Book Read Free

A Way West

Page 10

by Peter Westaway

  Chapter Ten

  “Perfection!” Issy raises her marshmallow on its stick in triumph. “That’s how it’s done!” She lowers the stick and admires her golden-brown treat. She sees that Pete has let his two marshmallows light on fire again. “Why do you have to keep being such a dumbass? I’ve told you ten times now, hold it above the flame, not right in it.”

  “Ya well maybe I like the taste of carbon.” Pete blows the flame out and laughs. “Hey so I am not the pro you are at this camping thing. But I got to admit that it’s fun being in the country like this. I sure wish you let me buy some beer though.”

  Issy is still waiting for her marshmallow to cool down. “No way, we don’t need beer tonight, you’ve still got your weed to smoke so be a good boy and no complaints. We’re all having fun. Aren’t we Monica?”

  Monica is across the fire from Issy trying to cook her own marshmallow over the flame. “You betcha Issy, this is a blast. I sure am starting to miss my cat though now that we are at the campground with her name. Hey Jeff I think I am going to phone my mom tomorrow.”

  Jeff has jammed three marshmallows on his stick and is waving them back and forth over the fire. “Ya I don’t see a problem with that, it’s not as if we’re about to turn around and go back to Ottawa now, no matter how much you beg me. I am sure your mom is going crazy worrying about you.”

  “Well I’m rolling a joint. And I think I am going to play some tunes from my car stereo.” Pete gets up and heads to the car.

  “Fine but keep the music low please we don’t want to be disturbing the other campers.” Issy is picking at her marshmallow and putting small pieces in her mouth. “So Monica what was that you were saying about pigs today at the Walmart? You’re not a vegetarian, are you?”

  “No, I think we were meant to eat meat. I just don’t think we have to be so cruel to the livestock while they are alive.”

  “Well what about chickens then? I heard they are treated real bad in those big chicken coops.” Issy is still concentrating on the rest of her toasted treat.

  “Ya but birds don’t have the advanced brain that mammals have. Pigs are more intelligent than dogs, probably not as smart as cats, but the point is that they take pigs away from their mother as soon as they are born and that just isn’t right.”

  Jeff has let his three marshmallows catch fire and blows the flame out, “I told Monica that some day we are going to have our own little farm so that we can raise some animals and grow lots of vegetables. And apples, we are going to an apple orchard after all. That way we can treat the piggies like family until they are fat enough to eat, then we kiss them good bye and then send them to some nasty place to get slaughtered and cut up.”

  Pete is returning with his bag of weed. “That’s hilarious, you can name them so that when you are eating them you say, hey Monica how does Molly the Pig taste?”

  Monica can’t help but laugh at that, “Well something like that I guess, then again I will probably get all upset when it comes time to slaughter them and just eat a big salad.”

  “Ya great! We will have a sty full of fat pigs that we won’t have the nerve to kill.” Jeff is jamming another three marshmallows on his stick to try again. “Well maybe they should just have big pig farms that treat the piggies more humanely, like you said to that screaming old lady, I am sure they did it in the old days so there is no reason they can’t do it again.”

  Issy is putting another marshmallow on her stick.

  Pete’s rolling a joint by the light of the fire and is liking that he can hear some more Mick Jagger coming from his car. “Ya well guess what? That would cost a whole lot more money than how they are doing it now, so you aren’t about to see many farmers doing it that way anymore.”

  Monica has put her stick down, “Well I disagree, it’s like the made in China crap I was talking about, we should be willing to pay a little more for something that is a little healthier and much more humane.”

  Pete’s licking the paper to finish the joint, “Ya well guess what? Humane and profits don’t mix.”

  “Well guess what Pete? Maybe there are enough people that agree with Monica and there is a market for it, just like a lot of people are paying extra for organic food these days.” Issy checks her latest marshmallow and puts it back over the flame for a little more browning.

  Jeff is watching Pete light the joint beside him, “So have you ever quit smoking that shit before, Pete?”

  Pete’s sucking in the first toke so doesn’t answer right away, he finally gives a big exhale, “No dude, my brother Dave first smoked me up when I was thirteen and I loved it from the start, and I’ve been smoking it ever since. I am way beyond the experimental stage though, and wouldn’t mind giving it up finally. You and Issy are right, it makes me lazy and not want to pursue any big goals.” He pauses to take another quick puff. After a few seconds he blows the smoke into the fire. “I want to be a big businessman someday, and I know that will never happen unless I give it up.”

  Issy is sitting beside him and gives his hand a squeeze, “I know we can do it Pete, we’ll be like Jeff here and enjoy a few beers once in a while, but no more drugs.” She lets go and puts another marshmallow carefully on her stick.

  Jeff is on the other side of Pete, “I quit for a month twice before I finally quit for good. And Pete, you wouldn’t believe the feeling you get when you first quit. It takes a full thirty days for the shit to clean out of your body, something about the THC being stored in your fat cells or something. But as it clears out, your body reacts in a real cool way.”

  Peter offers the joint to Issy but she shakes her head, concentrating on her roasting duties, “What do ya mean dude?”

  Jeff has given up on the marshmallow thing and feeds another log into the fire. He watches the sparks burst from it, “Well I’m a pretty hyper guy naturally I guess, and as the dope leaves my system my body overreacts to being cleaned out and I get a real natural high going. I get super energized, and about half way through the month it peaks and I can barely sleep for more than two hours a night. I then wake up beaming and ready to run around the block. When I was smoking all the time I slept real good and hardly ever dreamed. But as it is cleaning out of my system I start dreaming real clear again like I did when I was a kid.”

  Pete blows more smoke into the fire, liking how it just adds to the wood smoke, “Ya you’re right, I hardly ever have dreams like I used to.”

  “Well it’s obviously some bullshit the drug is doing to your brain, and I figure your body has to fight the doping effect on your body and it produces extra endorphins and adrenaline and whatever to compensate for the dopey, sleepy effect of the drug. And then when you finally stop poisoning your body with the shit, your body is still producing its own natural drugs. So I figure that is why after two weeks clean I am bouncing off the wall as if I am on coke or something.” Jeff glances over at Monica and sees she is like Issy and concentrating on cooking one marshmallow at a time.

  Pete takes the last haul off his joint and tosses it into the fire. “Oh ya, have you ever done any coke?” He looks at Jeff.

  “Na, I had a friend who wanted me to try it but I saw how much fucking money it cost him to keep doing that shit so I figured I better stick with the pot.”

  “Ya well I have done a few lines in my day but just found it to be a real expensive upper. It never put a big smile on my face like my weed does.” Pete grabs Issy’s free hand, “Okay baby I only have three grams or so left, so I promise as soon as I finish I will find out what my buddy Jeff here is talking about with the natural high, and then me and you are going to pursue some real kick ass dreams. What do you say to that?”

  Issy sticks her marshmallow straight up in the air to make sure she doesn’t start it on fire and leans over putting her hand down for support and gives Pete a quick kiss on his cheek, “You know that I LOVE that idea.”

  Monica finishes chewing on her last marshmallow, “Mmmmm, they were good. That was a great
idea Issy. I hadn’t roasted these things in a long time.” She holds up the bag, examining it in the light of the fire. “We have lots left though. I’m done, did you want anymore Is?”

  “Nah I’m good thanks. Let’s save them for tomorrow night.” Issy looks at Pete with a little mischievous smile. “Hey Petey, there is one little detail about this camping stuff that we can both experience for the first time together.”

  Pete looks a little confused again, “Ya what’s that?”

  “Well how bout rolling one more little joint, I wouldn’t mind having a couple little puffs, then we get in the sleeping bag and I’ll show you what I’m talking about.”

  Pete quickly grabs the baggie of weed beside him, “Hey now that sounds like a frickin awesome plan.”

  “That is one thing I miss about smoking, making love on the stuff is fan-fucking-tastic.” Jeff looks once again a little longingly at Pete’s joint rolling.

  Monica gives Jeff a little slap on his arm, “I sure hope it’s not too disappointing for you now without it there, lover boy.”

  “Ahh no baby, don’t worry I can suffer through the agony.”

  “Ha ha ha, very funny. Let’s let the fire die down on its own and leave these two, and let’s go see just how bad you have to suffer through it.” Monica gets up.

  “Ya sure.” Jeff gets up, “I guess we’ll see you two tomorrow, I hope you don’t get too scared sleeping in the woods for the first-time Pete.”

  Pete looks up from his joint rolling duties, “Ya big guy I’ll just feed Issy here to any of those bison that decide to break into our tent.”

  “Ha ha, we have ourselves a couple of comedians I think Monica.”

  “Oh ya, I’m used to that, good night Issy...Pete.”

  “G’night girl, and thanks for waiting for us today, this is turning out to be real sweet.”

  “Hey guys! Good morning.” Pete is getting out of the tent.

  Jeff looks up from getting the fire going again to cook some breakfast. “Hey Pete, how did you like sleeping in a tent for the first time?”

  “Not too bad at all Jeffy boy, I could get used to this whole scene. I hope Issy here didn’t scare you guys too bad. It’s a little embarrassing how loud she get’s when I’m on top of her.”

  Issy is getting out of the tent. “Oh give it a rest ya silly dumbass. Your pathetic little moans I’m sure would be the only thing they could hear.”

  Monica is sitting on the picnic table, she puts her Harry Potter book down, “Good morning guys!”

  Issy sits down opposite her, “Hi ya girl, you’re reading the first book, I’ve read the whole series. Do you like it?”

  “Ya a little I guess, I prefer reading non-fiction like biographies, but I figured I would see what all the fuss was about with this stuff.”

  Pete sits on top of the picnic table, “So we’re having the bacon and eggs we bought, right? I can’t wait to chow down on a little Molly the Pig.”

  Issy gives him a playful slap on his thigh, “Ya how about you and Jeff make it for me and Monica here, since you both are such lucky little boys for having a couple of hot babes like us to play with.”

  “Sure I guess so, should I get the food out yet Jeffy boy?”

  “Hi mommy!” Monica is yelling into the payphone at the campground office. Issy and her have left the boys alone at the camp site to clean up after breakfast.

  “Monica, it’s so good to hear your voice finally, I have been worried sick.”

  “I’m so sorry mommy. I wanted to talk to you the first day but daddy started fighting with me. How are things with you? Is Juniper okay?” “Yes we are all just fine. Where are you calling from?”

  “Mommy we’re still in North Dakota. I sent you an email the other day. We’re actually at a campground called Juniper in a national park. I am so happy, but I am sorry that I left you like that, but I love Jeff and we’re going to do really good, you’ll see.”

  “You might as well be on the other side of the globe. You silly girl, what about going to school like you had planned? Christine was here a couple of days ago and she’s very upset that you aren’t going to Ottawa U with her this fall.” Victoria is trying to not sound too stern with her daughter. She doesn’t want Monica to hang up like she did with Leo.

  “I am just taking the one year off mommy I promise. I still am going to go to university, but maybe I will go to one out west, I’m not sure. But I am real glad that we did this, it has been a real interesting experience for me already and we are just getting started.” Monica gives Issy a smile who is a few feet away and Issy gives her a reassuring smile back.

  “Well it’s up to you I guess, you are a smart girl but this isn’t your smartest move. Your brother has surprised us and announced his intention to go back to school this fall.”

  “Tony’s going to school? Wow that’s a big surprise. What’s he taking?”

  “He is going to be a paralegal. I tell you it is a huge relief to your father and I. He’s next door right now actually. I phoned Samantha last night about it and she invited him over this morning to talk about it. He wants to be a lawyer someday and I figured that she might be able to help him out as she is doing so well with her little firm downtown.”

  “That is awesome mommy, there’s hope for Tony after all. I really miss Juniper, could you put her on the phone for a second so I can say hi. I bet she is worried sick missing me.”

  “What did you want me to do with your cat? You don’t expect me to keep taking care of her do you?”

  “No mommy, I already looked into having her shipped out on a plane when we get to Jeff’s cousin’s place. I told you in that email that we will send you the money, it’s not too much.”

  “Well I guess we can do that, just a minute I will go get her.”

  “MEEEOOOW!” Put me down catserver! I cannot tolerate being picked up. And I was just now once again being enthralled with that silly little bird on my palace grounds. “MEEOOWWW!” Just where do you think you’re taking me? It’s not my feeding time. What am I doing in my food chamber? Well at least I am being released. What now? These catservers are just so strange, why would I want one of their devices put up to my ear? “meww?” I can hear what sounds like another catserver’s gibberish. It must be a very small one though, to fit in this strange little device. Well this is certainly another nonsensical waste of my time. I have tolerated enough of this. I am going back to my royal perch and see if that silly bird is still there to entertain me. And if that catserver dares lays it’s paws on me again I just may have it feel the sharpness of my claws.

  “Juniper didn’t seem to be too impressed with hearing your voice. She probably doesn’t recognize it over the phone. Alright Monica, please keep in touch and be very careful. Please consider coming back at the end of August. You can have your little adventure and still get back here where you belong.”

  “We’ll see mommy, I am still real young and have lots of time to do lots of amazing things, and this trip is turning out to be a great idea so far. We met a real nice couple from Duluth who are traveling with us. They are on their way to Seattle and are camping with us right now.”

  “Please be careful, you don’t know these people, so don’t trust them.”

  “They’re real nice, don’t worry. Issy is right here beside me and we really like each other. It’s as if we’re sisters and we only met two days ago.”

  “Well okay dear. You have a really good brain, so please use it, and figure out what is best for yourself.”

  “I will mommy, I promise to make you proud.” “Thank you for calling and please call again real soon.” “We should be in British Columbia in a few days, I promise to phone you again on my birthday.”

  “Well that would certainly be nice of you, it will be very sad for me to not have you here for your big eighteenth birthday.”

  “Okay mommy bye and please tell daddy I love him.”

  “Okay dear bye and take care of yourse

  Monica hangs up, “Hey that didn’t go too bad, don’t you think Issy?”

  “Ya girl, sounded pretty good from here. Let’s go get those guys of ours and see if we can find us some adventure.”


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