken in her head.

  “Angell! Angell, God how much can you sleep?! Wake up!” Someone was yelling at Angell’s ear.

  She opened her eyes, seeing that Amira was standing above her, watching worried.

  “M…mom. Where am I?”

  “What do you mean where are you? You are in your room, silly.”


  Angell rose up from the bed, seeing that her mother was right. She looked around none believing. As far as she remembers, last time she was in the small garden of flowers, and now she was in her bed dressed in her pajamas. Was it a dream?

  Angell watched Amira lost, like the woman wasn’t rational.

  “What’s the time?”

  “It’s one pm.”

  Angell jumped like burnt from the bed, running towards the bathroom almost knocking Amira down. She didn’t understand why her daughter was acting that strange. Angell looked in the mirror, shaking, washing her white and sweaty face with cold water. She really didn’t get it, was it only in her mind?

  Coming back to her room, she changed, combed her hair, and arranged herself like she was going to an event. She lowered to the down floor, then exit in the main courtyard, wanting to go straight to the flower’s garden. Her mother and Lovin were seating in the main yard, at a shade of a linden. Angell softly smiled, observing that they were hugging and loving each other like they used to when they were simply teenagers. Angell walked stiffed and quick, to the flowers, having a twinge in her stomach. That twinge quickly transformed in a pain, like someone just hit her stomach. In the small pack of blue flowers, something was missing, namely the queen.

  Angell ran scared to the house, entering he main courtyard, and Amira called her. Angell tried desperately to manifest an impassible face as possible but she didn’t manage with success.

  “Angell are you feeling well?” Lovin asked easily worried, seeing her face expression.

  “Yes, I am fine.”

  The girl smiled fake, looking elsewhere, then she lowered her eyes and got out a small moan. Lovin had a burn in his palm of his right hand.

  “What’s wrong? Ah, you saw it, I really don’t know where this came from, maybe it’s a rash or…”

  “Can I see it?” The girl said already terrified.

  Lovin smiled to her, and starched his hand and Angell moaned once more. The man had on his right palm the 14 number crested in his skin, like he putted his hand on a hot mold. Lovin thought that she reacted in that way because of the burn, but he didn’t know that Angell was actually terrified because of the Forget-me-not flowers, being cursed, and no one beside the girl, cannot touch them, much less to tear them. Was plain as a pikestaff that Lovin pulled out the Queen Flower, and the Marked one will going to die.

  “What is it Angell? Really, you are starting to freak me out!” Amira said worried.

  Angell watched her like she was about to burst into tears. The girl didn’t say a word, trying to sketch a nicked smile, and the two parents changed significant looks.

  “You know, I don’t feel anything.” Lovin said, looking at the palm.

  “Yes… I will go…” Angell said, but didn’t finish the sentence, that she ran to the house, scared.

  Amira went after her, entering the house, and found Angell at the kitchen table, drinking a glass of juice.

  “Good God Angell, tell me what is wrong? You scare me!”

  “Nothing, really, I just had a nightmare, that’s all.”

  “Oh, look, to not think at that, if you please, can you go to the grocery store in the center to buy me celery, potatoes and some carrots? I want today to make a sweet soup, how you love the most.” The woman said, smiling.

  “Yes, I will.” The girl said, happy that she had a reason to get out from the house, without seeing Lovin, knowing that he was about to die.

  Amira went back to the kitchen with her car keys, and some money. Angell grabbed everything fast, exiting the house, knowing that Amira was watching her long, but she didn’t care. The more she will get out, the better would be. Therefore she went to the garage, opened the door from the wheel, and got on starting the engine, while the garage door was easily rising. Angell changed the music volume to max, not hearing even the noisiest explosion ever, if it would be. She stepped onto the acceleration pedal and went from the garage. She was driving unmindfully to the center, feeling her tears coming out. She wanted the most to go out from the house, for her mother to not see her crying, knowing that Lovin took the curse over him. She stopped the car in the center, near the grocery store, crying for good, looking in the review mirror and clearing her mascara lowered because of the tears. She slowed the music down, feeling a new wave of crying coming, but she refrained, entering that grocery store. She even didn’t park the car well, and if the Sobber policeman would catch her, she could remain without the car and to get a fine so big that she would have to pay it from her school money. She really didn’t care how she parked the car
, taking a red cart, looking for the need vegetables. The image with Lovin’s “burn” palm didn’t manage to skip away from the girl’s mind, and she forgot what was about to take. She couldn’t call her mother, because she didn’t take the phone with her. She walk with the cart all around, observing an old lady how was analyzing a tomato until the small details, like the woman could see with her eyes the molecules. Angell didn’t pay attention at all when she enter with the cart in someone, making her falling down, and the other one to spill the cart over her.

  “Oh my God, I am so sorry, really. It’s my fault.” She said, face-red.

  “Don’t worry, it’s nothing.” A thick and sharp, melodious man voice answered her.

  Angell looked at him and remained stoned. The boy in which she enter with her red cart was double like body then her, imposing and strong. His face was in oval shape, with short and dark hair, and the sideburns were aesthetically uniting with the beard and mustache. He had beautiful and brown eyes, like an innocent child. A golden earring in his ear was the sign that the boy wasn’t that innocent.

  “Are you alright?” He smiled to her, starching a hand to lift her up, observing that she wasn’t saying a thing.

  “Yes… yes. I think so.”

  “I am really sorry, I was paying attention to the list my mother gave me home and…”

  “G… God, we have the same problem.” Angell clumsy smiled, feeling her blood bursting her cheeks.

  The boy looked at her smiling, and then he stretches a hand to her.

  “My name is Kristall. Kristall Carter.”

  “I know… I mean, I’m glad. I… I, Angell Veriss. And Valentine in the middle.” She said, couldn’t believe her own eyes.

  “Glad to meet you Angell Veriss with Valentine in the middle.” He laughed short; shaking his hand with hers, and the girl felt his body warmth how was burning her.

  “Well… bye.” Angell said, leaving her cart and running back to her car, leaving Kristall behind to look after her confused. The girl forgot how to open the door because of the emotions, which they could be seen on her, very easy, from her hands which were strongly shaking. When finally she unlocked the car, she jumped at the wheel, and with a fantastic speed, she ran towards home, like she was been followed by someone.

  “God!” She shouted at the wheel, driving with speed.

  So after all the flower was very right in what it concerns her, even if she started to have doubts about the so called wish, but at the end the boy from her laptop came outside. She cannot believe it and more she was thinking about then more became ridiculous. She really didn’t understand what exactly happen and smiled cheerfully thinking that everything is going to be fine. But didn’t last long this euphoria because her beautiful smiled disappeared like a snap from her pinky lips when she remembered that another person was interfering her plans, namely Marvell.

  She must not forget that he was his boyfriend, so therefore she had to broke up with him until he will not find out about Kristall or worse, the flower, even though she had no clue how will take action in this case, and in the end wasn’t that simple how it looks to be. She will have to tell him the truth, after all he was a smart boy and he will understand, right? Angell smiled ironically and was thinking at Marvell which discovered that he was replaced by a virtual character which came alive, not knowing how.

  Arrived at home, much happier than ever, even if the fears were starting to come by, the accumulated joyful from meeting her wish, evaporated fast when she saw Lovin. He and her mother were seating on a blanket, laughing without a worry.

  “Angell, you came back.” Amira said, with tears in her eyes from so much laughing.

  “Ah, mom, I forgot what I was supposed to buy…” Angell said, felting lost, not knowing what to say.

  “What? Angell I left you a note with what you have to buy, I put it in your bag, where is your head? Now I have to go by myself because you…”

  “Good idea.” The girl said, running towards the entrance door.

  She didn’t climb much the stairs, that Amira opened the main door, more than happy with a yellow bag in her hand.

  “Angell why didn’t you told me that you forgot the grocery bag?”

  “What?” The girl answered blocked. “But I have not even bought anything.”

  “Come on Angell, stop fooling around. A nice boy just came and brought them.”

  Angell remained mute. Very curious, she ran the stairs down, almost to hit her head in her wild running. Amira made a sign to someone outside to enter, and when that someone did, the girl’s heart stopped beating, and with a large smiled, Kristall came in.

  “Hello again. I thought that you forget something back there.” He said.

  Angell was too amazed to talk, remaining with her mouth easily opened. Amira giggled then said.

  “Angell, how we say to the boy? Thaaaank you” She said like talking to a kindergarten child.

  “Ah yeah, thanks. I am… flattered by your gesture.”

  “Not at all, the pleasure was all mines.”

  “Do you want a glass of juice? At least this I can do for you, given the fact that my daughter is somewhere up in the clouds.”

  “Sure, I would love too.”

  “What is your name?” Amira asked.

  “Kristall, Kristall Carter, madam.”

  “Nice too meet you, oh and it’s Amira for you.”

  “OK Amira.” Kristall laughed shortly, watching charming at Angell.

  Amira invited Kristall in the backyard, at the terrace with Angell and Lovin. Dingo was already over Kristall, sniffing him everywhere to see if he is trustable or not.

  “Kristall, what does your parents do for living?”

  “They are doctors.”

  Angell wasn’t surprised, of course that she was already aware of Kristall parents were doctors. At least that how she imagined them to be.

  “And you will be the same?”

  “I am already a doctor, at least an intern one.”

  “Really?” Amira was surprised.

  Dingo started to bark, sign that someone just entered the courtyard. After the house corner, Serena came with a large smile on her lips.

  “Hello everyone, I came to…”

  But she suddenly stopped, seeing Kristall.

  “Hey Serena.” Angell said, face-red.

  “Sorry, do I know you from somewhere?” Serena asked Kristall.

  “I am sorry, I don’t think so. I come from the continent.” He said, smiling.

  “Not a problem.” Serena said.

  Angell got up, and Serena grabbed her arm, walking fast to the main yard.

  “Ouch Serena, let go of me.” Angell said, taking her arm back.

  “So, please tell me… What the hell is doing the guy from your laptop in your backyard?”

  “Serena, I don’t know how to explain this.”

  “It’s clear as the day Angell, that you cheated the game.” Serena smiled sneaky.

  “What?” Angell frowned her eyebrows.

  “Yes. I mean, this guy you met before the game, haven’t you? And you didn’t bother to imagine him. You are such a bitch! You cheated!”

  “Yes. Ok, you caught me.” Angell said relief, without being forced to start telling her friend what Kristall was doing for real in her backyard.

  “But he is so hot! Much hotter than the picture. Now tell me, how you guys met?”

  “Well, throw Sabrina.” Angell lied.

  “It’s that so?”

  “Yeah, his parents are doctors and… they know each other.”

  Serena was pleased by the fake answer and then she gave her a pink bag.

  “What is this?”

  “The skirt. Did you forget? You let me borrow it when…”

  “Oh yeah, I almost forgot.”

  “Anyway, I have to go. I will meet Derek soon. Marvell said something about tonight, for all four of us to go somewhere.”

  “Maybe. We will talk and see.”

  “OK A
ngell, kiss you, bye.”

  “Bye Serena.” Angell said relief, and when she turned back she almost hit for the second time with Kristall. She felt again her blood running and her cheeks, burning them.

  “Sorry, I have to go.”

  “I have a question though. How did you know what I had to buy?”

  “Well beside your head, you forgot a list too.” He said, putting a small paper in her hand.

  “See you around beautiful.” He said, happily winking at her and leaving.

  Angell stood still with she remained with mouth opened when she saw that the boy at a wheel of an expensive black car. He horned couple of times and derived straight, disappearing from her eyes.

  “This is what I call weirdness.” She said to her, and then went back to the house.

  The night felt quickly, and Angell didn’t exit her room at all, thinking intensely at Kristall. She really could not explain to herself, why Kristall Carter was so charming, and how he suddenly appeared in her way. Of course, she knew very well why, because of the promise made by flower, that her wish will come true after three full moons. The girl’s phone started to ring, and its master answered reluctant.


  “Hey Angell, I’m Marvell. How are you sweetie? Do you come out tonight with me and Serena with Derek?”

  “Where?” She said, without a small path of happiness in her voice.

  “We want to go at The Three Sailors, you know, the bar in the sea port.”

  Angell sighed, thinking. Maybe was a good idea to leave the house with Marvell, and maybe Kristall will vanish from her mind, once she will see the boy.

  “Ok Marvell. Where I have to come?”

  “I will come to you. We will go at 10 o’clock.”

  “Ok, then I will wait for you.”

  “Ok love. Bye.”

  “Bye Marvell.” The girl with long and light brown hair said, throwing her phone on the bed, and then she took a pillow yelling in it.

  “Jesus, I am so stupid! What the hell am I doing? It’s Marvell, who is actually my boyfriend, then comes Kristall which… uh, I am already so confused. I will go and get dressed before he will come.”

  Therefore the girl was happy to go to the bathroom and to start her preparing ritual, when was the thing to go out.

  After half an hour, Angell grabbed her hair in a long tail, and she wasn’t makeup strongly or to wear shiny cloths. Looking in the mirror she said that was ok. A horn could be heard from the fence, and Amira shouted from the kitchen.

  “Angell! It’s Marvell!”

  “OK.” She whispered, and took her purse, going to the hall, then lowering the stairs. Something inside her was telling the girl to quit everything, and to turn back into her room.

  “By mom, see you later. Bye Lovin.”

  “Bye sweetie.”

  “Have a great time Angell.”

  “Yeah, thank. I hope so.” She whispered to her.

  She exit outside, and realized that was pretty chilly. She went to the gate and left the yard. Marvell was remarkable as usual. He got out from the car and hugged Angell, and without any enthusiasm, she let herself hugged then kissed.

  “Ready love? What’s wrong?” He asked, seeing her face expression.

  “Nothing.” She lied. “Shall we go?” She said fast, to change the subject.


  Marvell opened the door, making way for the girl to get in. Then he got in at the wheel and together left, heading to the sea port, where were some locals among which was the Three Sailors. Angell wasn’t feeling ok, and her mind was flying to those brown and beautiful eyes, sensual lips, the ring from his ear, the tattoo on his muscular arm, his chest out in front, his aesthetic beard.


  “Huh?” She said, waking up like from a dream.

  “So where is your mind at? I just asked you how you parents get along.”

  “Ah, well very well, until now at least. My mother said in this days maybe she will get ready for a wedding. Finally, the two lovers get married.” She said with a path of happiness.

  “And we will be next.” Marvell said smiling.


  “Nothing.” Marvell said, trying to be mysterious, but didn’t managed to do that. He didn’t make Angell to jump in the air happy, on the contrary she got frighten. This was the last straw; in rest she had it all.

  “We are here.” Marvell said, entering the sea port.

  Angell raised her eyes, observing the fisheries around, boats, some yacht (one of them belonged to Vanilla’s family), and a stationed ship.

  All the fishermen’s boats were easily waving on water because of the waves. Marvell stopped the car near a fishery, and they got out. The wind was blowing softly around, and everywhere it could be sense the fish smell. Some seagulls could be heard above.

  “Angell, Marvell!” A known voice was shouting. A little far it could be seen Serena and a tall boy, no one then Derek.

  Angell smiled, happy that she wasn’t forced to spend the night with Marvell, when Kristall was invading her mind.

  “Hey Serena.” Said Angell kissing at once with her on the cheeks.

  “Hey honey. You remember Derek, right?” She said,

  “How can I forget?” Angell said smiling.

  “No one can’t forget him. Shall we go?” Marvell said, taking the girl’s hand and she let herself guided be him.

  The Three Sailors local was on the other side of the sea port and fortunately wasn’t a big one. It had two levels, entirely build of wood, with round tables, same as the chairs.

  The fourth of them went to the last level, because the first was full. They found a free table, right next to the window, where the sea could be seen. Even if was pretty dark outside.

  “So, what shall we eat?” Marvell asked.

  “Well here they have only… like fish or sea fruits, right?” Serena said.

  “Yes. I want fried cuttlefish.”

  Angell made a little grimace, and initially she orders a non-acidulated juice, even if her instinct was demanding her to drink alcohol. The waitress brought their orders, seemed unpleasant for some reason, or she was like that from the birth, Angell thought to herself.

  All of them were talking, laughing, only Angell was seating there without paying attention, looking into the void, thinking at Kristall. She didn’t know why, but that boy, appeared from the girl’s mind, didn’t let her alone at all, was like Kristall hypnotized her. Serena was the only one who observed her friend’s odd behavior, throwing some quick looks in time to time like she was expecting the girl to get up and leave them. Even if Angell was thinking at exact thing as her friend, she couldn’t dare to do it. Her phone started to vibrate, and gladly she opened it and read a text message, which was from Mariuss. When she read, she frowned, looking at Serena.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s from Mariuss. He wrote me, please come down for a second. We need to talk something serious.”

  “But he is never serious.” Serena giggled.

  “Well, I will go out and see.” Angell said happy that she had a reason to leave from the table.

  Therefor the girl made way to pass and to lower the stairs, cheerfully, under the Marvell’s perplexed glances and the Serena’s suspicious eyes. When Angell disappeared from their sight, Marvell turned his face to Serena.

  “What is going on with her?”

  “I don’t know, but I will find out.” The girl said, getting up. Derek made the same action but the girl stopped him.

  “You sit down. Where do you think you’re going? I am going to see what Mariuss wants from Angell.”

  So Derek, unhappy, sat back on his chair and Serena went after Angell, also lowering the stairs.

  Angell was standing at a lamp, looking around.

  “Angell.” A known voice called her.

  “Mariuss, what’s the matter?”

  Mariuss came from the dark, looking angry and pretty serious, a rare thing at him, con
sidering that he was always happy and joking. Angell got afraid by his appearance.

  “Mariuss! Are you hurt?”

  On Mariuss face she could see some wounds, like the boy was beaten with a whip. He had purple circles under his brown eyes and he looked pretty weak, like the boy was suffering a disease.

  “Angell Valentine Veriss! What have you done?”


  “You heard me. You are making the biggest mistake of your life, and you will put not only yourself in danger but the others as well.”

  “What are you taking about?” She said confused.

  “I am talking about your stupid pact which will kill a lot of people, Angell!”

  Angell remained stunned. How did Mariuss found out about her pact with the flower? Angell knew very well that she didn’t tell anyone. She took an unknowing attitude, like Mariuss was talking rubbish.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She was playing the fool.

  “Oh no, you know very well Angell what I am talking about. You made a pact with the devil.”

  Angell burst out laughing.

  “Let’s be serious Mariuss. If is one of your stupid jokes, it is not funny at all.”

  “I am not joking. I am referring to your pretty cute cursed little flower Angell! You shouldn’t make a pact with her. Now not only you are cursed but the entire island.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me. Put an end to this, until will not be too late.”

  “Mariuss. How do you know all this? Did you spy me?”

  “I don’t have to spy you Angell. I know many things without finding myself out. Kristall will kill you!”

  “No, he will not. You are talking shit…”

  “I AM NOT TALKING SHIT AT ALL. Stop everything until he will stop you.” Mariuss lost his temper, and Angell saw him for the first time angry. She was already scared.

  “Mariuss, you are scaring me! What’s wrong with you?”

  “Doesn’t matter. I will be gone for good. But remember this Angell that it not will end all here. See you in… nightmare.”

  “What? What nightmare? Mariuss, wait! Where are you leaving?”

  But in vain was Angell shouting after him, that Mariuss turned back and disappeared like he appeared from the dark, leaving Angell with thousands of questions in her mind. Like for example, how did Mariuss knew all that stuff?

  “Angell? What is going on?”

  Angell flinched, seeing Serena getting closer.

  “Really nothing. I have to go home. Now.” She said, staring to cry.

  She felt threatened and hurt. If Mariuss knew something, means that Angell was not the only one who knew the fantasy. Serena was watching her very confused, taking her hand.

  “Whatever it is Angell, you know very well that I am here for you.”

  “What you heard from Mariuss, do not tell Marvell.”

  “Of course I will not. Let’s go home.”

  And so the girls went back to the local, and Angell couldn’t think more than Mariuss sayings. Kristall will kill? What he was referring too? Especially that he told her, see you in nightmare. But she couldn’t end up there, as for she was drinking that flower tea.

  She could sleep all night, Mariuss’s voice was still reverbing in the girl’s mind.

  “Who are you Mariuss?” She asked herself in the end.

  The next day Amira announced her that at dinner Kristall will come to join them.


  “Yes. He brought you this.” The woman said, taking the girl’s hand, and leading her in the living room. Angell remained amazed looking at the flowers bouquets, and not only one or two, were over 10 beautiful bouquets of all the colors and smells, occupying the living room.


  “So Angell, I don’t know who is this boy, but I invited him and his family at dinner. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all.” The girl said amazed, feeling a hole in her stomach.

  In that moment Lovin lowered the stairs, being dressed elegant.

  “Where are you going so office?” Angell asked curiously.

  “I have to go in Sareville, for a meeting. I will come back tomorrow morning.”

  “You cannot come tonight? Kristall’s family will be here. And I wanted to introduce you to them as my father.”

  “Trust me Angell that I would love to, but I have no choice. Of course, if I still want to have a job.”

  “I understand, it’s not a problem.” The girl said with a trace of regret in her voice. She felt a twinge in her stomach when she saw the number from his hand, therefore the girl followed him until his car, and then she hugged him.

  “Angell, I will return back tomorrow.” The man said easily surprised.

  “Please, be very careful. Dad.”

  Lovin remained for a second amazed, and then he kissed her forehead.

  “I will sweetie. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Take care of your mom for me.”

  Angell watched him a little scared, like Lovin just said good bye forever. He winked her happy and got on the wheel, driving slowly, and Angell watched his car how disappeared in the forest, wiping a tear.

  The night lowered fast, since the day was shorter, and the night became the ruler of the year.

  Amira made a big table in the living room, taking the girl’s flowers and putting them into her room. The girl’s stomach got smaller when in that moment Kristall came in the house, charming, in a white shirt, being very formal and elegant. Was very odd to meet his parents, since she didn’t imagine them as well. But something tells her that this time not only she actioned in Kristall’s life. At dinner, the Carter family started to tell stories about Kristall’s life, a thing which Angell didn’t see it normal, because Kristall was always in her mind. She started to think if Kristall didn’t live a life before.

  The boy was watching her long and charming, and Angell was almost to choke with the food, when he took her hand under the table, making her face going pinky.

  “You are very beautiful Angell.” He said, whispering to her ear. “I like you a lot.”

  Angell smiled to him, without saying a word. His warm touch was making her to forget the rest of the world, like his energy was so strong that another person didn’t count for her.

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