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Surrendered Control (The Control Series Book 1)

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by Anna Edwards



  Anna Edwards

  Copyright © 2016 by Anna Edwards

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase.

  Disclaimer: Please do not try any sexual practice, without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither the publisher nor the author will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from the use of the information contained in this book.

  Cover Design by

  Logo Design by Charity Hendry

  Book Layout © 2015

  Editing by Dayna Hart, Hart to Heart Edits

  Formatting by Charity Hendry

  Surrendered Control/ Anna Edwards -- 1st ed.

  ISBN 978-1539380917

  Dedication and Acknowledgements:

  To Charity…. I can never repay your kindness.

  The biggest acknowledgement for getting this book published has to go to Charity Hendry. She gave me the confidence to find my voice and write and then she guided me through the whole process and was always there when I wobbled. She is also responsible for the fantastic artwork. I cannot thank her enough. So to my twin from another country, I love you to bits and thank you so very much.

  I would also like to thank my editor Dyana Hart. She has polished this book to what it is that you will read today and I have definitely learned a lot from her patience and understanding. I also want to thank my friend John for his initial read through and the subsequent ones.

  I also want to thank my beta readers, Angela, AJ, Kris, Maggie, Jenni and Mary. Your thoughts and discussions as you all read the book really helped bring it to life.

  Finally, I want to thank my family for all their support both financially, emotionally and in babysitting duties just so that I can write. I especially want to thank my husband for giving me a chance to achieve a dream. I love you so much.































  About Anna Edwards



  The full moonlight glistened over the endless volcanic sand as Amy emerged from the water. The bright illumination shone on her honey-blonde hair and she brushed her fingers through it. The day of travelling had left her tired and the warm water had eased her aching muscles, cramped by the budget flight. This was her first holiday for many years. Aspiring writers didn’t tend to have the money to travel. Nor dancers in a gentlemen's club, forced to work just to make ends meet. But it wasn't as bad a job as it sounded; she was well protected, as her uncle ran it and made sure she was sheltered from the seedier side of the profession. And she enjoyed the dancing side, in fact, it was her second passion. Her uncle Stephen had paid for this holiday to Lanzarote as a twenty-first birthday present. Ever since her parents had died in a car crash two years ago, he had always looked out for her. He was the only family she had left, and she looked up to him and trusted him implicitly.

  As Amy took a towel and wrapped it around her body, the aroma of the freshly caught fish being cooked was everywhere and made her mouth water in anticipation. She decided on a small tavern that was filled with more locals than tourists. Amy wasn't big on the mass-market tourism of the island--she preferred places of culture and history--but as the holiday was a gift, she couldn't refuse it. She ordered the grilled catch of the day with salad, and a glass of the local La Geria wine. As she watched the sun slowly set over the shimmering waves, the tension in her shoulders began to dissipate.

  When she had finished her delicious meal, Amy ordered another glass of wine and pulled out a little notebook from her bag to begin writing down some of the details of the island so far. She liked to bring her personal experiences into her writing, and she wanted to get everything noted should it be needed for future stories.

  She had just finished a passage on the chaotic wait for her luggage at the airport when an uneasy tingling warmed her skin as though she was being watched. Looking up, she met the alluring sky blue eyes of a man sitting across the room. Had he just arrived? Or how had she not noticed him previously? He too was sitting alone with just a glass of wine for company. Upon making eye-contact, Amy couldn't help but blush. He was exquisitely handsome. He had a rugged yet smart look, a defined jaw line, and short dark hair that he ran his fingers through as he watched her. The top few buttons of his blue linen shirt were undone and revealed a muscular upper body that oozed a primal masculinity. His stare was intense, and she felt herself being drawn into it even more. When his lip twitched at her blatantly checking him out she pushed the other chair at her table out with her gladiator-sandaled foot and looked up, smiling at him with a cheeky grin that masked her excitement. For a moment she thought he wasn't going to move, but then he got to his feet. Even the way he walked was sexy, she was glad she was sitting down as her legs felt like jelly at his presence. He took a seat and held his hand up to the waiter, who promptly took his order for a more expensive bottle of wine. Neither of them spoke at first, they just continued to take each other in.

  "James." His voice was deep and inviting, and she was pleased to note he was speaking English.

  "Amy." Her voice was smooth and possibly a little bit to sexy when she spoke.


  "Well, if this isn't awkward." He ruffled his hands through his hair again. The bottle of wine arrived, and the waiter poured them each a glass.

  "Shall we start again? I'm Amy, I'm twenty-one, I come from London, and this is my first holiday in a while. I have come away to finish writing my first novel."

  "I am James, I am twenty-eight. I also come from London, well Kent initially. I haven't had a holiday myself for a while. I tend to be a workaholic."

  "What do you do?"

  "I work in property. It is all very boring, I am sure you don't want to hear about it. So; a novel. Is it all hush-hush or can you tell me something about it?" He sat back in the chair, his left leg resting over his right, the wine glass tantalisingly resting at his full lips. Lips that she couldn’t tear her eyes away from. She wondered what they would taste of if she kissed him? He se
emed happier to be asking questions than answering them so she decided to answer him to continue that line of conversation.

  Amy chuckled and took a mouthful of her wine. "It is a classic. Boy meets girl, boy loses the girl, boy wins the girl back forever."

  "Interesting. So this boy? What is he like?"

  "Tall, dark, and handsome."

  James nodded with genuine interest.

  "And the girl?"

  "Pretty, slim."



  "I like this story already."

  "Told you it was a classic."

  "Certainly, is." He raised his eyebrow as he spoke. "So, is the man proficient in the bedroom?"

  "That is a little presumptuous isn't it?"

  "Why?" He chuckled now as he refilled the glasses they both seemed to have drunk rather quickly.

  "They have only just met."

  He shrugged, "Why should they waste time, if there is an attraction between them?" James reached forward, took Amy's hand, and their eyes met in an intense stare as sparks of electricity flowed through them both. She wasn't drunk, so it wasn't that. "Are you staying nearby?"

  The question hung thickly in the air between them.

  Amy had had only one previous partner, and that was a boyfriend of four years. Strange as it seemed she felt she knew James, which was odd since they had only set eyes on each other not fifteen minutes before. "Yes, the Rivera apartments."

  "Do you want me to walk you home?"

  She didn't doubt from the look on his face that this would turn to sex if he did. But something about him, something about the mystery of his tone prevented her from saying no. He had a presence about him that drew her under his spell.


  James pulled out his wallet and put forty euros on the table. The walk back was short, and they talked a little more. Just general facts, where they grew up, favourite foods, drinks, and a particularly funny story about an encounter that he had had with a flock of seagulls in Brighton. Amy didn't tell him she worked in a Gentleman's Club.

  When they entered her apartment, she was suddenly nervous. James took a seat on the cream sofa, and Amy went to look in the kitchen for a drink. She found two glasses and a semi-chilled bottle of wine and returned to the lounge. His big body was so commanding in the small lounge.

  "Sorry, it isn't more. I only arrived today."

  "It is fine. I still haven't bought any wine for my apartment so you are a step ahead of me."

  "How long have you been here."

  "A week now. A few days left. How long are you here?"

  "Only a week."

  "Not long to finish that novel then."

  "No. Not really. I will have to forgo sunbathing and do lots of writing."

  Amy put the bottle down on the table; she needed a corkscrew to open it. "I won't be a minute. Just have to figure out which drawer the corkscrew is in." She turned back to walk into the kitchen but stopped as James called out 'Wait'. It was the way he said it -- it sent shivers of anticipation down her spine. Slowly she turned and looked at him, her eyes wide. He had risen from the sofa and was walking towards her.

  "Take your dress off."


  "Take your dress off, Amy."

  She had no answer. Her mind was telling her this was crazy, but her body was doing as he asked, completely disobeying the part that was telling her to tell him to fuck off. She reached down to the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head. Amy wasn't big breasted so, underneath the summer dress, she hadn't worn a bra. She stood in front of him in just a pair of white lace panties. He walked around her, studying her, taking in every inch of her prickling flesh. She could feel the heat of his gaze marking her. Amy was never naked in front of the clients at the club, but she wore revealing clothing, and none of that could prepare her for what she was feeling right now. He leaned over her and took a deep breath, he was smelling her.

  "You are beautiful." His tone was calm but had a stern undercurrent to it.

  "I was supposed to be getting you wine."

  James laughed. "I am going to kiss you now. Are you sure you want to do this?"

  "I don't think I would be standing in front of you in just my panties if I didn't. Now are you going to remove some of your clothing?"

  "Eager. I like it. But we will do this my way." James pulled his shirt over his head, and Amy noted she was indeed correct about his superbly toned chest. She couldn't see his back, but she saw on his left arm he had a tattoo. It looked like the tips of wings.

  "What is your tattoo?"

  His face went momentarily blank. He didn’t answer but pressed his body closer to hers. He leaned in and kissed her. Tender at first, and then with intense passion. Amy could feel her knees weakening as she was pushed back against the wall. "Place your hands above you head and don’t move them." Again with the authoritative tone.


  "Will you do as I asked, Amy? Or should I leave now? I told you, we will do this my way. You will enjoy it. Don't worry." A hot kiss was again pressed to her lips and without thinking anymore, Amy moved her hands above her head. "Good girl. You will be rewarded for that later."

  Rewarded? James moved his mouth from her lips down to the peaking tips of her nipples. His tongue swirled around the sensitive buds and she let out a yearning moan. He looked up at her, a mischievous look in his eyes and began to travel down the flat line of her stomach until he knelt on the floor in front of her. He placed his hands on either side of her panties, and in one fluid motion ripped them from her body. Amy was breathing fast now. This whole experience was so damn intense it almost seemed like a dream, her body was on fire, and she longed for him to touch her.

  James put his hands between her legs and parted them to reveal her neatly trimmed sex. He groaned. "I haven't even touched you yet, and you are ready for me. Have you been like this all night? I can even smell your arousal."

  Amy sure as hell wasn't going to let him know that he was turning her on more than she ever had been before. "You know how to kiss a lady and get her excited. It is a good start, just depends on what skills you have now."

  He gave her a little tap on the top of her thigh which brought a scream from her and then ran a finger over her displayed folds before moving it slowly into her inner channel which was already slick with the need for him.

  "If you doubt my skills again, I will put you over my knee." Amy's body writhed against his hand as she found herself being excited about having her bottom spanked.

  Holy hell. Where had that come from?

  His thumb found the hidden bundle of nerves between her thighs and teased it. She could feel the heat within her starting to build. "If you don't stop doing that, I am going to come all over your hand." James abruptly withdrew his finger and got to his feet with a tutting sound.

  "No. Not yet. You will come when I tell you that you can." He looked her in the eyes, and it was almost like he was controlling her body with his words.

  "You are not in charge of me you know that right?"

  He didn't answer, only sniggered, reached into the pocket of his trousers, brought out his wallet, and retrieved a condom from it. The wallet was then tossed aside, and Amy watched as he lowered his trousers and pants to reveal a substantially thick cock and covered it with the condom. It was jutting up towards his stomach and was a work of art. It should be framed and hung in an art gallery it was that perfect. She was panting now; she was terrified that the length and girth of his manhood was going to hurt, but at the same time she needed him buried deep inside her. She wanted to know what he felt like. Amy pulled her hands down and reached out to touch the muscular sinews of James' shoulders.

  "No. You don't touch me unless I give you permission." He slammed her hands back against the wall and held them there with one hand. With the other, he lifted her leg from the floor and in one slow thrust pushed inside her.

  "Oh God." Amy groaned. He was nothing like she had felt before. Her ex-boyfriend
wasn't small, but sex between them had always been something that they seemed to do because they were boyfriend and girlfriend. This was different. It was raw, and it was dangerous. James began to move slowly. Their eyes locked together as with each long movement he stroked against the sweet spot deep within her.

  Their lips tangled in a tumultuous tango of passion. James' hand still held her in place, and she was glad for it because she was barely able to support her weight as she felt the build-up of her climax again. She tried to suppress the feeling. James had told her that she couldn't come until he had told her she could, and she wanted to please him.

  Jesus, what was this man doing to her? This was her body. Why was it responding to his control like this?

  James seemed to know she was close and trying to control herself; she could tell by the little curl of his lip. She wanted to hit him. She wished he would let her release. He finally let her out of her misery when he leaned forward and collected her lip between his teeth. He nodded consent, and Amy exploded around him. Wave after wave of cataclysmic pleasure rolled over her shaking body. She called out and James joined her over the precipice as he released himself into her.

  They were both covered in sweat, breathing rapidly, their legs quivering. James lowered her leg to the floor and withdrew from her, checking the filled condom as he did.

  "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?" Amy shook her head; she couldn't find her voice just yet. "Good." He pressed another kiss to her now-bruised lips and looked into her eyes. At that moment, something within him changed. Amy saw it. Gone was the dominantly splendid lover he had been; he withdrew into himself. He pulled up his trousers, quickly found his shirt, and put it on. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have done that." And with that, he left Amy confused, standing naked, covered with the scent of the best sex she had ever had, and her hands still above her head.


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