Book Read Free

A Way West

Page 3

by Peter Westaway

  Chapter Three

  It is impossible to describe all the emotions that Jeff is feeling as he is climbing the small International Bridge in Sault Ste. Marie. Not only is he about to leave his country that he loves so much, but he is also leaving the city that his father was born. His dad John was born in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. His dad was never one to tell many stories, so he doesn’t know a single thing about his life in this small city or even how long he lived here. If his dad had told him anything about it he probably would have wanted to spend a little more time touring around it. The last city that Jeff hopes to see in Ontario for quite awhile looked quite beautiful with its canals, rivers, lakes and walkways, but Jeff was now very intent on entering Canada’s great neighbour to the south, The United States of America. Jeff had been nervous about entering the States for many months now but as he was leaving the bridge and approaching the border he felt much more relaxed than he thought he would.

  He pulls up to the booth and the waiting border guard. The American border guard turns out to be a very cute girl with a warm smile. She asks them to remove their helmets and then she checks out their newly acquired passports. After about thirty seconds of questions about why they are visiting her country she says good luck and lets them enter. What a relief! Jeff puts his helmet back on and drives forward for a hundred meters, then pulls over to the side of the road. He shuts the engine off and tells Monica to get off the bike. He then also gets off and takes his helmet off again. She takes hers off and he takes it from her and puts it at their feet beside his.

  He wraps his arms around her and with his face three inches from hers says, “We did it baby!” He then kisses her deeply for a long wonderful time. He hugs her hard and grabs for his helmet.

  As he is pulling away Jeff is feeling more excited than he had since they left Ottawa so many miles earlier. He figures he must start thinking in terms of miles now that he is in America. He thinks it is funny that he is now travelling through Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Why they couldn’t come up with a different name he will probably never know, or ever care. He sees very little of his first American city that he has ever driven in though and heads south on Interstate 75. They sure have nicer highways in the States is all he can think as he tries hard to stay close to the speed limit on this very smooth and straight roadway. Before long they are leaving the Interstate though and heading west again on a smaller highway. Now that Jeff can relax about being allowed into this country he can concentrate on his notebook that has all the directions listed and possible points of interest. He is hoping that they don’t have to stop now until they get their first look ever of the mighty Lake Superior. The pictures that he had seen on Google Earth of the area looked so cool. He was hoping that they can enjoy their lunch at the picnic area that was listed in Munising on the shore of the big lake.

  As usual Monica’s thoughts were very different than Jeff’s at the moment. She was a very proud Canadian and not a big fan of the big bad States. She could not stand the violence and rudeness that she felt the Americans represented. And not only that, she was now in a completely different country than her poor lonely Juniper. So now not only did she have to endure the mounting boredom of holding onto the back of the bike but she was now dealing with a little bout of depression. She loves Jeff very much and likes his bike but she is now wishing that they had taken the bus out west instead of doing it this way. Not only would she have been able to relax and talk with Jeff the whole time but sweet Juniper would be in the luggage compartment and never be far from her. She promises herself that she will never cross the country in this manner again. Now if she had her own bike! That would be a whole different story. Oh well, she snuggles against Jeff’s leather jacket and once again closes her eyes and tries to relax. She knew that Jeff was very excited so she was happy for him and the three of them would soon be very happy together.

  “The next town we are about to see is Christmas. They have a casino on Candy Cane Lane. If this was December we would definitely spend some time in that crazy little town. I sure wish we had more time to explore this whole area. That Ship Wreck Tours back there sure sounds interesting. We are going to have to make a point of exploring this whole continent some day; there is so much cool stuff to check out.” They are sitting at a picnic table overlooking Lake Superior. Jeff is eating a sandwich they bought a little while ago and he has his big map spread open with his well-worn notebook open on top with all of his well thought out plans.

  “Yes, Jeff it is all very beautiful and interesting, but remember we are on our way to what is probably the most beautiful part of this great big continent. Their slogan isn’t Beautiful British Columbia for nothing.” And then Monica bites into her sandwich that tastes a little stale. That’s what you get for buying one that is pre-packaged in a corner store. Jeff looks up from studying his map and book.

  “Ya baby but look at this lake, it is unbelievable. I love lakes, especially really big ones like this. Oceans to me always seemed just too scary and I remember swimming in the Atlantic Ocean when I was a kid and the salt was gross.” He takes another big bite of his sandwich. Before he is finished swallowing he continues, “And the Great Lakes have always fascinated me. To imagine that nearly half of the world’s fresh water supply is in this one small area is mind boggling.”

  They both sit like that with Monica looking out on the big lake and Jeff glancing at his notes and map and then up at the lake. They quietly finish their small lunch. Jeff is the one to break the silence, “But I do admit that I am looking forward to seeing the mountains for the first time. We are for sure going to have to spend this winter in Banff or another resort. Do you think your Level One Ski Instructor’s Certification will be able to get you a job at one of those places?”

  “Ya maybe, it is Level Two that they usually want but I could probably do that course at the start of the season. It sure would be a blast if I got a ski instructor job and you got a job in one of the ski shops. In fact, I can see us liking it so much that we are going to want to stay forever.”

  “That would be awesome but we should worry about getting through the summer first. Tom is expecting us to be a big help around his orchard. He isn’t giving up his picker’s cabin to us just so we can sit around and drink beer. But as soon as possible we will start looking into the area resorts and see what we can get. I had a couple of friends that worked at The Banff Springs Hotel. If we have to we will work in the restaurant or something. But it would be much better if you can work on the slopes and I can get on with a ski shop.”

  He sips the last of his can of Coke. He carefully folds up the map and puts it in the notebook. “Okay there baby let’s hit the road, we still have a few hours before we get to The Ottawa Forest.” Monica gets up without saying anything and grabs for her helmet. But Jeff notices she isn’t smiling so he takes it from her and puts it back on the table. He grabs the sides of her head and gives her a quick kiss on the lips. “Hey baby I know things aren’t perfect and I know you are missing your mom and Juniper but things are going to work out great, I promise.”

  Monica hugs him, “I will be fine Jeff, I know you are real excited and I know I will feel much better when we settle at the farm and I can make peace with my mom and get them to send Juniper out to us.” She then grabs for the helmet again and heads to the bike.

  Jeff pulls back onto Highway 28 and is soon going through the strangely named Christmas, Michigan, not Christmas Town, just Christmas. This brings a big smile to his face. But he is a little concerned now about Monica not being as happy as he thought she would be. He is going to have to let her have another turn driving the bike he guesses, if he can find a section where he thinks she won’t get in any trouble. They sure don’t want any problems with the police down here. Jeff is really liking this part of the journey though. He gets to ride beside, and get lots of looks at the most magnificent lake in the world. As well they are going through the Hiawatha National Forest. It is about the same size as the upcoming Ottawa
Forest, almost one million acres. And if The Ottawa Forest turns out to be as beautiful as this forest he is going to really enjoy their campsite tonight. That lunch sure wasn’t very satisfying though. He starts to think of a special dinner they can have tonight to fill their tummies and raise his baby’s spirits. Maybe he will find a decent restaurant where they can have a romantic dinner. He bet that would do the trick.

  They continue to make good time on the highway. They have been real lucky with perfect weather so far. For a few days before they left Jeff studied every weather predicting service he could find. There was no way that they were going to head out if there was bad weather predicted. Riding a motorcycle was for sure the coolest way to travel, except if it rains or is cold. But the weather has been holding very nicely. And the traffic has not been a problem whatsoever. Seeing the sign that tells them that they are entering The Ottawa Forest gives Jeff a little jolt of homesickness that he didn’t expect. Oh well, he and Monica both love all things in nature and once again this area was beautiful. He decides that they are going to head another twenty-five miles or so to the town of Bergland on Lake Gogebic. He had been hoping to go into the interior of the Forest to where there was a bunch of campgrounds. But he has decided that he should definitely treat Monica to a nice dinner at a restaurant tonight and it didn’t look like there were any restaurants in that area. This way they would be staying close to the highway and camp at the small campground in this small town. He’s going to find the nicest restaurant they have and surprise Monica with a special dinner. The thought of this gets him real excited. His favourite thing in the world was to make Monica happy. And he admitted to himself that a proper dinner would go down real good right now, he was hungry.

  They pull into the Mobil Gas Station in Bergman and Monica gets off the bike. She takes her helmet off and says, “We’re about to pass right through your precious Ottawa Forest I think, what’s up with that?”

  Jeff gets off the bike and puts it on the kickstand, takes his own helmet off and explains, “Well I decided instead of going into the wild forest we are going to the campground that is listed in this town. I am going to ask the guy in here where it is, and then I am asking him if there is a nice restaurant around that we can get a real dinner. I am starved for some good food, especially after that crappy lunch. Would you like that?”

  “Oh, Jeff that would be real nice, you can be a real sweetheart at times.”

  “Hey what do you mean at times?” Jeff smiles and is relieved to see that Monica also has a big smile on her face.

  They find the campground and Jeff this time sets up the tent right away. They then head for the family restaurant back on the highway that the gas attendant recommended. As they are approaching the door Jeff tells Monica to order anything on the menu that she wants, price is no concern. It is a family restaurant after all so Jeff is pretty sure that offer can’t get him into too much trouble. Monica responds with another nice big smile and an even bigger kiss and they go in. “Thank you, sweetie, this is real nice.”

  Monica is attacking her large plate of chicken wings and French fries. “Ya well it isn’t quite the special romantic dinner I was hoping for but my stir-fry is real good. Are the wings okay?”

  “They’re perfect, here have one, I can’t finish all this myself.” She gestures to her plate while she licks her fingers.

  “We will see how much room I have when I am done this; it sure is going down good. I like places like this that have big servings of decent food. I sure was hungry.” Jeff scoops more rice into his mouth as soon as he finishes, then goes on. “I am thinking I should phone Tom and let him know that we are making progress and should be at the farm in a few days.”

  “That sounds fine sweetie, it is exciting that we are well on our way to his farm. I hope he is as cool as you claim he is.”

  “Oh ya Tom is real laid back. It sounds like he is happiest when he is up in his trees pruning. I have no idea what it will be like to work there but it will only be until after the harvest at the end of the summer.”

  They soon leave the restaurant both with very happy and full stomachs. When they get back to the little tent there is still plenty of sunlight. Jeff tells her that he is going to walk up the road to where he saw a phone booth to phone Tom. Monica says that she is going to try to get a small fire going while he is gone. Jeff intended to phone Tom but his main purpose was to phone his mom. He decided to not tell Monica this because he didn’t want her trying to phone home herself again, just yet. He didn’t like lying to her but thought that sometimes a small lie is important. He wasn’t doing it to hurt her, in fact it was more to save her from being hurt again more than anything.

  His mom Sally hasn’t worked in many years, since he was a small boy in fact. His dad was a civil servant in the federal government and had left her with their small house completely paid for, as well as a pretty big life insurance policy that allowed her the freedom to not have to work for the rest of her life. She spent most days reading her bestseller books until she drank enough wine to make this difficult, and then spent the rest of the day watching TV.

  Thankfully she accepted the collect call. “Hi mom.”

  “Jeffrey? Why would you make me worry like this?”

  “I am sorry mom. I didn’t want to tell you that I was leaving. I was scared that you would have told Monica’s parents and then we would never have left.” Jeff is quickly starting to regret phoning her.

  “For you to run off with that young girl without telling me or her parents is very irresponsible of you.” His mom was slurring slightly from the wine.

  “I am sorry that you don’t approve mom but that convinces me that I was right to not tell you. Anyway, in case you are interested, we are in Michigan and doing real good, and we are going to be real happy together.” Jeff was thinking how to get off the phone without upsetting her more.

  “Well you are a grown man now but it isn’t right that you got such a nice young girl involved in this little misadventure of yours. When will I see you again?”

  “I really don’t know, I wanted to get out of Ottawa for now, things weren’t going well for me and I was desperate for a big change. I promise that I will keep in touch and I am sure we will come back and visit next year or the year after. You are welcome to come visit us out west if you like someday.” He liked the idea that the lecture might already be over.

  “Well I doubt that I will ever want to do that but you know I love you very much and I hope you change your mind and come back soon.”

  “We are madly in love with each other and are going to get married someday. I promise that the wedding will be in Ottawa though, for your sake and her parents. But we aren’t going to change our minds. Who knows what will happen in the future? We may decide to move back there someday but we are going to give British Columbia a chance. You know how important skiing is to both of us and that is the best place in Canada to do it. But we’re both very young and there is no way of telling what will happen in the future.”

  “Okay Jeffrey I do love you and I wish you both luck. I have to go now, my show X-Factor is about to start, and my girl is still in it. I can’t stand that Simon Cowell, but even that mean obnoxious ego maniac likes Anna, so I think she is going to win it all. I know talent, and I knew that girl had loads of talent the moment I first heard her.”

  “Okay mom, I love you too and I will make you proud someday. I hope Anna wins your singing show for you. Bye and I will phone again when we make it safe to Tom’s farm.” Jeff is feeling very relieved.

  “Alright good night honey, and please take good care of Monica, you know how much I like her.”

  “I will take real good care of her, don’t worry. Bye mom and talk to you soon.” He hangs up the phone and gives a big sigh of relief. That didn’t go too bad.

  He then picks up the receiver again and dials for the operator to place the collect call to Kelowna. Tom answers on the fourth ring and accepts the charges.

; “Hey Jeffy! Where the hell are you?”

  “Hi Tom, we are somewhere in Michigan, about a third of the way to your place. We are having a blast travelling. I think we will be at your place in about four days.”

  “Hey that sounds cool, I am putting you both to work right away though, there is lots to do around here.” Tom sounds his usual upbeat self.

  “I promise we will both work hard for you. You know how much I appreciate you letting us come there. Did you manage to get the cabin fixed up like you said it needed?”

  “Oh ya baby! You and your girl will be real cozy. I even bought some new bed sheets for you. Okay not you, but for that pretty little girl of yours.”

  “You are the best Tom, so expect us in four days from now I think, but I will phone you if something happens to change that.”

  “Sounds fantastic and I will make sure we have a special little birthday party for Monica, I think you said it is on the thirteenth. But tell me again how a guy like you got such a beautiful girl like her again.” Tom was always a big joker.

  “Hey! She happens to think I am a real good guy and she is almost right. Okay I will let you go buddy but thanks again and we will talk soon.”

  “Okey dokey, you drive that bike real careful and I will be waiting for you in four days. Take care.”

  “Alright have a good night, bye.” Jeff hangs up and heads back to the campsite feeling good about everything.

  Monica is looking with fascination at the little fire that she has managed to start. It is the very first campfire that she had ever started on her own, and she was proud of herself. The toilet paper she was using ignited the twigs and was starting to light the larger branches that she was feeding it. She had just been thinking that, all and all, she’s a pretty lucky girl. She’s young, smart and healthy. And she is crazy about a great guy... who is crazy about her. She carefully lays the two biggest broken up branches that she had gathered in the woods on her growing fire. She sits back down on the end of the picnic table a couple feet away. Dusk was settling in, but Monica doesn’t notice, as she stares into the flames. Above the crackling fire, and the constant chorus of the crickets, a distant yet sharp haunting hoot of a loon frames Monica’s mystical and wondrous mood.


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