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War of the Worlds 2030

Page 12

by Stephen B. Pearl

“He has a right to know.”

  “Mary, you’re his, he’s yours. Knowing won’t make him any happier or mean it never happened. Love him enough to keep him in the dark. Don’t let this ruin your marriage.”

  “After the uploads I’m taking some leave. Jerry always wanted to see the great pyramid. I think it’s time we went.”

  Kate nodded in agreement. “Good idea. Forget it ever happened. It was Zane, not you, in that bar.”

  “I can believe that. If all men’s eyes wander like his do it’s a wonder they don’t walk into things.”

  “He’s a sweet man though.”

  “Very. I better get to work.” Mary stared at the calendar. “It is March eighth, twenty-thirty-seven.” She pushed the cyber interface home.

  * * * *

  Upload monitoring/ Zane Hinkly /Index 18:17/ 11/9/2032

  * * * *

  “Put it right there, Zane.” Janis indicated the corner of her living room farthest from the door.

  Zane carried the oversized lounger to the spot and let it sink to the floor. “That thing weighs a ton.”

  “I appreciate your help with it. Since Richard and I separated I haven’t had anyone to help with the heavy lifting.”

  Zane collapsed into the chair and gazed at her. Her shoulder length, brown hair bordered on black, while her T shirt and jeans hugged a figure that reflected a combination of good genetics, and regular trips to the gym. His eyes drifted to where her nipples dented the fabric of her T-shirt.

  “Any time, Mrs. Green.”

  Janis sank onto the sofa that filled the wall by the entry door opposite the lounger. “Zane, come on, you’re Richard’s student and you call him by his first name. I’m Janis, stop trying to make me feel old. By the way, you should look a woman in the eye when she’s speaking to you. The other is rather tacky.”

  Zane blushed as he realized where he’d focused and looked up. Her face was easily a match for the rest of her. A young thirty-six with a strong chin, well-defined cheekbones and a high forehead. Her blue eyes held an amused twinkle.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to. I…Oh boy!”

  Janis laughed. “It’s actually a little faltering. Would you like something to drink?”


  Janis moved into the kitchen returning a minute later with a couple of bears. “Did you watch the Darmuks land?”

  “Who didn’t? I almost got to go in person, but they cut back Richard’s invites to two.”

  “He took your sister.”

  “Better for appearances.”

  “Come off it. Old dog had a thing for her since she was fifteen. I would have been jealous if she hadn’t been jailbait.”

  “In a way it’s too bad their ages get in the way,” said Zane.

  “Would age matter to you?” A smile toyed at the edges of Janis’s mouth.

  Zane looked at Janis an inquisitive expression crossing his face. “Not really, but I think it does to Richard, and I know Ashley would be afraid of how it would affect her doctorate.”

  “Zane, I heard about those undergrad girls. Richard doesn’t care about age in the bedroom.”

  “That’s different. That was just the prof playing. I think he really cares about Ashley, that might stop him.”

  “Well…at least he has some scruples.”

  “You seem pretty okay with things?”

  “Zane, I like Richard, always have. Just because I fell out of love with him, it doesn’t mean I stopped liking him.”

  “I guess I can see that.”

  “How about you?”


  “How important is age to you, Zane?” Janis tilted her head slightly and smiled as she waited for an answer.

  A knot formed in Zane’s gut and his blood thundered in his ears as he looked at the woman sitting across from him. He swallowed in a dry mouth. Marshaling his courage, he stood and moved to sit beside her. Tentatively his hand reached up and he ran his fingers though her hair before slowly bringing his lips to hers. They kissed and it was better than his fantasies.

  “It’s not,” he said when the kiss broke.

  “I’m glad. You’ve become quite a man.”

  * * * *

  Upload monitoring/ Zane Hinkly /Index 17:03/ 2/11/2032

  * * * *

  “You’re dating who?” gasped Zane. He sat in the office chair in Ashley’s dorm room.

  “Tannal. We met at the landing celebration. I’ve been his escort to all the official functions since.” Ashley sat on her bed and watched Zane’s face.

  “God. Tannal. Wow. Um…you hitching a ride off-planet or anything?”

  “Zane, I’ve only known him two months.”

  “Wow, my sister’s dating a space alien, sounds like a title for a comedy.”

  “What do you think?”

  “Wow, sis. I think you better keep a level head. What does Doc have to say?”

  “He hates Tannal.”

  Zane shrugged. “Big surprise there.”

  “What?” Ashley looked confused.

  “Never mind. Wow, this makes my news pretty tame.”

  “What is it?”

  ”Ash, I got a problem.”

  “So shoot. I’m still your big sister.” She reached out and took his hands.

  “Ash, you know how I’ve been kinda’ helping Janis. Fixing things around the house, moving furniture, things like that.”

  “You aren’t back with Betty again? I didn’t even know she’d come into town. You know she won’t stay. Some corporation will want to drill an oil well someplace and off she’ll go.”

  “Betty isn’t back in town, and I’m so over that.”

  “Good! What is it then?”

  “I’ve, well…” Zane blushed. “Janis and I are dating!”

  “What!” Ashley sat back eyeing her brother.

  “We’re taking it slow. We haven’t done more than kiss yet. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know I feel something for her. Ash, what do you think?”

  “Zane, suppose Richard finds out, or Betty? I mean, it’s not often a girl ends up calling her first love step-dad. I don’t even want to guess at the mother daughter talks. Ewe. This is kinked!

  “I mean, she’s what? Fourteen years older than you.”

  “I don’t care about that.”

  “How about this. Richard is your faculty advisor. I mean, are we talking Oedipus complex here or what?”

  “At least she was born on this planet.”

  Ashley shook her head. “Cheap shot, bro.”

  “Sorry. What am I going to do? She’s the first woman I’ve actually felt something for since Betty. I don’t want to give that up, but how can I tell Doc? What will I do if he cites conflict of interest and refuses to continue on my masters?”

  Ashley shook her head. “Bro, you never picked the easy ones and really, talk about keeping it in the family.

  “I’m pissed with the Doc right now, but I’ll tell you one thing. He’s a good man, he’d never let his own feelings ruin someone else’s life.”

  “Thanks, sis.”

  “Maybe we can double date sometime.”

  Zane’s mood brightened. “Um…about that, Janis had an idea.”

  * * * *

  Upload monitoring/ Zane Hinkly /Index 10:23/ 21/11/2032

  * * * *

  “Doc you’ve got to help me get her away from him,” Zane pleaded. He sat in a folding chair facing Richard across his desk.

  “You’re dating Janis.” Richard clutched a cup of cooling tea in a white knuckled hand.

  “Doc, please, focus.”

  “You’re dating my ex-wife.”

  “Doc, Ashley’s dating a space alien. Worse
, she’s dating an arrogant prat who has no respect for her intelligence.”

  “Zane, why is it you always drop bombshells on me?”

  “Doc!” Zane’s hands clutched into fists.

  “Oh, Gods!” Richard extracted the bottle from his desk and poured a hefty shot into his tea, downing it while Zane watched.

  “Doc, I wasn’t going to tell you, but I didn’t know how to avoid it and still tell you how Tannal treats Ashley. That double date was—”

  “Zane! I usually hate euphemisms, but, from this point onward, let us refer to it as a gathering. Gods, first my daughter, now my wife. What is this strange fascination you have with the women in my life?”

  “Doc, it just kinda’ happened.”

  “Nothing just happens!” Richard rolled his eyes.

  “You prove that don’t you.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Richard looked annoyed.

  “Come off it. If you weren’t so afraid of being honest with yourself, and her, Ashley would never have started dating Tannal in the first place.” Zane glared across the desk.

  “You’re mad. You date Janis, now you wish to excuse your actions by…”

  Zane stood moved to a bookshelf and pulled a photo album out from behind it.

  “That’s private,” snapped Richard.

  “It just went public. Ash is my sister! I can’t just let her stay with that off world jackass. If I have to twist your arm to make you help, I will.” Zane threw open the photo album. Picture after picture of Ashley filled the pages.

  “It proves nothing. Ashley and I are friends. I’m her doctoral advisor. It would be inappropriate.”

  “Shut up!” Zane stared into Richard’s eyes. “You are a complete ass. I’ve watched the both of you dance around it for years. Hell, after they broke up I went to talk to Stanley. Try and fix things for Ash. You know what finally made him choose Wendle over Ash. She called your name. She didn’t even know she’d done it.”

  “The age difference…”

  “That’s bull crap and you know it. Ashley is an adult and you at least pretend to be. She’s not the fifteen-year-old babysitter anymore. She can make her own choices.”

  “She has. She is seeing Tannal.” Richard slammed his fist down on the desk.

  “Only because you never made a move. Doc, I’d let you ruin your life, it’s your choice, but I can’t let Ashley ruin hers. She’s my sister and I owe her. Pull your head out of your ass and go after her. Get her away from that alien bastard.”

  Richard flipped idly through the photo album. Ashley smiled out at him from each page. “Perhaps you are right in that I am afraid. I thought Janis and I would be forever.”

  “Doc, I think Janis is great. Hell, she’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever known, but for you, no. If you’d stop trying to build something that was never there to start with you might find she could be a hell of a friend to you, but not a wife. I’m no expert when it comes to relationships, but I can see that. You would have been like Betty and I, if it weren’t for Betty being born. On the other hand, Ash and you were made for each other, any fool who knows the two of you can see that.”

  “Zane, I will not help destroy a relationship that Ashley chooses to be in.”


  Richard held up his hand. “I have a code of ethics, but I have been and will continue to be Ashley’s friend, and I will say this much. If fate offers me a chance again, I will explore the possibilities you have brought to my attention.”

  “Great, just great! Mean while she’s with the jerk from Mars.” Zane thumped his fist on the desk.

  “Ashley is a smart girl. I think she will soon tire of being called an idiot.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sad Truths

  Zane ran his hand along the line of Janis’s back. The morning sun had heated the room to the point where covers were unnecessary.

  “Hum.” She nestled back into him. He held her. His right side felt the warmth of her body. His heart loved her. She made him feel whole again.

  “I wish I could tell you,” he whispered to his sleeping love.

  “I know,” she replied.

  “Janis? I.”

  She rolled over and kissed him. “Shh. We won’t get a chance to see if we could grow old together. That’s okay. We have right now, and if we win, it’s worth the price.”

  “Janis, I love you.”

  “I know.” She kissed him and reaching down took his penis in hand.

  “I think I need a little longer before he’s willing to play again.”

  “Getting old?”

  “You are simply insatiable.”

  “Advantage of being a woman. Okay, let’s talk. You know you never told me about you and Candy.” She released his penis and ran her fingers across his chest.

  “It’s not a story you want to hear.”

  “Yes, Zane, I do. I want to know everything about my husband. Including why he got married and divorced in less than a year.”

  “Candy couldn’t handle my cybernetics. That’s all.”

  “Zane, I’m not jealous of her. The little fool chose to leave you, her loss. I want to hear the story though. You still call her name sometimes when you sleep.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I think it’s an open wound though. Silly, all things considered, but maybe you should close it. Just in case there’s something after all this.”

  Janis gestured vaguely towards the boarded over window.

  “Okay. I really love you, you know? You are so strong.”

  “Look where I’m lying, it’s easy to be strong.” She caressed the skin of his good arm that was wrapped tight around her.

  Zane took a deep breath to steady himself then began. “When the Darmuks attacked I was with Richard. He’d called me over to help research a disease that was killing the original bio-mind. The one that was a mass of alien nerve tissue. Ashley had gone to the Darmuk embassy to help download the data from their system to the human one before the construct died. We’d found a stopgap, that would delay the construct’s death, and were racing to the embassy in Richard’s SUV. We were three blocks away when we saw the battle-apes. You know how that was.”

  “It was like there was a solid wall of them moving down the streets, killing everything in sight.” Janis shuddered. Zane held her tighter. She snuggled into him. “Go on.”

  “Richard did a one-eighty and put the pedal down. He was like an Indy driver. I wanted to get you and Ash, but the battle-apes had cut the city in half and you were on the other side. Ash was already trapped in the embassy.

  “We hit the highway at a hundred and ten then sped up. The Colonel called in the attack. By then the mother ship was bombarding Washington with microwaves. Cooking the population where they stood.”

  “I listened to that on the radio. It was a good thing they had those space tugs with the lasers to drive it out of Earth orbit,” said Janis.

  “General Flanders thinks the modified I.C.B.M.s did more than the tugs. Of course Admiral McMilan says it was the missiles on the asteroid defense platform.”

  “It really doesn’t matter. What matters is we forced the damn thing out of orbit.” Janis nestled even closer to her lover’s warmth.

  “And into orbit around the moon. If it wasn’t for that accursed news broadcast that they put out to re-assure the populace we might have destroyed the damn thing. The president was an ass to say we had contingencies before attacking the ship.”

  “Politicians are asses, my love. With all those people being turned into killing machines by Darmuk symbiont cures people needed to hear that there was something we could do. I watched Mrs. McPherson from down the street stab her son to death with a kitchen knife. That sweet, little old lady.” A shudder ran through Janis

  “It’s past. All the symbiont cures have either been killed or deactivated.” Zane squeezed her around the waist.

  “You and Richard were on the highway,” she prodded.

  “Richard wanted to get Wendle out of LA. All I can say is thank God Doc bought a new car. That old rust wagon he used to drive would have fallen apart with the way we were shaking. By the time we were halfway to LA we had a dozen cops on our tail.

  “By the time we reached Wendle’s they’d all been called off to fight the Darmuks. For all the good it did.

  “Wendle and Stanley weren’t home. They’d rented the place out to a guy who made porno movies. Candy was the star and looked it. Blue eyes, blonde hair and cleavage you could ski down.”

  A harsh expression crossed Janis’s face. “Zane, I can do without certain pieces of information.”

  “She couldn’t hold a candle to you. Breasts are nice, but too big looks silly. Yours are just right,” Zane demonstrated by caressing the body part in question.

  “I’ll forgive you. This time,” Janis kissed him. “Go on.”

  “Richard kicked the door in right in the middle of them shooting a scene, told the producer what was happening. The jackass wouldn’t believe him. Candy turned on the radio. It was all over the news. She was dressed and in our back seat in two minutes. Richard grabbed a portable battery pack and solar charger unit Wendle had in his garage and hotwired it into the SUV’s power pack. We were running flat batteries by the time we reached Wendle’s.

  “Battle-apes were already hitting LA by the time we were back on the freeway. It was completely blocked. Richard took us off road to an old wash and called for a helicopter pick up. General Flanders had arraigned for us both to have reserve commissions, which he activated.

  “For the next three days we did nothing but work out weakness in the Darmuk warriors. Candy started helping out, doing the secretarial stuff, making coffee.” Zane looked down and the right side of his face was touched with shame.

  “You have to understand, love. We thought everyone behind the lines was dead. I was torn to pieces over you and Ash. Doc too. Candy just kept busy because if she stopped to think she’d breakdown over her mother and sister. We were all scared silly. Things happened. At first I think it was more just comfort. Two warm bodies clinging to each other to keep fear away. Later I think there was a kind of love. Candy and I did care for each other. At least I cared for her, in a way. Never as much as I felt for you, but she was there, and I wasn’t sure.”


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