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Ieloharis Island: The Curse

Page 22

by CB Colin


  At her funeral, was so much pain, that even the wheatear changed itself becoming gray. A lot of people were crying young Serena off, which left the world too soon, and unfair. Angell felt a new wave of guild by her death, but she was refusing to say this thing to no one, fearing agreeing with her.

  While the priest was saying that every human have they way to walk on in the life, and after all of us have a date to pay to the death, Angell was watching in silence Serena’s body, which seemed sleeping and she was waiting in ever second that the girl will get up and to say a funny expression, but unfortunately isn’t possible. She observed the 14 number on her hand, because Serena was standing with her palms up (was the ieloharian tradition). A blind fury took charge on Angell’s body. Because of her stubbornness, did happened what happen.

  Late in the night, she and Lania went to the Pound alone, putting a blue blanket on the ground (Serena’s favorite color) and started to talk about Serena all night, listening the crickets.

  “Do you remember the last words Serena spoke to us?” Lania asked, playing careless with a blanket corner.

  “I will be right back.” Angell said sad.

  She was getting sadder when remembered that she let Serena go, when she could follow her. She couldn’t explain to her parents that their daughter was cursed by a mythological flower, and she will about to die, they would believe that Angell was drugged. Even if Serena said that she will be back, she did it but in a lacquered coffin.

  “Remember when she helped you with Arvis?” Angell asked Lania.

  “When was that?”

  “When you had sixteen years old and you decided to deflowered, because of me and Serena saying all the time, The Virgin Lania.”

  “Anyway you were virgin as well.” Lania said, with a trace of smile on her face.

  “Of course, but we preferred to torture you.”

  “Yes, I remember that event, was really hilarious.”

  They discus about Serena until the dawns, from the tragically loss of their friends, until they started to laugh and somehow enjoying for Serena, for that she was a funny girl and wanted for them to remember her in that way.

  The sun was sharing the first rays on the freshly earth, slipping throw the tree branches of the forest. Meanwhile Marvell were searching the girl in the Pound, getting closer to the small muddy lake, in the dense forest which was attached to dense fog.

  When suddenly, without expecting, he met no other amphipathic person then Kristall Carter. He threating smiled, being taller and stronger then Marvell.

  “Marvell. What a surprise, I was searching you.” He said.

  “And you are?”

  “Kristall Carter. Glad to meet you.” The boy said ironically.

  “Ah yeah… you are the asshole which stole my fiancé.”

  “Fiancé?” Kristall seemed interested.

  “Ah yeah, you didn’t know?” Marvell said with sarcasm. “We will get married soon.”

  “Well congratulations dear Marvell, but I have to tell you something clearly. I for one do not give up; I want Angell, even if I have to destroy the entire world to reach her. And plus, let’s be serious, I am her dream boy.”

  “Too bad dude. You can no longer do anything about it. But you know what you can do now? To disappear.” Marvell said, and the last word he pronounced severely, threating. Kristall burst into laughter which didn’t predict something good.

  “Well, you know what, because I am a nice guy… or just forget it, I am not, and I do not wish to step foot aside. Anyway, that’s why I was searching for you. I wanted to talk with you all day, and look the sun isn’t full raised yet.”

  “For you I don’t have even a second, you stupid jerk. Bye.”

  Marvell let Kristall to smile like a fool further, walking away from him, getting into the trees, searching further the girls. Didn’t last long, and he woke up with him once more, after a tree, and this time Kristall was about to explode of anger.

  “So you don’t want to step aside, right?”

  “Right. I don’t.”

  Kristall walked slowly towards him, pulling out a sharp and long knife, with its silver with rubies handle. Marvell lost his triumph smile seeing the sharp and dangerous dagger.

  “Play cool bro’! I don’t want any trouble.”

  “Nor will you have them.”

  Marvell didn’t stand to be stabbed, therefore he turned away throw the trees, making Kristall to laugh hysterical. But didn’t last longer until he was running into the forest labyrinth, that something grabbed his chest, crashing him down on the ground with his front.

  Kristall didn’t stay and chat, grabbing Marvell’s hair.

  “Say goodbye to your life.” Kristall said, and he stretched his head. Everything happen in a fraction of a second, Kristall waved the sharp knife, cutting his throat deepest possibly.

  The innocent blood squirted, splashing everything around, while Marvell was struggling with his last powers like a chicken to her sacrifice.

  The sun rose up for good on the morning sky, lighting the ruby liquid from the leafs and trees, where Marvell was killed.

  Angell was sleeping peaceful on the blanket, hugging Lania, both of them sagging because of the morning’s chill, when someone woke her up. She rubbed her eyes to see better who waked her and made big eyes seeing a little ginger boy, which was making desperately signs to come over to him. The girl didn’t stay to wait for a second thought and woke up for good from sleeping, watching her friends, which was deep sleeping. She followed the boy throw the forest, seeing that he wasn’t making any sound at the touch of the ground, even if Angell was cracking everything around. He was softly blue and pale, transparent, and the girl realized that he wasn’t a human, but a ghost, and surprise even for he she didn’t care or to get scared, on the contrary she felt comfort around that tiny spirit.

  After she ran, following the ghost boy, which sometimes he was simply going throw the trees, suddenly stopped seeing something macabre. She got very scared, starting to shake, putting her hand on the mouth, being white as paper. She felt in her knee near the corpse, starting to cry and to put her forehead on Marvell’s, who had his throat cut, the eyes lost and his chest naked, where on it the 14 number was jagged in his skin. The girl filled with blood, and a fury conquered her knowing who was guilty for that crime. She shouted angry at the sky, and started to hit the ground hard with her fist, hard that she started to bleed. She couldn’t resist more to the shocks, she was so used to seeing death, that she couldn’t no longer be frighten or horrified, but simply angry, furious, wanting to revenge. She watched the little phantom which slowly was fading, not until Angell figured out who was it. The little Villo, the murdered boy founded in his courtyard, was a spirit which hunted the island in the search for peace. Not the girl understood. He was the one who jumped in front of her car, he was the one who called her at Marvell’s party, and he was the one who yelled so loud when Angell was getting closer the cursed flowers cave.

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